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The late heavy and continuous rain lias succeeded in loosening the earth round the telephone post opposite Church Place, and it is now decidedly oufc of plumb; The following letter from the secretary of the Stamp Department, Wellington, on the subject of deeds registration in Wanganui, was read by Mr John Stevenson at the meeting of the Chamber of Commerce yesterday afternoon : — I have tho honour to acknowledge the receipt of your letter, dated the 29th ultimo, addressed to the Hon. the Minister of Justice, in which you ask, on behalf of the Wanganui Chamber of Commerce, that a depository fo? the reception of deeds for registration might be ess tablished at Wanganui. In reply, I am directed to inform you that the question has fcsen carefully considered by the Government, and the Commissioner regrets that your suggestion cannot be carried out, hs, in addition to the trouble and expense entailed, it would require a material alteration in the law, which, the Government are not at present prepared to carry into effect. There was a clean sheet at the B.M. Court yesterday. The British Australasian says with raference to the supposed policy of the New Zealand Government -.—There is to bo a vigoroua immigration policy inaugurated, upon the lines that New Zealand will take people from this country to the colony as cheaply as they can go to Canada. But if Sir Julius Yogel really contemplates a ten million loan, or anything like ifc, lie had better desist. We have evsry faith of the completion of the North Island Trunk railway, and there are other linos that it may be advisable to carry out in tho early future. But the present is not the <ime for a vigorous public works policy, and in this respect we sincerely trust that rumour has belied him. An unfortunate accident happened yesterday to a son of Mr John Davy, of the Castlecliff Hotel. While riding from the Heads to school, his horse put its foot into a hole and fell, bringing the lad to the ground, and causing him to break his collarbone. Mr Perrin, late of the Post Office, Nelson, has arrived here to take the place of Mr A. Bitchie, who hns left the service. Before leaving Nelson Mr Perrin was presented by his brother officers with a gold locket as a token of esteem. The three Unconditioned individuals to whom we made reference a few days ago are still prowling round the town. Several cases of insults to females have been mentioned to us lately, and we hope therefore the police will keep a sharp lock out for the suspected rogues and vagabonds. Mr fPitchett, telegraph lineman, who leaves here next week for Hawera, was yes* terday the recipient of a very handsome clock, presented to him by his fellow employes in the Post and Telegraph Departments, The presentation was made by Mr Mountford, who, in a few well-chosen words, referred to the good terms on which Mr Fitohett had always been with everybody in the department during the time he had been in Wanganui, and assured him that he carried with him the esteem of all the members of the stiff. Mv Fitcholt, in reply, expressed his sincere thanks for the kindness which he was sure he did no!; doserve, and said he svould iv the years to come remember with grt?Litudo the token given him of thair goodwill. The timepiece, which is inlaid with marble, was, -we believe, procured from Mr STorbou's establishment, and bears tho following inscription :~ "Mr iitchetfc: from officers P. und T. Department, on removal from Wanganui. February, 1886." The public are requested, when parsing Mr Hioks't: bakery establishment, in Kidg-way-street, to drive as carefully as possible, a.;- Mrs Hicks is lying dangerously Mr John Morgan, of Newtonkes has determined to contest the' Wuitotara seat in the event of an early dis solution of the present Parliament. Mr Morgan's address to the electors will be found in another part of this papar. What might have resuHed in & very serious accident occurred yesterday moming at the wharf where several cab 3 were in attendance, owing to the arrival of the Mauawatu and Gro-aliead. Mv Elyth of No 2 Line w*ii driving towards tha spot, when his horse became rcs'le.^s and stariorl. Mr B. MeCuul o s serving wh?t had happened, and fear.'ng the danger oC a collision, at once go!< hjid of the near sido rein of his own horses, but was unable to calcb. the cho k rein in timo. He, u«vertlic> less, EiicecpdeJ in fu-rmjg them so us to catch a poet, and was fortunate wnugh to prevent them from getting clear away. The cor.sequeuce, however, thut oub oi 1 his horses got his lower jaw fractured", tho pole of the whs broken, and the harrcs to some exttnt damaged. Mr Me Caui considers that he had a very lurkv escape, as had the puir of hovsc-s succeeded' in geWug away the co^stcjiiouees might lu>,ve b<en very eerioud iudeed.

