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THE RUGBY GAME LOCAL JOTTINGS. NOTES AND COMMENTS. On Saturday the local representatives will play the Rangitikei reps on the Rec. This is an annual fixture. On the same day a B. team is to travel to Waverley to play the Wairoa Sub-Union. The Sub-Union has asked Mr. J. Rowe to referee the match. The Marlborough representatives go on tour this week. They play Manawatu on Saturday, and on the tollowing Saturday, 21st inst., they come to Wanganui to play. When Wanganui went on their lour last year they played four matches —Marlborough, Golden Bay, Nelson and Wellington —and won three of them. Marlborough was the only team responsible for their defeat.

Some of our country players are very casual. Two of them did not arrive at the dressing shed last Saturday until after the starting time of the big match, and this was one of the causes of the match being fifteen minutes late in starting.

The Maori team continues its programme to-day, when they meet South Canterbury at Timaru. From there they go further south, playing Otago on Saturday, Southland on Wednesday, and the tour will finally conclude on Saturday week with a match against Canterbury,

Mr. Parata’s team is but a shadow of its former self, and it is now considerably weaker than when it set out for Australia. The addition of Kuru (Taranaki’s full-back last Saturday), Matene, Bayley and Kingi would not strengthen them, but they will ensure a full team to carry out the touring programme.

It is recorded locally that in a recent junior championship game, one team scored a try and kicked a goal therefrom, but the referee did not allow the goal because the kicker had overrun the ball, and gave a free kick against the kickerl

Which reminds the writer of a referee's decision earlier in the season, when a Wanganui club team journeyed out of town to play a small town club- The Wanganui team scored a try, but the kick at goal was charged and the man holding the ball threw it out of bounds. The referee’s decision was a line-out on the spot!

The meeting of the Maoris with Otago and Southland will be of special interest to Wanganui Rugbyites, for both these provincial teams are io play in Wanganui, Southland on the 28th of the present month, and Otago on September sth. Otago, with a strong team, should beat the Natives, and Southland should go close to doing so. • * • •

The next match for the Ranfurly Shield will be played on the 28th, when Wellington are to carry out their challenge to Hawke’s Bay at Napier. With Wellington’s best men not travel shy’ they should nearly regain the Shield, but it will take their crack fifteen to do it. • • « •

It has been suggested that the McKee and Charity Cup games be played on August 25th and September Ist respectively, and to hold the annual seven-aside tournament for the Bijou Cup on September 22nd. • • • •

At its meeting last evening, the iocal Rugby management declined to transfer a lower grade player from one club whose team was well down the ladder to another club whose fifteen is near the top. Which was quite right.

On the injured list a=> the result of hurts received in last Saturday s Maori match are reps. Packer, Aamodt and W. Ross, and the two later may not be available to play against Rangitikei on Saturday next They will probably be fit and well to take the field against Marlborough next week.

Taranaki and Manawatu play at Palmerston North on August 18th, and the Wanganui 111. v. Manawatu 111. will be played as a curtalnthereto. On September 15th Wanganui sports will b- a> here, th--- Wanganui journey I’aln.ersloM a r... ? r . . n d W ‘77, !: win ■4,’tyy teycl;’ ■' ’ ' ' V/'-r? ' T : •,••-.<’V. f -r,'«J> ■' 'ery ” r' '* *■''■"= =' • “ , t* r ' «J> tj't "'. •/' t' t* *■ ' ' wJit ' J V/- f," «J> ?!*<''.' :r * - -,'t- r "Z'S'l? '■J'x ■ fey?;; ;?.•? ;«?

door was shut, quickly, but the constable got in, and fierce threats and arguments followed. Having secured certain particulars, the police left, and it was stated that there was uoubc as to the actual offender, and that the police would not take further proceedings. Following is the Manawatu team to P’ay Marlborough next Saturday : Full back, King; three-quaiters, Oxenham, Brophy, Bailey; five-eighths, Cowie, Hope; half, .Vlaire; wing forward, McDonald; hookers, Anderson, Carroll; lock, Gothard ; supports, Sly, Galpm; back row, Hansen, Marie. Emergencies: Forwards. McNeill, O’Brien; backs, Swainson. Bailey. “The Rugby Union code is last regaining popularity in New South Wales a:»d tor this we owe our thanks to the Maoris, who hare impressed the public with their splendid play.” This was the opinion if Sir Henry Braddon, chairman oi the dinner tendered to the Maori and New South Wades Rugby Union teams recently. Mr Farata, in responding on behalf of the Maori team, congratulated the New South Wales side on their woi thy rapture of “the ashes,” and said that he was looking forward to the impending tour of New Zealand, when he would be in a position to return the hospitality shown to all the Maori boys. Mr Friend, the captain of the New South Wales .side, said that the Maoris were splendid sqierts, and he considered criticism quite unjustified.

