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Sporting. Sporting. ■■ — -|T|TANGANUI JOCKEY CLUB. NOMINATIONS FOR YEARLINGS. TTTANGANUI JOCKEY ;CLUB. TUESDAY, 10th APRIL, 1891, at 9 p.m. STEEPLECHASE MEETING. NOMINATIONS FOB queen'sllethday, Two-Yoar-OM Stakes, 1895, THURSDAY, 2dm MAY. 1801. ( To bo mn ' m March) - — — A Bwccpstako of 10 soys each for starters, OFFICERS : with 150 soys added ; second horso to President : Dr. Eavle. Vice-Prosidcnt : receive 30 soys from the stakes ; distance, H. N, Harrison, Esq. Judge : Dr. G furlongs ; colts, Bst 71bs ; fillies and Earlo. Starter : Mr. C. H. Chavannes. geldings, Bst 31bs ; the winner of any race Handicappcr : My. J. O. Evctt. Clerk o£ tho value o£ 200 soys to carry 51bs of tho Scales : Mr. E. A. Campbell. extra : of 300 soys ; 71bs extra (penalties Clerk of tho Courso: Mr. M. Higgie. not accumulative). Nomination, 1 soys ; Hon. Surgeon ; Dr. Tripe. Time-keeper ; aoceptanco, <inovs, and 5 soys at the post. Mr A. Higgio. Stowards : Dr. Connolly, Messrs. A. Higgie, A. J. and von Parsons, H. N. Harrison, J. H. Nixon, Wniiooiini Ttorhv IS ( >5. andß. Higgio. Committee: Dr. Earle, Wailg.illUl JJCIMJ, !».«• Messrs. A. J. Parsons, A. Higgie, H. N. (To bo run in October), Harrison, E, E. Fletcher, Dr. Connolly, Qf 200 govs a(Mod to a SwcO p sta ko of 10 0. H. Chavannes, R. Higgio, J. H. each fol . startel . 8 . sceond horse to Nixon, P. D. Hogg, A: Hatnck, Dr. receive 50 SOY s from the stakes ; distance, Saundors, and F. B Jackson, Secretary „ milcß ooU Bst lolb3 . flUiog am \ and Treasurer, Mr. F. B. Jackson. geldings, Bst 51bs ; nomination, 1 soy ; PROGRAMME • acceptance, 4 soys, and 5 soys at tho post. I— Fwino Stakes (on tho flat), of 50 eovs.; FREEMAN R. JACKSON, second horso to receivo 5 soys. from the Secretary and Treasurer, Btakcs J distance 6 furlongs. Nomina- . — — tion, 1 soy.; acceptance, Ibov. To start -n at a ETON JOCKEY CLUBj at 12 noon. Jyj_ 2— Wanoanui Handicap Steeplechase, of HACK RACE MEETING. 225 boys. ; second horso to receivo 25 S te'^eT over TJ WangS WEDNESDAY^ APRIL, 1894. Steeplochaso Course ; distance, about 3 p id t E Aldworth, Esci. Vice-Pre-miles ; winner of any Handicap Steeple- Fre ~ t ' . K A> \ Mcßeth, Ksq. Judge -. chase of tho value of 100 soys. after do- g Aldworth, Esq. Clerk of Courso : claration of weights to carry a penalty of £r J Pr«wi. Clork of the Scales : 71bs. Nomination. 2 soys. ; acceptance, J« £™ ; s t Mr H 50 soys. ; second horso to receive 10 soys. Secretary and J^wnrw. Mr h. v from tho stakes ; open to all qualified Beckett. Stewards Messrs R.H. hunters ; distance, about 2 miles ; over A Id « ort b, T. 1 . Watt, U. ™ M n, such courso as the Stewards may direct ; W. J. Gray, D G. Riddifo rd, J. 1 . gentlemen riders ; lowest weight not Cicely, J. M. *?*^>*:J™X?L under list. Nomination, 1 soy. ; ac Frederick, DrSkernian, and Secretary ceptance, 1 soy. To start at 1.45 and Judge cm offiao. rs^QoALiFCATiON von HuNTEits.-Open to PROGRAMME, all horses qualified during the year 1893 ; ± Electric Handicap, o£ 25 aovs ; second or that havo ridden to tho hounds twice in j Jorge t0 rece j vc 5 soys out of the the present season (1894) to the satis faotion tfgfcw . winner of any raco after declaraof the Master of Hounds ; but which have tfon of we jght s to carry 71bs penalty ; nover won an advertised steeplechase or distance, about 5 furlongs j nomination, hurdle race (hack and hunter races ex- . aoceDtanoe i5 S . To start afc 12 oepted). Master's certificates to bo pro- noonducedto Clerk of the Scales. 