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TO BUILDEBB AND CONTBACTOBB. Having bought 100 Acre. oigood Bu,l Bimn, and being connected Une from the bub to my.“^iSSoJ*?itU to aupply Builder* and Conlrueton w»“ Totore. Eimu *nd M*ti. el lowest ratee And, having always on hand a Ur *!®V" of Rusticating Board. «<*>"»«. Architraves, Skirting and Moulding, of every d6 Baehe*! l l oore and Frame* alwaya o“ hand »nd made tr order on the shortest notice. Turned Work of every desoiiption and Seasoned Timber always on hand. Price LieU on application. B. A. WAKELIN. Greytown North. R, BRIGHT, JUH., BLACKSMITH S FARRIER, GBEYTOWN. IN returning thank* for pa*t favor*, wiehe* to intimate to hi* numerous customer* that he has added to hi* business— A WHEELWUIGBT DEPARTMENT, and those who may entrust him with their work will receive good valuator their money Coaches, Buggies, Trap*, and all kind* Vehielea mads and repaired to order. D. CAMERON, COACH BUILDER, GREYTOWN. 4M

£l£4 to b« ismU by psrsoos of either **x, ,ro tbsir ‘own lomUHm, At work for Qi Now moot with wonderfal success. Any om cm do Capital oot rsqnired, We will start yon. Outfit worth £1 mailed free. The employment u particularly adapted to the region id which Ihi publication cireulatct. Boys and girls earn newly as men. Full particolm wd instruction* a*llw fro*. Now is ike time— don't delay, birtwiiUlotunl one*. Addrsns Stinson A Co., Portland, Muse, Uoitjd States. _ w DR. SPEER’S PRIVATE Dispensary, Established in Dmata for the Sdeatific and Speedy Cure of chronic, wenon., and apaeial Diseases. The Hipcrt Bposiahat Dr Spear ia a Regular Graduated Miyaiciau, ednoated at Harvard College, C. H. He haa devoted a lifetime to, and ia acknowledged to he the moet expert Pbjsioinn in hu wwidly u» the vJnitod States. Young Men end Middle-wed Men, who suffer from Herrons end PhysiesJ Debility, Los* of Energy Memory, Knyjtion* on the Fans, Mental Depression, Kidney end Bladder Troubles, As., Ac. r will do well to oonanlt Dr Speer. Hospital Exigence.—Bering been Physician in one of the Lending Hospitals of tee D.S. enebleehim to treet ell private troubles with excellent results. He wiehee it die tiootly understood that he doe* not olein to perform impoeaibflitiee. or to here e miraculous power. He claims only to oe e ekiUed end eneoeaiful Physician, tboronghly informed in hu speciality, Chronie Ineeeeeo of Men end Women. AU npolyiw to him wiU rwetre hi* honest opinion of their complaints. Ho expert* mooting. He will guarantee a positive ear# in erery oeee he undertakes or forfeit £IOO. Ooneoltetioe ia Office or by Letter. Fun. Chance Moderate. Eiaminatien and Advice, Free. Call nr address; Dr H. J. Space, General PoatOffioa, Melbourne. Offlaa Boon :BtoU,ltot,«to« p.m. N.8.-AU Medicines neeeaaary for a complete ewe can be lent aeenrefrom obaarvetion on receipt ofaymp ‘Tb SPKEH ia the only Oaaattod Madieal Han ia hj ew Zealand who advartiaaa aa a SPECIALIST. For confirmation aae Gaaetto, January llat, Ufifi. LIVEBPOOL AMD LONDON AND GLOBE INSURANCE COMPANY Established • 1886. Tha attention of tha public ii called te the following Tlk. Liability of the Company ia Unlimited. 1 Tha Report, and Account# of tha year ISU ahow Bet Fin Premium, for tha year, ... £I,OSS,WI CaiitaL paid up ... ... ••• t4i,640 General Reserve Fine Hainan ranee Fund... 1,10u,000 1 The Company ia, cn*«wered by vacione Acte of the Imperial Parliament ami by asperate Acte of tha Legislator* of New South Wales, Vieterla, South Australia, Tasmania, Wew Zealand, and Quaiailaad — a featnn which belongs to do other Tnaniunoe Com. piny. A The large reeonroae of the Company ahonld impraae tha public with e fading of weunlT. the main decidentum in emkug for inenranee. Proposals tor all classes of Fin Inauraaoe win raeeivudby EDWABD PEABCE, Agwit, Wfillingtoa. Bus-Aoxhts : A. L. Wabetar, Groytown I T. Hactorton B. R. Armstrong, Carterton I AEO*Haala Ftatbantos The permanent investment' AMD LOAN ASSOCIATION OF WAIBABAPA. Mtn-nuit, Guirrow*. Incorporated nndw the Building Soeinti— Act, 1876. Dixbotom ; Mnun W. 0. Cnfl (abairman), M Caeelberg, J. Fuller, Vi. Booth, w. Sheet, and F. W. B. Seed. Tn Abhdal Ixoohb bxobbdi £7,000 Capital ob Loab £18,000; Paonn aluuabt Allotthd £4,843; Bubbub Fvbd £BO4 The pnrpoaet for which the Aaeociatioa ia artabhod are twofold. In the first place it ofbee on collect method of investment to those who with to cumulate their capital or savings at the highestrets neietoat with perfect eaonritv, aed by allowing small large same to bo invested by periodical payments, conforms to the circumstances of all classes. 1 u the accond place to those who require loans open opertiea they already possess, or who may meat th opportunities of acquiring properties ad Tenuously, it presents tha means of obtaining ndvancaa on favorable terms. fha Association receives Filed Deposits at rates te agreed upon. SvDicriptioDi on Investment shares, fie par mouth; timale value of shares, £6O. Applications lor shares to bo addressed to the Ahfoeral commission allowed to agents on lavaeU snt aharaa issued through them. Office Houre—Monday, Wedneeday, and Brtday, imitoi pm. Pay Day- The first Saturday in each mouth, tweau tha hours of i and 6, and 7 and 8 p.m. Aoknts— Feathereton -Mr J. G. Cox. Carterton— Ml F. H. Wood. Maeterton—Messrs la*. Brown A Co. Eketahuut—Mr F. Dabiatua— Mr D. Hutcbeo. G WYBTT, Manager. QRATBFDL.—COMFOBTINO. EPPS'S COCOA

jjbbakfast. 11 By e thorough knowledge of the fteturel lew* which govern the operations of digestion end twin* lion : ftnd by ft oftrelul ftppliefttion of the Am proper* tie* of well selected coco*, Mr Kpoft h*e provided otlf breakfast tablet with ft delicately flavored boratea* which WT sars w Many beery doctors biha. U«a by the jndMuoai ace of cbm arUciaa of diet tbftt ft oooctitotion a*y be gradually built «p until strong «»«ghto resist every tendency to disease. Eintotd* of aiftUdiec ere dA*fc»ng around ns reedy t® ftMeeft whorerer there ie ft week point. We ■oy *JJJPJ KMf n bul iMi by Utyit* ntndrm wtU tetwM with pure blood end • properly nonnahed BMM. dee article in the Ciril Barrie# tf— elf. Ibd* limply with boiling wnH* of mitt. fltH in lib paetoia, by Otomh, IaMM thnas— JAMBS EPPS A 00., ChMUrti hoDACM England

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Wairarapa Standard, Volume XX, Issue 2085, 27 June 1887, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Wairarapa Standard, Volume XX, Issue 2085, 27 June 1887, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Wairarapa Standard, Volume XX, Issue 2085, 27 June 1887, Page 4