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THE PUBLIC TRUST OFFICE OF NEW ZEAI ITS OBJECTS ABE SPECIALLY PBOIECTIVE. THE BSTATES,OF PEBSONSwho die. having neglected to make their wills, and ' have not any'friends living in the colony ready to apply for administration, a™ fully administered, debts paid and residues remitted to those legally entitled to r them. All persons are, however, urged to instruct their solicitors a* to t“ e,r whilst in possession of health and unimpaired faculties. Inviolable security for tis i mentof their wishes is assured by the appointment of the Public Trustee as sole Jsxewi No charge is made upon the deposit for safe custody of any Will by which tne rut Trustee is appointed Executor. Other Wills may be deposited on payment ot a tee or Shillings. Subject to the] provisions of tbs Public Trust Office Acts, any present * may transfer the management of trust property to the Public Trustee, who win upon hold such property upon the original trusts attaching thereto. The scale of fees applicable to the classes of Estates above referred to is as louo On all receipts of income under a trust, or on realising pro party under a will, or transfer of administration or probate £5 per cent For rendering Property Tex return (if necessary) I°/ For rendering Stamp account (if necessary) For obtaining probate (if necessary) .. For investing funds, if the sum lent is under £IOOO For investing.funds, if the sum lent is over £IOOO .. 2/6 per centl Min I 7/6 per cent / Max fee, ; 20/ per cent 15/ pet cent The Public Trustee holds large sum* of money for investment on real aecur current rates of interest. Any sums may be advanced on fiist mortgage of freehold peaty to the extent of one half of its actual value. AipUcstmcs for advance wui received at the varicue agencies. Every policy holder under “ The Life Assurance Companies Act, 1873,’’ may register such policy within six months alter the maßng thereof, on payment of a fee of,five shillings. For more Detailed Information Apply to the Various Local Agente, or to the Public Truitee at Wellington. LOCAL AGENT—W. SELLAE, MASTEBTON.

A SIGNAL VICTORY OVER DISEASE, i THE GREATEST REVELATION OF THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. « PROGRESSIVE SCIENCE;’ OB THE SUCCESSFUL TREATMENT OF CHRONIC AND SPECIAL DISEASES. ACCORDING TO THE LAWS OF NATURE AND THE PHILOSOPHY OF COMMON SENSE. NO MORE MERCURY, NOXIOUS DRUGS, OR OTHER BTOMACI CONTAMINATIONS THE PRACTICE OF MEDICINE REVOLUTIONISED. THE MOST RECENT DISCOVERIES IN THE HEALING AIT. THERE 13 HOPE FOB THE WEAK, thb DEBILITATED, abb xbb DISEASED. signoeTrenaud. The celebrated Eclectorethiet, Botanic Practitioner, Specials, Proleaaor of of the following worha “ The Principles and Practica of Medical Botany, Tha Bahoaauatie end Klaclrio Treatment of Diaeaae," “ Shadow*, ’’ 4c., Ac., Baa the honor of announcing to the reaideuta of Auckland end Bew &M»d *»«*»» ESTABLISHED the NEW ZEALAND ELECTIC MEDICAL INSTITL fK, i2. SHOBTLANDSTKEET, AUCKLAND, for the effectual and Permanent Cure of “ Functional Dermgeraant, Nervous Affections, and Chronic and Complicated Diaeaaea. CONSULTATION AND ADVICE (PERSONAL OR BI LETTER) FREE. BIGNOR HENACD hea made the following class of compleinta the atndy of hie life end hie Eleotrie treatment hat prosed pre-eminently successful in thousands of case*. A eure cure *' ll “ eeerv case uuiertaken ;-ri*., Incapacity for Study or Business, Los. of Energy. -Won. and Phyoeal Debflity, Premature Decay, Sparmatorhoea, Errora of Youth, Loat Vitality, Spot* and Specks hef° r *the Evea Trembling of the Hand*, Piixpleson the Face, Lassitude end Depression ; Nerrous, Heed, end Mind romolsints • Fits, Liver, Kidney, end Bladder Affectk ns ; Diseases Peculiar to Females, Consumption (stages onlvf* Cold*ExtremUies ; Hheumatiam (both acute n d chronic) ; Impoverished Blood ; Scrofulous Humors ; Piles •* Neuralgia ; Sciatica ; Dropsy (oi the cheat, <-t the abdomen, and general) ; IndifMtion. Sour Belching? ; Heartburn j Dizziness, Hot and CoM Chills ; Pain and Oppression in thj Stomach j Loss ot Aunetite and al! morbid conditions of the blood and general system, no matter from what cause arising. All ! hose who may be suffering with any of the .l ove forms of Disease or Complaint! not here mentioned * Jd.tVncccon.ul7.he only NATDRAL IIEALEK of .11 DISEASES in New Zeal.ud, who upon Bygcuic Eclectic, Utilitarian, ud Cosmopolitan Principles, Nature'* own System of Healing form* end phaarf ol Disease, discarding altogether the uee of Mineral Drugs and Poiaont. SUCCESS CERTAIN IN ALL CASES UNDERTAKEN. SUFFERERS CAN BE TREATED EQUALLY WELL AT A DISTANCE. CONFIDENCE ABSOLUTE. P O Box 239- Oiiici Houat, 10 to I, a» * *Ol Daur Noiu— SIGHOE RENADD will give advice and medicine FREE to the POOR every TC ESDAT, from 10 to 12, on bringing a note iigned by any local clergyman showing their inability to pay. Band for book Shadowy post free on application*

