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TO BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS. HAVING bought 100 Acre* ot good Bm-L at Matarawa, principally Totara end Bimu and being connected with the railway line from tbe bush to my mill, I am prepaieji to aupply Buildera and Contractora with Tatara, Rimu and Mali, at lowest rate*. And having alwaja on hand a Large Stock of Rustics ting Boarda. Flooring, Lining Architraves, Skirting and Monlimga of every description. . . ■ Bashes, 1 oora and Frames always on band and made to order on the shortest notice. Turned Work of every deacnption and Seasoned Timber always on hand. Price Liett on application It. A. WAKELIN, Greytown North. R. BRIGHT, JUN.y BLACKSMITH * FARRIER, IN returning (backs for past favors, wishes to intimate to his numerous cantonal* that he has added to bis business— A WHEELWRIGHT DEPARTMENT, and tbosa who may entrust him with their work will receive good valuator their money Coachee, Buggies, Traps, and alt kinds Vehicle* made and repaired to order. D, CAMERON, COACH BUILDER, greytown. GHETTO WN.

f \ per day to be made by m * i * #1 persons of either I their 'ow looeliies, Mil I Xit work for ns K«w •“ * 1 bonnet*. All meet with wonderful success. Any one can do tha work. Capital not required. We will start you. Outfit worth £\ mailed fire*. The employment is particularly adapted to the region in which thie publication circulates. Boy* and girl* ear* nearly a* jayh ss men. Full particular* and iaatmetion* mailed free Non ia the lime—don't delay, bat wi ite to n* at onoe, Addren* Stinson ft Co., Portland, Maine, United State*. w DR. SPEER’S nKIVATK Dispensary, E«tabli*hed in Dunedin. For I the Scientific end Speedy Core ef chronic, nervous, and apeoial Disease*. The Expert Specialist Df Speer it a Regular Graduated Physician, edncated at Harvard College, U. S. He baa devoted a lifetime to, and ia acknowledged to be the moat expert Physician in hi* specialty in the United State*. Young Men and Middle-aged Men. who suffer from Kcrvoua and Physical Debility, Lu>* of Energy «od Memory, Eruption* on the Pace, Mental Depression, Kidney and Bladder Trouble*, fto., ftc. # will do well to consult Dr Speer. Hospital Xzpen«oce.—Baring been Physician in one of the Leading Hospital* of the U.S. enables him to treat all private trouble* with excellent result*. He wishes it distinctly understood that be doe»not c'aim to perform impossibilities, or to here a miraculous power. Ha claim* only to be a skilled *nd *oooc**foJ Pbymman* thoroughly informed in hi* speciality, Chronic Disaased of Men and Women. All applying to him.will newt his honest opinion of their complaint*. If ©experimenting. He will guarantee s positive oure in crery case he undertakes or forfeit £MN), Consultation in Office or by Letter, Feu. Charges Model ate. Examination and Adviea, Free. Call or address : Dr fl. J. Speer, General Poet Office, Melbourne. Office Hours : 9(015,1t0i,6t08 pm. N.B.—AU Medicines necessary for s complete cura can be sent securefrom observation on receipt of symp t °DH BPELR is the only Gasetted Medical Man ia hew Zealand who advertises as a SPECIALIST. For confirmation see Qssette, January 21st, ÜB6. Liverpool and London and GLOBE INSURANCE COMPANY. Established - 1836. The Attention of the public is celled to the following point*;— I. The Liability of the Company is Unlimited. 1 The Reports aod Accounts of the year 1&0 show Net Fire Premium* for the year, ... £l,oW),6fil Cental, paid op ... ... ... fiM,fidO General Reserve Fire Reinsurance Fond... 1,40',000 3, lb* Company is empowered by various Acta of the Imperial rarfiament and by separate Acts of thu Legislature of New South Walea, Victoria, Sonia Australia, Tasmania, New Zealand, and *1 aensland—a feature which belongs to no other Insurance Com. P Urge resource* of the Company should impress the public with a feeling of BseuntT* the ipein desideratum in seeking for insurauee. Proposals for all oleases of Fire Insurance will received by EDWARD PEARCE, Agent, Wellington. Sub-Aonnm : A. L Webster, Grertown IT. 0. B. K. Armetronf, Certerton I A K O'Neele Feelbentoc The permanent investment and LOAN ASSOCIATION Of WAIRABAPA. Main-sieebt, Oeettown. Ineorpontod under the Building SmmNm Act, 1876. Dimotobb : Mew* W. 0. On* (ehAimea), M C»eelberg, J. Fuller, V. Booth, W. Sheet, end F. W. B. Seed. Tu Anneal Income exceed* £7,000 Catiial o» Loan £18,000; Pnohm albeadt allotted £4,843; Resebte Fond £BO4

The purposes for which the Association i» setahliahed ere twofold. In the diet piece it offer* ee excellent m thod of investment to thoee who with to accumulate heir oepitel or ssvings et the highestrats consistent » th pencil security, end by allowingimeil or large tut t to be invested by periodioel payment,, it conform* o the circumstance* of ell classes. I u the sec nd piece to tboee who require loan* l’M properties i .i*v elreedy poieeee, or who mar n eel with oppurt iiuttoe ol ecqwring propertie* edvatiageously. it present* th* mean* of obtaining advene** upon tarorable terms. _ .^ The Aseocietion receives Fined Deposit* at rate* to ***B?Swnplioni on Investment share*, fit per month; ultimate value of shares, A 4«. Appboetion* fat shares to be addressed to to* A*lseral commission allowed to agent* on InveMment share* issued through them. Office Hour*—Monday, Wednesday, and ffnday, from 2 to 4 pm. . Fay Day- Th* first Saturday in each month, between the hours of 2 and t, and 7 and * p.m. Aobstu— Festbereton-Mr J. G. Cox. Carterton — Mi F. H. Wood. Mas ter ton —Meant a Ja*. Btown <l r Co. l;.kt tahuun—Mi F. Jageihotn. fabiatun— Mr D. Hulcuen. G WYETT, Id an agar. GBATEF CI..—COMFOBXINO. EPPS'S COCOA BS A K FAS*. “By a thorough knowledge of the natural law* which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition ; and by a oaretUl sppboattoa of th* fins peoparties of well selected cocoa, Mr Sppr hneprondedtmr breakfast tables with a delicately heeerag* which may save nemany heavy doctor* Wue. It y the judicious us* of such article* ol diet tbs* * soweotulioc may be gradually built up until strong 1* resist svety tendency to du««, H mod. maiaaim ere floating around ns reeny so *■"" wherevar than ia a waak point. W* may f nrnnp* many a fatal shaft by kaapiag otttaalv**w*Uforu**e with purs blood and a properly noanahed mm*. Baa articla in th# Civil Barrio* tieeevt*. hgada (imply with boiling water or milks S«U In Jib paoketa. by Grocer*, labelled time: — JAMES EPPS A CO., Homceopalhie Cbemiete London England

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Wairarapa Standard, Volume XX, Issue 2086, 29 June 1887, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Wairarapa Standard, Volume XX, Issue 2086, 29 June 1887, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Wairarapa Standard, Volume XX, Issue 2086, 29 June 1887, Page 4