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WINTER MfflHg«H|g WINTER DRESS HMlffi- -^bHBI DRESS MATERIALS, HBH^aJRSB MATERIALS. EX S.S. DORIC. We have jußt imported from some of the Best; British and Continental Manufacturers, a Splendid assortment of WINTER DRESS MATERIALS. NEW FANCY DRAGONALS. NEW HOPSACK CLOTHS. NEW SHADES OP FRENCH FOULE. RIBBONS, GLOVE S, HOSIERY. JACKETS, MACINTOSHES, ETC., ETC, All goods marked in plaiii figures at the lowest possible price fot CASH ONLY. R. H. WHITE & CO., AVENUE. EBID & GEATS NEARLY «t NFAELY MADE. MADE. FAMOUS" DOUBLE FURROW PLOUGHS ALSO THEIR EQUALLY FAMED CHAMPION CHILLED DIGGING PLOUGHS, (Single or Double Furrow). W DISC HARROWS « _ In sizes front 6ft to 12ft wide. Fitted with patent adjustment for equalising the weight, so that discs cut uniformly deep all over at any angle. Tne only really good disc harrow in the market. The bearings will not cut the axle, and hardly ever requizo renewing. djgging~ljarrows CT Made any Bize. These are made on the lines of our woll.known Disc Harrows, having extra-strong steel axles, and dispensing with the troublesome and dirt collecting centre beariog. For strength and durability they s and without a rival, and give no trouble breaking or bending, NO'S. 1, 2, 2i, 3, and 4, CHAFF-CUrTESS, SINGLE BAGGERS. STEEL ZIGZAG HARROWS, CAMBRIDGE ROLLERS,- DISC HARROWS, TURNIP & MANURE DRILLS, BROADCAST SEEDSOWERS, DRAYS, HORSE GEARS, WIRE STRAINERS, &c, &c, Grain Drills-Positive Feed. OUR NEW COMBINED GRAIN, MANURE, AND TURNIP DRILL, (or for Manure and Turnips only). Perfected for this Season. Fitted with New Patent Adjustable Coulters. PEPPEE ! PEPPER ! When buying see that you get "GREGG'S," as every package bearing their name is guaranteed. You not only get a good article, but save fully 20 per cent, in value on the usual Pepper sold by other manufacturers. l COFFEET~COFFEE ! GREGG'S Coffees are recognised as the best obtainable. Ask for them and take no other. GREGG'S CLUB BRAND is a speciality known all over the co^ny. STARCH7~STARCH ! GREGG'S "EAGLE "Brand of Pnro Rice Starch is equal to and far superior to most of tho imported Starches ; boing pure it is stronger, aud goes farther. Sco report bolow — one of many received. TO MESSRS GREGG & CO , DUNEDIN, Dear Sibs,— lt gives me pleasure to inform you that I have now used yonr "Eagle" brand Starch for over 12 months, often doing up as many as 120 to 130 white shirts in a week, besides numerous other articles of clothing, and I have no hesitation in saying that it lias given me as good and even better satisfaction than any of the imported Starches that luted. You aront liberty to make what use of this you may seem fit.- -I am, yours truly, , 5 A. J. BUCKLEY, St. Hill Street, Wanganui. WOOL. WOOL, H. COLLIE US CO — PIANO IMPORTERS & TUNERS M. HOGAN AND CO., Ltd. wanganui and palmerston n Are now making Liberal — * b [Established 1876.] CASH ADVANCES vy Before purchasing elsewhere, inAgainst hipments of yC tending buyers will find it to their / \ advantage to inspect H. COLWOOL, SKINS, TALLOW HIDES LIER &. CO.'S large and varied Stock of and other Produce, English and Continental Pianos, by CoU lard and Collard, Eavestaff, Hopkinson, FREE OP COMMISSION.: Knauss, Gars and Kallman, Ac, 4c. HT Full particulars on application at the Organs ly Esty Company, Sterlin Company's Office, Company, <fee. TAUPO d A V r~ r~ :; 7~HT — m Tr T ' V / H. COLLIER & CO. are large OOK AT THIsV Importers, and pay CASH in the / Factories. FOM a speech which the Governor of Victoria made at a banquet which V M By purchasing a Piano from L was given in honour of an old New Zea- jt COLLIER & CO., from £i to £g lander (who b now Manager of the Union / X ' 8 saved in Agent's commission Bank of Australia, Collingwood), we quote alone. the following, taken from the Melbourne Argus. — V/ Instruments can be