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The Sale V anganui Waits For! t rwtr* jiiiHPFI A ff ■ »■ ■ ■ m I fmfW Commences 11. a TO-DAY iio TO-DAY ? A Heavy Barrage of High-Powered Bargains ' "'" * ■ •■ U.IH /.!.,|I4J I.M m lou.i.m .JUikllui.L ~, j. ..! .| d ,. ..., Il|H | ||,JUUIHM.HI .11. N..!! .. IIU IU.I| I|H ) lu|ll . , ~, ..m . I f-1 . 1., 5i...1 in I ~ .1.,.. u I aww 11, Sil. .j J I„ .luu i.... I , It’s on! The Greatest Sale ever held jn Wanganui. f'' ■"'■■" ” SAME CONDITIONS.—No goods exchanged, no goods sent on approval, The mild weather did it- We stocked up every Department chock full of All parcels delivered free to town or suburbs on following day. Postage and I winter lines, and they’re not moving as quickly as we should have liked. So I I OUT-OF-TOWN CUSTOMERS. Make your order from this list. Our I freight paid to any address in New Zealand. we’re offering them to yo H at prices that Will mean our Departments being “ ail onler staff wiU ,ook after you - We pay J thronged every day, , „ ' Showroom Fancy Department Dress Department LADIES’ DRESS SKIRTS—For golf or street wear. All models, only one of each design. LINEN HANDRERCHIEFS.—IreIand’s best linen, with fine hems.—Usually 1/6 to 3/6 3 ENDS ONLY STAMPED MIRROR VELVETEEN—Fast pile and fast colour, ami a Smartest Checks, Stripes, and Plain Material. —Usually £4/4/- to £6/15/-. each. Sale Prices, 6 for 4/11, 6 for 5/11. beautiful finish; 27 inches wide.—Usually 11/6. Sale Price, 7/6 yard. D.I.C. Sale Price, 29/6. WHITE LAWN INITIAL HANDKERCHIEFS—NearIy all initials.—Usually IOJd each. 1 END ONLY 54-INCH NAVY ALL WOOL GABARDINE—Good weight, suitable for ALL WOOL GABARDINE MODEL COSTUME—Exclusive design, panels slightly fluted Sale Price, 6 for 2/11. dress or costurpe—Absolutely fast dye—Usually 14/6. Sale Price, 7/11 yard. and bound braid, lined ailk.—Usually, £l4/14/-. D.I.C. Sale Price, 63/-. NURSES’ AND COOKING APRONS—In good, clean cloth, good sizes.—Usually 3/11. 5 ENDS ONLY SMART MOLLETON BLOUSINGS—Warm and comfortable, the colourENGLISH WALKING COSTUME—Very Light Putty, with Overline Mauve Check, Sale Price, 1/11. ings being excellent; 30 inches wide.—Usually 3/11. Sale Price, 1/- yard. Tailored Collar, Pockets, Plaited Belt, and lined Mauve and White Cheek Silk. HANDSOME CLOTH AND SILK VESTS—AII new season’s styles, in a wonderful selec- 8 COAT LENGTHS ONLY FANCY STRIPE AND CHECK COATING—Superb qualitv —Usually £B/8/-. DJ.C. Sale Price, 29/6. tion. —-Usually 12/6 to 27/6. Sale Price, 10/6 each. and guaranteed to be all pure wool.—Usually 17/6 to 25/6. Sale Price, 9/11 yard’ MODEL COAT FBOCK IN NIGGER SUITING. —Front and back panels trimmed rows ORIENTAL COLLARING by the yard—Rich colourings. Ideal for plain frocks. —Usually 50 YARDS NAVY AND BLACK ALL WOOL WEST OF ENGLAND SERGE—Suitable of silk braid, detachable cape.—Usually, £l3/13/-. D.I.C. Sale Price, 95/-. tp ®/®’ Sale Price, 1/6 to 2/6 yard. for dresses, costumes, or boys’ suits; 54 inches wide.—Usually 11/6. LADIES’ DRESSING GOWNS IN RIPPLE CLOTH—Good quality, well made, in shades VBIUNGR—In Black, Navy, and Nigger, Plain, Spot, and Fancy Meshes.