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THE PUBLIC TRUST OFFICE OF NEW ZEALAND ITS OBJECTS ARE SPECIALLY PROTECTIVE. THE ESTATES,OF PERSONS who die. having neglected to make th . e ‘ r *“ d ” b e ° have not any friends living in the colony ready to apply for administr , fully administered, debts paid and residues remitted to those legally en them. All persons are, however, urged to instruct their solicitors as fnlfllwhilst in possession of health and unimpaired faculties. Inviolable security I _______ ment of their wishes is assured by the appointment of the Public Trustee as so y' No charge is made upon the deposit for safe custody of any Will by wh . , T ._ Trustee is appointed Executor. Other Wills may be deposited on payment tmatee Shillings. Subject to the] provisions of the Public Trust Office Acts, any P may transfer the management of trust property to the Public Trustee, wh upon hold such property upon the original trnsta attaching thereto. , ._ The scale of lees applicable to the olauee of Batatea above referred to ia aa On all receipts of income under a trust, or on realising pro. perty under a will, or transfer of administration or probate *6 per oen» For rendering Property Tax return (it necessary) .. .. 10/ For rendering Stamp account (if necessary) For obtaining probate (if necessary) For investing funds, if the sum lent is under £IOOO For investing iunds, if the sum lent is over £IOOO .. 2/6 per oentl Min lee £1 7/6 per cent/ Max lee, £lO 20/ per cent 15/ per oent The Public Trustee holds large sums of money lor investment on real current rates of interest. Any sums may be advanced on first mortgage of freeh pro» peaty to the extent of one half of its actual value. Applications lor advanw wui oe received at the various agencies. ;Bvery policy holder under “ The hm Am Companies Act, 1878,“ may register sneh policy within six months alter the maxing thereof, on payment of a fee of five shillings. For more Detailed Infonnation Apply to the Various Local Agent*, or to the Public Trustee at Wellington. LOCAL AGENT—W. SELLAK, MASTEETON.

A SIGNAL VICTORY OVER DISEASE. { THE GREATEST REVELATION OF THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. “PROGRESSIVE SCIENCE,” OR THE SUCCESSFUL TREATMENT OF CHRONIC AND SPECIAL DISEASES, ACCORDING TO THE LAWS OF NATURE AND THE PHILOSOPHY OF COMMON SENSE. NO MORE MERCURY, NOXIOUS DRUGS, OR OTHER STOMACH CONTAMINATIONS THE PRACTICE OF MEDICINE REVOLUTIONISED. THE MOST RECENT DISCOVERIES IN THE HEALING ART. THEBE IS HOPE FOR THE WEAK, tub DEBILITATED, and thi DISEASED. SIGNOR RENAUD. The celebrated Eolectopathist, Botanic Practitioner, SpeoUUet, ProfeMor of Bcienee fte euthor of the following work. “ The Principle, end Practice of Medical Botany, The KetionalutM and Electric Treatment of Diuaae,” “ Shadowa," 4c., 40., Hu the honor of announcing to the resident, of Auckland and New , z generaUr I thatne naa ESTABLISHED the NEW ZEALAND ELECTIC MEDICAL INSTITU TE, *2. BHOETLANDSTBEET, AUCKLAND, for the effectual and Permanent Cure of • Functional Derangement, Nervous Affections, and Chronic and Complicated Diseases. CONSULTATION AND ADVICE (PERSONAL OB BY LETTER) FREE. SIGNOB EENAUD has made the following clu. of complaint, the itndy of his life, and hit Electric treatment has proved pre-eminently successful in thousands of cases. A mire cure will be go™™** every case undertakenviz., Incapacity for Study or Business, Los# of Energy, Nervous Physmal Debility, Premature Decay, Spermatorhoea, Errors of Youth, Lost Vitality, Spots and Specks before the Eves. Trembling of the Hands, Pinplesoc the Face, Lassitude and Depression s Nervous, Head, and Mind Complaints : Pits, Liver, Kidney, and Bladder Affections ; Diseases Peculiar to Females, Consumption (stages only) • Cold Extremities j Rheumatism (both acute and chronic) ; Impoverished Blood • Sorotolous Humors ; Piles ‘’Neuralgia ; Sciatica ; Dropsy (oi the chest, of the abdomen, and general) ; Indigestion, flatulency. Sour Belchings : Heartburn ; Dizziness, Hot aud Cold Chills ; Pain and Oppression in the Stomach ; Loss or ADDetite and nil moi l >id conditions of the blood and general system, no matter from what cause arising. All those who may he sufleriug with any of the above lormsof Disease or C’oniplauits not here mentioned should at once consult the only NATURAL HEALER of all DISEASES in New Zealand who practices upon Uygenic, Eclectic, Utilitarian, and Cosmopolitan Principles, Nature's own Systemol Heabnglormsand phases of Disease, discarding altogether the use of Mineral Drugs and Poisons. SUCCESS CERTAIN IN 4LL CASES UNDERTAKEN. SUFFERERS CAN BE TREATED EQUALLY WEuL AT A DISTANCE. CONFIDENCE ABSOLUTE. P.O. Box 239. Opfics Hours, 10 to 2, amd 4to 8 Daily. Non SIGNOR RENAUD will give advice and medicine FREE to the POOR * vel 7 TUESDAY, from 10 to 12, on bringing a note signed by any local clergyman .bowing their inability to pay. Send for book Shadow, post free on application.


