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THE PUBLIC TRUST OFFICE OF NEW ZEALAND ITS OBJECTS ARE SPECIALLY PROTECTIVE. THE ESTATE PERSONS who die. having neglected to make their wills, and who have not any friends living in the colony ready to apply for administration, are carefully administered, debts paid and residues remitted to those legally entitled to receive them. All persons are, however, urged to instruct their solicitors as to their wills whilst in possession of health and unimpaired faculties. Inviolable security for the fulfilment of their wishes is assured by the appointment of the Public Trustee as sole Executor. No charge is made upon the deposit for safe custody of any Will by which the Public Trustee is appointed Executor. Other Wills may be deposited on payment of a fee of Ten Shillings. Subject to thej provisions of the Public Trust Office Acts, any present trustee may transfer the management of trust property to the Public Trustee, who will there* upon hold such property upon the original trusts attaching thereto. The scale of fees applicable to the classes of Estates above referred to is as follows On all receipts of income under a trust, or on realising property under a will, or transfer of administration or probate £5 per cent For rendering Property Tax return (if necessary) .. .. 10/ For rendering Stamp account (if necessary) .. .. 2/6 per cent! Min fee £1 For obtaining probate (if necessary) .. .. .. 7/6 per cent j Max fee, £lO For investing funds, if the sum lent is under £IOOO .. 20/ per cent For investing funds, if the sum lent is over £IOOO .. 15/ per cent The Public Trustee holds large sums of money for invest ment on real security at current rates of interest. Any sums may be advanced on first mortgage of freehold pro* peaty to the extent of one half of its actual value. Applications for advance will be received at the various agencies. ‘Every policy holder under “ The Life Assurance Companies Act, 1873," may register such policy within six months after the making thereof, on payment of a fee of five shillings. For more Detailed Information Apply to the Various Local Agents, or to the Public Trustee at Wellington. LOCAL AGENT—W. SELLAR, MASTEETON. A SIGNAL VICTORY OVER DISEASE. THE GREATEST REVELATION OF THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. « PROGRESSIVE SCIENCE; 5 OR THE SUCCESSFUL TREATMENT OF CHRONIC AND SPECIAL DISEASES, ACCORDING TO THE LAWS OF NATURE AND THE PHILOSOPHY OF COMMON SENSE. NO MORE MERCURY, NOXIOUS DRUGS, OR OTHER STOMACH CONTAMINATIONS THE PRACTICE OF MEDICINE REVOLUTIONISED. THE MOST RECENT DISCOVERIES IN THE HEALING ART. THEBE IS HOPE FOR THE WEAK, the DEBILITATED, and the DISEASED. SIGNOR REN All D, The celebrated Eclectopathist, Botanic Practitioner, Specialist, Professor of Natural Science, Ac., author of the following works “ The Principles and Practice of Medical Botany,” “ The K&tioualislic and Electric Treatment of Disease,” “ Shadows,” Ac., Ac., Has the honor of announcing to the residents of Auckland and New Zealand generally that he hae ESTABLISHED the NEW ZEALAND ELECTIC MEDICAL INSTITUTE, 42, SIIOBTLANDSTKEEI, AUCKLAND, lor the effectual and Permanent Cure of ‘‘ Functional Derangement, Nervous Affections, and Chronic and Complicated Diseases.” CONSULTATION AND ADVICE (PERSONAL OB BY LETTER) FREE. SIGNOR KENAUD has made the following class of complaints the study of his life, and his Electric treatment has proved pre-eminently successful in thousands of oases. A sure cure will be guaranteed in every case undertaken vie., Incapacity for Study or Business, Loss of Energy, Nervous and Physical Debility, Premature Decay, Spematorhoea, Errors of Youth, Lost Vitality, Spots and Soecks before the Eyes, Trembling of the Hands, Pinples on the Face, Lassitude and Depression; Nervous, Head, and Mind Complaints ; Fits, Liver, Kidney, and B l adder Affections ; Diseases Peculiar to Females, Consumption (stages only) ; Cold Extremities ; Rheumatism (both acute and chrome) ; Impoverished Blood ; Scrofulous Humors ; Piles ; Neuralgia • Sciatica ; Dropsy (ofthe tbt>t, of the abdomen, and general) ; Indigestion, Flatulency, Sour Belchings ; Heartburn j Dizziness, Hot amt Cold Chills ; Pain and Oppression in the Stomach ; Loss ol Appetite and all morbid conditions of the blood and general system, no matter from what cause arising. All those who may be suffering with an} ofthe above forms of Disease 01 Complaints not here mentioned should at once consult the only NATURAL HEATER of all DISEASES in New Zealand, who practices upon Hygeuic, Eclectic, Utilitarian, and Cosmopolitan Principles, Nature’s own System of Healing forms and phases of Disease, discarding altogether the use 01 Mineral Drugs and Poisons. SUCCESS CERTAIN IN ALL CASES UNDERTAKEN. SUFFERERS CAN BE TREATED EQUALLY WELL AT A DISTANCE. CONFIDENCE ABSOLUTE. P O Box 239. Onicx Boone, 10 to 2, air» Ito 8 Diilt Koib. —SIGNOR RENAUD will give advice and medicine FREE to the POOH every TU ESDAT, from 10 to 12, on bringing a note signed by any local clergyman showing their inability to pay. Send for book “ Shadows " post free on application. Mfl