—Usually 1/11 Sake Price, 3/11 yard, of Saxe, Red, Mauve, Pink and Rose—Usually, ?5/- to £5/5/-. tp 3/11. Sale Price, 6d and 1/- yard. SMART STRIPE HOPSAC FLANNELS.—In the very latest Stripes and Stripe effects. PI-G- Sale Price, 15/6 to 49/6. HANGING VEILS—In Black, Brown, Navy and Mole. AU new designs.—Usually 4/6 to ’ All wool; just the thing for a useful winter dress or odd skirt; 40 inches wide 6 only FOULARD SILK FROCKS—OnIy one of each design. Colours —Navy, Black, 6/11. Sale Price, 2/6 each. Usual Price, 5/6 to 8/6. Sale Prices, 3/11 and 4/11 yard. Nigger. —Usually £6/15/- to £ll/11/-. D.I.C. Sale Price, 39/6 to 79/6. WOOL SOABVES, SILK SCARVES and SriJtITLANp SCARVES —Our whole magnificent 30-inch PURR SILK FUJl—Fine, even weave. We can strongly recoanpiend this quality.— 5 only NEW MODELS IN SHORT COATS in Plain and Jacquard Velour. First quality, stock grouped at 3 prices.—Usually 10/6 to 49/6. Usually 4/6. * Sale Price, 3/6 yard, handsomely trimmed Mole or Beaver Coney-Mole, Beaver, Green, Fawn.—Usually, Sale Prices, 7/11, 10/6, 15/6. SILK CREPE MAROCAIN—The popular fabric for day or evening wear. Good weight, £6/6/- to £B/8/-. p.I.C. Sale Price, £3/15/- tq £5/5/-. WIDE HEAVY TORCHON, also NET AND MARINE VAL LACES—AU high grade, new and useful shades of Navy, Grey, Nigger, and Black—Worth 16/6 yard. LADIES’ MILANESE UNDERSKIRTS ip Heavy Quality; in shades of Navy, Blaclfc goods—Usually 1/6 to 2/6. Sale Price, 1/- yard. ' Sale Price, 12/6 yard. Nigger, Henna, and Pastel shades.—Usually 42/- to 79/6 EVENING DRESS LACES—You have seen our gorgeous range.. The whole range left 20 YARDS ONLY 4b-inch CREAM WOOL BACK WASHING SATIN —Usually 14/6. D.LQ. gale Price, 25/6 to 49/6. to be cleared at two prices.—Usually 10/6 to 59/6. Sale Price, 8/6 yard. LADIES’ WOOL JUMPERS—Fancy design, artificial inset on sleeves, also two rows Sale Prices, 7/6 and 15/6 yard. STRIPE SILK AND WOOL CREPE MAROCAIN—Smart stripes in new colourings; 38 around foot; Lemon, Jade, Fawn. —Usually, 75/-. D-I-C. Sale Price, 19/6. WIDE BIBRONS —In Super Taffeta, Satin, and Fancy Ribbons. AU new season’s goods— inches wide —Usually 14/6. Sale Price, 8/6 yard. A FEW ONLY KNITTED WOOL COSTUMES—AII this season’s goods; ip Grey, Fawn, Usually 2/6 to 3/1-1. Sale Price, 1/9 yard. SILK CBEPE LUSANNE—The ideal all-silk fabric for dress or lingerie wear. To be Brown, etc. —UsuaUy £6/6/- to. £B/8/-. Sale Price, 59/6 to 95/-. had in all the very best shades, including Green, Helio., Sky, Pink, Lemon, Ivory, ' ‘ and Black; 38 inches wide.—Usually 7/11. Sale Price, 6/11 yard. - ■ r -r 30 YARDS ONLY BLACK CREPE SATIN MAROCAIN—This handsome satin is always - - - - , popular; 38 inches wide—UsuaUy 15/6. Sale Price, 10/6 yard. Furnishings Department Mens and Department 36 dozen MEN’S TWILLENTA PYJAMAS —A grand weight for winter wear.