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rXXX, »O< >OO< >OO< ->Os< LADIES' UNDERCLOTHING * x BARGAINS. x A Special Attraction for this week only. X 864 GARMENTS. 864 O Here is welcome news for ladies. Just secured 864 gar- V Q ments, manufacturer's samples at a price which enables us O to sell at the undermentioned ridiculously low prices. You sk cannot appreciate these values until you have seen the Goods. Call early fop the best will soon go. A . . A O Ladies' Night Dresses, triDMtteS, twcka and embroidered. Sale prices O A 3/11,4/«, 4/11, 5/6,5/11,6/6. * Ladies* Night Dresses, trimmed, tacks and frills, from 4/9. V Lakes' Night Dresses, trimmed, ttwfca & real Torchon lace, 5/6,5/11 «, Q Ladies' Night Dresses in great variety, heautifmHy trimmed with Q A Swiss embroidery, Torchon lace, Val. laces, and hem-stitch A X frills. Lovely <goods. 8/6, 10/6, 12/6, to 27/6. A Ladies' Chemises, in fine longeloth, prettily trimmed with torchon lace ami insertion, 3/6, 4/6, 5/3, 5/6, 5/11, 6/3, 6/6. t Ladies' Chemises, trimmed, tucks and embroidery, 3/6, 8/11, 4/6, V 4/11,5/«, 6/6. . * Lakes' Kaicksrs, in longoloth, trimmed with embroidery, 2/6, 2/11, j( s/«, 3/n: Ladies' Knickers, French and American Shapes, daintily trimmed V c with musfin frills and lace designsT* Sale prices 2/C; 2/11, 3/6, V A 3/11,4/6, 4/il, 5/6, 5/11, 6/6, 6/11. O Q Ladies' Longeloth Combinations, well made and nicely trimmed O A with frills, 4/d each. Trimmed with embroidery, 4/9, 5/6, 6/9, ** 6/3. Trimmed with lace, 5/3, 5/11, 6/6, 7/6. Camisoles, in nainsook, daintly trimmed with torchon lace, Swiss -■•j^ t embroidery and tucks, 1/11, 2/3, 2/6,, 8/3, 3/6, 3/11, 4/6 & 4/11. X Be sure to read our special list giving full details. x J. PAUL S CO., j A Drapers, eta, ■ .* Victoria Avenue, - Wanganui, 5x xxx >o* xxx xxx xxS m^> BJBAI9B ft 8 BBIBI* 5f 'you woald snoo«ed in life, flood Health lo ' g'^M U yea would get rich, make Health paramount "^K^^^^^^Jk^ If. you woald enjoy luxury, Regain yeur i^^^^^S^^^^i If you would acquira knowledge, Look to J^n|^^Bs\^^^^^^ If jouwsuld become great or good, Vtforom .., S^-^-y^^wt^E/ f-^^HfB*^^^ If you live to do good, yoi Need Qood Health, "^^^^^q^j^^^^p^l^ H you would always be •• on hand " for busi- ' l^^^^^^^^SS^^^l ness, pleasure, work, whatever may turn fer^^Biiw^ii^ ■■i^'^^^^f np. Have Perfect Health. l^^^S^ MfW^ Whatever may be your life, end, or motive, * make tlw Study of Health your First luslness, as it "jour indispensable instru- .j^ m , w/ «a *«* w ~4 M mentality of all else. «<vii«fchi ««« m r««(«i«i«. i****, HEALTH IS A FORTUNE --'"—-■'"=■ •"- ---"~™^~*" ■qaan«l«r«d M »ny period through lifo withsut. feeing brought into % final acoon»t,nnd sborUning and enfeebling it in exact prop rtioa. Spending fo^ihbly dram on th» principal, and erery draft, graat or little, must be reekoncd into that Uat settlement n hich erery d^aft hsslwiui. m tile fester you draw the sooner yon exhaust it; 10 all loss of vitality and dfccaee and wh^ttrer injares health is a dr^fi on the conctitutioa, cashed at 10a per cent, discount. If your health is impaired and you are strnggltag along in