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Members of Chrht '"huroh Choir are reminded of the practice this evoniug. Those havin? cop : es of " The Mo3Biah " sro requested to bring tboni.

The total amount collected locally for the Wairarapa Belief Fund now reached .£173 Is, the sum nf £2 2s having been added from the Oddfellows' Lodfje.

A " clearing out " sale is advertised in conneation with the Wanganui branch of Te Aro Hou&o, Taupo Qu^y. 'ihe premises are to be closed on Thursday to allow of the goods being re-marbed.

The Presbyterian services next Sunday will be held in St. Paul's Hull, instead of the Church. The I'c. Jas. Treadwell is expected back ntxt week, and will therefore be ia tima tj ro-opsn the Chnrjh on the following Sunday.

Visitors to town to-day would do well to insp'ct the fine assortment of Japanese goods nnd curios now on exhibition in Mr J . Cu-iie's large upi-tairs room, Taupo Quay. Tlie goods are to bs sold by Miotion to morrow by Mi" Barns

Messrs Murray and Casey, the Wellington cheap drapers, who are now holding a clearing out sale in their Wanganui brand), are adv >rl ising Eome " slaughter " bargainE in tv aimer hats, prints, drePß good?, flanne'ettes, curtains^ ladies' blouses, jackets, etc.

We noticbd yesterday in Mr Cumtorberland's Kidgway-street establishment a large consignment of glass and fancy ware, suitable for Christmas and New Tear's presents. Mr Cumberland informed us tbat, having secuiedl t'aem as travellers' samples, he intends disposing of them at ordinary cost price

Information having beon tos&ivod that the Rev. Joha Mc.Neill and Mr Burlja (the .Evangelist) may be induced to hold a meeting for one evening in Wanganui at an early date, Mr W, Bruce invites all Christian friends of the various denominations to meet in St. Paul's Schoolroom on Thursday evening 1 , cexf-, for the purpose of making tbe necessary arrangements. As the Key. Mr McNeill is considtred to be perhap3 the most ccanno t Evangelist of tbe present time, it is to be hoped that every effort will be made to secure a visit from him.

The attractive programme to bo given at the Oddfellows' Hill thi3 zoning on the occasion of tha '■ Daddy " Tracoy benefit concert, should be the means of drawing a bumper hou;e. Songs and ballads, choruses, dusts and instrumental solos, with a good sprinkling of tho humorous as well as a selection by the popular Garrison Band, aro included, and while soma of the performers are old favourites, ether?, who3e reputations as c 'ncert performo-s are of no mean orJer, will make their first appearance before a Wanganui audience.

' 'IVo more matches for tbo Straohan Cup were decided on tho local bowling green on Monday aftoracoa. when Thompson (25) defeated Taylor (22), and Arm?troE£ (26) beat Pui'aell (31), after a close and exjiting contest. The third heat has now been drawn as follows:— Tuck v. McFarlano, Thompson v. Hull, McCarthy v. Armstrong, and Moult v. Bennie. Alt thosa engaged as above are requests! to arrange t!i9ir matches bo that there sho\ild be no further delay in daeidiug posseasion o£ the trophy. The latest additions to the dab's roll of membership are— Mosßra W. C, Monntfort and A. H. Woolley.

" Interrupted Bliss ; or a Painful Surprise " will probably form the title of a new novel, the piot ot which nmy ba laid locally. 'J he Story threatens to be more humourous than otherwisp, thJ author having acquired somii particularly ludicrous incicUnU wherewith to elaborate his story. One of tbo most prominent of those incidents deals with a happy couple, wno, after a brief but exceptionally blissful honeymoon, return to fiad their future home unpropared, atd have the romance of thoir cow state completely shattered by an exciting night drive after an errant cabinetmaker. Some of the incidents, we understand, aio to be taken from fact.

A well-attended and enthusiastic meeting was hold on Monday evening in tic Assembly Boom at Okoia for tho repose of forming a Rifle Ciub, It was unanimously r< solved to call the Chi 1 ) the Malar'awa Rifle Club, and the following officers were attainted:— President, Mr A. Hipgiej Vice-Pre3ident, Mr J. N. Jones ; Cat-tain, Mr W. G. Foster ; A r iceCaptain, Mr John McGregor; Secretary and Treasurer, Mr C. L. Sommerville. A committee consisting of Messrs McGregor, ftrachan, R. Higgie, and Sommervillo wero appointed to so'ecta range as near the railway station os possible, and Boxing Day was decided upon to open the range by a match betweon the members.

Tho ritual of dross, as evidence I in the recognition of the seasons by suitable garments, is not aloQo confined to tho lades. Indeed the sterner sex are by no rajana backward, and tho arrival of Ihe present warm season has been signalised by a rush for suitings light and comfortable, and (he local tailors are jus; now particularly busy. Among thorn and prominently to the fore, 13 Mr T. Dickson, of the Avenue,whose fineas3oitaiect3 of summer tweeds and suitings have been greatly in demand. Those who wish to procure their Christmas outfit from him wculd do well to place their ordera with him as early as possible-

Tho entertainment held in Christ Church Schoolroom last evening under the aospjeos of ,the Ladies' Working Guild was wpl( attended, and the interesting and well.selsctail" programme submitted mot with''uue appj'aciati,on. The K.9V. T. B. Maclean presided, an/j, in a few preliminary remark », referred to the gooA work that was being accomplished by tho Guild. The programme included a quintette (for three violin?, 'cello, and piano), playfld by the Misses Proud and Miss Ledger, songs by Miss Ledger, Miss Wiliimr.B, Miss Kitchen, and Miss Empson, ft hnrp solo by Jps Proud, and a duet by Meedamos Empsou and Brooke. Tho accompaniments were playad rospeetivoly by >lisa Ledger and Messrs Webb and Largo.

The uv>ntj)ly meeting of Iho Wangamu Museum, Exhibition, and Fancy Fair Committoo was -hold in tho Bortu^li Council Chambers last eyonini*.' Present— Meesrß Carson (in tho chair}', Burnett, Field, Turner, Martin, Sputdle, Nixon, Drew, Ball, and Cremer, and Mesdatnos Williamson, Carson, and Turner. Apologies for absence wota received from Mesdaines Cremor and VVhito and Miss Marshall. After the mitutos of the previous mooting had been read and coufiimnd, tho Secretary (Mr Burnett) reported that the agrpeuient with the Drill Hall Tiustees for tlie iioe of tho hall had boen settled Aftor tbo fi.Hiw.oUon of ordinary business, Mra S. Wright was added \,j> the Gsneral Committee, and ' the nitu\. of Mr a. was withdrawn by rcc|uee*, fuo iuliinaUpg th^> while net. desirous of serving on tli.o CoisinUtee, he would do all bo could to holp Hn cau E ,o ibe diffnrenC S[jb-«omjuittfl(Jß wu'.; rc.p9rl.od ft o have tlieir work woll in .hand. It wa.a decidod (0 hold Hl.O Jieyt meeting jp January, tlieExotuUve to fu U>9 i^.yan.d place.

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Bibliographic details

Wanganui Chronicle, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 12120, 5 December 1894, Page 2

Word Count

LOCAL AND GENERAL. Wanganui Chronicle, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 12120, 5 December 1894, Page 2

LOCAL AND GENERAL. Wanganui Chronicle, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 12120, 5 December 1894, Page 2