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A VERY SUCCESSFUL MEETING. A meeting of gentlntaen interested in the formation of a Wangnnui Trotting Club was lield at Mr Chavannes' Hotel )a3u evening, there being presont — Messrs A. J. Parsons (in the chair), T. Messiler, I. Salek, McCarthy, Thomas Bridgo, Witt, C, H. Chavanne, J. S, Smiley, Riley, Mussen (3), G. i\ Jones, junr., l><igg, J. C. Dallas, E. Chapman, W. Hicks, C. Tilley, 3parkes, n. J'oll, McDuff (2), E. Ilackett, J. Moon, C. Lomax, Wade, Tuck, and several others. The Chairman briefly stivtod the purpose of the meeting, which, ho said, had boen oilled by Mr T. Massiter. The formation of such a club ho (Mr Parsons) considered a steD in the right direction, and he felt more than pleasuro when bo lmtl seen the advertisement calling ;i meeting for such a purposo. £vo<y man in tho room, hi foil sure, was in touch with the movennut, or who did not thoroughly onjoy to bowl along behind a good roadstori One of the benefits to bo derived from a trotliu? club was that the breed of roadsters would bo increased. From his knowledge of the sportsmen of the district he was confident that nothing shady >vould be tolnratod, and that if anything crooked come to light at meetings it would be put dowu with a heavy hand. lie was in the dark as to whut preliminary arranpemontß had been mado by tho convoner, but ho would suggest that those present should consider very carefully whether the formation of a trotting club was doairablft, and, if the meeting were favourable, then an oxhaustive canvass should be made throughout the town and district. He though* it would be better to postcone the election of oflicers until after the canvass. Mr Messiter said ho had called tho muoliDg to nscnrlain the feeling on tho mattor, and it would Do for those prosont to say whether or not a Committee (should. b9 set up to go into the question cE ostab« lishing a club. Mr I. Salek moved, " That, in the opinion of this meeting, it is desirable that a Trotting Club should bo formed in Waoganui." Thoy had, he taid, an excellent Baciu? Club, and the sport in that direction was good, but still ho thought there was room for such a club i as they now proposed to establish. They were all aware that a*; Christinas time especially thore was very little attraction for visitors to Wanganui, and a carnival such aa could bo hold by a good Trotting Club would just fill tho breach. It only wanted a Jittle energy on tho part of the promoters and they would bo successful. Ho himself was quite willing to undertake the clerical duties. MrWiltaskod whether it was tho inteution to form a club for trotting pure and simple, or whothor thoy would include pony races in the programmes. Ho was of opinion that the inclusion of ponies was desirable, and if Mr Salok would alter his motion to that effect he would hnvo much pleasure iu supporting it, Mr Salek said he had talked tho mutter over with a number of spoilsmen, and the general opinion win that tho inclusion of pony races would not bo satisfactory. It would bo bettor to limit the Club to trotting only. Mr C. H. Charannes thought the inclusion of pouy races in the programmes would in all probability clash with the Metropolitan .Racing Club, and he was confident they had no wish to do that. He had much pleasure in seconding Mr Salek's motion. Sir Smiley considered that it would be os well to leave the pony question over foe a Committee to dail with, as it was not desirable to hurriedly debar that branch without duo considoratioD. Mr Witt moved as an amendment, " That it is dosira'ile that a Trotting and Pony Club should bo formed ip. Wanganui" Mr Smiloy seconded the amondmont pro J'ornm. Mr Silok thought it desirable that those prosont should express themselves fully on this mattor. Ur Nixon was of opinion that if they included a pony branch thoy would be opposed by the Metropolitan Club, and the result would be that Iho weakor club would go under. Mr Witt said that although I ho Metropolitan Clubs had oppo3od all pony meetings they would notice that the Auckland Metropolitan now givo XIOO towards thoir own trotting mooting. Mr Diigg said ho had visitod sovaral trotting mooting!), and had found amplo sport without tho inclusion of pony rncou. If thoy int'oduend tho lattur Uio Club would fall through. The Chairman said tlioy should thiuk tho mutter well out before coming la ii decision. It was certainly not desirable that thoy should clash with the Motro« politan Club, but ho folt that if they approached the lattoi with reason they would bo favourably rccoivod and treated. Personally ho was opposod to tho inclusion of pony races. Tho amendment was then put and lost, and tho resolution wag carried unanimously. Mr Nixon then moved that the whole of those present bo a Committee to canvass for support, and that they report to a meeting to bo held that day fortnight, This was seconded by Mr 'J. I), Jonos, junr., and carried. On Iho motion of Mr Mcasitor, socondod by Mr Witt, tho subscription was fixed at XI Is por annum. Mr Mfissitor moved, and Mr Chavanuo soconded, that Mr Salek be appointed Secretary pro lem — Carried. Name;) of intending members wero Ihon takou, nenrlyall those prosont boing enrolled, and tho names of a numbor of absenteos haudi'd iu, making in all a total membership of 30 to commence with. The Chairman having congratulated those present on tho success of the mooting, and stated that the future success of the now Club seemed thoroughly assured, tho usual vote of thanks was accorded him and tho meeting adjourned till that night fortnight, when tho report of tho Joiul Committee will bu received and tho olection of oilicials and other business dealt with: " "■ -

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Wanganui Chronicle, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 11518, 19 January 1894, Page 2

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FORMATION OF A WANGANUI TROTTING CLUB. Wanganui Chronicle, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 11518, 19 January 1894, Page 2

FORMATION OF A WANGANUI TROTTING CLUB. Wanganui Chronicle, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 11518, 19 January 1894, Page 2