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~* f A ill "Hl^ T V W^l V UN| WF"* (P* COPPER GOODS Are 'you ihtnMng Sk IJ&U II ILu Il* * w^ftw wsjw ■ ■ "■' m^^mmmm w^^^ /\i late Copper Articles have been ■ ■-■ , - .-. -■■■' ■- ■- • . - ■ .- . ■-. - - . _. . \J coming much into vogue as "Wedding . ABOUT YOUR SPRING SUIT. \ ". - REGARDING CHAMBERLAIN'S COUGH REMEDY. \ <'. up by the renders 9 them^n .;...-..... -^ ,-, ■; .-.".■. . ;,-./ - ■ ■ ■ _ ■ ■- -■ -- every way suitable as gift articles. They : fmm^m^mmmmm^^mmmm^^mmmmmmm^mmamm^mmmmmmm^mmmmmmmmm^m^mm^^mmmmm \ mmm*mmmm~m~mmmmmmm~m~ ■"■-■■—■■ are Serviceable aild artistic and withal if SO THE TEST OF TIME. CHEMIST'S ANALYSIS. EXPERIENCE OF THEY THATBUY AND 1"----(sm-mJ' WsmW^mmW _ -David McFarlane landed a large con- " - .... " ■■"■ "~ •■"• ...^....-.^ . ■•' IUIATUFDO QI7I I signment of these some little time ago, A BIT OF HISTORY—SHOWING ENDORSED BY GOVERNMENTS MUlntKO. OLLL. and they were quickly bought up. ■■■ a LOOK IN AT MELBOURNE HOUSE. AND INSPECT THE ;u^ UAMCCT rnr\nc ANn lUWUAMJ/ DI UU»Wi«iHcnt^ . still larger shipment has now come to T _ 7 ' nnimTrr . n - ■■''■■■'■■■■'■':■ lIS liS ***> CHEMISTS IN ALL PARTS — THEIR CONVICTIONS AND S &S2 ftS 'SS&K & NEW TWEEDS -LfS of the world. worth careful reading. opinions. ■ 4 . ,».-££ OuLLtXIJEiU. ______ The following examples give some idea "NF~FIW " A/^OTJ'^sCFTTTY^ ■.'■"'"'■■ ——■—. "" . r"" of the moderate prices of these servicel^JJH VVUJim.TJJ/10 .. F*or more than thirty years Cham- For over 30 years Chamberlain's Ask any mother who has used The opinion of the individual who abn>rn™"rßAvq nVn?'=\A7" ' "trT/^TTAT A Q berlain's Cough Remedy ha 3 constantly Cough Remedy ha 3 been endorsed, Chamberlain's Cough Remedy what has used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy fe to £ IN Jli VV V Ivj U'lNxx'D / gained in favor and popularity until not only by the public, but also by she thinks of it. She will tell you she is always valuable, but how much HOT WATER JUGS— ;., now one of the . most ' staple chemists. During all of these years it depends on it in Coughs, Colds, Croup, more so is the opinion of the man who 75.6 d. tolls. WE^ GIVE YOU HONEST VALUE IN THE MATTER OF MATER- ; miedicines in use, and has an enormous has been known as the Cough Remedy Hoarseness, etc., and that it enables buys and sells, and buys and sells HOT WATER CANS— lAL AND TRIMMINGS. Bale. Every industry has its pioneer containing no^narcotic or dangerous her to get her children through the again/ His opinion is formed not only A '^i' r • r d^vs, and it is during these struggling drugs. The manufacturers have Winter without these complaints. She by using Chamberlain's Cough Remedy The good SllXn I'Foi^tWehS' times that its worth and merit are always courted the most critical will tell you that at the first approach in his family, but is behur constants mum ■■ ram mrMR. JOHN ROBSON IS OUR CUTTER. . ■: -i tested. " Theearly history of Cham- analysis, and have received the of a cold she takes Chamberlain's strengthened by hearing his many Dft"l" MCFARLANE, berlain's Cough Remedy show that, endorsement of many Governments and Cough Remedy, and it gives her customers speak in glowing terras of RIDGWAY STRFFT . -: ■ -" " . except in point of merit, it had no leading Chemists. » immediate relief. There is a long list their experience. . . uw aJ-fiJifii- ■ more hope of success than other There has never been any necessity of mothers who will tell you that they ** ; — , similar preparations,, which were to change the formula to conform to keep Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in WEST MAITI ANn rw q w fslfe^ \~^ am mm mmwn Btarted at tha same time, but were local enactments. They only make one the house continually, and that a cold . mahijAJND (N.S.W.). C^tji^v '' " B M M& BBmTBb BATBGm&b BB never known outside of their own kind of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, is never allowed to get a foothold in David Ley, Chemist, writes: "Cham- tftlik^l^s^ %kW B Qkw B BmW (&§l fL&Bm LT^%£lß BB • locality, and have long since ceased to and that is the sameas was put on the their homes : that one or two doses berlain's Cough Remedy is very highly fw^SP —=^T^ ""V. 7 be manufactured. Step by step, each market in the first place r taken at the beginning will ward off a s Poken of by numbers of my customers. * iB-' ' - C^^n^\ K\ successive year, as its superior excel- It is pleasant to take. Safe, Sure, severe cold. Chamberlain's Cough KIS a s Plendid seller. [r . V**g3y{^ M MELBOURNE HOUSE, lence becomes more widely known, it and Always Cures. . Remedy tones up the mucous membrane, ~- — \"f^ '* '^-~^\m WANGANUL has been gradually gaining in favor. NSW GOVERN MENTi enabling it to withstand exposure, and SOUTH MELBOURNE (Vie) L.||| I '" -• ' ,-^ WHERE THE GOOD D BAP ER Y AND SUITS ARE. J^^o^%°"^ X"Z CEKTmCAT¥w ANALYSTS. t^K ""* **>*-'»* J^V. "»•-- VU .il fWrecommended by them to a nei^abor; It is the Mother's Favorite, because rvmo* ■r*™ o At 111"6113111 a | « #0 m they in turn passed it on to other Department of PubKc Health, it acta as bene ficially on the yo^gest 7' ™* *™y3 teC°m' — ~ -n- T-i — friends, and for over thirty years its ? 5 a / 9 iqm child as upon the oldest member of the " : a *% A A . reputation has in this manner been , bydney, August J,iyui. family, and is perfectly safe. NPVTTTT?m«!W^ ■ ■ ■■ k- ■ all of this time have failed to produce froni the Registrar of the Pharmacy Chamberlain's Couffh Remedy "ha^ U^ y years 'and Icannot AVenilC . a better remedy for coue-hs cnW* and Bovlti, has been examined, with v,namDenain s <oougn ttemeay nas kin too hi htr of . . a Deiter remeay ior cougns, coias, ana the followine- result* •— "vLoA t* a very large sale here. Many families T «*« «* -t +i. * « J? Just a Bentle reminder that lam croup, and to-day Chamberlain's Cough « 2l£^?s would not be. without a bottle in the lJ ell moF! °f »* than, of l ; all th« ■*»» to^he fore with my usual good THERE NEVER WAS SUCH A TIME FOR CYCLISTS AS NOW. Remedy is enjoying the largest sale of (S ig ne d) WILLIAM M. HAMLET, house, especially if there are any I^^^'^^^^ THE BUSINESS OF MR. W. CLARKSON HAS BEEN CON- any similar preparation on the market. . Government Analy^. young children in the family. Mrs 7 .t^te J^SSwve^ «52^ I^^ VEPTED INTO A LIAfITED COMP ANY 4ND TO FTNAT T V AT>TITST " SUCC6SS *?" attr^ uted to no Jhe Chief Medical Officer of. the Catherine Weeks is never without a