The telephone bureau will very shortly he an accomplished fact. All the wires have been stretched, yd th<3 private connections are now been mado. The various local volunteer corps havo very generously agreed to engage and pay a marker to attend at the rifle range on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday of next ■week, for the convenience of such competitor* from other parts of the o-.'lony m may be desirous of practising bofoto tlie meeting of the New Zealand lliile Association. 'I he Marlon Royal Kifl-js will sr.nd nine competitors to tho Colonial Prize Firing in Wangan'ii. In a "long letter to the WollingUm Prcs Mr George Fisher submito 'he following legal opinion with regard to the power of the Government Insurance Board to enter into speculative purchases of property : — " Memo, for G-eorge Fisher, Ksq , (Jhaivman Building Committee, Government Insur- I at/cc .Association —In reference to your memo, of yesterday with : ef oreive to" the i question whether the Board has powec to buy laiv.l ; wo are of opinion that tho Board has power under section 76 of the Aol <o j buy iand, (Such purohases be mado with the consent of the Governor, a .<1 thoy must re intended at the time of i he purchase to be used for the transaction of the business of the Board. We understand that the Board also desires to bo advised aa to whether there is a power <o buy land for purposes of tho investment of the Bo.ird's fvivsds, without reference to tho question ; whether the land ia intended to be used for the transaction of tbe Board's bu-iines*. We are of opinion that the express giving of the power to the Board to buy land for the above-mentioned purposes of section 76 is an exclusion of any power the Board might otherwise have, and that the Board has no power to buy land ofher than that given by section 76. Thia view is strengthened by section 74, which proviues for the investment of the Board's funds. Among the authorised investments is found no power to invest the funds of tho Ass ciation in the purchaso of lauds. —Buckley & Stajford, dohottora to Association." A Press Association telegram from Mac* terfcon states that a settler named Hoffman, while clewing land near the town yesterday morning, borrowed a keg of powder to buret a stump. He was told it waa wet, and incautiously set fire to it to test ii\ He is now minus whiskers, beard, eyebrows, and lashes, and nearly scalped. His clothes were burnt off. Jt is believed the injuries will not prove serious. Tho moonlight excursion by the 7 Teads railway did not attract a very large number of people to Hie sea beach last nitihfc. The crowd were evidently holding off foi 1 tha great regatta fete at Mount Desorb to-night. It is tt) be hoped that the Hf«ada railway directors will put on enough carriages to prevent a crush. Mr Liffifion having retired from the office of Secretary to the*A.cclimatißtion Society, Mr Drew has been pursuaded to accept the position, his predecessor falling bfick on the treasurership. The other officers elected ■ for the ensuing year are — President Mr >S. ! H. Harrison, Vice- President Mr John Cameron ; committee, Messrs Abbot, W. T. Owen, G. S. Robertson H. A. Owen, O. 3mith, Thatcher, J. Walker, and Drs Earle and Connolly. It has been deoided to expend £20 for hawks' heads at 3d per head, and £10 for weka's heads at Id per head, during the year. The shooting has been | fixed to commence on the Ist March for native game, and on the 15 th April for imported game, both to close on the 31st July, and other societies are to be asked to adopt 1 with the same dates. The license fee ia one guinea. Our extended nofcioe of the excellent lecture delivered by Professor Kirk at the Borough Council Chambers Ust night ia unavoidably held over. The chair was i occupied by Mr James Laird, President of the Progress and Industrial Association, and the audienci comprised some fifty gentlemen, most of whom are more or less interested in the cultivation of the soil, and some possessing special knowledge and ex* perienco on the subject of fruit-growing. Professor Kirk spoke for about an hour and a quarter on the " Diseases of Fruit Trees, and their cure," pointing out the .remedies to be adopted in the case oi fungi, ineecte, and diseases proper, and concluding with some very hopeful references to the future development and fair prospects of the fruit industry in this colony. At