—Usually 50-inch PLAIN EDGE MADRAS—SmaII design, with colour of Blue and Lavender- — 15/6. D.I.C. Sale Price, 12/11. Usually, 6/11 yard. Sale price, 2/6 yard. 16 dozen MEN’S NATURAL UNDERWEAR SINGLETS AND PANTS—Usually 9/6. —J r>- r-v-w.t.x- -r . I 50-inch CURTAIN NET—Plain edge, very good quality, with conventional design; suit- D.I.C. Sale Price, 6/11. VXIOVBS CXIiO X 105181 V ’BO2ll £IIIBIIL able for casement or long windows.—Usually 7/6 yard. Sale Price, 3/11 yard. 10 dozen MEN’S FLEECY-LINED SINGLETS AND PANTS—Just the garments for 31-ineh DOWNPROOF CAMBRIC—For curtains or coverings, in various shades and winter wear.—Usually 5/6 and 5/9. D.I.C. Sale Price, 3/11. LADIES’ BLACK CASHMERE HOSE —AU Wool, Seamless throughout Usual Price 3/11 designs; as used for re covering down quilts.—UsuaUy 4/11 yard. 12 dozen MEN’S BRACES—Special value, 5/9. D.I.C. Sale Price, 1/11. S a i e Price 2/11 Sale Price, 1/11 yard. 60 dozen MEN'S WOOLLEN SOX, in GreyD.l.C. Sale Price, 2 pairs for 2/6. LADIES’ EXTRA HEAVY BLAOK COTTON HOSE—Double soles.—Usual Price’ 3/11’ 31-ineh CRETONNE—Very good quality, in shades of Blue and Grey, also Fawn, Rose, 100 dozen MEN’S CAMBRIC HANDKERCHIEFS, full size.—Usually 9d each. sale Price 2/6 and Nigger; two pieces only.—UsuaUy 3/11 yard. Sale Price, 1/- yard. D.I.C. Sale Price, i dozen for 3/3. LADIES’ PURE WOOL BLACK CASHMERE HOSE—FuII fashioned—Usual Price. 4/1L 20 dozen MEN 8 LOUNGE HATS—In Greys, Fawns, and Browns.—Usually 21/-. sale Price 3/11 ’ „ D.IC. Sale Price, 10/6. LADIES’ BLACK MERCERISED LISLE HOSE—Ribbed tops. Splendid wearinc—Usual - 6 only MEN'S SMART TWEED OVBRCOATS—S.B., Raglan style.—Usually £4/10/-. Price, 5/11 pair. P Sale pXs, 3/11. MnnrnAfttpi* Die. Sale Price, 59/6. LADIES’ PURE SILK HOLEPROOF GLOVES—2 domes, in Black. White, and Grev ITUUIVIXCDLCr wepexi UUCXII Usual p rice; 6/6 Sale Price 2/11 palr ' ~ ' LADIES* LISLE GLOVES—2 dome, in Black, White, Beaver, Grey, and Fawn.—Usual ALL-WOOL PETONE FLANNEL—In Shetland, Natural, Pink, Light Grey. Best flannel Price, 3/6. ’ Sale Price 2/- pair ra,d - D.I.C. Sale Price, 1/11 yard. LADIES’ i >OME SUEDE-FINISH GLQVES—In Black, White, Grey, Beaver, and Tan.— UNBLEACHED HERRINGBONE SHEETING —Guaranteed free from dressing and for 1-4oJinfl Usual Price, 4/11. Sale Price 3/3. hard wear.—Usual Price: 54-jneh, 3/6; 72-inch, 3/11; 80-inch, 4/6 yard. OaOeraaSnery, 101181 MOOQS aHU '□lailOnCry LADIES’ SUEDE-FINISH ELBOW GLOVES-In Black, Chamois Grey and TanD.I.C. Sale Price: 54-inch, 2/9; 7?-l>ch, 3/3; 80-ineh, 3/9 yard. . Usual Prices, 4/11 to 5/11. Sale Price, 3/6 pair. BATH large Blue and Fawn Stripes, 27 by 25 Fast colours. Beautiful DJ.C. FAMOUS ONE SHILLING PARCELS. • ’ drying towel.—Usual Pnee, 10/6 pair. D.I.C. Sale Priee, 8/9 pair. < . - - EXI"mA HEAV Y TWILL STRIPED PYJAMA CLOTH, 36 inches wide—Fawn, Blue, Grey, tach pipcvt noiUT’ATNfI Helio, and Fink; fast colours.—Usual Price, 2/3 yard. EACH PARCEL CONTAINS mrATOvn T.XMXCW tv . „ j _ r* r »-I-O; Ba 4« Fri oe ; 1/8 yard. i dozen SAFETY PINS 1 CARD HOOKS AND EYES I arllAe’ I JnrlArXAZAat* 54-inch BLEACHED DAMASK —Dice pattern, good quality for kitchen use—Usual Pnee, 1 BLOCK TAPE i yard GARTER ELASTIC vUUCI WvCir yard. D-LC* Sale Price, 2/9 yard* REEL SILK 1 REEL TWIST TEA TOWELLING, 25 inches—With red border. Irish manufacture. Very absorbent.