The following team will represent the King Country against Taihape on Satin day : Full-bock D. Simmons; threequarters, Lee, Holmes, Heedman; fiveeighths, Bryn?, Cvrlscn; half, Ingram; wing forward, Brown : hookers, Geange, Thompson; supports, Dalgeigh, Julian; back rank, Harran, loung. Emergencies: Forwards A. Scarrow, Neal. Backs, McDonnel, Cashmere. A Waimarino writer states that the team is a strong combination, and they can be looked upon to put up a solid fight. N. Scarrow, F. Jladleiey, Frean, and Evans, of the Ruapehu Sub-Union, were not available for selection.

WANGANUI RUGBY UNION MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE MEETING. The usual weekly meeting was held last evening, Mr F. Haywood presiding over a good attendance. It was decided to send the Third Class reps, to Palmerston North on August 18, and the Junior reps, on September 15, both playing Manawatu. Hawke’s Bay Rugby Union wrote advising that it confirmed the resolution passed by the Wanganui Union that the annual Wanganui Collegiate School-Te Aute College match should be played otherwise than at the winter show at Palmerston North, and expressing the opinion that in future the match should be played alternately at Wanganui and in Hawke’s Bay. Received. A. Jones applied for a transfer from Pirates IV. to Queen’s Park Old Boys’ Club on the ground that not sufficient interest is being taken in the fourths, —The transfer was not granted. AUXILIARY SENIOR COMPETITION. Marists Club and Old Boys’ Club advised that they would compete in the proposed auxiliary competition for the senior teams. In view of the fact that the matches in this competition would be played when some of the players would be required for representative matches, and would therefore perforce have to call on juniors to fill the gaps, it was decided that the rules of classification would not apply to these contests.

R. Palmer (junior), R. Coxon and C. Kruse (thirds) were granted transfers from Marists Club to Aramoho Club. The Wairoa Sub-Union notified that they could not accept the proposed visit from the Marists Club as arranged by the Union. Mr Oldridge was appointed to manage the Wanganui B team to go to Waverley on Saturday next, the players to assemble at the Post Office at a-quarter to one. LOCAL GAMES. FIXTURES FOR SATURDAY. Wanganui v. Rangitikei, on Rec. No. I.—Mr F. C. Atkinson. Wanganui B v. Wairoa, at Waverley.—Mr J. B. Rowe. JUNIORS. Ratana v. Tech. College, on Rec. No. 2 at 1.15 p.m.—Mr Eade. Rapanui v. Kaierau, on Rapanui at 2.30 p.m.—Mr Spillane. Aramoho v. Tech. Old Boys, on Rec. No. 1, at 1.15 p.m.—Mr Fromont. Pirates v. Old Boys, on Rec. No. 2 at 2.45 p.m.—Mr Hartley. THIRDS Old Boys v. Kaierau, on Racecourse No. 1 at 1.15 p.m.—Mr O’Grady. Pirates v. Queen’s Park, on Racecourse No. 2 at 115 p.m.—Mr Hiroti. College v. Aramoho, on College No. 1 at 1.15 p.m.—Mr W. H. Rowe FOURTHS. Kaierau v. Old Boys, on Race.course No. 3 at 1.15 p.m. Mr Milcard. A Tech. College v. Pirates, on RaceNo 1 at 2.45 p.m.—Mr RichPark v. College, on ColNo. 2 at 1.4 5 p.m.—Mr Green W Aramoho v. Marists, on RaceNo. 2 at 2.45 p.m.—Mr Paul-


Tife usual monthly meeting of the Wairoa buo-uniou was neiu m tue iloaru s room, on Xveduesuay last, .nr. ivlcWiloam (president) occupjmg tne chair, auu iviessrs xvae, rooter, Waaaioa, Armstrong, syuies, ixaiiison ana Hatton being present. Correspondence was received from King country tiuoii asKiiig tor support re increase 01 charges to aii uouiams to 2/- lor important matches. Inis was agreed to. Irolii VV’. A. xiuriey, re refusal ot A, Laird io accompany the Vvairoa leant to Wanganui. Aller an explanation uy me chairman, it was agreed that no action ue taken.