AN INEXPRESSIBLE BOON TO MOTHERS. DR. AUGUSTE KURSTEINEB’S ELECTRO GALVANIC TEETHING NECKLET Endowed by the Medical Faculty of Europe, ud lionotmead by >ll Lending Phyeioiant THE GREATEST DISCOVERY OF THE AGE ! In piecing the Eixctxic Nxcrur before the New Zealand public, (he discoverer end bege le drew Special Attention to the feet that the material eurroundtng the inner sham of meUllia labatanew u impregnated with a chemical eolation, harmle.e m iteelt, and yet centaimngtttam. !«*«•. a continuone light current of galvanism, and the Nicklm m conacoucnce contain, all the virtnea of a mint*, turebaftery and ia therefore, not a ueelees article like many of the so-called electrical appliance!, which cannot po«ib*T produce any good reenlt., a. they are incomplete in the meet euenual requirement., and and eminent ecientiet and apeciallac, Dr Auguste KursteUer, who i« the kighcat European authority on all di, “f leading medical journal of the world, eaye “The faet that the diacovary and invention of thee. Nicxinia ii announced by Dr. Kuretemer it a lußoent guarantee that a mean, baa at laat been dicoovared which will !ave the live, of million! of children, and relieve the anxiety of many BOt Althongh new to New Zealand, the in Nncxiiie bavebeen need for the laat five yearn with the meet wonninini eocene, in England, on the Continent, and in the DniUd State., and an now con.tantly prascribed by th» moil eminent phjiicUn* in their dtilj prictice . It is needless to comment on the anxioueand aleepWnighta paeted by thouaanda of mothara dnrlng tha painful period of the teething of infanta. Every day bring* to an untimely grave hundreds of tnlanta whose livM might have beeninted by the me of the simple Nicilit. . * * » .... In addition to tha relief from pain afforded by the b lexer during the panod of dentition, hy it. nerve giving force, it wards off and prevent. Jlea»le., Whooping Cough, Scaitet Fever, Croup, and Chicken Pox. thus relieving childhood of it. martyrdom, and gladdening the heart of every mother who invokes It. aid intr ha# appoin ,ed Messrs J. Coxxxn * Co., Auckland,b.s sole agents in New Zealand for the Of these Nxcxlxis oi whom only they can be obtained. Ihe pnoe hat been pieced at the very loweet cost ol importation, and ia within the reach of all. a. one Nicxigi wiU laat U from i‘-many virtue, a. a remedial and preventiva .gent, the Nicxui ia a kandaome ornament and »iU be (ent pon free on receipt ol One .Vonpd; by postal note, money order, or registered .vtter. No chequee received. ; j > Adorers—CON BAD A CO., • *• * * ‘ ‘A * * Pfl AnmkUwM N *

r I: t IMPORTERS OF ALL KINDS OF Engine Packings AND Hydraulic JKams MANUFACTURERS Of all classes of Brass Mountings For Engines and Sawmills INDENTS Of all kinds of Machinery Executed at the Lowest Kates 1- -ass Caitiug and Enu ’ ing every oaf. SAMUEL DAN Brass Founders & 10, Brandon Street, POISON NOTICE. ON and after this date, owi detraction of lambs and si poison will be laid oa the Un Sahara blocks. J. D. Oot«bwM,l|« Goun ers Ex Dis 21* dEVJ FOE SALE. __ Unimproved Dairy Farina, cea; Greytowu, Featherston and Matariwt. to OOLSHAN PHILLIPS, Dry r.i»er.

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Wairarapa Standard, Volume XX, Issue 2043, 16 March 1887, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Wairarapa Standard, Volume XX, Issue 2043, 16 March 1887, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Wairarapa Standard, Volume XX, Issue 2043, 16 March 1887, Page 4