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The Wang.nui Gris Company's meeting-is to be held tj-clay ai, 2 o'clock. The meat freezing works at Waitara will be in full, swiug in a week or two. Westport is la be lit with. gH3— if t*ie proposed new borough, loan ia successfully Iloai cd. Mr Norton had only a fair house last) night at the .frincets Che-itrt). He plays in Winerir-y foxiii^hL. A 0. Leslie, formerly in tho tinamitkinu business in Wunganui,ia applying tor apuolicun's lioansi ai; J£ltham. Tho controversy concerning " objectionable loxt books " it'll continues in the Ulu'iotoliuri-h papers.. ~h* majority of iho writers strongly denounce the action of the fclon.ile. John Kilty, the xouowned Wanganui toper, has been admitted to the JNew Plymouth . : ioapHn!, Buffering from dropsy. A Xaranaki paper says that he U not expected lo get over it. Mr K. \i. (JujKinina, of Taupo Quay, intends to devote even more attention this season to lus bacoa iuiuistry than ho has done in tlio past, having made arrangement to put through 10 JO carcases* Mr Cuuimills is well known to bo a skilled baconcurer, and the quality of his produce is to be relied upon. Mr .EV.tDU, ex Chief Judgf* of the Native Land <'owfc, liaajujt published his inquiry into ihe origin of (lie Maori people, tho rosults of which were embodied into two lectures delivers) by him recently in Auckland, lite reseiiivn »ud in Teil/gatoii vbown by the author have been warmly eulpgispil. Tho Ba»V of iS'ew fioutli Wule3' annunl ba!ance-shf;et. puW'shcd in uur lust issue, eontai;;ed ;in O'viviu error, tho i.o^id«nfcil BubMitiiilion of the fij-nre 6 fo-the figure 1 matin;; iwijlfuroiice oi live millions. Tho bank blut'k :-.uioun.s ta mi'lion, l>u(. was made to l-uml as &i% inillioiu. \iy an imtrcw ;:a;:er no notioe that Mii-t ( hri«linii Hoycl, ionuarly of Hoys on f i onsf, VVanganui, ani ivhj ligured as dffe ;datit in tho colebra'iod MeGrogor will C!)s.!, is now resi'iii,g ia '..'hii'ago, wliere, ncoordin^ to t.he pupei* Ooiu which we quoto, tlieve are .etions thit will prob.sbly prevent bur returning to New Zealand. Viilcan'a discussion on tho Wnngnnui Steeplechase dotes on Friday, Mny 22nd. V/o have inspected the i.ew niurhanical arransrompnlfl Soc carrying out the drawing aid cau tustify us to alt boin^ square and abovo board. 'J'h ■di cussion is goiog off very wel', uni intending (.peculators should lose no time hi procuring their tickets. .Prince Bisin-irc-k disclaims any personal antipu'dy to ii i- (4 U> 'stone. He merely dvepi^ei him. Iv a oouversiiion wibh au American journalist at, Berlin, on the Ist nf January last., tlio Ohancellor stute^ that be rpgaidrd with file ii'mosfc cqu miinity the pwty struggles in England. So J^nu; as ttie "Earl of iivaconsli-^l .lived he could, rely uuon liis keeping £K*£fS''. Jjiritain "'lrj. HC&ord with the rent of liurbf^ \bif.l w!iatpvev il.r poliny' 'j^jSjno p.ilicy iui;;ht bt.*, it a inntlfc of fcf^sjuullesl. po:siiJe conceni lo Gi-r/uaiy. A :iV:'!i-.5 of \h? ■.iir«- ( .jrs of the Olsria ]).'.'".", h' ■■■i).'v \v,i> h- Id yi-jtari;iy a£ie:a"on. a*; .' o :')iic.' of (';•.' foirt'n: y, -tr ifilnier. !':-.•; :ii! - -ie-sis .1. (•. iv'i's -i (c; '.iniun), •V. I T-* ! ..•.■!.-.•.:, .-;.-l v". <U'«. The mi .i if. "'' ''ie p..-ii'.u- iii.'«f. ; !i,{ >vO'e reud anu coii'^'in-d. ' 1.-'.tc vv->s iviwiiv. I rVom Mc<!ii's i>i 'iM. a il: '.d i<., pi'oduc- me.'i; iiulj, M- Ib u-ne, s'atifi^ lhv\ imJ n<i>. jot ex-iuvned tho sample sliinmonC of oii'o-e LeHer fram Mf-fjrs Aiken, Wilson. :i?id Co., a-kin^ fjr in--ti' o'iong for the nhi.'rncut ot !h(- luur tons oi übvesa to LoTi'lon Re-* solved, 'JL'liitt the i'ecTe!ary communicate wr. ' (iir- (itm, nvd •tijuc. o thiin tv «!ii|> at !,iiu firsb tiviiliii)!u oppurtunily, either in ir<: zing chi:r;bi! ■ or as ihey may think fit. L." ' > l" I'.'oui tl'O Eolioitor of !uc ouipanr, :i!