purchased on " The soil, said His Excellency, is th jL their Deferred Payment syßtem backbone of your truly great country, rV from 20s per month. and you have in Mr P, Lundon, Land, Estate, Insurance, Financial, and Genoral ggp-H, COLLIER & CO. have purchased Commission Agent, Wanganui, a true eon *• two of the Bogus Pianos from one of that soil, a Bon, 1 may cay, of whom any of the so-called Piano Agency Companies' country might be proud. As an an expositor rejoicing in the name of Dresbach and of the resourcos of any country Mr P. Germania Company," for £17 Us and £22 Lundon is equalled by few and excelled by ]Oa. Customers can inspect tl'ese alongnone. As a judpe of a lovely climate and side n. C. & CO.'S Genuine Instruments, a beautiful river he has no compeer. Thore- _. Before purchasing a Piam, buyers fore I Eoy to you, young New Zealnnders, *® would do well to consider the value get on the soil, get on the soil.' In quot- the guarantee offered, and thi> validity ing Mr Lundon lam sure lam striking a and experience of the vendors, chord which must find a re&ponsive echo H. COLLIER &CO. have an established in the breast of every New Zealander who business of nearly 20 years standing in has the slightest throb of patriotism in his this district, and Guarantee all Inettu. bosom, and I feel cure that that chord ments to be of ound construction in will be taken up and swolled into ft chorus, every respect. having for its theme, ' Get on the soil, young man, get on the soil.' Oh ! for the Country districts are visited regularly by facile pen of a Hady n, a Mozart, a Dr Coup- their Tuners, land that I might celebrate n song the views my very dear friend, Mr P. Lundon, PIANOS FROM J630 TO £100. has onunciated. For has it not been said — and with truth—' Let me but m»ke the -\ir TJBICAL NOTICE. songs of a countrj \nd I care not who JjA. makes its laws.' " His Excellency then As we hear continually of travelling sat down amidst loud applause. Tuners representing themselves as employed or otherwise connected with üb, we NO T I C E bog our customers to notice that ouc Authorised Tuners are Messrs H. Collier C iDDY Si CO and R.W.Thompson, Certificated Tuuers '' from Brmsmead and Son's, London. LONDON BUTCHERY Customers who have purchased Pianos Victoria Avenue, Wanganui. from us, and which are guaranteed by us. are particularly requested not to allow CADDY & CO. beg to notify the public the instruments to be tuned or regulated generally that they have made arrange- by any other than our Tuners, Mr Collier menta for killing iv town, in order to en- and Mr Thompson, sure a supply of Fresh Meat DAILY. «/^ T -rT^xi o nr\ Having the pick from a herd of 2000 H. COLLIEU & CO., head of Cattle, CADDY & CO. are in a pRACTICAL PIANOFORTE TUNER, position to reiy upon a constant supply AND JMPORTERS, of the choicest Beef. WANGANUI AND PALMERSTON The firm have also the advantages of a ""■"" v NORTH Cooling Chamber, so that their numerous y _ customers will bo enabled to pick their rF^abliahed 1876 1 joints from the shop and have them hung rbstablishea 1870. | till required at their houses. EVERY FRIDAY evening there will be ~~" a Grand Display of ..^m-m L ■ l i j -»i BEEF, MUTTON, LAMB, PORK, E. and Small G oods, wiU mftl£e special reductions in these hues in tho A vonuo, opposite Uio Convent. f or 14 r[ a y 8 , Must be cleared. Call and lispoct theso Special Lines at Moult'e, H. CADDY, Manage

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Wanganui Chronicle, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 11951, 28 March 1894, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 Wanganui Chronicle, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 11951, 28 March 1894, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 Wanganui Chronicle, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 11951, 28 March 1894, Page 1