— , nawn LINEN BUTTONS 1 MENDING WOOL LADIES’ AUTUMNDOWN FLEECY LINED CHEMISE VESTS—Good, roomv sizes Usual Price, 1/6. D.LC. Sale Price, 1/- yar<h ! SKEIN FLOSS 1 HATPIN Usually 17/6. D.I.C. Sale Price, 7/11. 50 DOZEN PILLOW CASES—Our own make. Horrockses’ Pillow Cotton, wear guaran- ! packet HAIRPINS 1 BERRY FINS LADIES’ ARTIFICIAL KNITTED SILK KNICKERS—BIastic waist and knees; in Naw, 2/6each. D.I.C. Sale Price, 6 fer 11/6. , PACKET NEEDLES 1 SILK TASSELL Cream, Nigger, Black.—UsuaUy 25/6 to 27/6. D.I.C. Sale Price, 15/I'l. ALL WOOL PETONE PLAIDING, 30 inches wide—ln Mid and Light Grey; suitable for I EMB COTTON 3 yards NAIRN BRAID CHILDREN’S KNITTED WOOL FROCKS —A wonderful variety, in all colours; sizes, girls’ school dresses. Do not miss this.—Usual Price, 5/6 yard. 2 vard , Paris BINDING 16-ineh to 22-inch.—UsuaUy 12/6 to 14/6. D.I.C. Sale Price. 8/11. 9.1. Q. Sale Price, 8/3 yard. CHILDREN'S MERCERISED RIB VESTS. —Long sleeves: size 1 to 6.—Usually 2/6 tp 17 USEFUL NECESSITIES FOR ONE SHILLING. 2/ 11 - OXO. Sale Price, 1/3 to 1/9. SOAPS —Armour’s Highest Grade Toilet Soaps at Laundry Soap Prices. ~ Z **•!]• r\ • Cold Cream and Glycerine, Peroxide and Supertar—l/6 box of 3 cakes. IVllllinBi*y L/ep< 18HI Fairskin and Violette—l/11 box of 3 cakes. YX7 1 1 T* • • r Sylvan, Garden, Glycerine, and Complexion—2/6 box of 3 cakes. W OOIS HlCl 1 l*immin£ r S LADIES’ BEADY-TO-WEAB FELTS.-Usually 19/6 to <5/-. "/S^E’ve^Vin\ ba^gain^ntre 8 ’ C ° mb8 ’ PU * 8 ’ a”* _ onßLp kn!TTING WOOLS-o k • «!wk P’ V r h „ RIBBON READY-TO-WEARS.—Usually 28/6 to 3 9 /6. ’ ALITy HAIRBRUSHES—Satinwood back, real bristles .-Usually 5/H ’O/6 14/- D ° OTI£ E,Z T ™ BLACK VELOURS—Untrimmed. A big selection.—Usually 53/6 to 65/-. -_ w W RT TI NCt Pins- o/n, KNITTING SILKS—Our whole stock i« Pluins, Marl, Jazz, Cable, and Boucle silks, in Sale Prices, 19/6 to 85/-. best quality only; at one price.—Usually 5/11 to 7/6. Sale Price, 4/11 ball. MAIDS’ BEAVER HATS—In Black, Fawn, and Grey.—Usually go/-. Oxford 80-page School Pad—6d each. TRIMMINGS, ALL HALF PRICE—Fur Trimmings, Braids, Buckles, Clasps, Buttons TasSale Price, 12/6. Orient, 100-shoct, Bank paper—9d each. sells and Ornaments at exactly Half Price. CHILDREN’S AND MAIDS’ READY-TO-WEAR FELTS — Plush, velvet, and suede. — Rutland, 150-sheet, Bank paper —1/- fhCb. RUG WOOLS—Beehive, best quality, in all shades. We also have all accessories and rug UsuaUy 12/6 to 29/6. Sale Prices, 5/11 to 18/6. Each a D.I.C. Production, making instructions. —Usually 2/- 4oz. skein. Sale Price, 1/6 skein. Avenue D-1 - C Wanganui THE STORE FOR EVERYBODY

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Wanganui Chronicle, Volume LXXXI, Issue 19032, 9 June 1924, Page 9

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Page 9 Advertisements Column 1 Wanganui Chronicle, Volume LXXXI, Issue 19032, 9 June 1924, Page 9

Page 9 Advertisements Column 1 Wanganui Chronicle, Volume LXXXI, Issue 19032, 9 June 1924, Page 9