-h iij for instruoiioug as to further jjfi ■'•.cd.iigj Bi^h (ho defaulting sharelio! ers. Afuved by iVTr Aifcen, and sec r,ded by ivir iiurr, That tlie defaulting sljiuus bo d-rclaied i^rfci'cd to ti.econipiny. ".e:l. The tycrolary stated l.h X, owing t) ;roi?suro ol 1 busii'uss, he would a*k tho dii" ■{■10.-v to accept his '^signaiion ns sccrot:u i ol' the coi.'ipuuy. sJ.Q stiitrd tliut he wo I.d us willing lo Jceei' tlxe jjofiition until t:jf '•orjdiisi..-n of tl.o t«a;on. 1c \n.s moved by 'Jr Aii.e' 1 , and seco by Mr Burr, j1; I. tfcisi-h 'iViUm, .-.ike.j, liurr, and ..0" j?v.?or bs> a committee -o open tho ivi lei 1 ;, v.i tii jjowtr In nvmijii for the { lc'. u.,i oi" tin: yiggcrtei. Cuviied. The i ;;• o'A u'lfcsf wan liter disci ssed, and it I \v. i;,i:-l : y jjimed by Mr Aikon and I •■•.■ !!"c(l jiy .'»!.'■ iiivn', I'Jkiu Jroai lliia day I i", r \«.'(i l!i I'l'Le ufch.'OJc b? ri'(iii r ;od to! •5. |n r jj'i.jjii' Ac.-.ourJs to the •.mount of j )Hi 04- 8 ( v.'er?tlimipiws?(l for inymenl, and i ' [in meotin? fueled. '

The manufacture of tomato sauce line been skartod by an'AueWand firm. ' 3Tr Kelly is said to hay« the best chance of the Tuuranga seat. Air Sheehan is work» ing hard. Tho prospectors ta be sent out by the Wanganui Gold Prospectinp Company will not make a start for about a fortnight. Germany renounced frcetradj • for protection in 18S0, and since then her ironworkers have incroated from 153,979 ti 206,150. The Borough Counuil OommitlflO appointed la consider the rating proposals of Bu' JuHu« Vo/el have decided to rejommond their adoption, A general meeting of tho Firo Brigade i B called for this evening at Bp.m. at the Fire Brisrude Hsll. A good atlendanco of the members is requested. Twenty thousand persons in Great B-itj tim of all clisaos hive signed the nuimoi'ia thanking ;hd colonies for their gsnerous as nibfcinee in the Soudan. Poov Lady Stewart has never lifted up her head since the news of her husband's death was communicated to her. Mia iril only been married eight yuars, and was devoted to him. They have owo liule boys. Her Miijjbty has contributo.i £2.0 to the funds ol' the JRoyal Fund for the Balief of the Otphans of Sea Fishermen, aud <,ho Prince of Wales, wljo in pre^idmt of the society, has coutributed lOu guineas. v The Now York Graphic of Januruy 27, 1883, ijrively pr.bliehos the following anr.ou':cera?ut: — " Tho tiight Hoy. Fyed,orick Temple, ijishop of Exeter, has been ap-< pointed Roman Oath die .Bishop of London by the Pnpe." ifessra Vv"rig»los worth and Binns, t.'ie wellknown pliotjgraphers, having offered a magni/li.'«nt trophy for the b»et aU-roim" eriokeloriu Wellington, a poll is now beind t».ken by tho members of tlie various clubs. Tho successful miv's name is not yet knows. Xocke, the philosopher, onco wcotd a hook "On tltd human underatindiug," but Mr Ainsworth, ths " poet of leaher," haaa.imothing to say about " understandings '■' of another kind in our advertising columns this mo.