a PPreciate lt ' a"d will have no other. _ : _i ls £or 's^e and 21s foi' \ ERTET> I>»TO A LIMIfED COMPANY, AND TO FINALLY ADJUSI other cause than its sterling worth. Government. bottl-» at hand and to that she attri " -' largo Double. : MATTERS THE WHOLE STOCK MUST BE CLEARED IN THE SHORT- - TT *? EVERY BOTTLE GUARANTEED. but<*the of her family from WANDSWORTH (N.S.W.). '< l^^^^^^^t EST POSSIBLE SPACE OF TIME. ■ medium nf a flvVH-?Jn«r il ™ e + J! coughs and colds when those complaints Wm. McCrossin, Storekeeper, says: down : Quilts just arrived at prices tr medium of advertising, it must be if yott fail to c bene r tc ial results are prevalent. Talking to some friends "Chamberlain's Couffh Remedvia. surb- ai l trom 15s to 575. - HUNDREDS OF CYCLISTS ARE SAVING MONEY BY THIS trustworthy to hold the confidence of after using two-tMrds of a bottle of the other day, she said: "For years vervp^Srhere T^ose who use i? n T^ faffi^ s 1 Wolsey v Cnshrmkable SALE, WHICH IS TO LAST ONLY DUIUXG THE MONTH OF SEP- CHAMBERLAIN'S Past I have made it a point to keep S a^^^want it a^ when^ fo^&£ rf COUGH REMEDY. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in my in g a COU gh medicine." M children at prices which defy competi- • ' " ' f«te« SS^^^^^^ CHAMBERS, COUCH & MEDI f - « ; , LTvSrW,, g that lS lD any Way «•*'*»•■« for its promtf *ur« of or cold, I give it a dose, and it invariably Officially declared free from allpoUon. quality are wellSnown throughou/the ■ A I f** U^T m~7*mr^-m^% ?C5 wayinjunous. coughs, &old anAttaup. checks the complaint.'! .. '- _& Everywhere 1/6* ." district.^- . I JL^ZMJJsX. JCSk.V^9%^^ JL Jl V^9 ' , . . —-——-—. ~--•■■,-— v ' 'X " '"' - I hav(Ma competent^istaff ,jat work, : ■ f s ' """ mAking"~iJorse and cow "covers^ oilskins.' THE AVENUE. Right Opp Chavanne's Hotel. BTR^n? ISSt^ PBOVI^ WAITOTARA COUNTY COUNCIL. «^?^ a ?%>%3^ ~ ' '-*■■=.-- .. ,-- "t, f^v, , ~,-p. 1 Money on FIRST-CLASS FREE-r^" nnyty Council fla3^eldyesteid^ DUiN^lilJJ. HOLD CITY and COUNTRY SECUKI- m°SW r« BMi. upper side. The-.surface of .the' road ' " JOHN .McFARLANE^, \ : r!' r^ ' • TIES, at Lowest Current Rates. Our «iJ^« YWnr aStS * ( m"+ i T through the Walker estate is in fair AVENUE. U AW Ranks ' Nw Mortgage contains a oondi- Ifel"^' CTw 3 I , Mlllhns ' Mltchell^ order, and the road is very much im- ' . WeW BOOXSI tionallowin&borraworathepriTilogeof "SffiU? W' t * f + i i + P™yod by the recent spell of dry wea- ; - I , TT . x a,. ~,, ~ , o repaying u E^^^ to 20 per cent, of the MlJsUi^b—Jhe minutes of the last the ,. The foreman concluded his- re- -r»OGF«^ ATTUfYV " TTOTFT / *._. Winston Churchill, Mrs. Orewe's Career, j*^. e £T iirithont notioe meeWwere read and conhrmed- port by complimenting Mr G. Russell Jj 0™8 ALBION HOTEL, . \ J |C\ r>N o*^ D x , cl?^ 3S^- .., _ fil or pa/ment of any^fine^ NO 00MMIS- +II B^, ANCEi, SHEET.