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WANTED— A situation ss Groom and Gardener; good references from last place | married man. Address "Groom,** office of this paper. ' ■ _ WANTED to SeU-Afour*roomei"_lo_W' . and i«aore of land in Hatrison-itreeft, with good stove, outhouses, water laid on. . weU*stooked garden. A large portion of I the money, may remain on mortgage. Bete j son for selling, proprietor leaving the die* ! trict. Apply to A. Fitohett, Telegraph Q-_ee^ ANTED Known— See the Indnstrial Combination of new and pepuiar Domestio Inventions for aO kinds of Bteel* ing and Bug Knitting, Fancy Crocheting. Cord Making, and all kinds of Ladies* Fanoy Work. Everyone can use them— woman or child. Cannot get ont of order* The greatest Novelty of the day. Agents are now taking orders. Ask to see samples of the Combination and Patterns of -work made by them; No famUy shonld be with* out it. Thousands sold at the Inventories Exhibition, London, and agents are meeting with great success. Price within reach of all classes. Sole Agent for New Zealand— H. Alexander, Industrial Agency, Wanganui. Head Offioe, GosweU Boad, London. WANTED Known — Boys' AU-Wool Trouser Suits, 17s fid } Youths, 39s 6d; Boys' Knioker Suits, 5b Ud; Men's Serge Suits, 21b, at J. Paul's. WANTED— Everbody to know that W. . Spriggens has removed te his oJd ~ premises. • _________ WANTED— Everybody to know rhsv» Spriggens is Btill selling the reattain*. of his etook at the very lowest prioee. WANTED-lverylocly tofiSw that ail orders and repairs wiU be attended W as usual, oppoaite the Convent. ANTED — easterners for J. F*_P_ . White Pleated Shirts, ts lld, worth 9b Sd } White Vests, ls fid and Is lld, worth 6s 6d and 10s fid j Men's Colaured Shirts, Is lld- 2___ WANTED Known— J. Paul is selKnf 25s MUlinery Bomiets at 2s lld ana Sg lld ; 34-inch Zephyr Ginghams, 6_d» worth ls 3d ; Cashmere Capes, le Ud, worth 5b fid. ■" WANTED To SeU— A small Magic Lantern in good order, with every* - thing complete. Apply offioe of this paper. ANTED— Situations for a few good general servants for the town end a . good general servant foir the country. Apply at Mrs Beid's Labour Exohange, Bidgway* street. W'' ANTED — A thoroughly competent pupU teaoher. Apply by. letter -to Finlay McLean, Esq., Fordell, Wanganni. Wf ANTED Known— J. Paul has stiU a FT few Men's, Boys', and Youths* Black Alpaca Goats at 2s lld eacb, -al*o,Boys' and Tenths' HoUand and Drill Coats at 8s Ud Bach. ANTED Known— Frenoh and Germus Lessons, both grammatical and eon* y ersational, are given by a certificated lady, who has spent some years in France aad Germany. Terms moderate. Apply tt Mrs Simes, opposite Girls' High Sene-al, in BeU-street. , . WANTED— Anyone having Houses or Properties for sale or to let to give as . » trial. G. M. Hewson A Co., Wanganni Labour Exchange. _____ WANTED— Several female cooks, sundry maids, Ac. G. M. Hewson A Go*, x Wanganui Labour Exchange. 7 WANTED— Situations for a few good nursegirls and general servants in bhe town. Apply sharp .to Mrs Beid'a- . Labour Exohange. WANTED Known— J. Paul is selling Men's Hard Felt Hats at 4s 6d? Men's Soft Felt, ls lld j Boys' Black Felts ; Is; Boys' Straw, ls. , , WANTED Known— For Sale Cheap— A complete Boiling -down Plant, ih good working order; oapable of carrying 30 sheep. Apply to Albert Barns, Ane* tioneer. ' ANTED— A few good Housemaids, Cooks, and Nhrsegirls for town ana country. Apply sharp to Mrs Beid's Labour Exchange, Wanganni. "... , WANTED Known — That the under* signed have from the 17th Decern* ber