-ning, where is to be found " a lyric of the Corner Shop." It appaarj that tha Ohinesj have found a novel way of making money out oE tho high rewards offered tor forsignera' hjucld iv Tonquin. They rtisinter tbe French, or any othera who have baeu killed or otherwise ■ died, and carry their heads to tho offioUla to I obtain the rewards offered. , Princess Beatrico, on the date of her forthcoming marriage, will bs given a carved oak book caie, containing a oopy of the works of the best English poets, lroin Chaucer so Tennyson, '.the coit of the present is to be met. by a popuiar subscription among women of Winchester diocese only j subscriptions to range from one peony to five shillings The Christchurch Pra;s holds Wellington beer in very low estimation. Oooimeutiug on the case of a man who swallowed seventeen half-sovereigns, and hud to be Utken to the Dublin h. ispital, it says that hud he been a Woiliugtim man be wonld have c inverted them into col miitl beni' before awaiiowing, but that liis destiuati)n would probably have been the same —the hospital. The following peraonß have made the necessary applications for licenses : — A. J. Parsons, EL ih'oughton, K. Morrow, W. M. McLevie, J. W. Jackson, O. Ballam, E. Hearco, G-. W. Ormsbie, O. $L. Chavanue, J. Brenuio, J. McLaren, J. H. Jensen, T. Wiiey. B. Suisted, J. Woohtou, W. hosier, W. Reid, J. Watkina, and H. Brodio, publican's licenses; J. Holjr and B. Pey» man, winemakers; J, V. OorJozi, wine seller. Hard-hearted and soft-hearted old Professor,Bluckie thinks thens is " tar too much of everything" — except goo-J sense in. tiicso days. " Yes ; too mush eating, too much drinking, too much preaching, too mii.;h writing, too murh spealri-y. , t> a would Life vastly improved if pleached oiJy oncoamonth. . ■ "I care little for politic.'," he adds: "attention to politics, as ordinarily understood, entails too great a wuste of brains." The old man Fitzsimmoude, to whose ease we alluded yesterday, h*s been provided with lodging a-commodation in one of the borough sheds by his the Mayor, while the expeasa of his keep is met by a weekly contribution from a West Coast friendly coeieiy to whirh he belongs, supplemented by anything further that may be necessary from the local Benevolent Society. At tho last meeting of the Kiwitea Road Board accounts ware received from the Wanganui Borough Council for the maintenance of two natients who had beon forwarded from Ktwitoa. The wardens wera of opinion that the patiant- in question wei:« in a position to p+y hospital fees, aud it was rc.iuiviid thut the clerk write to them and rcqueit a payment of the amount of the liability, as the board could only pay in vies of clest'tution. There s-ems to be some difference of opinion rftnonga 1 " tho mumburs of t)jo ffixhibitioa ('oiTimtleo in Wellington a3 to the cbaratei 1 of the nm-ieal programme : o be drawn |np i'or tho exhibiiion. Oratoiios and cnntatus iind f.ivoar with some, comic operas Bt;d purely popnlar muskwith others ; some want foreign r,u out to bo employed, others favour local men. Choir and band contests are to fo"m an attractive future in the list of entertainments provided.. Mr Kohn informs tha CrniONiciJt; readers this morning thut his firm c'jses up opora fions iv Wauganui ou tie HOui in.taut Ji"or the fow remaining days his well-known establishment iv the Avenue is open, ho will [ offer some re\lly genuine b.irg/iins to bu.Yers of clocks, watfhe.», jewellery, etc. Whorsvor Messrs JTohn Bros. Jmve a branch in the colony the very Darno is mill ient guarantee for the excullenco of ths goods thoy oUbr, and tho Wanganui branch is well and uiQ.