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The coming e?9ction of tha Melbourne City Council will b<3 the $rst at which women may vote. A meeting of women decided not to recommend any parfcioular candidate, but urged the elecfcora to make their own choice. No donbt there wi'l be a hrga crowd of spectators at the Drill Hall this afternoon to witness the fancy and trick riding by Mr JT. 'H, Watt. It ia Mr Watt'd intantion to eloge .the hall from to-day until after the Christmas and New Year holidays, when he will then be glad .to . see "-all who intend learn ; ng tbe arjb of cycling nnder his tuition. Considering the low figure he charges there should be no trouble in receiving a good number of capita. Holiday-maker 3 attention is called to the splendid programme offered this Christmas for up-river trips by Messrs Hatriclc aoiJGo.'s steamers. On Friday night a tram leaves Wellington, connecting on Saturday (Christmas morning,") with the river steamer at Aramoho, ft ia proposed to go as far aB the fine aeenery at Manganui-O'te-ao, returning on gunday evening. On Sunday and Monday the Mannwai makes all-day excursions. Tha Cook's Gardens Board of Control at its meeting on Tuesday last 1 decided to issue permits to ladies to use the cycling track between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. at a fee of 2i 6d per month or 53 foe the season. Permission was given to the Garrison Band to use. the ground for practice in vie^r of tha comiDg contest at Napier. Tha Secretary was authorised to get the dressing shed insured for the sum of .£SO, and .a eub-corflßji/itee was appointed to airanga abont getting tho artesian water brought in from tbe well ir< Wilson Street. ' " ' The Hawera Star r gaya .that immedi- ' ately on receipt of Mr Slater^ death a ' movement was set on foot in Hawera by Mr G. H. Gibeon, an old friend of the deceased, to raise funds to erect a tomb stone over the grave. It is needless to say tbat tbe- many friends of the deceased are answering liberally to the appeal, and by the end of the week Hawera will be able to make a handsome donation to. wards marking the spat where rest the remains of a young man beloved and reppncteij by all with whom he came in contact. According to a'pras* wire from "Wellington, Beaucbini, wbo ■ eaioide at Newtown, was a draughtsman in th 9 Lands and Survey Department and appeared to be in very comfortable circumstances. Deceased, who had been very bad with influenza, came home in the afternoon, and being iv an icritated eiite at mjn,d, commenced to quarrel with his wife, who eventually ran outside. A neighbour came iff. and Beanchim went into another room, saying. '.' Ah, I will kill myself altogether." The neig^bo.ur did not pay much attention to the remark, but shortly afterwards heard a revolver shot and rushing into the room found Beauchini lying on a sofa quite dead. He had placed tbe weapon to his ear and shot himself straight through the head. Mr Edward Hibbard, aewad enginer at the Wanganui Meat Freezing Co/a works at Castlecliff, was on Tuesday evening ■ presented by Mr Mclntoßb, chief engineer, ' on behalf of the employees, with a hand- ] some marble clock, with a silver plate i bearing ,the inscription : " Presented to E, Bipbard by the employees of the Wanganpi Freezing Co.'a works on the ' occasion of his marriage." Mr James I Spricrgens, third engineer, also prebsnted ! Mr Hibbard with a silver' jc#ke basket, ' iknife snd fork rests, and a silver goblet. > Mr .Cresswell, manager, complimented ' ' Mr Hibbard on the handsome presents. ' tions, as also did Mr Scott,, foreman of the fellmongery. After Mr Hibbard had j appropriately acknowledged tbe gifts and , the kindjy sentiments with which they ; were accompanied^ a p.lepeant social .hour j was spent, " " 1