been appointed Agents for Cuff and Graham, N.Z. Express Company, Christ* . . church. Pollard and Simes, Tanpo Qnay Wanganni. ANTED— fcwo Ladies jr-GtonUemen Boarders, or two rooms to let ; bath* . room and every oonvenienoe ; terms mode* rate. Apply office of this paper. ANTED Known— lor gotid workman. ship and quicfe despatoh in Scissors and Umbrellas go to the world-renowned of beth hemispheres, Tim Bethel's, Tanf* Quay, who sells everything bnt customers. WA N TED Known -You oan get the bes New Season's Indian Teas at Franeia J.Jones's. ANTED Known— That meals oan be obtained morning, noon and night, at town prices, at CastleolifE Villa, at the Heads. Refreshments at aU hours. , UTANTED Known— To preserve, whites Yf and beautifythe Te«th,u«eWaksfleid» Carbolised Bose Tooth Powder.— Mr WiU field's Tooth Powder (the reoipe of whioh I have seen), is both pleasant *ad efficacious, It is espeoiaUy useful in oases of tender gums. Hbbbbbt Rawsok, Dentist, Wel* fington. Mr Wakefield, Chemist and Drag* , gist, Viotoria Avenne. _ ' • ANTED Known— Ladies and Gentle* men requiring Servants, and Servants and others seeking situations, Bhould oaU at the Registry Office of Pollard and Siwee, Taupo Quay, Wanganui. WANTED Known— That Mrs Alexaode 9 has removed to the shop adjoining Hastings Moore, Seedsman, opposite F. B. Jaokstfja's Sale Yard, where a fint-elaii assortment of new season's Fruit and Pure i Confeotionery may always be obtained. - ANTED Kttown— J. Paul is selUng * Coloured Alpacas at 4fd yard, worth ? 9id $ Long Lace Ourtainß, 3s lld j Honey* comb Counterpanes, 6s lld, worth 12s 6d. f ANTED— Stationholders,Hotelkeepere» Settlers, and Business People to know that they can be suppUed with aU classes of Servants at GRANT'S Labouff Exchange, 15 Lambton Quay, Wellington. SENSATION. THE VIOLIN. ' HERBERT COLLIER has vacancies tof a few pupils for the Violin. Apply H. Oollier & Co., Musio Warehouse, Victoria Avenue. ______________ COLLIER & CO. keep none but firstclass, guaranteed instruments, madt expressly to order for the requirements of the colony, every instrument being seleoted by accredited and competent agents. ___ EW MUSIO.— H. OOLLIER & -GO. have just reoeived a consignment ofNew Mubio, consisting of Songs, Valise, Piano Pieces, Piano and Violin Duetts, tt. H. COLLIER & CO., Musio SeUers. GOOD Second -hand Pianos and Har* moniums, guaranteed sound and stand well, may be had at H. COLLIEB A OO.'S, Musio SeUers, Wansanui. _ GH *PPELL'S Pianos, FuU Siso Cottage* Triohord, in Walnut oass. Price J660 or by easy monthly payments. These Pianos cannot be excelled for tone, durability, and finish. H. OOLLIER & CO., Musio Wait* house, Wanganui. A FREE PASSAGE TO ENGLAND By Direot Steamer, GRANTED to anyone who wiU bring mt a Customer to Purchase the entiro stock of my First«olaßs Manufactured Confeotionery. For further particulars apply personally, with an order, to G. H. THORNTON, Wholesale Export Confectioner, Manners- street, WelUngton. *- " ■ " ■ ■ ■ - - ii .i n..«i i __ . —» COAL! COAL! COAL! REGTJLAsi SMpmentß of Westport Coal from the Ooulbrookdale Mine The beat coal in tho market. Orders for Dt* livery from ship's Bide. OHBAP. WALKER & HATRICK*

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Wanganui Chronicle, Volume XXIX, Issue 11127, 12 February 1886, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 8 Wanganui Chronicle, Volume XXIX, Issue 11127, 12 February 1886, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 8 Wanganui Chronicle, Volume XXIX, Issue 11127, 12 February 1886, Page 3