-Resolved that O n the hi^hfy satisfactory manner in -LW W4NGANUI '__ f :r fea_ /~T •"■i^^^^T^-^-fl iyrils' aulmf'o Cl°^ -^ * SION CHABGEDVLEGAL EXPENSES 11^ 6 sheet as. received from the which he had carried out the gravelling WAisUAWUI. <~v / v>?i r^-* rr >s / I Bayley Casual Gentleman of Fortune, EXCEPTIONALLY LOW. Apply"di- Auditor-Geneial be signod by the Chair- contract on the main road in the West. SPEIGHT'S XXX DUNEDIN AT F ' ■ VT -*'• <-"^ I -^ >^ ( --.; ■ , cloth 3s6d rect to the Society's Branch^Offioe, mi?m^WTPK d ™rtlSlt i. rapre The Aramoho statiomnaster (Mr SPEIGHT'S XXX DUNEDIN ALE ■■••V* ;ijj>*^^ m fr* Bayley; The God of Clay, paper 2sGd, Wellington, or any of the Society's j^ ,WI£ K Li NEi^ ]Vit ssrs bb Symmonds) and his staff are also de- O -, 4WTM « n5«. nWTTO « . ' J>^^ m\lkl - ' ' 1 oloth 3s6d. District Offices. , S BM and Donald Ross attended the meeting serving of thanks for facilitating the STAPLE'S XXXX SPARKLING ALE _--**^ *Bh\ M%M I Williamson, The Scarlet Runner, cloth EDWARD W. LOWE. to request, the Council to metal a mile despatch of th£ gravel trucks. Always on tap. . " r U|A|l « - I 3s6d. on the Brunswick Line.—Resolved that & , W&=- -— • ' L*? m**.*® 9** I °fa Child' Cl°tb W«%±V#* A«^ ligS^^JSSbJ'SS 18 °f P^FECT DIGESTION MEANS —. , . N2s^- >^' - di tf^t ■"f L lil ffl Meade, The Aim of her Life, cloth 3s Gd. AY® Dll*~ G JOHNSON . BAYLY'S ROAD.-^Resolved that PERFECT HEALTH- f nflATfllllCl 7^-'-- = >^r"- LjAI l| ■■ W%M RU Conyers, Three Girls and a Hermit, bStrkit Secretatf- J^ crs J>« colled tor one mile of metal- A good stomaoh fceew.every part oi T Kllll I lIIIIV - ag^Sv HUU I E-1M vLJi *£&s&*&*<&a*^ *«M^uiass£» M^«r 4frfife rnuuiuiuo. - >^^^^^--« S! . • Sp* c j o th 3s 6d ."■"■■■;..! chic and seconded by Cr Russell, that Migestive Tabules are a natural remedy *• •i-^^si'^A-AA il I* I'*^^ '-^ i niiniiiM^w *fth^l!. t£;St rfo?thrs^ 0^ For Headl *he> "*** S^^^^f- -WU-I.IJZI ■ 7-11 G.iaths/'johnß.wnWaneer.c.ot., g-li-piMI : EtLiftViS? Constipation, and BIUOHSBM^ " ~T- y '" ■ I"* RofSikrkiit,. Ths Ma^iatratc's o<tn '^Tvi I't'Sl I T^TTB. 'o( ecotion 2 and 3of Pakaraka Block They actually d« the digeetire wm-V ——oOo—— ' _A--?^ ftp., "~ ■• 1^ cJsedo&Bs6d m-Oj I Iftl I I f)K^ No- "• as sho»11 on *c Pla" th"rK>f ? E the stomach, and. enable that .rga< n. jamenw number of order. fo» -■ ""■' fj^^l ;iil^^S*lr^HE^li- "B% Ba||; t?^Sn, The Halo, CM. -■JMjjM^ "^ "* "^ ior^M-C^ • v^e^ "^ '-.N/lff 81^ 3s6d. - ■■TTTITITTETTCC^VfI RANGITATAXJ WEST ROAD — Re- eesanly results. At the same time tb* but do remove from tteblood, tißSuea, and I* * '*• "*-• " >'- <»i»J^v.-. t >- Braby, The Modern Marriage, cloth ifb V'rl* JIJW. JPI*H solvedt that^eotion 117' of JePff Act stomach being relieved of ite work, gets J^ 6™^ -«B?Wi.™«*^P^ 1" .ma^f r %-• - ?•• --' • "<:• *T^-. •..•^•■gtfr-: 3s 6d. - Kfc^tl^VJl«i:M isS^iaiJ sSiap^lv Stht Raii'crto-1 weU tod strong. Obtainable evlry that x^cloggmg Remand choking the v •^■"•- ••<*•■• •<:> ' 1 McCarthy, The Duke's Motto, cloth nKffiAEIMB ta^wS RoM-fStb Great North channel that lead to and from^them. 3s 6d. " BB&Bmmm&UmOL w^ w^^w +^«.L+ ti -Z ■ ; — The beneficial effects of^ootoids are Bullen, A.Bounty Boy, cloth 3s6d. ■W.ltKllK[tit^« Ses ?hf ea«t^ boundary of the tl« T%~~ ~^S" evident at once bythe disappearance of Turner, Imperial Brown of Brixton, VB7^3n|Tr?lßß! PakarLa BloS f UICIAJ Kf\sfW£ 1 headacb^e, the head becoming.clear, and ■ — ___ Ka^N^er Storehouse nor Barn, ■^UiWftJM ■■ > ~sS".,^fe WJW^2!