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Suuii'lii !!»• Worth Knowiiig. To How Many Persons in the vast popu lation which inhabits this mundano sphere has it eyor occurred what life is, and what a delicate oiganism composes the human frame ? To make a happy homo, give a cheerful disposition, and earn a pleasant night's repose afttr the arduous labours of the day, it is a matter cf necessity that perfect health is assured, and it is only by maintaining most regular habitß thaf'this can be obtained. Now there is not ono person in ten who ever considers this momentous question until too lato it is sean that Nature has found a weak spot, and is storming the human fortress with dire effects. It is then that a romedy is sought, and Mother Mary Joseph Auhort can supplv the necessary wanr., for nf or years of toil she has disciverod that '• Knranu" will successfully combat with most of tho ilib of life, and restore a broken-down con3titul ion. Tlie system requires a" tonic," and tliu Wiibjli'Vjrd " Kiimu'i " should bo im printed over every that children may utter it on tlnir first word of speonb and ivraamber it all tho days of their lifo as tlioy do llio nursery rhymes of " Litlo J.-io't i'fj.-nai: " and "Old Mother Hub bard." "Karaua " is a vegetable tonic, pleasant to take, and in no way hurtful in its action In mediaeval times tho great ambition of ho wise men, such as tilchemists, magicians and astrologer", was to find the Philosopher's Stone, to discover a matolid wheroby tho transmutation of metals might be effected, and chief of all to manufacture an es-enco or potion, by which tho human life could bo indefinitely prolonged. This essence was called the elixir vilaj or elixir of life. Many were tho attempts and much Eciontific skill and knowledge was wasted in the vain endea vour to wrest from nature her secrets. If all this learning aud all this skill hat boon turneel to something practicable mankind might havo been considerbalj benefited, but as it was nothing of ani tangible benefit accrued from tho re searches of these ancient scientists. Now Mother Mary Joseph Au^irt has not at tempted an impossibility j she has no unduly sought to pry into the secret3 o nature ; but sho has by long and carefu study discovered that certain Nov Zealand herbs and plants have health giving properties oE an extremely higl ordwr. By years of experience she ha their efficiency, and those medicines an now brought forth to the pubic in the full conviction that no worthless quackor; is being introduced, but tht what is stated as to their modiciual poperties is an absolute fact. These preparation: have won *' golden opinions* from all sorti of men," ar.d the testimony of such pro minout personages as Lord Onlow, Arch bishop Kedwood, Mr Bsntley the actor aud hosts of others should be convincing THE CHURCH, THE TATE AND THE STAGE. i it can bo said, looking oye 0 the annals of History, and peerinj through tho dun vista of departed years that no previous record has ever beei established such as has been attained b' thR PROPRIE r ARY MFDICINESmanu factured by MOTHER MARY JOSEPI i AOBERT. His Graco Archbishop REDWOOD, tin chief dignitary of the Eoman Catholi. Faith in Now Zealand, has testified tha great benefit has been derived by personi who have used these Remedies. 1 Ono of her Majesty Queen Vit toria'i most Honourable Privy Councillors, Lore Onflow certifies that ho bimselt has per sonally taken the Medicines, and rcceivec renewed vigour from their use, and now a gentleman, Mr Walter Bentley, who has delighted tho ears of large audiences it: the principal cities of the colonies, w k has attained celebrity as an eminent Tragedian, and one of the brightest stars of his profession, proclaims to the world that MOTHER MARY JOSEPI] AUBEUT has conferred great :enettt on ufiering humanity. No one would say that gentlemen ol such high social standing would lon<i their name=; to anything which was noi reliable and genuine, and it is a fact that these remedies havo proved themselves to be so. Napier. N Z., March 10th, 1892. MB O. I. IfIIMI'TUOUNE, , Dear Sir,— l hasten to acknowlcdgi the marvul'o'is resnlts of a trial oi " Marupy." O i Sunday my voice wai in a most r.i_'.' ii now it is quit! : clear,and,v,»;';!\.lirelasstrongas ever] did, and all in t wonty-four hours. It ir wonderful, and I thank you heartily foi the recommendation. — Yours faithfully, Walteli Bentle s Waipawa, Maroh 25th, 1892. Messrs Keiiptiiorne, Prosser & Co., Deab Siks, — Since Mother Aubert's Remedies were first advertised, I have never seen any medicines sell so freely as they do, and I hear that they are giving satisfaction to tho general public who use them. I shall be p'.oased to havo a photograpb of the rev, lady for exhibition in my window. — Yours truly, Pkof. T. F. Mooue. ,TUE AUTUMN AND WINTER SEASONS. As the days become shorter at this peiiod of tho year, with the lesser appearance of the sun, so tho climate becomes more changeable and much colder. Now is the time when everybody puts on more clothing to sustain tho warmth of the body, but how few people escape the prevailing coughs and colds of the autumn and winter seasons.notwithstanding these precautions. To all who havo suffered from the dire effects of Influenza, it must be pcintod out thai, they are much more susceptible to affections of the throat than when they were in their former good health. This has been omphatically proved, and to such persons a warning is highly necessary. " MARUPA " is tho Romefly which should be on hand, and sufferers will always find benefit from its uso. No proprietary medicine has a larger sale in New Zealand than this now popnlar remody, and of its success there is no the testimonials received acknowledging this are very numerous. "MARUPi" is a vegetable propata tion, and cannot hurt the smallest child, but its value in romoviug irritation of the lungs and bronchial tubes is far and away in excess of the price charged for it. Why be in misery when a bottle of thU excellent combination of herbs will afford joyful relief. A cold in tho head is a very troublesome hinsr, but MARUPA can cure it. All sufferers from chestcomplaintsare advised to give it a trial ; satisfaction is bound to result. You aro quito out of sorts this morning what is the matter with you ? 1 do not exactly know, but Ifuellifiwer iah, do not cira for my meals, avo a ■ljiiu'ii alm^t pirpjuuUly, aud gone I'll o'jlia.* if liijur onm ovor mi.enn Ah, I sen, you havo boonrworkinsc late and not taking regular oxocise, sticking toyour b.->oks too clo3aly, and not studying the rules of Nature. You want settin up, and to do this youmust rise at regular hours and take some of Mother Aubert's 1 " Kabana " in the morning. This medicine will freshen you up wonderfully, and then you will consider how foolish you have been in waiting so long in not giving a trial to a remedy which by popular vote is acknowlodgoel to bo tho medicine which imparts good tone to lh.> stomach, clearatho mouth of nausea ,and generally makes a man fool " as fit as a fiddle." '•Kaeama" was not discovered in a day. It is the outcome of many years serious «vork on the part of a lady whoin a devoted her lifetime ir> relioving sufforers, find eliscovering remedies suitable to has many oomplaiuts that human flesh heir - to.

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Wanganui Chronicle, Volume XXXVI, Issue 11609, 11 August 1892, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 7 Wanganui Chronicle, Volume XXXVI, Issue 11609, 11 August 1892, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 7 Wanganui Chronicle, Volume XXXVI, Issue 11609, 11 August 1892, Page 4