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Woman’s World

PEKSONAI* | Dr. Elizabeth Gunn is at present I I visiting Christchurch. Miss E Pratt and her brother. Mr I Pratt, of Okoia, have gone to spend a holiday in Auckland and Helensvillc. Mrs F. H. Ginniss has left Wanganui on a visit to Auckland. i Mrs Eric Riddiford (Hutt) is visit- ■ ing Wanganui and staying with Airs (Dr.) Wall. Mr and Mrs Nesbitt Smith, who 'j spent last week-end at “Braeburn” left Wanganui on Wednesday. Mrs Cleland, who has been spending a short holiday in Wellington, returned to Wanganui early ihis week. Miss N. Sellar (Masterton) is visiting Wanganui. Mrs Norman Avery (Pahiatua), is at present staying in Wanganui. Airs C. A. AlacDonald and Airs AL Al. AlacKinnon. of Napier, are at present in Wanganui, arriving last Saturday. Mrs G. Smith. Wicksteed Street. Wanganui, is al present visiting in Auckland. Aliss 1. Finlayson (Wellington) is at. present in Wanganui, staying with Miss O. Russell. Air and Airs S. Lodge motored through to Wanganui from New Ply mouth on Tuesday, and returned on Thursday to their home in Feilding. Mrs Lyons, who has been staying with Airs S. Jacobs, has returned to Marion. | On Tuesday evening Airs T. Blennerhassett gave a bridge party To Miss Peat, who is leaving shortly for Sydney. On Wednesday Airs Hutton gave a small bridge afternoon for Mrs Barnicoat. Mrs R. Collins gave a very jolly 'children’s party on Wednesday night.

A very pleasant children’s party I was given on Friday week. I'or Misses Kitty Wilson and Mary Mowatt. the j I hostesses being Mrs Wilson and Mrs ’ I Mowatt. Amongst the guests at present staying at “Braeburn’’ Hotel are: —- Mr H. Gillies (Palmerston North), Mr J. R. McKenzie, Mr and Mrs F. White (Auckland), Mr and Mrs Irving (Wellington). Mr and Mrs A. F. B. Campion (Australia), Mr and Mrs G. Cotterell, Mr and Mrs Somer'|ton (New Plymouth), Miss M. Blakcr (Wellington), Mr E. L. Ansol! (Auckland), Mrs Haggitt and Miss Shannon (Feilding), Miss M. Hodgson (Eltham), Mr R. W. K. Swanston, Inspector of the Bank of Australasia, Mr and Mrs Portcous. On Monday last a very popular coming-o£-age party was given in McGruer's buildings by Mrs Dustin for her daughter Ileene. Mrs Dustin received her guests in a handsome frock of mole moracaine trimmed with Oriental silk. Miss Dustin wore a lovely frock of turquoise blue shot taffeta with silver trimmings. Amongst those present were: Mesdames P. J. Bailey, R. B. Stockwell. W. S. Dustin (Palmerston North), S. S. Dustin, E. Gordon, J. Cade, Osboldstone, W. Jamieson, G. Spriggins, Cornyns, Misses Stewart (2), Murray (2), Hilton (2), Heinold, Tilley, Aston, Connor, Scott, Veitch, Hcrringshaw, Porteous, MsLean, Webb-Jones (2), Signal, Hodge, Jamieson, Price, Campbell, Toop, Hall, Messrs Cade, Spriggens, Haworth, Jamieson, McKelvie, Til- | ley, Bruce. Stewart. Stone, Hamilton. I Cass, Barnes. Beswick, Meuli. Heinold. The music rendered by the Adelphi Orchestra was enjoyed by all. extras being given by Mr Manguson. and Mr Dickson. Items were also given by Miss R. Tilley, Miss G. Heinold, and Mr T. Thomas. The