^: M^lt^^T^ s^u^.x.e^H,^. mprolffl' gags-idS^e^^ m^kw^Lwi -^sasssgggsgFOE TEN DAYS ONLY, -«™-^l',"- >' 1 »fl'l EI!U»M a^iS^^^a^S BrßfWllgßf | the sat™™ store. , tTOOmite ,- l^Si^^ - * XLX^Ji' statin* that if the Domain will pay Edith, cloth 4s. ness becoming fatal. (TnO cope with the increase of business and convenience of our customers, w» V r/T7\ ATA ISTTIT A nf^rMZTISJn T> A TVT/^TJi' compensation a proclamation will be is- Ma^im Gorky's Comrades, cloth 3s6d. Frootoids act Bptendidly on^ihe liver. \X are making extensive additions to our store. All showroom goods hay« Zi JJiAJjAIN UL A UUUIvIJN (jT XvAJNvTrj. takinc the land.-Resolved that, Smith's.■ErMonera; of Fortune cloth 4s. and quickly cure bilious attacks that ...... to be moved, and the best way to move them is to sell them. We have there- •„, - ' ._.. .„_ Jl -^1 J~±. Z^ r T "tW^tlJv the Board will pay compensation. Tra<=fy,s W1^ el of fortune, paper 2s6d, "antibilious pills" make worse. Many fore marked all goods down to the LOWEST POSSIBLE PRIOES. THE MOST ECONOMICAL AND UP-TO-DATE STQVE IN NEW ZEALAND. McNEILL ESTATE.-Mr C. J. Wray A c|?th 3sg. _. ' people have been made sick .and ill by Balance of all our TRIMMED MILLINERY at Half-prices. BURNS LEAST FUEL AND GIVES BEST RESULT^ -< vrote reouestino- the Council to form A- Hegan Rice's Lovey Mary, paper, "antibiiiotts pills" who could have been Balance of our TWEED JACKETS, CAPES, and FULL-LENGTH CRAVEN- , JW v - the roads on the McNeill estate.—Re- .: Is 6d. ■.-,..„■ _. ■•■• , cured at onee5 by Frootoids. People EITE COATS, all marked at Sale Prices. ' g^fflSSEfiS^s gte?* - m\o<* soi#dirtjliafc-iithe Couiicil will undertake A- He San Rice s Mrs. Wiggs of he should not allow themselves to be duped LADIES' GREY STOCICINETTE BLOOMERS, only 2s 3d pair. ffiKH^^Hmi& "■ '' *#"* *•'; -'^^^, tKe"wwka#tlie owners' expense. Cabbage Patch, paper, Is6d. into contracting a medicine-taking habit Cheapest garment in the town—LADIES' PINK FLANNELETTE NIGHT- ' ~ a* WLmt WBM Vv-/; TENDERS'.—Contract No. 338, Oke- p- Hunter Bfown'sJElectno Power Users by being persuaded to take daily doses reduced from 4s 6d to Unusual Price Is lid. , 'i Pffff. ~j '•?il 'v^ l-^^ ;# hu bridge, No. 339 gravelling main _. Handbook, cloth 6s 6d. witli each meal orso-called indigestion > -New Season's WALKING SKIRTS, in Black, Navy, and Grey, from 7s lid. - , rr"^ >"™i^n ■'*.'"' read.-Resolved that D. Glendenning'e Flafe Urban Houses, Cottages, and cures that do NOT cure. Frootoids LADIES' WOVEN COMBINATIONS, at 4e 6d. -(/' A^jS^SHSSrM" ' : tender for No. 338 at £226 19s be ac- « T Homes, 6s 6d.^ T have been subjected to extensive tests, A Splendid Assortment of LADIES'and CHILDREN'S APRONS and PINA- ■. _-,". f /3mSi^in^ Jm -^ ' : icepted, and D. Scally for No. 339 at SIXPEIsNY NOVELS. —A choice assort- and have in every case proved successFORES, all at Sale Prices. kj^ /J&^£S:xi£ZMM 1' ;* £780 be accented. «d stock of the best author's works, f«l i a completely curing the complaints /*" r- \\jj^2^!mmmWWh ""^- ■- -v-'--- ' '-•" * ~ The meeting then. adjourned till 2.30 each 6d; posted 7d. Lists on appli- named.- •« But come and see the Bargains for yourselves, especially in the Baby ■ /JK=rd|^^i||l|MM 1 J\ ' '/* l P-m m , cation. '.''