the close of the. . leefcure,a number of questionswere asked an^ replied to, and a brief discussion ensued, more particularly with rogard to the decay of the peach tree, At 10 o'clock a cordial vote of thanks was accorded to Professor Kirk, on the motion of his Worship the Mayor, and the meeting dispersed. At 8 o'clock this morning the public school boys will crowd the decks of the Tuhua, xor their excursion up tha river. We understand that something ia excess of the£l2 chirter money was contributed by the young folks y eaterday. The teachers of the Girls' School are Baid to have abandoned the idea of a trip up the river next week. Tho quarterly meeting of the Chamber of Commerce waa held in the Borough Council Chambers yestorday afternoon, 'i'here were present — Messra Drew (chairman), John Steveneon, J L. Stevenson, Oarson,Nicholas, Hatriek, &nd Spurdle. Mr Hatrick reported that the charge formerly made for using a horse on the whavf had been abolished, and that in the case of the last person who had been charged tLe money had been refunded. The Clerk stated that the low freights from Foxton to Wellington, to which reference had been made ai lust meeting, had been increased, one company having rurchat'ed both the boits that &re running. The Clerk reported the result of an interview that a deputation of the chamber had with Mr Maxwell aboub a fortnight ago. Mr Hatr ck said ther<* was a large quantity of wheat and oats in tbe Patea and Rangitikei districts ready for Bale, and which would almost certainly come this way by r^il if the 25 per can;, extra were taken off. There was a mistaken impression abroad that less was grown thia y«ar than previously, but the facb was that there waa a great deal more gr.own. People had grown more root crops this year, because there was an increase in prices— potatoes were 50 per cent. higher, and in fact aa increase had taken place all round. Mr Spurdle moved, That Mes9i'3 Drew, J.Stevenson, J. L, Stevenson, and Hatriok be a c •man'ttee to prepare a statement on the subj-vt to be forwarded to Mr Maxwell. The ' lerk read the telegram (already published) s'uting that tho plans for the new gaol were almoeb ready, and tendois would bo culled for almost im* mediately, « he Olerk iead a letter from the Cooiiuissioner of Stamps, stating that it would he impracticable to havo deeds registered at the post oiiiea hero. Mr J. Stevenson considered tho letter merely an evasion, and thought the antfcer phould ba followed up. Ho considered tho present coat of registration simply monstrous, and he \w iti a position to cay that tha post I office officials here did not see any difficulty in carrying out " the eupgd?tions of the chamber with regard to registration. On the motion of Mr Spusdlo, ifc waa resolved, That thp ch-iirman, secretary, and vicepresident be a committee to wait upon the lui-mbera of tho legal piofasaion, with a view to soliciting their co-operation. Seconded by Mr Uu-ioii and carried. The moelin-T then adjou-ned. ° Those wishing ta aroal'y good outfit i\t less than coat pru;,, should visit .viva Vi/ALKiiit's Cash Clewing Sale, ai aho has ip.a'lo slill luriher reduvlioni in her prices. Tho stock niut-t bo s-Al to enable Mra Walkilr to make room for tho now Winter Goodi. 1-Iqlq the a-idrea-j— Mi-cj Waiksb, Mi liner and CoaMuniar, Victoria Avenuo W.tngaiiui. — xDVi*. ;<r.irj, in Tim Workshop. —To do good wor'-j. Mie mechanic must, have good health. F luu- hours o? confinement in closo rooms hart- enfeebled hio hands or dimmed his ei-h!., lot him at onca, aud before some o;^u>i ; tro:>bk' iij.p.iiiv fcjKo plenty of Dr Souiy'.i Mop Bluer,,, xiis Hjetem wili be rcjuvouiJ.i!!, hia norres strengthened, his tight bvu };o clear, imd the whole cajaslitus siv>n bo built up io a higher working condiion, H-i-xl. c

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Wanganui Chronicle, Volume XXIX, Issue 11132, 19 February 1886, Page 2

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Wanganui Chronicle. AND PATEA-RANGITIKEI ADVERTISER "NULLA DIES SINE LINEA." FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19,1886. Wanganui Chronicle, Volume XXIX, Issue 11132, 19 February 1886, Page 2

Wanganui Chronicle. AND PATEA-RANGITIKEI ADVERTISER "NULLA DIES SINE LINEA." FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19,1886. Wanganui Chronicle, Volume XXIX, Issue 11132, 19 February 1886, Page 2