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{ MONDAY, FEBRUARY 24th. i ' TUB AKIN A SALE YARDS. : s £keeman ; ~E jaqkson HAS received instructions from Ohas : Cameron, E«?q, ; to 1 cell by aiictwn as aboy^ ! , ' ; " 50 Well fcrtd steers '"" B \ 30 well bred cows • ; ,10 dairy cows. .; ; ; 3 well bred blill calves' "•;''■' : ' v ■'■■[ I 2 pure bred bail calyes " J « j 30 head mixed cattle 1200 breeding ewes , 1000 lambs. m wool ■..,-. ■' ..< : . ' 250 mixed sheep . ■ . ' 1 '■ j Sale at 1 o'clock.- ; ; 1 frbkman r. Jackson p „■ j .. . "_", " Auctioneer. I" ~~ "■' "•' '■: :.-M :;.^:i til ;.,0..-.-.> ; ;.. '■ < „,.;■:!) :^u.: ■": 661 it .j.i-.-i 7/ .^ ; - ■; '■ ,«.ii;.ii' '<>•■>;•>: Ij ' .... ;i.'l -v>\" ,«?>?. „„,,,>..•■ i'VPOTPT ),,::., !i :n. ;l: i .)■.;, ■-. -„.. . ■ 1' .; ■ :•■■•■( ■ ■■■>••<-> ■ ■''■-' ''' iSADDLBiI \ND ''. // i . .(I • : 7:.. '■: % ;1:,,\-. ■ :'■■ . •■■'•■'..'. .o!JU! jit j TaUjK) Qut*y, Wari'»anuii!n! -J- ,'m 1 ]■■• !...-,i.v>" .- -.■;.■.'■.. .^__"'- ! -^-i '"/' ; j :•: ; All orders promptly exee'dted. " ! ,i - : ; ; > ;; 1 - PURE; BRED;'RiiM^.; ','"J.^ WILL sell at his yards, ' early 1 i b February—- r : ' , About '40 pure-bred Lincoln Bamß, selected from the flock of J, W. Baker, Esq, Warrengare, •.■••■'■ PKIfiLIMIiN ARY 'JNOTIUUi." - r PHE undersigned will sell by auc 7 •A tion on Tuesday, February 18th, at Jfukutnaru— 3000. WELL-BRED »HEEP,the property of Mr W. Lowes. Particulars in future advertisement. l FREEMAN 11. JACKSON, Auctioneer "WANGAEIIU HIGHWAY BOARD. [ r nENDBRS wanted for about 60 JL chains Formation, with new I bridges, &c,; upou the Watikaehif. • Valley Hoad. .■{ . Also,. for about 8Q chains ,of siniil^r f work with bush falling ', upon the Upper Makirikiri Hoad. ■<■ ; x-ilso, for about 20 chains Formatation and Metalling upon the Wanganui Jtiiver Bank fioad. ' ■ And for a Bridge near Okoia Bail-' way Station, timber and erection. Closing at 2 pm. on SatuedaT, 22nd mst. 3pecifications,at the office. R. GAHRETT, Engineer to Board, i 13th Feb, 1879. ."waSganui county council. , I I LEASE OF TOLL GATES. 'j 'ENDERS will be received at the JL office of the Council, Eidgway Street, np to Wednesday, the 26th » ; iust, at N OOll, for leasing '.the ,St' Jphu » and Kaitoke Toll Gates lor a period of twelve months, beginning from the j Ist. March next. j ' All tenders must be sealed and • marked " Tender for t>t. John," or ' " Kaitoke Toll," as the case may be, > and addressed to the Chairman. 