2 Handicap Hurdles, of 35 sovsj 4— Twal Steeplkciiasb Handicap, of 80 fl horg6 to receive 6 aovs out of soys.; second horse to receive 10 soys th t k bt n milea winner of rom tho stakes ; for all horses which ™° 7^ raoe a / ter do oi ara tion of havo never won a Steeplechase of the i 71ba lt nomina . value of 25 soys ; (hacks and hunters ex- ™B « £ ance £ Os , $ 0 Btart at cepted) ; distance, about 2 miles ; over »' ™_ " ™> at * such course as the Stewards may direct. £*» ■ rf Eecond Nomination, 1 soy.; acceptance, 2 boys. £J 3e S toreceive5 P) Bovßoutof8 ovBoutof the stakes; from tho stakes ; about U miles. yertised flat race at the timo ot .sta t> Nomination, 1 soy; acceptance; 1 soys., ingj entrance 20s. lo Btart at -2.30 to be made half-an-hour before the race pm, stats. To start at 3.45 p.m. 5 Second Handicap Hurdles, of 25 aoys ; 7-Hack Flat Hahdica/ of 40 soys.; second horse to receive 6 soys out of the second horse to receive 5 soys from the stakes j about H miles; weights to be stakes; one mile and a distance; mini- declared after First Hurdles; acceptmum weight, 7st. 71b. Nomination, 1 ance after Flying; nomination 10b, acbov. ; acceptance, 10s. (Vide definition of ceptance 15s. To start at 3 p.m. a Hack.) To start at 4.30 p.m. 6 York Farm Handicap, of 70 soys; ' second horse to receive 10 soys from the s not, at the time of start, and has not been, of weights, to carry Cite , of £35 or during the three calendar months previous over to carry lOlbsponalty. lo start at to the timo of start, nominated for any raco 3.45 p.m; -hack and hunter races excepted. 7 Forced Handicap, of 20 boys ;. about imtKuuuu j, three-quarters ot a mile; nomination DATES OF NOMINATIONS. WEIGHTS, 10s, acceptance free. Jockey Club. AND GENERAL EMRllio. Nominations will close at Secretary's TUESDAY. April 10th, 1893, at 9 o flj cei Marton, on SATURDAY, March p.m.— Nominations ; Flying Handicap, 1 10 th, at 8.30 p.m. Weights will be de. soy. ; Winter Oats, 1 soy. ; Wanganui c i arc< 3 i n the Bangitikei Advocate and Steeplechase, 2 soys. ; Trial Steeplechase, Mercury about FKIDAY, 30th March. 1 soy. Acceptances and General Entries at SecTUESDAY, April 24th, 1894 (on or retar y' s Office on FRIDAY, 6th April at about)— Weights jor the above Handicaps, 330p m. TUESDAY, May Ist, at 9 p.m.— ' r Nominations : Hunter's Steeplechase, 1 RULES. R ! I^;KBKE Flaffii ?ov?; L Hacestoberun under the WJC. Winer Oats 2 soys. ; Wanganui Steeple- Rules. 2. Horses qualified to run it this ha c 4 soy ; Mai Steeplechase, 2 soys. meeting are those which have never won TUESDAY May 8, 1894 (on or about)- any advertised race, or has not been Weights for Hunter's, Trial, and Hack Flat nominated for any race of over £10 at Handicans date of meeting, nor have been nominated TUESDAY, May 15th, at 9.30 p.m.— for race six months previous to meeting Acceptances : Hunter's Steeplechase; 1 (hack and hunters racesexcepted). soy. ; Hack Flat Handicap, 10s. B, E. BECKETI 1 , THURSDAY, May 24th (on the Course) Hon. Sec. SnStFSH .«=£*=£?=; starts: clnb - , „ rules and regulations. Tbo Compliineuts of the — , .„ , . Season. All entries, nominations, etc., will close at the Secretary's office at 9 p.m., except when CHRISTM^ S PRESENTS°SStoWed and addressed to CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. tho Secretary,' Wanganui Jockey Club, Wan- CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. ganui, entrance money enclosed, with the name, age at the timo of entry, namo of n. I. Jonos and Son have now openod owner, pedigree, colours of the rider, and in t.hoir- Christmas and New Year'B stosk of case of handicaps where horses have not Fancy Goods and Stationery suitable for previously started on the Wanganui course, seasonable presents consisting of pedigree and performance of tho horse. Any d T ellin(? and Dressing cases, owner failing to deoteo h» c olours at fame ™g* K-tafs in entirely new shapes, of entry will bo fined 2 soys., unless the conceivable variety, colons of the owner of the horse aio duly Portfol f o8 and CaB6S in ol £ tu and Wanoauui, from whom entry forms can bo , _ . , btained. Specimens of Japanese Art Entries by telegram must bo confirmed in ig . beautifully ]n i aid Occasional writing at the earliest poasiblo oppoi- Tab f eSj In 7 aia Deaka> l s h T rays in papier tU A X n 'horses must bo ridden in colours, niache and tortoise sl.ell^lnlaid Writing Any jockey riding oxcept in the colours wesKs^c., ac. entered will be fined 2 soys. , nJZ _ m t When two or more horses start, the pro Christmas &JN OAV I COT Uai'dS. pertyof the same owner, a distinguishing c i nv ji c inspection of our large and colour must be declared on entry day, and we u. B elected stock of Christmas and New worn. Any person neglecting this rule to bo Year cards. Our reputation for choice fined 2 soys. an d artistic specimens of Art Printing in In all cases where penalties havo to be c B j, a p o o f souvenirs of the festive carried for winning, it shall be tho duty of Beason we have fully sustained this year, the owner, trainer or iockey to notify the Our Btoo]f j ms j, oen imported diroct from same to tho Secretary, when possible, the , tho art p r i n y n g wor ks of evening before the race, or in any caso half- T TTTPTC . SONS an-hom- prior to tho start. Any person RAPHAEL lUCK 4 SONS, neglecting to comply with this rule shall pay HILLESHEIMER & CO., a fine to be imposed by the Stewards, not SOCKEL & NATHAN, exceeding 5 soys. E. NISTEE, &c. In all races other than handicaps an ___ allowance will be made to all horses sired purchasing elsewhere, you should north of the line, in accordance with the ™ * ccc Qur £ ' M line of PACKET following scale :-2 and 3-year-olds, 101 b. ; Dg , thege nr6 tho best ond oheape3t 4-year-olds, 71bs. ; 5-year-old. 3 lbs. h • . ff dto the pubH of All persons intending to withdmw horses we have yer are required to give notice to that effect to n»"b" the Secretary or Clerk of tho Scales on- A „„,,,,_ 1 c Armiiolc half-hour before the official time for start- AllIlUalo» AllHUdib. ing the race. An person ncglectiug or reo , _ Annuft i filing to comply with this rule shall pay a Boy °,^ A " A n n ual fine, to be imposed by the Stewards, not ox- G>r^°" n A S ceeding 20 soys., to the Race Fund. c"i at Home Five per cent will be deducted from all S^Lv AtaTanta winning's towards the expenses of the S "fiL £> r Strand, |^races to be run under tho rules of B No entry will bo received under any pre- Haßazmo. tence whatever afterftohour named. , Toy Books . T Oy Books. FREEMAN K. JACKSON, Q ur B^ oo^ o f abo ve is too large to enuineSccrctary and Treasuror. tato bufc com p r i B es every possible description at prices ranging from 2d each. — 1 ' DOLLS, DOLLS, DOLLS, Ib, 1s 6d and 2s. Photographs of English Scenery on PorPROGANDBA. —»-*■—. (REGISTERED.) c^u^wiSfts&SDsr 3 H o 1. J9^ ES ONE'S Life boinff so Bhort is a good AND SON, reason why those who have Corns Victoria Avenue. should use PROGANDRA, and thus make — existence tolerable. |nr?o THE HEADS OF FAMILIES. T> IGHTLY you suffer if you fail to use _|_ Hu PROGANDRA. THE WANGANUI BUTCHERY TW-EVBR despair! No matter how old Management) .131 and deep-rooted your Corns are. I h attention of the general PROPAGANDRA wdl surely remove cau the of all Medicine Vendors every- S^SelrisSisfi^ IIS IO where at Is P^b° x - will be a t the lowest possible prices. N.8.-PROGANDRA cures Corns To de livere7lo"all parts of the lSkl^o£SS&S?2«i" BoroU^ with promptitude. Road, Wollington, will send a sample box T»TmrAPTV watit l to any addrosa in Waneauui. ,;^ f. W. r lUli.ii Xtl^ \ MANAGBB '

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Wanganui Chronicle, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 11952, 2 April 1894, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Wanganui Chronicle, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 11952, 2 April 1894, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Wanganui Chronicle, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 11952, 2 April 1894, Page 4