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THE PUBLIC TRUST OFFICE OF NEW ZEALAND ITS OBJECTS ARE SPECIALLY PROTECTIVE. THE ESTATES.OF PBBSONSwho die. having neglected to ’ InZnhave not any friend* living in the colony ready to apply for ‘ d {” 01 itl d ’ to rece i T * fully administered, debt* paid and residue* remitted to those w jh b them. All person* are, however, urged to instruct their solicitors as whilst in possession of health and unimpaired faculties. Inviolable security , « ment of their wishes i* assured by the appointment of the Public Trustee as Public No charge is made upon the deposit for safe custody of any Will by w ... Ten Trustee is appointed Executor. Other Wills may bo deposited on payment ° tmatee Shillings. Subject to thej provisions of the Public Trust Office Acts, any pt ~ may transfer the management of trust property to the Public 'trustee, who upon hold Such property upon the original trusts attaching thereto. ■— The scale of fees applicable to the classes of Estate* above referred to is a* » On all receipts of income under a trust, or on reslieiog pro' petty under a will, or transfer of administration or probate £5 pet cent For rendering Property Tax return (if necessary) .. . • I°/ For lenderirg Stamp account (if necessary) For obtaining piobate(if necessary) For investing funds, if the sum lent is under £IOOO For iuvestii g funds, if the sum lent is over £ 1000 .. 2/6 per cenfl Min fee £1 7/6 percent / ilex fee, £lO 20/ per cent 15 1 per cent The Pnllic Ttuflee holds large mine of money for investment on real security cunent tales of interest. Ai y mute may be advanc'd in first uiottgage of freehold propeety to the extent of one ball of its jctual vslue. At plicst en» for advance »il e ifieived at Ihevamos agencies. F.vny policy bolder under" The Life A“ (empnniea Act. 1b73," ntsy let Ist or such polity wtlhiu six months after the making Ibeituf, on payment of a lee of five shillings. Formers Detailed Infoiroation Apply to the Various Local Agent#, or to the Public Trustee at Wtl ington. LOCAL AOF.XT—W. SELLAE, MASTEBTON.

A SIGNAL VICTORY OVER DISEASE. THE GREATEST REVELATION OF THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. “ PROGRESSIVE SCIENCE;’ OR THE SUCCESSFUL TREATMENT OF CHRONIC AND SPECIAL DISEASES, ACCORDING TO THE LAWS OF NATURE AND THE PHILOSOPHY OF COMMON SENSE. NO MORE MERCURY, NOXIOUS DRUGS, OR OTHER STOMACH CONTAMINATIONS THE PRACTICE OF MEDICINE REVOLUTIONISED. THE MOST RECENT DISCOVERIES IN THE HEALING ART. THEBE IB HOPE FOR THK WEAK, ths DEBILITATED, akd ihi DISEASED. SIGNOR~~RENAUD, The celebrated Eclcctopathist, Botanic Practitioner, Specialist, Professor of author of the following works “ The Principles and Practice of Medical Botany, " The Rationalistic and Electric Treaiment of Disease." •* Shadows,” Ac., 4c., . Una the honor of announcing to the residents of Auckland and New Zealand fftnonuly M ESTABLISHED tne NEW ZEALAND ELECTIC MEDICAL INSTITUTE, 42 BHORTLANDSIiIEEI, AUCKLAND, for the effectual and Permanent Cure ot 1 Functional Derangement, Nervous Affections, and Chronic and Complicated Diseases.*' CONSULTATION AND ADVICE (PERSONAL OR BY LETTER) FREE. SIQKOR REVAUD ha. made the following claw of complaints the .lady Of hii life, »od hie treatment has proved pre-eminently successful in thousands of cases. A sure cure will be guaranteed in eTCiT case nudeitakcn i— vix., Incapacity for Study or Business, Loss of Energy, Nervous and 1 byticai Debility. Premature Decey, Spennatorhoee. Errora of Youth, Lost Vitality, Spoil and Specks belore the Fees Trembling of tboHands, Pin pies on the Face, Lassitude and Depression : Nervous, Dead, end Mmo Complaints : Fits, Liver, Kidney, and B'adder Affections ; Diseases Peculiar to Females, Consumption (singes only) • Cold Extremities : Rheumatism (both acute a.d chronic) ; Impoverished Blood ; fccrofulona Humore j Pilea ■’ Neuralgia : Sciatica : Dropsy (ol the chest, of the abdomen, and general) ; Indigestion, - latulency. Sour ielohinga ; lieartburn ; Ditsinen.Hot and Cold Chills j Pain and Oppression in the Stomach | Loaa ol Anoetite and ali morbid conditions of the blood and general system, no mat ter from what cause arming. F *All those who may be eutlering with sny of the above lormaof Diseoer nt Complamta not heps mentioned shouldet orceconsult the only NATURAL HEALER of all DISEASES!.. .Sew Zealand, who practices upon Hygenic, Eclectic, Utilitarian, and Cosmopolitan Principles, Nature's own Sy.lemot Eeauug terms and phases of Disease, discarding altogether the use of Umertl Drugs and Poison.. SUCCESS CERTAIN IN ALL CASES UNDERTAKEN. SUFFERERS CAN BE TREATED EQUALLY WELL AT A DISTANCE. CONFIDENCE ABSOLUTE. F.O. Box 239. Orvici Mourns, 10 to 2, and 4 to 8 Danx Non —SIGNOR RENAUD will give advice and medicine FREB to the POOR every TUESDAY, from 10 to 12, on bringing a note signed by any local clergyman ahowing their inability to pay. Send for book** Shadow* post free on application.