1 Conditions of lease seen atj ' the Council Office during office hours. The highest or any tender noc necessarily accepted. ' J. R. SOMMERVILLE, Chairman. A. J. KETLEY, Clerk. -: ' ' — FOR" SALEi ' I^OENER of Bell and Dublin ♦ , \J Btreets, Two Eligible Dwelling IJ Houses, with Freehold attached. i' : ' Also, ; Elgbt-roomee House in Ingeatre 1 , street. , „, , . ■ ■ ASHFORTH & LIFFITON. ».■:.'■ NORMANBY. TTALUABLE Building and Busi- \ V ness Sites, in this rapidly risiug Towndhipj For Sale, or to Let, or Leaee, t with or without Purchasing Clause. Apply to ; ', ; . OHABLES ALLEN, Normanby and Hawera. : >'■•.. ' 1879; -■ im<, o r,; fl . ■ CLOVER SEED. CLO^R SEED. THE undersigned has 'now landing and for sale^, ex '|.ln^< Warwick," at Wellington,^London .: ; , i 16 Hogsheads New S^e^n's Clover; , Seeds, comprising;-- w ; :ji Lil , ,',/.■;••• 1, White'.Cuqver.-'Y/.-A-isikeClover.ji-ij Cow Grass,, Bed,, „: \-, ;",:,.. 1 Timothy Seed Bape Seed. - . Aleo.ipcftlly sayedrr- „ : J" .Perennial Rye, Cocksfoot, and,;) Prairie " Grass Seed. „, , 1 •-"■'■''' , > ; . l: ; . .; ■• .'. ■/.■. .■■.'!.;. . Samples and prices given or posted on t, ; , j application. . o ; ,; ?' :■■"''■"... . W, P. SHAW, , qillii . li .' - v Irdhmonger & Seedsman, "• •■^'\^'-' - --■'■' '--' ■'■'' n K antt l'. lie TRQR SILE—A^. Sculling. Jouti > JD). trigger. Apply at the- Occidental liiofcel. " ■. 4 t 3;ii: i x a ; ; . O-~n

MONDAY, FEBRUARY 24th. rP -°' ®T' V B TTNION STE A M-SB IP COMPANY HV s^ ni " o p ' r X , 01- THE PRELIMINARY NOTICE. U OF NEW -ZB ALAND. '■Jtojfo? '- ! n4r f ! S ? s'ii- r.' 1 , ''' TUBAKINA SALE YARDSV f ' WANGAN S^>AN AND INVEST- - xi«#W^,.,,. (limited) A . j ..■ - ■: MENT SOCIETY. , _«_ *T I «s^^»»w r -* ■-' jwßßHßb> -• • tr"R"RRMAN R TAHTTSON ' . — — i .: , !7, :n ( i -? k jfl^fc riiHJfi s.s, W^labi, Ga^t. Leys, will f~i a« ' W ■; ,• V CAPITAL £50 (Win 5000 Shares ol rnHB underß i ffn ed has received * le ft^" Wntbo^Wum Day, at fl AS received instructions from £10 Ea 9 h. „._,, ;£** undersigned bas received ;--^J2 J£ v leftVe M Wsu i 8 aifA $, )\'A<Uli'?% 4-i Oha 8 _ Cameron, E^q, to cell by , _; notice from Mr J Pmrpv to ««11 M. cumstance^perinittinK); . -f^oanf !^ foje, %i g ht t pr passage apply to aUctwnasaboy^ ! ' . ;, Provisiokal DikEOTOBY. uowce irom air j. riercy to sell ms f \ ° •^REEMArS siScKSON ;I '' 4 ; issa** I/"1 '/ '" ' IMS on IIP- -^^^.^^eaak .^aaagaOTßaa SSiSiil#Jn j_: ni7nrt -o .Mr Peter Ball Mt'G. B^aven .n v ,^,.,-j- , ■-;. >"i.a>, ■■■<■ - 'iirrin^«v \ l^tHiiuiN Jtow—6-Bobmed House , ; ,lQdary_cowß ; .... .- „ ; rc< H< Borlaae Mr j oh oNotman FEBEUAfiT. S^ f^S»SSRBK&f '' * s fl jP on Hew, Brfgßaid preiiarty .■■ ! : : 3wel. bre^calves ■ ;Mr H . Hurley, i U^aMrtti^/skrpe : ; , ±M/ » btte I W^ffiSiju— l ' 11 ? 