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PROGANDKA. (REGIfcTERED.) (lORNS of all kinds cuu bo rumovcd J painlessly with rROGANDRA. ONE'S Lifo being eo short ia n, good reason why thoao who have Corns should use PKOGANDKA, and thus mako existence tolerable RIGHTLY you suffer if you fail to use PROGANDRA. NEVER despair ! No matter how old and doop-rootod your Corns are. PROPAGANDRA will surely remove them. SOLD by all Modiciuo Vendors ovorywhovo at Is por box, N.B.— PROGANDRA euros Corns. To prove ifc, the Proprietor, IIKNBY J. BARRACLOUGH,llerbalißr,l3lAdolaide Road, Wolliugton, will send a samplo box uratis to any addreso in Wantranui. The Compliments of the Season. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. H. I. Jones and Son have now opened their Christmas nnd New Yoar's sto^k of Fancy Goods and Stationery suitable for seasonable presonts consisting of Fitted Travelling and Dressing casos. Ladies Hand-bags in entirely new shapos. Purses in every conceivable variety. Music Portfolios and Casos in cloth and leather. Hand Mirrors in oxydised silvor &c. Papeteries in all tho nowost styles. Specimens of Japanese Art comprising beautifully Inlaid Occasional Tables, Inlaii Desks, 4sh Trays in papier macho and tortoise shell, Inlaid Writing Deak6 &c, &c. Christinas & New Year Cards. We invite inspection of our lurgo and woll-selccted Btock of Christina? and New Tear cards. Our roputation for choice and artistic specimens of Art Printing in the shape of souvenirs of the festive season we have fully sustained this year. Our btock has U'on importod direct from the art printing works of RAPHAEL TUCK &SONS, HILLESHEIMER & CO., SOCKEL& NATHAN, E. NISTER, &o. Before purchasing olsowhere, you should call and ueo our special lino of PACKET CARDS ; theso are tho best and cheapest wo huvo yet oll'orod to tho public of Wunganui and District. Annuals, Annuals. Boys' Own Annual, Girls' Own Annual, Cliuius, Quiver, .Sunday at Home, Sunday, Atalanta, Leisure Hour, Strand, Chatterbox, Littl« i'olko, Children's Friend, Child's Magnzino. Toy Books. Toy Books. Our slock of above is too largo to onumorato, but comprises orory possible description at prices ranging from 2d oach, DOLLS, DOLLS, DOLLS, Is, 1 s Gd and 2s. Photographs of English Sconoiy on Porcolain— a beautiful selection. j H. I. JONES AND SON, Victoria Avenue. AittERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR. WANGANUI BISCUIT AND CONFECTIONERY WORKS, Victoria. Avknue. WI. HOGG, PIIOMUETOBi WHOLESALE AND RETAIL MANUFACTURER, To the Publio of Wanganui and surrounding Diatrictß. W. H. begs to tender his thanks to his customers for the liberal support he has received, and he can with confidence assure them it will bo his coiißtivnt aim to supply Confectiocery Goods made up of the purest ingredionts, tvliilo the Bread and Pastry art only of tho best Wheaton Flour, and tho prices cannot bo boaton. Always in stock, or made up on tho shoitest notice :— BISCUITS Of all Doscriptiono. CAKES. Madiera Wedding Seed Birthday Spongo Christmas Currant. LOLLIES. London Mixtures Suporior Mixturos Scotch Mixturos Almond Coinh't3 Jujubes Conversation Burnt Almonds Strawborry, Ac. Metz Fruits, Bon Bous, Crackors, Figs, Dates, Wedding Cako Ornaments, and an. assortment of Cadbury's Chocolate Confectionery, mado up in fancy boxos nnd hampers, suitiiblo for prosonts. Also, a largo assortment of the be3t English and Continonlal Fancies, at vory low pricos. Refreshments to be had at nny honr of tho day. A large assortment of Ornamental Cakes &c:, for Christinas and Now Yoar. William Hogg, — "A Morry Christmas and a Happy Now Year."— mo THE HEADS OF FAMILIES. THE WANGANUI BUTCHERY (undor now Mapagomont) Bog to call tho nttontion of tho gonoral public, and particularly tho heads of familios, to tho oxcollont quality of tho Moat kopt at their Establishment, which will bo sold at tho lowest possiblo prices. kWPi«B^.';r- — — — Ordors delivered to all parts of tho Borough with promptitudo. i-. W. PICKAEX\ MANAGER /CHRISTMAS -fl QA A I/HEIST MAS lOy^i The undersigned havo just received, ox "COPTIC" and " AORANGI," shipments of fineft ELKCTRO-PLATED WARE, comprising— Tea and Coffee Services, Mowor ard Fruit Stands, Aissettes, Waitors, Jam and Fruit Spoons, Luncheon and Dinno." Ciuets, Egg Frames, Pickle frames, Marmalado 1 and Butter Dishes, Biscuit Boxes, Hot Wator Jugs, Cako Daskots, Jam Dishes, Salad Bowls and Scrvors, Toast Racks, Liqueur Fiiimes, Tea Trays, Salts in casos, Fish Servers, Snuee Ladles, Tea, Dossort, and '1 able Spoons, Dessert and Table Forks, Sterling Silver Spoons. CUTLERY, comprising best Ivory Table and Dessert Kirives, Carvers in Cases (Btag asd ivoty), !■— — Ex '• RUAPEIIU "- A fine assortment of French Bronze Figures, Harli Horses, Statuettes and Jugs, Fitzroy and Aneroid Barrmeteis, Marble Hall Stands and Tables, Bronzed Umbrella Stands, Bronzed Hink's Duplex Drawing Koom Lamps, Fancy Hall Lamps, Bedroom Lamps, Keroseno Cooking Stovos, Brius Rail Venders, Brass Rail Kerbs, Fire Brasses, &c, &c, &c. INSPECTION INVITED. James Thain and Co., IRON AND HARDWARE MERCHANTS, Victoria Avenuo, Taupo Quay, and St. Hill Stroot, Wanganuii , t

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Wanganui Chronicle, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 11919, 20 January 1894, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Wanganui Chronicle, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 11919, 20 January 1894, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Wanganui Chronicle, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 11919, 20 January 1894, Page 4