an inexpressible boon to mothers. DE. AUGUSTE KUESTEINEE’S ELECTRO GALVANIC TEETHING NECKLET Endorsed by the Midical Family of Europe, tod Pronounced by >ll Leartmg Physician* THE GREATEST DISCOVERF OF THE AGE ! In niacin? the TlTcmC Nxckittl rfore Ihf.'.wZ' aland public, the dbroverrr and proprietor beg» to draw Ptnial Attention to the tail ihai the niat.nal turtoi t dins the it tor chain ol metallic snle'encre t.moreclatid with a chemical solution, haimesa in itsdi. and vet c. mainig tnat.ic t owetr, ah oh gemreie a .ontmnoub lulu cunint ol cabal lam, and the m coneequence contains all the Tina*, of a noma. tieltk' IfM i'tfM Niitt is thrrelorr, i»oi » uticle lii • , toi „ ui i.oaiii Ij pm, me any good nauiia, >« they arc mciinpleie in tha moat eaavnual requmtucuts, and oam.oi g. mraie galvanism nor pndme galvanic iflecla. . . 1 his Nicvlit is ihe oulcoc- of a long-coni timed senes of investigating expenmenls by that web-known and eininont scientist and spicialm. Ur Auguste Kuraleiaer, who is tbs bighist European au.honly on all diseases of women and children. ~ „ r , ... . “I be Lancet " the hading medical journal of the world, aava “The feet thet the Cisco T>ry end invention o) these Nxcxnais is announced by Ur. Kursleiier is a sufficient guerentee that a means has at last been discovered which will lave the fires of milfiooe of children, and relieve the i ly ol the localltd electrical appliance, • anilely ol many mothers-fl hj B( . w to New Zealand, theae NlCIUta have been need for ibe laat live years with the most wonnaarineuccaas in hugland.rn the Continent, and in the Untied btaUa, end are no* constantly preset tbed by the meal eminent physicians in their daily practice It is needless to comment on theaiiioussndileeplesimghti passed by thousands of mothers dnrlng the paintti) period of the teething of intents. Kveiy dty brings to an untimely grave hundredi of inleuU whose uvea might have been saved by the use of the simple Nicxr.lT. Ur **l^ l aodirion'lo the”rel pain afforded'by tha during the period of dentition, by its nerve giving force, it wards offend prevents Meaalts, Whooping Cough, S.ailet lever, Croup, and (hichra Pox. thus relieving childhood of its martyrdom, and gladdening the heart of everjr mother who invokes Ur. Kursteiner has appointed Messrs J. Coxian A Co,. .Auckland,his sole agents in New Zealand for the tale of these Necklbis, m “horn only they esu be obtained. Tha price has been placed at the very lowest possible point, barely covering ibe cost of importation, and is within lbs reach of all, as one Nicxlxi will last & life ((luff. Aside from i'.t many virtues as a remedial and preventive agent, the Nicxlii is e handsome ornament and will he sent post free on receipt ol One Pound by postal note, money order, or registered letter. No cheques received. Adoresa—J. CONK AD A CO., P.O. Box MS, Auckland, H.Z.

211 r 3 IMPORTERS OF ALL KINDS OF Engine Packings AND Hydraulic Bams MANUFACTURERS Of all classes of Brass Mountings For Engines and Sawmills INDENTS Of all kinds of Machinery j Executed at the Lowest Bates B™ss Casting and Finishing every day. Country Orders Executed with Dispatch. SAMUEL DANKS I SON, Brass Founders & Copper Smiths, 10, Brandon Street, - Wellington. 214. 1 m 205 POISON NOTICE. ON and after this date, owing t» tl e destruction of lambs and sheep by dogs, poison will be laid on tbe Urakakaki and liaitujs blocks. J. DEbJi'' m FOB SALE. OMALL Unimproved Uairy Farms, near O Greytowo, Fealberston and Uataraws. App'y to COLEAUN PHILLIPS, jt Vij lUrer-

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Wairarapa Standard, Volume XX, Issue 2046, 23 March 1887, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Wairarapa Standard, Volume XX, Issue 2046, 23 March 1887, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Wairarapa Standard, Volume XX, Issue 2046, 23 March 1887, Page 4