„■ -, The ordinary adult dose of Frootoids, Department, at /Mw^^^^MWmmMM^^^^ ========:llf i\ m ' On resuming there were present Crs The Spanish Jade, by Maurice Hewlett, o f which there are 72 in a bottle, is 2to TWrr>«: DAnTOTie /MS^m^-mMimmwEmES^ml^=======^^M K\\ Ritchie (chairman); Dempsey/ Russell, . 3 S ' 6d . 4—more or less as required—taken, preJLVJLXt.S3* JCtVP JC3 SU JnL X9 9 f J/mlMB^ aßWlMMHil^i^^^^^^ "-' Hv\\ - "Mullias and Mitchell. ' Neither Storehouse nor Barn, Allen ferably at bedtime, when constipated, THE SATISFACTION STORE. Itflß^—-» '«-'<■* • ' V^A SPRINGVALE ROAD.—Moved by Raine,.3s 6d. or at the commencement of any other 09 and 101, VICTORIA AVENUE. Telephone 33& WmW/a7 _ ■ f%\\ VUk\\ Cr Ritchie and seconded by Cr Demp- Mr Crewe's Career, Winston Churchill, disease requiring an aperient, as an All country orders by post promptly and carefully attended to. JkWL—J mWMukWßttk I k^m^jf^mZ^ <\ \l I sey that for the' improvement of tho 3s 6d. auxilliary with the special medicine .—. ' Hi MTMiiKillllill l Pr ~ \| " Springvale Road the Council proceed to Beau Brocade, Baroness. Orczy, 3s 6d. necessary for the case. A constipated TTTiT? H^PAT TIAVO rkATT 'XT < - MiWIIBHPI !^__^^ """ fill up the drain or drains on the side STATIONERY, FANCY GOODS. habit of body will be completely cuied JDUJa,- IJjjiN UAXb UTMLX, IJMmvEft^BIHiRRw " '~ IT of th« road—Carried. Wedding and Birthday Presents of if the patient^will on each occasion, I W&R«rffIU.ANDIA. K^ 1 DOMINION DAY— A teleeram was every description. when suffering, take__a dose of -Frootoids, \^S os£*mmmmWmmMmWm * » \ received from Sir J. G. Ward re cele- Orders by post promptly attended to, instead of nn ordinary aperient; making -■ l/?£~£ff!!fWa&£3kW®B&^ r i " -^ 1 brations for Dominion Day.—Received, and carefully packed. the interval between the takmjg of each ———-.———— V^Cfff^um rrZ I "fii j' ■ * P■. ft FOREMAN'S REPORT.—The Fore- dose longer and thei dose smaller..- 1"* TThiATiTTT T^OOnSi Hnll 1 ISlillSiSl^Sifi N♦ & M-*mTqM man, in his report, stated that in. most A "TV "WTTTTQ patient thus gradually becomes mdepen-J-J-JJ-£I.JJ J- J.J- £ \J\JjLJiO* IJI II M|||iy|iiill » II BI cases the roadsare in very good order, A. jJ . YVlXiJjliOt^ dent of Aperient Medicines. The following lines are stocked by us, and tlo sales sho* a steady increase BIBJT . F^^^^vJ^A, iK? made witlf ?he°TOriou? works S band" WHOLESALE AND RETAIL —oOo—- ? r^ „ , ' H Fi T ' ■ i f Aiwi fl pn " i I H il Tho gravellina: works along the main BOOKSELLER. STATIONER, AND jr or gale by leading Chemists and GRAN OSE BISCUITS.—To all who are suffering fi om imperfect digestion of §'\ f|jj-|^ 111 TrV^fT I H H wad between Kai Iwi beach road June- MANUFACTURER, Storekeepers. Retail price, 1/6. If your any kind, no food can be more highly recommended. Is Id per packet. ' | fa I/// >AAii#- Wviill il Hi -^"^aL r'■B H_ (j tion and Goat Valley bridge are com- Victoria Avenue, and Taupo Quay, Chemir^ or Storekeeper has not got them, GRANOSE FLAKES.—For invalids we highly recommend this excellent health j IN iflM^S^ilmUn 111 /*€?* -"*oFM II pleted. The length "of road gravelled Wanganui. ask him to get them for you. Tf not food. Is Id per packet. IMuM W^J^&lllm 111 "S--^^"" wmmm *mmmt \&3 was H miles, with 3200 cubic yards of obtainable locally, send direct to the wRANOLA.