5= Engine Packing* AND Hydraulic Kama MANUFACTURERS Of all classes of Brass Mountings For Engines and Sawmills 211 ? beINDENTS Of all’kinds of Machinery Executed at the Lowest Kates Brass Casting and Finishing every day. Country Orders Executed with Dispatch. SAMUEL BANKS I SON, Brass Founders & Copper Smiths, 10. Brandon Street, - Wellington.

ft '4 205

The permanent investment and loan association of WAIBARAPA. Main-stbbbt, Gmttowh. Incorporated under the Building Sodetiee Act, 1876. 1 Dibiotobb ; Messrs W. C. Cuff (chairman), | M Caselberg, J. Fuller, Vi. Booth, W. j Sheet, and F. W. E. Seed. ;Th» Annual Income exceeds £7,000 CamiAL on Loan £IB,OOO j Pkouts albeadt I allotted £4,34 d; Eebebvb Fond £BO4 The purpose# for which the Association is established are twofold. In the first place it ofl'ors an excellent method of investment to those who wish to accumulate their capital or savin*# at the higheetrate consistent with perlect secnntv, aid hr showing email cm' force sums to be invested by periodical payments, it conforms to the circumstances ot ail classes, 1 a the second place to those who require loan# upon properties thev already possess, or who may moot with opportunities of acquiring properties advauta"■ously, it presents the means of obtaining advances u„on lavorable terms. ihe Association receives Fixed Deposits at rales to be agreed upon. Subscriptions on Investment shares, 6s per month ; ultimate value of shares, £6O. Applications lor shares to be addreesed to the Manager. A liberal commission sllowed to agents on Investment shares issued through them. Office Hours—Mon. lay, Wednesday, and Friday, from 2 to 4 pm. Fay Day-The first Saturday in each month, batween the honta of 2 and 4, and T and 9 p.m. Agents— Featherston—Mr J. U. Coz. Carterton— Mi F. H. Wood, M»sterton—Messrs Jas. Brown <t Co. Eketahnna—Mr F. J age thorn. Fahiatna— Mr D. Hutohen. G WYETT, Manager. FKAIHERSTON AGENCY. THE Wautabata Stan dabs may be obtained o< Mr J, Welborn and the runnar at FeathentON. _ „ W. (J. RAHOH.

GRATEFUL.—COMFORTING. EPPS'S COCOA BEAKF A b T, "By , thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutu« tion : and by a careful application ol the line proper* ties of well selected cocoa, Mr Epos has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavored beverage which may save us many heavy doctor’s bills, it is by the judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitute u may be gradually built up until strong enough t o resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maiadisfo are floating around m ready to muck wherever there is a weak point. Wo may escape many u fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well lomLcd with pure blood aim a properly nourished trauie. dee articles the Civil Service Oaaeue. Made simply with boiling v.v-'r or milk. Sold in Jib packets, by Grocers, i >-lled thus:— JAMES EFPS & CU., iloiocsopaibio Chemists London EugliU'd LIVERPOOL AND LONDON AND GLOBE INSURANCE COMPANY, EsiAßUsnsi. • 1836. The attention of the public 11 called to the following '’T The Liability of the Company is Unlimited. 2. The Heporta and Accounts ol the year 18S0 enow Net Fire Premiums for the year. ... Capital, paid up ... General Reserve Fire Reinsurance Fund... l,soo # wu 3. The Company is empowered by various Acte ot the Imperial Farliament and by separate Acts of the Legislature of New South Wales, -Victoria, South Australia, Tasmania, New Zealand, and Queensland hj feature which belongs to no other Insurance Com * large resources of the Company should •mpreee the public with a feeling of becuntf. the mam desideratum in seeking for insurance. • Proposals for all classes of Fire Insurance will received by EDWARD PEABCE, Agent, Wellington. , Bob-Aomitb : l. L. Webster, Oreytown 1 1, C. D’Arey, Masterton 1. R, Armstrong. Carterton I ASO’Nt*!* jeathsrstof. (

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Wairarapa Standard, Volume XX, Issue 2095, 22 July 1887, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Wairarapa Standard, Volume XX, Issue 2095, 22 July 1887, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Wairarapa Standard, Volume XX, Issue 2095, 22 July 1887, Page 4