1 ' FREEMAN-R. JACKSON, ' ■ y.l Jv.ircin;lrrwm>^ll(li| »» afegg si^^»a|L^;' ! I^^.^M cattle , Mr 0. H. A^hforth^nag^.) ),- ' ...5 , .- ; ! r;, v ,^ ; Wi^,l,^ . 1000 lambjm wool .... :: „:. ; S^s.O^e^^^a^bew.^ , (; . .--^^ „ „ JJ,;, W two „ j^ ■^^^g^i^^^j^ - „ proMtfe and St Hill Street^- WSdaesdaf, Feb 26 *'OR Plo^£i v r fe u TlßiJ^»| (^we,Uinp«nddiiaciteigrV»uhdi ,o^vw ::,-..« ;S;ii4^ v i U MotheWffifcs^^ Kuatangata^Viday;Febrliary2B „ .■•-i^JMffiikßßfeW. ;:n!Tf ' ;; ' j l(iwi«rftt|iqaffl?l*^;^ 01 -•- -• 1 ' J ■ :'^ , FREEMAtf R. iUCEBON, Monday, Feb. l J-e s Taiboa,! 2p m Biver Bank^eißQdm^ So^Se, i "" '" i " i: :-' 1 ,:; i:^i';.;vr ITerminaWe Societies, however, ! J ii: '.^'^«^ i ,^: Auetioieer. a^Sell^T' "^ ' peran^ "*^. • -i i .; it,:, „ 1 .;..• :• t '-' : v« ! course, and it became necessary in X;■■ { ;■■ ■.--.. ■■; <>w -••.,. ( For NAPIER, POVERTY BAY, general Agent (feMprchlnt^aqg^nui., , ■ j ISADDLBii vkd Oitt^Bs^vK^:;^ l o.%^ jcopß/with the teve^retoi^g ?FEBteiißiPi2(tnf^ 4iijß Iroin' ' 511 -'^ ; "\t^N|#^;^i^^r^Z^ -, -r. ; ;;'■.;■; ;; f ;:'^W,t*,J»ijadingope«t«Slii.toii^.^ .„,,..,.„.,,. >: v > : ' ■ : ■ ■- ° ISLANDS. _ __ W i j Taujw Qi;,;%aii^ Mo °^y. IT-^tsJlaw^ nbonJ^J gay board and.residenon.iritK . p^ ft '• ' T I -'" . ■■■'■-■• ■•' ■■•"■■• ■'■" >\ A ' d\KtwSete^h^ JLlf^' ■■■..;.■.:/•. !=■ •• TOfCTßiif;>tia- all East Coast *orta ; :^^s,,wHhte^ S ,i^.C., ■i"' T ■■■■^■' ■ "-•' ■■•.L^L -■> k' "" %Sf 'Slw'lS tt, * ■ i FRTOFiVfAN '■■■I! YAPTT^AV -(Booking - passonfeett f through' to' ■'Ghbonicle office.o:.n w^bniin • . „;!:>,■ cliided,. leavipg three jq actual opera- ! c KJaftfllAN Jl. JACKSON. Qjieen^aAd Ports) - ' ; ' ll rz^: L —^-- . - .„' j:' ! .:w '" •'^;'-'" ! ''^vPPe-of' Itlie«s1 tlie«s however, 'wUiobe , . ,#^ . tl .,^ J^ ' ! W^™-\,MmsVj >V*»*sl :•!..; All or de» promptly : exerted. - wound up iv a ivy nionth»j,sd "that ■ ■■■ , ; : NOTIOE,:- ,' , , :I F,riday,Feb2B-sBTAiBOA, lpm ** petenj; , $[&&& Us f - : \ . „.-'■ p/actically there are only two -trans-'^ ;^_d' ''^ ;r! ' L * i tS^' Vj 'i '' tDirect to Sydney ,-.,?! I iper weekj A'pf>ty,>mm;ediatei y t6 MJ-a „ «■;:■• „-■ • ■■ v l ; ' \ ;._ ;" , .acting the ordinary busiueas of 'M H J - , J - . C ?!Mffl f S W,' '~ •' r} -CAgfedk !^'Wiffir " Honor e» ' Ormbnd" "House,' Ingestre ' | Ii; '' --' ■" f!! -f ■ ■•'■'-:' -' If; ; , Building Society. ill authorised U ;j6bll^%W r nts', " .: - , ■ A ! Wi S'* A Y' Street. . . . . ... thTTN" MAV^MAP ! ' : a certain prpspect of sucees* ; Witha L j"V^ "r " Head - Londqn . v £ir ANT:E:D ~A Servant._J.