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Wairarapa Standard Published Tri-weekly, Price Id. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 16, 1887.

The Ama'gamaled Friendly Societies’ sports it Un-ytowu tomorrow will, we feel sure, be extensively patronised, The excursion train from Wellington ami the trains from the Wairarapa towns will bring a number of visitors and all parts of the Valley will be well represented. The programme is a good one, and the committee of management ate men thoroughly acquainted with the workiug i f a day’s sport. The usual procession of Friendly Societies, headed by the band, will march to the giound tomorrow moruing, the recently formed Juvenile Lodge of Oddfellows also taking part. Every arrangement has been made conducive to the enjoyment of the public, and we look forward to a most enjoyable day.

Mr C. W. Horn blow advertises for sale the house he has been living in for several years past. Being large and roomy it would be just the place for any person desirous of opening a boarding establishment. We understand the terms are low and easy. Mr George Stevens in his advertisement calls attention to the fact that ho will call upon his patrons with meat three times a week, viz., Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Some of the dairies in Auckland, according to the Inspector, are in a filthy condition. The Matarawa school was examined by;the Inspector on Monday and the following is the result Standard VI, two presented, one passed, one excepted; Standard V, 2 presented, two passed ; Standard IV, eight pre» sented, eight passed ; Standard 111. seven presented, seven passed; Standard 11, fivq presented, three passed ; Standard I, eight presented, eight passed. It speaks well for the teaching powers of Mr Q. Pontonby, the teacher. There will be a dance to-morrow evening at Featherston.

Mr Daniel Eabertßon, of the Phoenix Foundry, Wellington, has laid informations against ,'lr James O’Sbea, merchant, for obtaining certain securities under pretences. The Government, beyond proclaiming a general holiday, will not t.-ke any steps towards the celebration of the Quean’s Jubilee.

The mantigi r of Mr Acton Adam’s run at the Waiiau has been fined 3J per head on 4000--iluO for baling sheep affected with scab upon the mn. The secretary of the Greytown Hospital invites those interested in holding the usual annual soiree on Easter Monday, to meet (it Mr F. U. Wood’s auction rooms on Monday, 21st instant, at 4p m. We understand that the trustees particularly desire the presence of ladies.

A Christchurch telegram to a contemporary says that the house at Woodlands, where Hall, the poisoner, lived with his whs, has been leased to a new tenant, who is ureatlv plagued by excursionists ami others ash 1m put mission to umi flu (neu.ises a d .m-w the tene of the , i ion:. Km . fe.- ■; i-Viin.,uhy wiiii the o :: t p null ; -1 tiu; pn-oi.e-r, who i.uvo hn n iic’ii !v mined h.v Ids foigencs, and in providing me.ins lor his defence. Mr S. Heigh is now offering his splendid smelled bacons and hams at remarkably low prices. Mr Hfiigh has a wide reputation for this article. His prize hams and bacons at our shows have, been much noticed by the public. Monday’s Daily says—" We regret to learn that Mr H Jones sen , one of the oldest settlers m this district is dangerously ill and not expected to recover.”

Prayers fe.r rain Were oft'erel up for the second time in the Wesleyan Church on Sunday morning, sifts the Star. A hearty downpour may now* he anticipated and we would strongly recommend residents near tiit Waipoua to have cork jackets in readiness.

A sharp earthquake shook was felt at Nice and Cannes last week.

A Mr E. Hat row, of Lake Takapitua, Auckland, attempted last Thursday night to g tin admittance to the concert in aid of St Peter s Church with a monkey rigged out iu the garb of u parson. Because he was refused he warns ins money back and a sovereign for damages, failing Ibis he threatens to go to law to recover it. This will perhaps give Mr Uitirow a chance of taking his monkey to Court rigged out in the robes and wig of a judge. On Wednesday morning an oldiiiv man named George Wells, living at Liuwood, Canterbury, committed suicide by banging himself m his stable. He had been out of employment for some time, and was depressed iu spirits.

A lad named Burkett was tossed and gored by a bull at New Ply mouth the other morning. He was very badly hurt. Policy hoibcis in the Government Insurance Associ itb.u me ciying out because they have not in aid anything of ihe bonus declaration. In I > comber last it was announced that the re-tun. i mid K-.-n made up. It appear that tl.cie was no foundation for the rumoui t .at tb.o iicoasing elections for Fe-n'm-rnbm Town weie conducted in a cart.ieis manner -i that the returning officer sent for an elector to induce him to vote. Tire chaiges that the returning officer left the ballot box t<> go behind dm screen wi b a vn'er are equally unforn- :. 1 It is due to Mr Keys to .-tutu that a- I-,, hiliitlio be-a a mod painstaking olliot-r and has pasted himself well up m the muter of lorn v'tvtions o.d one not at ail likely to cans-.: .1 breach iu the regulations. The ilni alem d protest it is neiiuvnu, would have iaiii-d if ptuceedid with. The other dev r-i Auonli io politician iu .In .-outat- if Ins m C ,<-h ibchirM that the euu.c of the ( xidir g ib preesbrn was the full in the puce of " tin ami copper.” The papers, however, made u tea and coffee.”