From uroua nugoy Suo-uuion, asking for a match against W anon leps. As the proposed game w<u considered too tate in season the secretary was instructed to write tna. .lie local union couiu not see its waj tv piuy the game as asaed.

From the vvaugaiiui cuion asking tor names of men tor rep. teams ana cist oi teams playing in buo-tinioii. Also re registration ui native players in sub-union ui-ttrlcc. 1’ rum ivir, Uiunuge, accepting posit.oii as sub-uiiiow s representative on the Wanganui Kugby union. From schoolmistress of AioumahaKi school, asking lor information re school seven Mr. McWilliani moved that the local competitions be closed. Seconded by uir. Foster. Mr. itae moveu as an amendment iliac omy piayers who have piayed in local competitions and wno nave been caned upoi. to play in the iVairea team be allowed to play in senior B. or local competition. The amendment was carried. These were put forward to clear up any transfers that may come forward from members of Wairoa teams. It was moved that the boys' seven-a-side be held on August 11th for both senior and junior uoys. Seniors to be boys from 12 to la years, ana juniors under 12. No boy to be over nine stone weight; ana that the following school teachers be written too: Ngutuwera, Moumahaki, Maxwelltown, Nukumaru, Waitotara, Makakahou, and the two Waverley schools.

Arrangements re entertaining the Wanganui team were left in the hands ot the chairman and secretary. This being th ©first occasion on which Mr. Wakaroa has been present at a meeting since his election to the advisory- board for native players, the chairman, on behalf of the union, congratulated Mr. Wakaroa on his appointment. He felt sure Mr. Wakaroa would give his wholehearted support to the movement. Mr. Wakaroa suitably replied. The chairman also bid good-bye to Mr. Fauzelow, a member of the subunion, who was leaving for Wanganui. He thanked him for the interest he had taken in thq affairs of the district, and hoped he would not lose any interest in the good old game. Mr. Fanzelow thanked the chairman for his remarks, and promised not to lose his interest, but to alwavs do his best for the young players. Several accounts were passed for payment. A hearty vote of thanks brought the meeting to a close at 11 p.m, WAIROA TEAM TO PLAY WANGANUI. The following team, was selected to represent Wairoa against Wanganui B on Saturday next: Full-back.—T. Bennett. Three-quarters.— Broughton, Uru, Thorne. Five-eighths.—Bunn, Davis. Half.—Train. Forwards. Ridge, McDonald Bates, Crompton, Roach, Ferguson Armstrong, Avery (wing). Emergencies.—Backs: Dobson, C. Canterbury. Forwards: A. Christensen, Macken.


SYDNEY, July 10. Dr. Raymond, the Rhodes Scholar, will not oe available for the New Zealand tour by the New South Wales Rugby Union team, as he is shortly sailing for England. Members of the Queen’s Park Old Boys’ Club are requested to attend practise at the Rec. Shed to-night at 7.3(7 sharp.


WIN FOR N Z. SOCCER TEAM. Received July 11. I.IQ a m Th NT T > SYDNEY, July io. Int j\ew Zealand Soccer team played the final match of the tour against Western Districts at Lithogow, winning bj/ four goals to nil. The weather was cull and cold. The ground was soft, militating against brilliant play. The scorers were; Donaldson (two), BaHond and Dacre. Campbell. the New Zeacaptain, is suffering from influenza. and did not play. CANADIANS TO TOUR NEXT YEAR SYDNEY, July 9. As a result of a eonfeience with representatives’ cf the New Zealand, Queensland and New South Wales Association footbad bodies, the Australian bodies decided to co-operate with the New Zealand Association in the Canadian tour of Australia and New Zealand in 1924. The venture will cost £3OOO, of which New Zealand’s share will he £l5OO, New South Wales £lOOO, and Queensland £5OO. SYDNEY, July 10. It is reported that Kissock, the centre half of the New Zealand Association team, is unlikely to return to New Zealand, as he has accepted a lucrative position at Cessnock, with a view to playing for the local club.

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Wanganui Chronicle, Volume LXXXI, Issue 18821, 11 July 1923, Page 6

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FOOTBALL Wanganui Chronicle, Volume LXXXI, Issue 18821, 11 July 1923, Page 6

FOOTBALL Wanganui Chronicle, Volume LXXXI, Issue 18821, 11 July 1923, Page 6