hall was tastefully decorated in lavender and pink, while autumn leaves and violets were used on the the supper tables. Mrs Cowper gave a very pleasant young people's jazz party ou Friday night. On Monday evening, Miss D. Hughes-Johnson gave a very enjoyable dance to her many friends. A very pleasant jazz parly was given al. the Soldiers’ Club on Wed nesday night for Miss J. Cameron. ! arts and crafts. Tj all beauty lovers, the news that the Arts and Crafts Society intended holding one of their delightful exhibi tions, came as a great pleasure. On Tuesday night the committee, invited the members to a private viewing of the exhibition, and after a helpful speech by Air Ncantc, a very dainty supper was served by Misses Cliinchen (2), Cowper (2), Hutton. Saunders, and Powell. Among those present: were: Mrs Neame, Airs Izctt, Mrs Hay Campbell, Airs Polson and Miss Polson. Mrs (Dr.) Wall, Mrs Eric Riddiford, Mrs James Watt, Mrs Hope-Gibbons, Mrs J. B. Jack. Miss Pratt Airs E. Litliton. DANCES. On Thursday week Airs Cleland gave another of her successful “long nights.” Besides her regular pupils, a great number of guests enjoyed the evening, Aliss Gregor, the pianist, adding to the pleasure of all by her spirited rendering of all uhc latest jazz hits. “FLO ROD O RA ” DANCE. On Saturday last, the Amateur Dramatic Society gave a large dance in McGruer’s Buildings, to marl; the [close of season of their most ambitious and succesi’ul production, “Florodora.” 't he decorations were of jade and gold, and as all wore the costumes used in the play, it was a very colourful gathering. As Mr Nelson, the secretary of the society, will be taking up residence in Dunedin shortly, a presentation was made by Air L. Carter, on behalf of the society, of a handsome album containing photos of the various scenes and charcters in “Florodora.” After Air Lance Craig iiad presented Air Nelson, Airs Nelson not being present, with a handsome ruse • bowl, dancing became the order nr i ho evening. * * * * YE OLDP: ENGLISH DANCE CLUB. A dance club under the above title , is to be opened in Wanganui , shortly. The club will be directed and managed by Aliss Natalie Ramsay and Aliss Audrey Hughes-John-son, who have secured the attractive suite of rooms over AlcGruer’s, and are having them decorated and refurnished in a charming Olde English style. The club will be opened by Air Theodore Trezise, under whose guidance and suggestion it lias been designed. A. feature to which special attention has been paid is the dance music, which will be supplied 'jy the Adelphi Orchestra. A dainty supper will be served continuously. GON VILLE TENNIS CLUB DANCE. The Gonville Tennis Club gave a very gay and enjoyable dance recently. Muste was supplied by a quartette from the Adelphi Ja;z Or chestra, and was thoroughly appreciated by the many dancers. The Gonville Town Hall was taste fully decorated in black and while, the club's colours. Long streamer.-, ; hung from the centre ol the roof 4 o tiie walls, and were there caught amongst the greenery. Artificial butterdies of black and white playej a conspicuous part in the scheme (» decorations. Amongst the guests present were- I Mrs W. Wall, lemon taffeta, panels <>• : cream Spanish lace; Airs D Arcv , O’Toole, flame satin; Alisses Alurra.’. ; black satin, with black lace panels; ■ Al. McGregor, silver tissue with lace , overdress; W. Swan, kingfisher blm- [ shot taffeta, ilower girdle; Nixon, 1 mauve taffeta; 11. Scott, cream sarii. with radium lace overdress; Connor, powder blue taffeta, overdress cream lace; Al. Jackson, blue and gold embossed satin; Hean, black lace and georgette. At about 11 o’clock a number oi i the actors in “Florodora” arrived and added to the jollity of the dance. RAIN. The autumn colours are gone now. yet the wind might still have been playing with the faded leaves if all tiiis wet weather had not intervened. But the rain has taken the place ol the leaves and hangs on all the twigs and branches where they used to flutter. The Gaels tell of tears like “rain on the grey faces of the rocks,” but these days of cold showers and brief sunshine full o>f the sad dripping on the sodden, discoloured leaves, it is happiest to remember the “laughing rain” of summer, the “soft little hands of the rain” that come with the sea winds, and the rain that, is included among the lovesonic things “. - . radian raindrops couching in cool flowers.” But all the. poets do not speak of the gent’.rains only. Some loved the wild winds and rain that come in the late autumn; Sassoon says, “. the harsh rain that sweeps behind the thunder,” and Shakespeare’s witches ask, “When shall we three meet again ’ In thunder, lightning, or in rain."’ FROCKS AT THE RACES. The frocks worn at the Wanganui races last Thursday were among the most attractive ever seen at the win ter meetings. As the day was so beautifully fine, coat frocks worn with handsome furs, were numerous. Also many smart short astrachan coats were to be seen, worn with