-t favourably known. As Mr Kohn is loth to tike away more stock than may be strictly ne.'ojsary, ha is prepared to jnake some considerable sacrifices. Persons requiring plate of any kind will do well to give : «r .Eohn a call, as he oan offer eomo particularly cheap iines. ' A striking advance has been made in the art of ehromo-lithography during the iaat few years. The highly coloured hideous monstrosities, which were iv vo^no tea yeirs ago, have now given way ij really aiimirah'e woi'Xs of art. produced at a very low rute. We had the pleasure yestml.iy of inspecLinjj Mr H. I. Joneo' st .e't of sheet almaujcd for USSti, and hia Ecleetiui of funipiea iuclii-ies --•m • -..I' rlie boit, nay the very b st specimens of chroma work we have ever aeon. Porli'iits ot' beauties, Lov.lon celebriiu's. du-.i-si.iL'und p'isioriii scßnes, form a capital *-i\<? ti .n to rhooaoj'ivui.and as tlu-jur.ici.icc of p-e't'-iin-; an almanac now obtiins hold iiMon^.t, a!l eiilorpvi-inj; shojjki-cper.;, we In™ uo d:mbi, fiafc ilr Jones will ivap t j;o.ui of ord.-ra. He cattaiul? tak..s tiu'e by tlio forclnck. A /netting cf the Fire Brigade Ball Committee was held yesterday evonim* at fc'.o Ht. flill ttr.-ut Hall There wn° a fair alt?: tl'inee, Captiin CumuiitH b.-ing in (ha chair. The minutai of t lie previous'me«tir.g were read and confirmed. The repottof the prog,-umm« committee was adopted. Applications for ticket taking and cloak room wero rend. Mrs Doughty was appointed t-i tass charge of the Indies' cloak room. Captain Cummins said ho had arranged for the hire of the Drill Hall forM^y 25th for £5, g,ia extra. Tho Becretarr reported that 51r King had offered to supply a band of 10 to 12 performers for .£lO, aud stated his williu,'ne?a to return £2 2; as a donation to the regatta funds. Off.* accepted. M'sava Quia, Marshall, Wylde, Keesing, Copeland, Atkins, Spiirdle, Ferry, and (Jhubb were appointed a Moor and de-oration committee, with power to add to their numbar. Tho reCreshn.oats wore left in the hands of Mean J. Watt and Tilly to deal with. Messrs Welsh, Lithlnirg, aud Br Connolly wera added to the general coniiuit,:uo Jil"ess:s Chubb ttnA Oopeland were appointed M'.o : u. It was settled that the goneral committee was to meet on Thursday nest at 8 p,m,, at the Drill Hull. l

; * A zither club, Iho first yet established in I the colonies, lias been formed in Melbourne. In a race against time at Tauraog* the ether day, Ilia horse Tarn O'3hantDr covered 18 miles in 48 minutes. M. De Harven in trying to secure an estate near Wdimate, Canterbury, on which to place 500 Belgians. A meeting or tho council of tho Chamber of Commdree ha? been summonad for Thursday afternoon at three o'clock /t return football match, Sootnh and Irish v. English, will bo played next Satur* clay afternoon, The elcctiic railway of Brighton, England, has curried 200,000 passengers in six months, .it a cost for haulage of 2cl per train mile. Tho vohicles run 15,G00 males. The Wellington Press liMids an article on fiie de/'sat of flic .Kngli'h voti of cansuro Ihus:-— "TheCiand Old MiuHler'a Ooatly Victor} ." The Cornhill TWagazine for April will contain the fu-jt wrt of ft new siorv, c.till'd "Court Hoynl," by fhi a'lthor of •' Viobaiah," "Jolm liurring," &c, with illustrations by TiSx Du Maurier. On and after uinday, June 7th, and until October 6th, a mail for England will be de<pilcked by tho Txevr Zealand Company's steamer.* owry fourth Sunday. Mr Sinii Beeyea has had for once to pny for tin luxnr.v r.rhoiuvenesa. He was mni o:i account of kis inability to sing one night tit btnv'fovd, and a Middlesex jury condemned him to pay £50 and costa. The well-known Maori chief, Kawana Hunia. died at Parnewanui on Saturday. Hunia, played tM important part in t.ho sale of the Eangitikoi-Kanawatu Block to Dr Fealberaton, and in the old dayp ho was one of tho most influential mi<n on the coa3t. M> Herbert Smith's Vanovunia of tha world, which haa bean exhibiting at all the towns down tho coast, is tj ho uhown at Waverley to-morrow, Particulars of the show, with the pricos of admission, will b» s.ien on reference to Iho day billß. That funny Napier parson still