AN INEXPRESSIBLE BOON TO MOTHERS. DR. AUGUSTE KURSTEINER’S ELECTRO GALVANIC TEETHING NECKLET Endorsed by the Medical Faculty of Europe, and Pronounced by all Leading Physicians THE GREATEST DISCOVERY OF THE AGE ! In placing the Electric Necklet before the New Zealand public, the discoverer and proprietor begs to draw Special Attention to the fact that the material surrounding the inner chain of metallic substances is impregnated with a chemical solution, harmless in itself, and yet containing titanic powers, which generate a continuous light current of galvanism, and the Necklet in consequence contains all the virtues of a niiwia. tore battery, and is, therefore, not a useless article like many of the so-called elcctricu appliances, which cannot possibly produce any good results, as they are incomplete in the most essential requirements, and cannot generate galvanism nor produce galvanic effects. This Necklet is the outoom* of a long-continued series of investigating experiments by that well-known and eminent scientist and specialist, Dr Auguste Knrsteiner, who is the highest European authority on all diseases of women and children. « The Lancet,” the leading medical journal of the world, says :— 11 The fact that the discovery and invention of these Necklets is announced by Dr. Kurateiner is a sufficient guarantee that a means has at last been diocovered which will save the lives of millions of children, and relieve the anxiety of many mothers.’* Although new to New Zealand, these Necklets have been used for the last live years with the most wonderful success in England, on the Continent, and in the United States, and are now constantly prescribed by the most eminent physicians in their daily practice It is eeedlees to comment on the anxions and sleepless nights passed by thousands of mothers during the painful period of the teething of infants. Everyday brings to an untimely grave hundreds of inflate whose lives might have been saved by the use of the simple Necklet. In addition to the relief from pain afforded by the Necklet during the period of dentition, by its nerve giving force, it wards off and prevents Measles, W hooping Cough, Scarlet Fever, Croup, and Chicken Poij thus relieving childhood of its martyrdom, and gladdening the heart of every mother who invokes its aid. Dr. Eursteiuer has appointed Messrs J. Conrad & Co.. Auckland, his sole agents in New Zealand for the . sale of these Necklets, ol whom only they can be obtained. The price has been placed at the very lowest possible point, barely covering the cost of importation, and is within the reach of all, as one Necklet will last a life time. Aside from iie many virtues as a remedial and preventivs agent, the Necklet is a handsome ornament and will be sent post free on receipt of One Found by postal note, money order, or registered letter. No cheques received. Address—J. CONRAD A CO., 88 P.O. Box 40$, Auckland, N.Z. IMPORTERS OF ALL KINDS OF 211 Engine Packings AND Hydraulic Rams MANUFACTURERS Of all classes of Brass Mountings For Engines and Sawmills INDENTS .Of all kinds of I Machinery .'Executed at the ' Lowest Rates Bras; Casting and Finishing every day. Country Orders Executed with Dispatch. SAMUEL BANKS I SON, Brass Founders & Copper Smiths, 10, Brandon Street, - Wellington. & 21* 205 nnE pai'awax dutchebino co i>.* A to return their sincere thunks for the i'ntronaye accorded them since comnieiicin;; business, and beg to announce that they ban DISPOSED OF THE SAME TO INGI.EV AND STEVENS, who will carry on the business in the pre* miHk lately occupied by S de CUlteu. FOB SALE. SMALL Unimproved Dairy Farms, nrai Oreytowu, Featherstou and Mataniwa. Apply to yr COLEMAN PHILLIPS, Dry Hirer.

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Wairarapa Standard, Volume XX, Issue 2075, 1 June 1887, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Wairarapa Standard, Volume XX, Issue 2075, 1 June 1887, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Wairarapa Standard, Volume XX, Issue 2075, 1 June 1887, Page 4