competition with strong, healthy met, who get in before you every time because they are alert in body ami mind. There is a remedy for yeu. no matter what your aliment may be— Suffer frem Rhsumatlsm, Sciatica, LuMbag*, Stomach, Liver and Kidnoy Disorders. Nervous Troubles ana. Loss at Vitality, whioh, with your daily labours it makiug^ou weaker every day—y«a can be eared. Dr. MCLAUGHLIN'S ELECTRIC BELT Is the grandest electrical invention ot modern times for the good of humanity. It is far superior to any other contrivance for the oure of ifafwe. It is qnlck. safe and sextain fn its life-giriag action, and cures after' drugs, hare been used withe*t succeu. IU ltfe-giving current satomsss the weakened parti with animal magnetism, expaadg and invigorates the vital forces, and removes the effects of .early mistakes, exposure* and excesses. The failars of medicine, of quacks and ef other 80-eailed Electric Belts whiob are now being offered ia Marly •Tety town—these contrivance* ara only to, 4ope the pablic. whose attentiea has been aroused by ihe good the geDaine belt has«on«—in no argument against Dr. MeLaughlin'i Electric Belt. No other treatment, no other Belt ia in the same class with it Everything else may fail, and still Dr. McLaughlin's Belt will oure. It has cure* thousands who have tried other remedies without avail, . INDIGESTION. 5, Donald McLsau btreet, Newtown, March 14th, 1904. Th» Dm, McLauohlix Co., Wellington. Dear Sirs,—l have much pleasura in writing to let you know that your El«ctri« Belt hay oare* me of Indigestion. I can safely say th*t it ia the cheapest and «urest cure to anvsms who is a sufferer of this cowplaitfi I reniain. yours truly, JAMES KEBa " ■ a»»* t* B» "1 -' Onr Hi^it'h r»"OK, di p»«-» »••■*•«««> lUurtratea, r«t!ia E an aiwu» oo- treat¥Viw P rae-t -9*kwi fo» *—, H»» lre» lor tb* asfciwa «c will Btail it, post to I I BtbsSai'# t'} K uan«. mil 'l|*«uoau,ayu buv*(i»tt iponsiuV.Miw** tnil test. We employ "'■"'■ Xt, K uu t|ua:ia«# >,uiic»i m«s. Doa't los.* auy time j- ur best d*i» a?« slipping'by. f,« n % n«^ #&.^ WHBt Strwt, !s*^a («a*3**a.t%Ma-fe&- a nth . - mUS^mW'^iJimt %tW«' 9 ' «€LLt«eTOM. '&. &a^** j^ a «& «-*> *sei:t «?»•"■ #•%» a§*• mistw m *■%■ ■■■ f ~^K m§& PJIRM'f iRIIF JMIKkITn a^ **r7\ WW &» " 1J? iH% i%* ? I 111 &3 sL. awl sW> li II J T!S - T^^Jffi hiiii ..l.i ! -ifr'-^ i"37^^'-|- ...nw nil ■■ iiii.wiiiiii rir.imjmmnmrTn mm ■"——" f XcßKv' ■3Sjk Life is too short ior wasting time unnecessarily* C -'^H Busy peopk recognise this and deal with us* n yg, Mjk No .Bsiay. Mi Loss. No Worry, /l^ The Goods are here ready the minute you order / fi|^ <^O them —and tkey are the, best values procurable* /i^ ■^^ Call at once and inspect our Up-to4)ate Stock df?y§E J^^ Rtfbbcf Gpods and Evening Footwear* y ,92, RIDGWAY STREET. Sp

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Wanganui Chronicle, Volume XLIX, Issue 12668, 2 December 1905, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Wanganui Chronicle, Volume XLIX, Issue 12668, 2 December 1905, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Wanganui Chronicle, Volume XLIX, Issue 12668, 2 December 1905, Page 3