keeps on with his queer titles for hi* sevmona. Bis latest is " Hia Mother Made Him a Little Coat." If this Napier clergyman's mother ever makes him a little coat it ought to be a " straight jacket." "An hour's talk about the early manuscripts of tie New Testament" will form the subject of a popular lecture to be delivered in the Fire Brigade Hall on Thursday evening next by iho itev. Lewis ■*haelclefo.icl, Pastor ot the Wunganui B ipliat Church. The price for admission his been fixed at ono Bhilliug for adults, and oixpencs fjr children, the proceeds to he devoted t-> a fund for tho purchase cf a harmonium for tho Church. Trie leuui'e wiil tie suited to the fcistes and capacities of boh young and old, ami will possess specitl interest for all biblic-il students by bai-g llluitnted by fue similes of thu o irly manuscripts of the jVew Testament. Mr Bartholomew, of the Fei^'ing; Sawmills, io one of the most cut ■rprisiag men in the whole district. 1£ over ,i vossel enters tho Wansjamii Favor and is h ; rd nji tor an outgoing freight it is only necessary toltt the i'eit em i,u mentioned i'dovo ;jet an inkling of ho v tha case a', and ho wi 1 tiikw immediate slops to iil! her up with timber f. r sunn- porr, or othe-. Tho I. W. Lucas is now takng iv a, cvrsjo ftviui his mills i'or Queen-laud (lie only drawback being that she cannot fill v i more than halt' hyr carrying caj) irify, owiu^j to her -draught of wnter being tm gr>>at iior .h> river and bar. Mr Conitout and itr Hatiick aro also contributing tv her freight. Messrs Mitehdl and Richards' new and onl'irged preuiidej io triiytoa-~t<eet(vreno.v nearly completed, and convey to the eye some idea — though a very inatl-jrju.ii v one — of the extonsive nature of the industry c rri;d on. The spirited proprietors have now on haud, of tinnc i iiaii ]>resei*reii meats, t^methiag like J3},oooibs, 3G.00U Ib 3of which will ha shipped aw.iy Vj day. To inaugurate tb'.; co-'npleti'-n of t icir new iiuilding iVle^rs Mitchell a-vi KhhueLs ha«. c A\>.-r, pj.-inLsi >r. to th-iir smpluyoi fo ub h'se lha b i'iug renm for tho purpose oJ' holiing j. io-iujht I'll .• ro in is a I minbly adipted Jot tae purpose, its dimensions being 03x49. ] At the Polico Court yesterday, Mi 1 Lifliton was^the only justice on the bench. His duties however, were not very serious, A case of drunkenness, in which ouu Joseph Gilders fi^ureJ as tho olfcudur was (Ji-posed of in the ord nary way, by t!iu iufliction of ali.'o shilling fi:ie, or twenty-lour hours' imprisonment ;« an iiltei-uttivc. Alfred Waters, a mii!dL;a^' il, respective lojkint; man , who has b'.'cu travel! iig the district for some .veolcs solicitinu: orders for enlarged photographic portraits to bi executed b\ - Ihn well-knoivn Mr Daitlett in Auckiand, was brought up on a charge . i fraudulently imposing upon Mr A. D. Willis by menus of a valueless cheque. Acuse.l pleaded not guilty, but the case wis not gone on with, the police wore giantal Mil adjournment for eight days, with a view to bringing other charges a#aiu<t Waters, who is said to have quite a number of waste-papor cheques lying about iv the Iwnus of different people. '"ATAMtII OF TJIK BtADDBK. — Stinging irritation, inQiuxmtion, all kidney and similar Ojmplaiuf.s, cured by •' Buchu paibn " Druggists. Feltou, Grimwade & Co., Wtln liugton.

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Wanganui Chronicle, Volume XXIX, Issue 10891, 19 May 1885, Page 2

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LOCAL AND GENERAL. Wanganui Chronicle, Volume XXIX, Issue 10891, 19 May 1885, Page 2

LOCAL AND GENERAL. Wanganui Chronicle, Volume XXIX, Issue 10891, 19 May 1885, Page 2