(JHJN ■MA-Y.toJM.Oli«-; i l ----'cbnßcientious belief thatthe Wangauui .^ob 5, 1879. uwpr-ix-.. .ntv, , ;i; .>., -,j . .. q fV rf iT SMW 1 " ApblV^o MraXJoiE Victoria \U ILL sell at his yards/ early 1 in Loan and loveßtment Society- will -„r ' r '.:-.'Vi h' l^.:^.^ —^. P^icb : 'i^J^a 15 *'- 1 ' Branch • Av^nM f/11>!1 '!> V * .- ■ S'r^^^ £sr place th - ame H^ LL -^ coirfitEßGE oh« ; ■■ijsas*^^,' -«»ffliC!«B^ : . r CTe . ta . ' ..*.:■. It W P 4o2«ltom»kea n import. ■■■ ■f - ' :'-^: X.Z. ■' V* 1 v \mL PRBLIMINaKY KOTIUIS. ant alteration itt the amount of Shares' iMi\ ' 'V' '' ' iM^.' ' ! ,Ibe Coitr.urr's Euir ooHSffiraflls— i W'^; 1 r v / - *' i ,: 4 » l ** l ' (t S% *:'., property. of Mr W, Lowes, the monthly calls at 2s per Share, it is . „, Keboba, r .Bra, ,U!5Ji. refierencesj 1 Situ'^f ptf >J £ 'stalon oV . , estimated that the Society will' be cn 1 , is r KJnUr)f;k "di vp n »» £ liio tOO0 f „ Waitaba.;! M§ i&aiw<Qinms ,dri#iiorses pious h Particulars in future advertisement, 'abled to terminate in 81? years from >T -l . "&*> & ' %*™Vs J&L,^ ' . Auctioneer the proposed Society, the tbllpwipg WILL HAVE SPECIAL SHOW trade between the United kingdom and iT^^m™ *" J "' J: - WANGAJEfIU HIGHWAY BOARD, figures are given ;~A borrower to the* IT ■■ , , ... ...^.ru. ...... ..■■,. l^ew^ealand. Theßai^orfsandfitaWcabinß V^rANTED— .iA./few (*ood Men : extent of JEIOO would repay at the rate r ' •' ''6^- V * re u P erbl y fitted and arranged for the Tf iacOustome^ttb pick and shovel 1; r nENDBRS wanted for about 60 of £1 16a ."Sd/per. month, for the six ; : I: " :1; ! J ': : ' , ;: '; i,' ■" ' ', JS^°^^ pa -T e ,f v h °£« P r 6^ d i^App^/bnlytheo-Workb, Kara--1 chains Formation, with, new so that at the close of the o P era.v MrLLINERT ' :, ii!^ ';:,;. Sry^B^sUiS '*$2£tißZ i^.EaM^^^ the Waubridges, &c,; upou the Waagaehu, tions he will have paid m £132. This •i" • n " and ateerage acoommodatjion is all that can I L^nage!!limce;^-a&i-I}iiaD- « « Valley Road. . '. sc^Je will be. found to favourably com* ,;.' ■ ]Vt> ii: '' >! ;:! ' [ '"" !!U> " Jini:> ' '""■ be desired; and the'sbipd ar^ donimatided by "vrr A^N'T WB '<$&ifyslN,! Boilin" Alßo,for about 8q chains ibf'sinjilw; :^ "wiVh' Biinilat )n»tii^tion/in' .':., j : -.■-.0-n-cK ik.^cu :••;,-:- experienced masters. -•- _ _ VV : SKopn ;l r k &• b i^ h » & t s up^* to: ■ W" [ f h '- :% ; : ' ! f l * lls '™'::^ ;:^ -^ :: ' . „t^Effi<^st»S^ ?>*-,¥*>»£.%ss, mSSS „ Upper Makink in Hoad. ;■' The, of being a^ Share-, .