It is proposed to have a national fete flay m Austialia like tin- immortal Fourth in the United Htafiv, and the 2Cfh of January is suggested us the most appropriate. The sughUtiou comes from Melbourne. A Sydney paper d getibea Sir It Stout's decision not to go to England as “ another disappointment ba Sir Jo .us Vogel."

uc:il o| ,i m i r - s a ■ .00,-ii soiriud. t ,„ lie C ■ .1i a;; on hn s)mM,. of a cie I no. who 1.-ieur with !.h spu-a.l o.ig! ■ •viiiskviii .‘•••a ixti-o.iruioa'y rxprt>s-i..u of fac«. puts mo in mind a a t..u-.n. tula.”

.SlNUliil iV Box's Elao.LVl'fl MTRICf. Test it.-: eminent powwful i ffsets in coughs, colds, influenza ; the relief is instantaneous. In seiious oases and accidents of all kind'-’, be they wounds, biii.N, scalding*, bruises, sprains, it is lo- safest lemedy—no swelling -no iDrii.miuai.i..i t ik* sorpHsing effects aroilucfcd in comp, dhiiMiena. bronchitis, inla d .nation if the lungs, swellings, etc, ; ii-idm-t, .lysamh-iy ; di.-,aeesof (fin kidneys u I -11111,rv O/gaos. Lans,- a - all i.-.ispititi* n ' medical •dioka , patronised by II a d ai v iio. i Italy ; ciowued with •m -il o, j .iipiunn at f.,i.ero«tioual Exhibiim'. Ann, 1 rdutit. Tiust in this approved UH.c.'a aii 1 rejui t all otlicrj.

" Kvtiiii on Fats. 1 ’ (Jems out rais, mice, o:o'i.cs. rl : , s, mu;, bed bugs, lofct'u. insects, ol.s j<. it i;■ i,1.-, -(n r;.» i, and gophers.

V - skill i.Ulu I-. rillplio.H ling .Voi:n, o'"-;, sat ihenin, tested feet, chilblains, non, ivypoieur, bailer* itch-

The Wailvnga Presbyterian 'burets will ■•■ 1 tii- hj (if yearly continue .1 on Sun ■any mxt r.t 1 o’clock. Mr Wood holds a stock sale at the Taratahi on F’rid <y. A new firm of auctioneers, Messrs Maxton, VrVoster and Company, is about to start operations in Greytowu next month. Probably our commercial prosperity, the numerous buildings which have becu erected during the last twelve months, and plenty of promises of support have induced the firm to take the field. We wish taem every success iu their undertaking, and can believe that when the row firm mount the rostrum the public will get greater bargains than ever. The Greytown Juvenile Lodge of Oddfellows is thriving, and the fortnightly meetings show that the lads are interested iu its progress. They enter into the business routine with thought and spirit and appear to realise the benefits derivable by being members of such a society. On Monday evening five adult members, from the Heart of Oak Lodge, Carterton, were present at the meeting and one of (be number anuouuced that in a week or so a similar lodge would he started iu Carterton. Two new members joined the Lodge, The Kailway Department will run a cheap excursion train from Wellington to the Wairarapa tomorrow. Tickets at reduced tares will be issued at the Wairarapa stations to enable the public to visit theMasterton-Opaki races and the Sports at Greytown. Numbers of persons have been looking forward to a visit to Wellington tomorrow and expected that cheap fares would be the order for the day. They will be disappointed. The railway officials perhaps think that the Wairarapa people should keep at home and save their money; or they are so confoundedly blind to the interests of the public that they will make no arrangements lot their benefit. It has been mooted iu Greytown that the must fitting demonstration upon the occasion of tbe Queen’s Jubilee would be a band contest between the several brass bands in the Wairarapa. If tbe prizes were attractive a most enjoyable and instructive event -would be the result. The Greytown Borough Heserve would be a most suitable place for the purpose and subscriptions would no doiiu be readily given for the contest either in Carterton, Greytown, or Masterton. The Greytown Band will perform the following programme at the sports tomorrow ; —Grand March, “ Reception ’’ ; polka, " P.D.0.” ; fantasia, “ La Paiaralle” ; quaIrille, “ Merry Folks” ; valse, “ Nettie” ; march, “ Lucetia ” ; polka (cornet solo), “ You Can’t Resist” , fantasia, “ Memories of Bcctland ” ; vals*., ’‘Mikado”; polka, “Jubilee”; quadrille, “Rosalinda”; march, Right Away’’ ; solo, “ Gates of the Wfcsl” ; polka, ”If ’. Kiss” ; valse, “ Victorian” ; march, ’• Old Memories.” The memhets of the Amalgamated Societies’ Sports Committee are all requested to be present by 1 p.m., today, on the Greytown reserve, for the purpose of preparing the ground, ie. All Wairarapa Volunteers absent without special leave on Saturday from the review will he fined £1 each man. Tbe Greytowu Rifle Volunteers mustered for drill last night, and several evolutions were practiced which will probable be , through on Saturday next at lli. The Greytown Company is n q 111 . ■ - ■ 1 u-r by Hi .’to 11 iu , at tbe Town ila , .. .uia'is aio n jiie,.te,i to apply to the c.., : .10 or the ■ .-v. u uiy (C Biggins) for any pmiii.n of uni- ! idim.ii accoutrements they may require, as i tun full uniform wid require to be complete, hast night a very heavy bush lire was seen lagingou the Western side of the Wairarapa Lakes. Viewed from Mr McMaster’s place, Tnhiterata, it appeared to illuminate tbe hikes very beautifully. The flames appeared 10 ho issuing from some hush near Mr Mat* - I. lews’ estate, uud had a grand although awestriking effect.