—From the rapid growth in popularity of this excellent pure food, m-rafl >S^«!mtwl T _ sss ~ = !umm » metal, at a cost of £1167. The iron- TJ-|e Australia " RotofUa Proprietor, W. G. HEARNE, Ch«mii^ we know that a trial means a contiauance of its use. Packets 8d: Bags j*^^^^ , |» ftn^wtaiii n hisWßaaSS^SSsgil ill bark required vfor the Okohn bridge is * ' a*«lonff Victoria. 2s 6d. . [^Sffl C-- mmm% S^^J^ftißat^V^jHll now on the site. The Ranpitatau East New house, containing 30 *>omn; vw»w»»» CARAMEL CEREAL.—A pleasant, agreeable, and nourishing beverage, takes L«HeI f v, **> •- —rffi V>Sif^(OTߣ^Q?V2j]iSr Road is in nuite as good order as could splendid situafcon in main street; 100 vn m TPl j, rno+OT .; a i a :„ irponT the place, but without the harmful effects of tea and coffee, li Id per -«' - "1 >flOk M_^ xP^Jg^^^^S^^^l reasonably bo expected considering the yards from railway station; 3 mnmtes' NOT^^Oliematerwls m FROCM^ packet. -iR; jl^^™**^^=s^S;;:^ifflrffi#ttll^ll ffff ■ "■! raturo and extent of the traffic over walk from baths. Everything absolute- Ull)b areof the ViKY Wibl^gUAi.ll.Y. ... FRUIT NUTS.—Grain preparations sweet in taste and agreeable to the palate • ' ' * —T the roatl during the winter months, ly new; suporior table; spacious rooms; and consist, amongst other ingredients Ready for immediate use. V ' T^S^^M ' *\ m■ I Some of the shady places in the Kai electric light j hot and cold baths, and of the active principle of each of ALSO.-Nut Mert, Is 6d tin ; Nut Cheese, la 6d tin ; Nut Butter Is 6d tin l *- _ ' h.-m>Uf L^l^., . «■ .1 Iwi watershed portion were not in good every home comfort. Tariff, 6s per day lIVE different MEDICAL FRUIi Sand UNFERMENTED WINE FOR SACRAMENTAL PRPOSES <-?ss» * —. «^» «, - order. It was impcssible to k<?ep the 35s per week. Special terms to faroi- KOUlb, so combiuv and proportioned r«jrußr*» EO^«RBBa^«B^ 0% MM IT Aff?iS la^a cm culverts and water table* open when lies, parties, and for extended periods. •in a particular way timt a far BETTER #M • _ 1 gm. '^BflT •-m irQ\A/BP BbiTXi 1 JMLC JL IX Cj LJH tho place is used as paddocks during Thos. Cook and Son's Coupons. Porter result is; obtained than from an ordinary Vl AHA I JC* Win #% I 1 W* *r% W* W"*|V* ftITHBV-IB stock-mustering periods A number of meets &11 trains. Letters and telegrams aperient. v i^% I JL# I I 2*l. I m^C IWI J'fl IrIYl VI II culverts are required—ll along the in- receive immediate attention.—J. N. New Zealand- Branch Office-- / ,'^JAGkJLMAM V^L JLaA>%JUJLk3>MJL%P)XjLi • , - SOLE AGENTS, . . ncr end and 19 alon? the Patea por- McLean, Proprietor. ■ NO. 11, FIRST FLOOR, HUME'S *^™r^T,,T, «rr^m«« .. ' 1 '" 55 AVES'UE, WANGANUI. tion The contract for the formation WINTER TARIFF, 30s WEEE. BUILDINGS, CORNER GUYTON AND ST. HILL STREETS. Telephone 321. on the road leading to the Mowhaau Fishma launch for use of visitors. WILLIS STREET/WELLINGTON.

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Wanganui Chronicle, Volume L, Issue 12145, 8 September 1908, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Wanganui Chronicle, Volume L, Issue 12145, 8 September 1908, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Wanganui Chronicle, Volume L, Issue 12145, 8 September 1908, Page 3