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&. LONG-FELT WANT SUPELIED t HUGH BLAOK, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER, Wangantji, WOULD again draw attention to his j well-selected stock of WATCHE3, CLOCKS, & Gold and Silver JEWELLERY H.B. has now made arrangements with a STONE ENGBAVEB, and is prepared to get Initials, Monograms, and Crests cut on Bloodstone and other Stone Bings at Seasonable Prices, without sending them out of the colony. All Watches sold or repaired Guaranteed. GRATEFU —COMFORTING BPPS'S^COOOA BREAKFAST. ** T)Y a thorough knowledge of the natura iJ laws whioh govern the operations of digestion and nutrition, and by a careful applition of the fine properties of well-Belected cocoa, Sir Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a deUcately-flavoured beverage which may save ub many heavy doctor's bills. It is by the judioious use of euoh articles of diet that a constitution may b» buHt up strong enough to resist every tendenoy to disease. Hundreds of subtl« maladies are floating around us ready to attaok wherever there is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood and a properly nourished frame." — See artiole in the Civil Service Gaiette. Made Bimply wifch pure boiling water or milk. Sold in ilb paokets by Grocers, labelled thus ;■— ? AMES EPPS & CO., HOMCEOPATHIO CHEMISTS v,nwrkn7g . •» wax, a wt» HOLLOWAY'S PILLS. This Grreat Household Medicine rank amongst the leading necessaries of Life. Theae famous Pills purify the BLOOD, and act most powerfully, yet soothingly on THE LIVEB, STOMACH, KIDNEYS *va_ BOWELS, giving tone, energy, and vigour to these great MAIN SPRINGS OE LIFE. They are confidently recommended io a never-failing remedy in all oases where the constitution, from whatever cause, has become 'impared and weakened. They are wonderfully efficacious in all ailments incidental to Feamales of all ages ; and as a GENERAL FAMILY MEDICINE, art unsurpassed. ___ HOLLOWAY'S OXMI-iINT Itß Searching and Heahng Properties art known throughout ths World. For the cure of BAD LEGS, Bad Breasts OLD WOUNDS, SORES AND ULCERS it is an infalible remedy. If eSeotually rubbed on the neok and oh*sfc, as salt into meat, it Cures SORB THBOAT,!Bronohitis, Coughs, Colds, and s-ven ASTHMA. For Glandular Swellings, AbfiOMßes, Pileß, Fistulas, Gout, Bheumatism, and every kind of SKIN DISEA.SE it ha» never baen known to fail. Th« Pills and Ointment are manufactured only at 78, New Oxford St, (late 688 Oxford St.) London j And are sold by all Vendora of Medioinea, throughout the Civilized World j with direotions for u»» in almost every language should look at the Label on trie Potsand Boi«b. If the addreaa it not 38 Oxford; ■ sttreat, London, fchar •*• puslou*. DR SPEER'S Private Dispensary, Palmerston Buildings Foot of Queen-street. Auckland. Estab* lished for fche scientific aud speedy cure of Chronic, Nervous, and Special Diseases Dr Speer is a Regular. Graduated Physician • educated at Harvard College, U.S. He has devoted a lifetime fco, and is acknowledged to be the most expert physician in, his speciality in tbe United States. Young men and middle-aged men, who suffer from, nervous and phy«ioal debility, loas of energy and memory, eruptions on the face, mental depression, kidney and bladder troubles, neuralgia, rheumatism, scrofula, salt rheum, paralysis, fits, spinal disease, St. Vitus's dance, liver complaint, asthma, catarrh, heart disease, gravel, piles, &c, and are tired of taking mineral drugs, will do well to come and try the Dootor's method of cure, as it will, if properly applied, relieve them of their sufferings and restore them to health. The Doctor uses no mineral. preparations ; his treatment consists wholly in the use of vegetable remedies. Many, are they who have implanted in their system, by improper uae of calomel, seeds which pran annoduce uai crop of disease. To such he would say, come and be healed. It matters not what your troubles may be, come and let tho Doctor examine your caaa If it is cuvable, he will tell you so ,• if it is noti lie will tell you tliat ; for he will nofc underake a case unless he is confident of effecting t cure. It will cost you nothing for consul* ation, so please cali and satisfy yourself hat the Doctor understands your case. Dr 8. cures humours and all diseases of the blood* To ladies who are afflicted by auy of tljje following complaints — cold extremi* ties, weak stomachs, lame and weak backs, nervous and sick headaches, consfcipatio , and indigestion, pain in the Bido and back leuchorrea, &c, &c. — I wish it distinotly understood that I do nofc claim to perform impossibilities or to havo a miraculouß power. All applying to me will receive mj honest opinien of their complaints. No xperimenting. I will guarantee a positive oure in every caso I undertake, or forfeit £200. Consultation in office or by letter' Fbbe. Oharges moderate. Examination and advice, £1. Call or address : Dr H J. Speer, Palmerston Buildings, Auckland. N.Z. Office hours : 9to 12, 1 to 4, 6 to,B b.m.; Sundays, 10 to 12. N.B.— All medicine necessary for a complete cure can pc sent free from observation on receipt of symtoms, SKIN" DISEASES Are of two kinds ; firstly, those which are only skin deep (which are not now to be considered) secondly, those whioh are caused by a bad state of the blood, aud which attack various parts of the body in different ways. Skin disease shows itself in fche Head, sometimes in the form of Dandruff, which no amount of brushing and combing will get rid of, and sometimes in the form of Scaly Eruptions. In the Neck, by an enlargement of the glands (commonly called Glandular Swellings), which if unchecked become very unsightly wounds. In fche Armpits, and the inside of tho Elbows, by an inflamed Roughness of fche Skin, which is very painful when washed. In the Hands, by deep Cracks or Fissrres, which, if healed for a few days, speedily open again, or by horny-looking patches. In the Legs, by Hard, Shiny and Inflamed Swellings, or by wounds more' or less deep. And on tbe Body, in Red Scaly Patches, which as often as rubbed off, form again, j or in the discharge of a thin, watery fluid of ! a very disagreeable nature, In all these cases the treatment must be twofold. An Ointment is required fco relieve Itching, and gedicine must be taken to chango the state of the Blood, and render ifc pure Both fcheserequireraents are suppled by ifc. Dr. Robert's Celebrated Medicines, The OINTMENT called "THE POOR mn FRIEND'" And the PILLS, called Pilulse Anti - Scrophulge or Alterative Pills. These Two Medicinos have now stood the tost of 100 yenr'3 trial, having been infro-. duced to the public in the lattor part of the last century. They may be obtained o all Chemists, or o f tho Proprietors, BEACH & B;.?uWi7;OIT Bridport. Xforc-si;. j Prico Is 3.-d, 2ri 9d, lis, and 32s j eacli. Postage extra.

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Wanganui Chronicle, Volume XXIX, Issue 11127, 12 February 1886, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Wanganui Chronicle, Volume XXIX, Issue 11127, 12 February 1886, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Wanganui Chronicle, Volume XXIX, Issue 11127, 12 February 1886, Page 4