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The annual distribution of prizes in connection with the Wangianui Teohnioal College took place yesterday afternoon: ; The assembly hall of the College .was fiUed Vwit/h pupils, parents and friends. The chair was ocouipied .'by Mr F. Pirani, chair man of the Wangsinui Education-Board, and there were also on the,platJfoirim Pi'ofcGsor Hciwiftson, Mr Gilbßrt Oarson, Mr F. M. Spurdlle, Cr E. N. Liffiton, and members of the College staff. After Mr Pirani (haid laninounced the selection of Miss Steven ito fill the position of lady assisitant at the Colege next year, he called on Professor Hewitson to deliver an address. . The Professor expressed his pleasunre-'-at' being present «.t such a function, and paid a- tribute to the chaiiriman of the Education Board, and to the excellence of the Technical College. He then went on to speak at length on "Solidarity," which, in order that It mifght be better comprehended' by the students, jhe oaled "team work." By apt illustration he showed how in' ail branches of life—in work and in ipday member of a team h'aid to work in unison with the other memlbea-g, ioi' order that success might be attained. ■The 'failure of one meant the destruction of all. The lessons as lappilied ibo] the Wanganui, Technical! College were forcibly• illustrated, and the Professor concluded^ by .'hoping.that one and all would strive to bring honour mot- only ,to themselves, 'but^to the Ctilleg:e. Mr Armour, Principal of the College. •■" __['_'_ " '. • ' "<*'

made a brief speech, supplemenltiaa'y to j his annual ,T€poi-t (which was puihMshed yesterday). In-'."the, first jplace he wished' to onupliiasise (>as he had tried to do since he came to' Wanganui) that this institution was not a technical school (pure and simple. It wias la technical college, because it was ia coimlbination of a' higlh sohool. and a technical school; Technical work had been connected with institutions whose standard of scholairshiip had mot 'been of a high) standard, and whose tone had 'been of a distinctly low standard in many oases. He thought he "wias justified in^making that statement. "The faot that the word ■ tedhnioal as used in conneotion iwJth our institution >is somethinig we have to fighi agaanist in the minds of many parents. The fact that w6 have a hijrh school course combined with a technical school places us in a position regarding _scholairehip .that is practically unique in -New Zealand.", v .Mr Pinani then distributed the.prizes according to the following PEIZE LIST. The.following is the prize list (day classes) in, the secondary school course: Junior Division.-—English: Jl Waird 1 % I. MoKenzie 2. French: J. Ward. Latin: <G. Day. Mathematics: iG. Day. Chemistry: lan MeKenzie. Physioal Measureaneints: J, -Ward (also second in math€aniatics). Drawing: J. Matohies'on. Woodwork': H.Stevens. * Senior Division.—English: J. iC. M&Kenzie 1, Victoria MeKenzie 2. French: A. Hogg. Latin: G. Barnes (upper divison, also prize for "drawling).

Victoria MeKenzie (lower division). Mathenratices: Victoria MeKenzie. Ohemistry: C. Tod (upper division). C. McKenzio (lower division, 'also second in mathematics). Electricity: C. MeKenzie. Drawing: R: Watkim. Woodwork: Geo. Barnes.

Agricultural — English: W. Handley. Agricultural Subjects: S. Martin (senior division), R. Sutherland (junior division). Arithmetic: R. Hughes. Woodwork: R. Sutherland. Art Course.—Drawing and (Shading: N. Calver.

Engineering Course. —Junion Division : Fixst prize, Oaude Hiibbard; secand prize, Melvin Harris and J,ames Heise (equal); third prize, Win. Oornk>k. Senior Division: First iprize, Esmond Kime; second prize, fljindsay Bruce; third prize, Geoffrey Billinghurst. Woodwork: J. Heise. _ Commercial Course1 (Junior Divi.sionyl: Book-keepinig: Ella Hanton 1, May Madden 2. Shorthand: Edna Aitkins 1, Connie Hallam 2. Tyjpefwirit-' ing: Florence Fantham I^, Walter Fitchett 2 (also in arithmetic), Comnie Hallam"2. #

Commercial Oorrespondence: Edmia Atkins 1, Rita Richairdfeori 2. ArJthmetic: Eric Morrison 1. English (including Coimimerci/al Geography and Civics): May Madden 1, 'Rita tßiohardson 2. French; Ella Hanton. Draiwing: Trene McGregor. Woodiwork: Eric Morrison.

Senior Division.—Book-keeping: Violet Jarvis. Shorthand; Gladys CoulJ.

Typev/ritimg: Lily Connott. Commercial 'Correspondemce: Vdoklb Jlarvis;. Arithimetic: Mar,tha Dierks. EmglishJ: Martha Dierks. French: Amy Brown.

Bookkeeping Certificates. —Preliminary ■Grade: E. Atkins, F. Famtham, M. Lee, M. MoNaught, M. Davis, E. Shearaby, 0. Hallam, M. Madden,. E. Hamilton, V. Hamdltoai, R. Richardison, A. McGrail, E. Morrison, W. Newsome, V. McGinail, W, Fitchett, H. Badfield. Jrinior Grade: L. Oonmett, €r. Coulll, V. Duke, A. Brown, J. Brown, V. Jar,vis. Senior Grade: M. Dierks.

Special Prizes.—-Magnetism and Ele'c-' trioity: "A. Downer (Engineering Course): Reading: Emily Haas*l., Essay : G. J. MoNauight. Mechaiaiiical Enginearing: Jas. Hiibbard (medial weseaited at Agricultural Show (for "best set of tools). Art Prizes: lan MoKenzJe (first (prize design ' Wanganui Show, second prize design Maniawiatu Show). Attendance Medals: Vernon Green (six years' continuous" attend'aince^ Hubert Stevens (five yeaa-s' continuous [attendance). Progress Prizes: O. Ansitey (Engineering), R. Blennerhassetifc (Second General), Aroba Race (Fiirsf, Genera])/ E. Shearsby (First Commercial). Writing Prizes (presented iby Ch-amiber of Commer/ce) : Victoria McKenzie 1, R. Thomas 2, G. J. McNiaught 3. Football : A. Collier (captain ifootfball first fifteen, trophy, Wanganui Ruigjby Union).

On the motion of Mr F. M. Spurdlb, votes of thanks were ,accorded to Prof. Hewitson and all who had conJtriibuted towands the prize-giving. • The function, then terminated.

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Wanganui Chronicle, Issue 12856, 13 December 1912, Page 3

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TECHNICAL COLLEGE. Wanganui Chronicle, Issue 12856, 13 December 1912, Page 3

TECHNICAL COLLEGE. Wanganui Chronicle, Issue 12856, 13 December 1912, Page 3