••' ...iH. /• -m . veyanceof cargo) can be made at ,any, of the «* any ; 'c[nan 4 tij;y: 'out for the xalbo, for about 20 chains Forma- holder, fn ( , a Building Society cannot : • 1 ' < - m ( Jv ' ' >l; branches itt New Zealand..; ' ' ; . Q&^i. POLLOCE w;j & YOUNG tation and Metalling upon the Wan- well b^i estimated. It possesses: all : . FICHUS ' " — - j ' ||>: — ■ "■'''' " ;p - -■ ii;: -'-;-. :i l:iiL---L' Victoria Avenue ;i?;y ri ' v r' " ganuiKiverßankfioad.' J , ; ; ; : rtw beMt of a Savings Bauk, with ■■ " 1 THE NE?W ZfiALAN^ Jr' ytfUMaTn " And tor a Bridge near Okoia Bail-' attar interest, and it enables a mem- : - !\- ;. , COMPANY, LIMITED. ' , y : v , , ..... way Station, timber and erection. ber to take advantage of apy eligible , ,".' I>i; ' ' ~-i. '"' '' '* RnimijD' ri'v™^ « '' ' t ' l ' tt ' Olosing,at2 pm. on SatuedaT, opportunity arising tor the acquire- LAC^ H; ' ,; ;; STEAM DIRECT TO -ENGLAND. DVILB fh ; Undee22nd mst. Specifications,at the onice. meut of real estate. As a proof of the . . ' Vi '■ — — *• : '"" : -'' ; ■ • i *' i , Xi R. GAIiRETT, extent to which the terminable system :; • ■■•'. ;:i^ ; > '■'■ ' Vl ' 'f . The, Magnidcent, Full-powered, Clyde-built . , s - T AiP!«- - Engiueer to Board. haß been used in this district, it ia tjba^ttw-d'ci' a Steamer, •; -•;'■• ;^- vSJI ; .?>viu ;?r.^-.{(i/j. 13th Feb, 1879. pointed out that in three existing ; JJbAI-tliSJiS,&o., OTAD HAAiliElffi; ' l • •>.> lH i r^'i:/.MA>i'-:-. 1 ( , ■ .-UraSiHoTwOßTr 00UB0IU , fj^T^io^^^oyS ! i .. " "'" "' ' " o *!* *" " LEASE OF "TOLL GVTES leasehold properties. , , ;']. „„. f@F TH IS W E E' K l is appointed to sail from Lyttelton to Lon- . ' and 'Aleffl&Vi; V . , ' .ihia Society will be established ■ .= . ; ' ■ don'on prabqu<<:tha.lOfch Aprilrf&fc/ 7^ '..i r lIpnSTPONIHi f p n#TTTi? — <T " fi'VTinvn* wil\ h« r^i^,l »^ ' th*i under tbe " Buildilig-f l SoCiei;ies Act,! ' : ..-.,,,, . : Thiß splendid steamer has. superior a«. KJT»V r^ii^t, P??*^- „ 'I JliM UriKS Will 06 received at the „,-„,, v> .i "i • ! V'o'i.- » ■/'. - • IN THE Gnmmodntinn for all elasHpa oF nn.RßAnaof a. » I l j~T — i I office of the CouQcil, Eidgway ■". *J th « P ro y> JW. . of *? B^ t • ■ '^ ' ' ' ! Sng^ £l 'StflFk H«S feWßffi 1 'P H *. Great Show • Street, up to Wednesday, the 26th t f , u f u , taoney is , . : „ East ndidn Mail Se rrioer-She is fitted, l. t ,at Mr SpriaM^lfte Ware.. ' iust, at Noon, for the jit Johu abol.shed. ■ ; ; ■. . ■ ; OU#JN hJi VV I$D 1^ W ,," ..with every .modem impwvem^i a=grfj n( JuJei Victoria Av.-nift, i^svsoHjb and Kaitoke Toll Gates for aperiod Ibe operahons of the new boeiety .; ;> : ; rputewxUbfe^ lt oW of twelve mouths, beginning from the wil not be solely confined to Wauga v > - - f^. :^^J^^^^^-^W b[!