striped skirts. Coats and skirts with high fur collars on the coats were most becoming, and many pretty light frocks were worn with fur coats. Among tho»jo present were. Mrs Gonville Saunders, black coat frock, with cere ribbon, black and white hat; Airs (Dr.) Anderson, fawn moracain black fur coat ami al; Airs Brookfield, brown costuimand brown hat; Airs Gifford Mar shall, navy frock, with royal blue, and a. silver fox fur; Airs Moore, black and royal blue, gr» hat; Air-, it. Stevenson, Biscuit coloured co; - lume, brown hat; Mrs (’. Duigan, I black embossed satin coat frock; .Hiss Birch, navy costume; Airs Hine, ! ;.-rown coat and skirl; Airs Vv. Dun-i can, dovo-grey, with overdress o:' ' navy blue, grey hat; A’iss S. Duigan. ■ navy blue braided costume; Mrs I Bradley (Feilding) limo and brown J fur; Mrs Newcombe, navy coat froc’:. silver fox fur and wide hat to tone, i Mrs J. Watt, dark brown coat, wide} mole collar; Airs ('. Ru-. 011, brown costume, hat. to match; Airs Laiham, i black coat frock; Mrs (Dr.) Robert- ! son, brown coat frock, handsom brown furs; Airs Fierce, dark blue ; ■ostume; Mrs Fairburn, navy bl<; • costume; Mrs J. Gaisford (Bulls', i brown costume, ha', to match; Mrs’ F. Newman (Levin), navy coat fro.- : ' slashed with blue, grey hat; Al ; s j Moodie, navy costume, hat to tone, i rs (Dr.) Christie, mole coloured coat frock, hat to match; Aliss Cow I per, dark brown costume; Airs I’, j Wilson, smart grey costume; Mrs J. } Bull (Huntervilh') navy blue cos ! fume, hat en suite; Airs T. Dunean ; (Hunterville). brown costume, blue’: ‘ hat; Airs L. McKelvie (Bulls), brown I '■ostume. hat io match: Airs L. Bn I .'. (Huntervilh'), pu.ty coloured <oa' | frock, hat with autumn lints; Airs H. < Bayley (Auckland), nigger brown! costume, hat to tone; Mrs K. Stevens (Hunterville), navy coat frock relieved with royal blue: Aliss Levelt (Bulls), grey velour coat frock wi' ; fur trimmings: Aliss Durie (IlawkoG , Bay) navy blue cun; frock with bruin trimming, black hut; Aliss Alaysmor;* , (Wavcrley) navy and cerise suii with black hat; Mrs E. Riddiford' (Wellington), shrimp velour coal j frock, black hat with spreys. WEDDING BELLS The marriage took place in the , Methodist Churcn, Brooklyn, of Aliss Huidee Holmes, only daughter of Air and Airs A. Holmes, of Washington Avenue, Brooklyn, to Mr Edwir Hodson, second son of Air and Airs j J. Hodson. “Parkville.” Wanganui. The four bridesmaids in attendance were Misses Kitty Dustin (Palmer ston North), Elsie Hodson, and two little girls. Jean Berg and Carols Brown. The best man was Mr Doug- ■ las Holmes, of Wanganui, and Mr Claude Parsons was groomsman. The Rev. ,1. Ward officiated, and Mr T. j Coventry played the wedding inarch. 1 \ftcfr the ceremony a reception was' held at Ihe residence of the bride’s } parents, and later Mr and Airs Edgar | Hodson loft for the south.

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Wanganui Chronicle, Volume LXXXI, Issue 18785, 19 May 1923, Page 10

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Woman’s World Wanganui Chronicle, Volume LXXXI, Issue 18785, 19 May 1923, Page 10

Woman’s World Wanganui Chronicle, Volume LXXXI, Issue 18785, 19 May 1923, Page 10