£~-Meisrs H. I. Jones and Son's carnival at' the Oddfellow,' Hall opens this morning. 'The programme for tha WAngmui Amateur Swimming Club's Championship meeting appears in another colanio. The programme of the sports to Ye he'd at Caßtlecliff on New Year's D.iy is published this morning. Mr C. G-. Andrawp, lata Inspector o( the Bank of New Zealand, di-id afc Ciiratohurch on Tuesday, agod 53. Mr Hastings Moira notifies that his pramissa will b 3 kept open to-night, in order t> nVevo the pras&ure of bu^ineas on Christmas Eve. The N.Z. Loan <md Mercantile Agency Cotnpiay bave juat landed a large ptock j of the best t36t-)d Eesds cf bvery descrip- ,' lion. Yesterday the two-year-old s n cf the ex-Mayor of Ringiora, Hr E. R Gcod, fall into a copper of boiling water and died from the injuries. A Melbonrnp cable states that S r John Madden, Chief Justice of Victoria, succeeds the late Sir Anthony Brownies?, M.D., as Chancellor of the University. A Canadian cruiser has rescued 13 of the crow of the American steamer Cloveland, which was wracked at Barclay Sound, British Columbia. i Those ladies who intend taking part in the water polo contett^ at the forthcoming sports of the Ladies' Swimming Club are reminded that they can practice every day at the Corporation Batbs. We have baen requested by theH *spifcal authorities to acknowledge on their behalf the gifc of two guiaeas from Mr Ching Chow, of tho Avenue, .towards the funds of the institution. Membpri of the Tiraganui and West Coast Cycling Club obtkiu their tioketa for the en-uing season' «f the club's office, Chbontclg building 1 , any evening this week, bet wean 8 and 10 o'clock. F. H. Creamer, who waa chosen for the Australasian athletic team tor Eng'aad, has, aecorriiig to an Auckland tilegram, notifi.d his inability to go, business engagement preventing. At the inquest on Tarrisp, the actor, the jury returned a verdict of wilful murder against Archer. Many witnesses testified to the murderer's calmness at the time the dfisl was cimmittad. A committee meeting of the Wanganui Regatta association to be held at Poster's Hot-1 at 8 ./clock this nveniner to arrange the programme and fix the date for the regatta. The Palmeraton North Bowling Club have invited membsrs of the local club to visit Palmerston on Boxing Day. All who are de3irom of going should communicate with Mr Kodwe'.l without delay. Two msra heats fjr the T7.8.C. jerseys and straw hats were rowad list evening, Lyall met and defeated Willis easily, and Davis had an easy win from Burrows. To-night Lyull rows Hamilton and Sharp meet-) Davis. We understand that a representative cricket match has been arranged between the Manawatu and Wanganui team?, to be payed on Cook'a Gardens ground on Friday and Saturday of next week, 31at December and Ist January. At Patea on Tuesday, before Messrs Adams and Williams, J.P.s, J. Dfimpiey was fined $3, and T. Sexton (Manutihi) and Mrs Healey la each for neglecting to eend their children to school. The cases were brought before the Court by the Truant Inspector, Mr W. B. Taylor, M.A Mr John Iredale'a drapery establishment at Auckland was damaged by fire at 3.30 on Monday morning. Ihe worst of the damage was caused by water. The insurances total £8200. 7he loss is estimated at about one-four<.h of the amount of the insurance?. ■ At Mr 3 Price's music studio this evening those of her pupih who obtained the highest marks at tha Trinity College ex*minajb on for music*! knowledge will receive th&ir prizes. Hjs Worship the Mayor (Mr A. Hatriuk) will make the presentation?. A musical programme will be given during the evening. Among the entries for tha New Zealand Lawn Tennia Championship meeting are the following :— Men's Champirn Singles : Me'era E. Bees (Gi^burne), Parkar (Gore), Fisher (Wellington). Smith (New Ply. month), and the Her J. ffi.. Marshall (Waneanui). Ladies' Champion Single?: Misa Kennedy (Wellington) and Miss 3ead ( N T ew Plymouth). Tha Wanganui Butchery and Meat Preparing Oompiny have made spacial arrangements for the Christmas season, and a splendid stock of prime joints, poultry, hams, email goods and tinned meats is the result. M Pickard haa the shop presenting its most attractive appearance, and he and hia staff are in r jadinesa for a brisk run of business. The committee of the "Vdnganui and West Coast Cycling' Club met last evening and completed arrangements for the big cycling fixture on Ursring Diy, on St John's Hill. The Secretary reported that the track was now in splendid condition. The terms cf the Garrison Band for Bozing Day were accepted. The followings^new membe'rß were elected : — Hiß Worship the Mayor (A. Harrick, Eeq ) and Mesßrs D. Sullivan, T. T. Bell, 0. 'Qeasley and C Sanbw. Advantage will be taken of the all day trip on Sunday next on the river of the M*nuwai, by the Wanganui and West Coaat Cycling Club of entettiining the visiting cyclists, of whom there will be a large number from all parts of tha colony. Mo expense will be spared in making the I outing as enjoyable as poißible. A fitstclass luncheon will ba supplied by the popuUr caterer, Mr W. S. Dustin. The Manuwai iviil leave the Market Square wharf $t 10 a.m., and the return fire ia flifed at fche low jgure of 2s. ■ '• Captain Smeebas discovered a method of gathering the eeent of flowers as the plants are growing. He takes a glass fnnne', and hfata the thin end over a sprit lamp. He then draws out the stem to a fiae piint, This aficomplinhed, the funnel is filled with ice, and placed on a retort Btand, the pointed end being placed in a small bottlf, without tonching it. After this the afaid and tbe fnnnel are placed iv a greenhouse, aiiong the fl<" wars whose odours it ia desired t% collect. Gradually tbe vapour rises from the fliwers, and in meeting tbe colder surface of the f uDne! condenses into drops od .the out-ide of 'the glasp. From the pofnta of condensation it trickles down until it drop 3 down into a large bottle. In a sarprisiugeho'r.t time a large amount of perfume j s collected, and it is olaimed that 90 jpr cent, of the bpttle is perfume the rest is water. Slrange J;o 6ay, this essence of the flower needs to be adujterated with spirits at wine, othtpwiee it would beeomo sour. The Lee-Metford ballet has seen its day, and a more effective pro j motile has been called for, In the Chifcral ezpadition one of the enemy had six wounds from tbe former bullets in his body, and was etill fighting hard whan the seventh poppled him over: According to the F/eld.' the new missile, the l)um Dum bullet, Jias accuracy and good range power, cajlibre :3t)3. Experiments were mads on piles of burned and sun-burned biicke, earth in bags and bo;sets, vet and dry sand, cans full of water, coal, inch planks tied together, toiler plate, skinaod Bheep, and Bheep with wool on. In every nstance Iho regulation bullet passed however, through and was picked up in a condition almost fit to use again, j>np jfcbe Dum Dum bullet spread cut and had bfst paUe^ratioii! but there wa<i a greater ehojck tf> the material through whicb it did gi, tearing noleg in S "sheep big enough to put fisb id, ' , ' " '

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Wanganui Chronicle, Volume XXIX, Issue 12287, 23 December 1897, Page 2

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LOCAL AND GENERAL. Wanganui Chronicle, Volume XXIX, Issue 12287, 23 December 1897, Page 2

LOCAL AND GENERAL. Wanganui Chronicle, Volume XXIX, Issue 12287, 23 December 1897, Page 2