^ JOHN YvTLSON, Ist March .next ? ui but will b 6 extended among the - ; - - -■• '^^^tefsa^^""^ , r '^laaiieer. All tenders must be sealed and .townshipi ion this coast as . ... ..,,,., of a protr acted- voyage tfiroiigh 3 rStok"?!*' ** la^V b^ " ° CCUr ! : '' - ' rt^e-Su^^S^S SALI^ S^S^^E3 «d addled to the '..^^^^t ' i i, ;K Al^ " , ;!? !^ '. e ncea. W o^n,a^ P a^ To th^^^^a^i . nd Conditions of lease can be seen at "r u ° „ '" ° c " uo ". . uu , urot -i, i ■ - ' „ the ship. „.. .. ; Surroundir o- i)i^^« tK «^ each additional sue, ,^ .o^llpartic^^a^age, ft^^Js« neciril^acceXd 7 teuder noC Fom of application i^ attached . r.. , ; THE NEW ZeIUnD SHIPPINa | lammtou:^ hloi«^- f; ! necessarily accepted. which should be filled ih and returned J ' ; ' ttt?q GOMPANY/liWited/ ' - I / <.;< J. R. SOMMERVILLE, as ouicklv as oossible aaitfiD-oDOsed s!J , :;,:iGafltom*bdse.qnay i ' A~»- THE, HftSIIfI)ATiON{<OF Chairman. •'" JJSmS-o^£n7£^mbnS : '■■■•■• " Or to their branches and ageaqiesthrough, P. ©pLREVY^ BOOT AJSD S^E A. J. KETLEY, Clerk. ' ' to commence operations iv the month ; SCARFS : ■ -out -the colony. ... „M - , t „.,,;„ .;." -y.n.-. t ,,y > RUSMBfiBBtOKH "f6r"SALE; beposits on application can be paid ': ; f/ ' ' v ~"^ f „■-, , , r oB NE v o/^n .a Dublin SASSS^ffltf-fe- ■■•' ; S H ira ■■■"■■"■■■ 'M* ST^ lP^^^Z^^ \J streets Two .Eljaible Dwelling jyle, and Hawera, and at the stores of • ..^Li-i.».:.:» W:,-.- J . - -^ W' W E .v. Wf:«;| ; ,Sj BARGAINS liS BOOTS AND ■House,, with Fre^ old attached. Mr F Beavon at ,M. rton, and Mr GJjQmim &Q . „ > ,1 L^ ? K : Elght-roomee House in Ingestre. '* R ° SS & * *"***. ■■ •: OLOl W%*^--T '-: ' - The P ,Maxawa^ CaptV Harvey, tne abpye, atocka f 8 Bt reet s^^ ii^^ TOO ™ ]1 leave ; on:Monday. rt weeks landedMnidtt ttatyvuf - for i« ! ASHFORTH & LIFFITON , muaio.^ mubic. , .in tee ; ,„, i , The s s Stormbird, Capt. Doile, wUI QtrAMTiTT, Quality,. .Fashio ?? and -^- — — '— T noT RR-PHVpn r a mofo „ ' ' ' Jeave This Day, at 3, p, m*,. v,\ raiii.L. : DußAßintmf^ <l ' • ■: . .. .■ normanby J^^^SS.ofi^TSia ; ;' W^ a * 1 TTALUABLE Btiilding and Busi- Popular Music, consiating of Songs, w,i ' Di :■ )1 ■ '■ Aff>Ut * BOOTS ! • BOOTS ! A "'^(ftJTS '"! V ness Sites, in this rapidly risiug Vecfl Duetts, Splendid Assortment ot '-- " ! ; ra«wm««^ "■ MUST BE SOLD. "' TownShipj For Sale, or to Let, or DaDCe Mußic > Pianoforte Pieces, . j pi^K ■ AN : OiiOR - piXJt'- \ .'/JJi'hiLLii ••> /-'i 1 JLeaee, t with or without Purchasing Pianoforte Duetts, Dance Music 2. L. NICTOtM-S'W^COJ WJLjSlffi ,U-~ ov* ' Beintimo.fn.Spcure tJiu'Uwfcofc-the-Clauße. ■•.