S. M. Muxton & Sons will supply the refreshment on Ihe Greytowu reserve on Saturday. Mr Alexander Origg will have a refreshment booth on the ground tosmorrow, at the sports.

It is expected that the Greytown braes baud will shortly institute conceits, &0., for the purpose of raising a uniform fuud. They should be well supported by the local residents

The Greytown fire brigade, under Captain Maguire, held a practice ou Monday night. The firemen muttered well. They are making every effort just now to become as efficient as possible.

Some beautiful melons, entered by Mr G Wilkie at the Autumn Show last Thursday, were much admired by thu public.

Tbc dance after St Patrick’s Day spurt* tomorrow uigut is expected to bo a great success. The prices are popular ones.

At the civil sittings of the Supreme Court, Wellington, on Wednesday an action was brought by the Shaw, .Savill. aud Albiuu Company to recover from the Timaru Harbor Board the sum ol T32.8U8 16s 8-i, on account of the loss of the ship Lyttelton and her cargo in Timaru Harbor ou the 12th .lane, 1886, while the vessel was in chargr of Hobert Storm, whom the plaintiffs allege to have been a servant of the Board. Storm, as pilot, was taking the ship Lyttelton out ol port at Timaru when she got ashore and became a total wreck with the loss of all the cargo. The vessel was valued at £15,309 : the cargo at £17,302 16s 6d. The Nelson Mail speaking of the desire of certain chiefs to make » tree gift to the Government of the mountains Tongatiro, iluapehu, and Nguruahoe with land around them as far as level country, for the purpose of establishing a National Park, aaye . The liud has already been marked out, and a Bill is being prepared in order to give effect to the wishes of the chiefs. The bind comprises a two mile radius round Mgaruahoe aud Tongatiro The s.*,-.i ‘ f the iluapehu 'and is about O.nOO ac.e: aud a similar area will probably be ac in... - 1 Provision will be made for • d out of moneys voted by iuriiaioti - a ... purpose. Now Ihe Tanks may uoa-i as they like, Put I take she liberty of asserting that nowhere in the United States is thoie a public paik of 18,090 acres, containing a couple of first class volcanoes, and one which is fairly entitled to rank us second rate.

A correspondent writes “ The wood cutters of Grey town are going to have a meeting. May I suggest that if they iuciease tire price per cord for firewood, that they will also"’see that the public get good me,ism..

Tire present short weight arrangerncii barefaced robbery.”

Ac ex I'U,;i.isr. mime 1 Gibson, w ; ;n ■. •.» . • -i, shining light in UrAmiv, i. I.i u.-od to ae-t as 11 cl.

w m .•Urged at the; Auckland Pubes i,V;rt on 'A ediu.-, lay M ith dU-rdei Jy cunduct, ihunkui-m-s -. and di:--uibiog the Saiva'ion Annv mee ting nt the Bat racks the night bet. iv, I’ris. tier, who appears to have •• lapsed.” w ,< drunk and at tin meeting, ueir g bar fully profane language, leaping on the forms and challenging all and sundry to light ; halso s'ruck and hustled the various " officer- " who tiied to pacify him. He was lined £lO and costs, or three months’ imprisonment, and ordered to find sureties of £IOO to keep the peace for twelve months. It is to be hoped that the Army officers will be able to ret cue Gibson again. Such mou have to endure gicat temptations at times and it is not to bo wondered at that they should at 1110108 yield to old passions and desires. These ,iio the men who need, a helping hand, aad it 's only in the Salvation Army they get It. His uhurches pass by on the other side.”

Skinny Men. 1 Wells’ Health Renewer” restores health and vigor, cures, Dyspepsia, Impotence, Sexual Debility. At chemists and druggist*, Kempt'aorue, Prosser & Co, Agte. Dunedin.

Mtells’ Hair Balsam. If grey, restores ! j original color An elegant dressing, solUms nul neiiutifics. No oil nor grease. A Tome Restorative. Stops hair coming cut; strengthens, clean||(, heals scalp.

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Bibliographic details

Wairarapa Standard, Volume XX, Issue 2043, 16 March 1887, Page 2

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Wairarapa Standard Published Tri-weekly, Price 1d. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 16, 1887. Wairarapa Standard, Volume XX, Issue 2043, 16 March 1887, Page 2

Wairarapa Standard Published Tri-weekly, Price 1d. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 16, 1887. Wairarapa Standard, Volume XX, Issue 2043, 16 March 1887, Page 2