■- Dfietta. . . ...^ , , ",^- jB^B,Q U g5 E feMjW T !b cv. a^t(^k, k^ife^ufc%eVVoiuJoa: - / APP^KLE S ALLEN, T^O« S A^" STUDIES. HALL OF COMM B W^.- TO '-"^^^^^W^'^^J^X^^i Normanby and Hawera. ' •_' ,-.,> ;: ,!'. 1«-^.^ iv I^^tporWnkaripi Pric e. itefef I^^;^ ■■I;'.'- 1 " ! idja- -■ i^to'T -■■" "; Teaphors of Music, : particularly - \ ti nte *'*tis&>^^ A^Woßfc yimi^M^^cipp^a^h^ ,OLOVeSd. CLO^sM" W**« to inspect the E above, i rTTTOITTTr^.^ ,«.. will find, the finest, assortment ;; . , . tf v »'a^Lis^3«L^i won • uci» .wubiiiid t ««*jJ«i | , ■». i i fTIHE ondMri^ l &r^wi«tog::^.i^^lnto Wanganui W M. MoABTHCJE r(fc W B "^lW^SgßßPW^ft "I 1 JlO - q " I fe^&rl«evy, , I ana forsale, cx ":in(?fr Warwick," N : » ; . —i, ■ r^\^> ■»™ Tl^ ■ ' " i: - l - ; " ; ' ; ; ' i:{ ' > T)]!ivo/I ttiynaul ' ; | o ; woW , , Aleolppal^Bayed-^ .. : . >'lii^L 7 J , , t \-^ «oKL t Wv7 i'tat^ [S : f|ajk.n i^t a^),e',^b^ni b lfedi y^;;,m Jq od v.v/ ,w ,- NOTldß:| the New Ye^^D^rlw^te^ WU/i^Ki^ dJCI *iSAOpM^»' J OW»iM. .^OUBJ:, ........ • Orrass Seed. „..,.,.- . — , ... , " „, . ,■ r^^^ :^^^'^ .Samples and prices given or posted on St 1 hSi Street; Wangauui, .^.ubl.oiU,,, ! '^tfptifcwMsGXM -lm^ l w 7^^^ „, (: .-. ;.; .^ -*>e^ toiinfbrm the inhabitants tff Order* for Plain and, Fancy Gppds, L^tMid uifiL "i^^^^^o^ Z?^f^ 1 ° .-• ' CJ : " W" D SHAW 15 Wanganui and the SHrrounding • b *» M ' ° J ! i.M^fl^l. .«.«:« 0008 7 L ..: Ironmonger ileed«nan; " ! dW<H;,: that they Saddlery - ; .-.'.0 «•/! ! -—- •««»"( 'VWa^n (M jh*. owner, ife about^ 1(1 - I ' l i .. . Wanjranui of TfcDts ' Horsecovera, Ojlcoats, and , . ... v „,..,-, „,..„ . | USTiLANB^EXPS^! I2ILWi [ lem&g the district, „«>»* »o 'a' 'a ' ir^rtV attlinß on V ? ', ■V;,.^ ,. „-,. Loltf Pric^ -ltn s ! -.': !: V \ „ W»f « to view and «e# parc (lil'Oxt SAJLb — JL}.: Sculling. ' Out- ! ..oMii-^i ■■.!:w.i^-J';. 1.; '-^-^ .; * .oi.mjjj. 'V/- q^^ OOBN SA ! Cfej-^ i "' r * a " 'tic'tlairs ip*^ l^' 1 ' >i *' n< i i:/l 3t: v^' 3f : :; -" i ' j >JDj< trigger. Apply at the-Occidental Orders executed on the; jahpijtest " Despatch, a j»O :uu-^jhW .iifa^nfiW .-j-jHiO j'tiy'o '•.■.sdffift* .■ o. H^II^SrW *' u{ ' ' toptel." j^^n- ;;^ a!; '" : notice. ' i!aiaftv - [ ' * : FBBBMAN » JACKSON* . . Eutkmi- Chambers. ;

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Wanganui Chronicle, Volume XXI, Issue 3367, 15 February 1879, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Wanganui Chronicle, Volume XXI, Issue 3367, 15 February 1879, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Wanganui Chronicle, Volume XXI, Issue 3367, 15 February 1879, Page 3