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HORSE TR AND Mb hj. c. sxiffOßf, who hu hsd many years atniriww among horsw. and baa mastered aU the me ten method* rf taming and training than*, ha* commenced basinas« in Featherston. and u prepared to take hones to break to saddle at barnaas. Horses bought and* old on commission. Liverpool and London and globe insurance company. Establisbxd - 1656. Th» attention of th* public is o»U*4 to the (allowing P °} nt ?ie Liability of tha Company is Unlimited i The Beporta and Accounts of tbs yssr ItUskcw Net Fire Premiums for the year, ... ** »”*»** Kilm Fire aiiimrw at aa*3ISSTSVS^^ Legislature of New Bona Wales, AnctraUs, Tsamsnia. a feature which belongs to no other Inaatsßse Ocm TiWßrsrASi mmn*desidsratnm in sashing forinsoraasr. PropoMla for <l— of IBBO# ™*• EDWARD PKABOB Agent, Wellington. 808-AoiNts: **jaa»ssir&^nasa

DB. SPEEE’S drroUd »lifitia* to, ft&d it aeteowMd|« to m no P*a •* ¥”^7i2 s^“ reatore them to beelth. preparation; hU tmtanl <»““ST Uaadiaa. *•*?" »^ n^-f “T!JS plant min their ayatem, by improper JUd. which pndMH d £*£ttao •nob he would *»7, oome and U bridal. M nmwwe no. -h.t your fronbtae wk*. eom. “f Doctor examine Tour owe. If* “ nZS!\kat- far UU you to ; iftf it not, he mil Ull you t*at. tor he wdl not undertake a oaae onlaaa be ia <»”f d * n ?[ effecting a emu It wiU coat you for eonanlUtion. ,o pleMa 0.11 and you«.T«. Doctor nndarttaada your caae. Dr I. cum and Dtaeaar* of the Blood. To "4St£u by any of the following MtrexutlM. weak atomaeba, lama aad weak ,® . B „ tick headachea, eoi alipation and P“ “J the aide and back, laochoirea, etc., etc. diaiinctly nnderatood that 1 do not claim >° SISiSiXJS.'m'SiZSS^i sest. t £2OO. Conanltatk* in OBoa or by Utter, Chargee Moderate. Kiaminattan and ddrme, Call or add™; Dr M .J. Bom’. Buildinra, opponteTown HMI, Dunedin, B.d. Bonn : »to 11. 1 to 4,0 to 8 p.m. i Sunday., 10 i loll H.8.-AU Medicine. neceaaaty for a oampleta cure can ba tent free from obeerration on receipt of tymptoma. The permanent investment AWP LOAN ASSOCIATION OF WAIBABAPA. Manr.nTUBUT. ObITTOW*. Incorporated under the Building Soon tie* Act, 1876. Dibbotobb : Meaer* W. C. Cull (ohum«n). M Caaelberg, J. Fuller, W. Booth, W. Sheet, and F. W. B. Seed. Thb Annual Inoomb bxcbbdb £7,000 Capital o» Loan £IB,OOO ; Pbopiib albeaM allotted £*,*«; Bbbibti Fund £Bo*

The purpose* for which the Association is c«Ubluhed ere twofold. In the first piece it off#!* « ezeellent method of investment to those who w»h to eocnmnlete their cepitel or tevingt et the highest!**# coneiitent with perleot security, end br eUowmf emeu or Urti aiuua to bo invested by periodical payoaaUt it conform* to the circumstance* of *ll olattst. I n the second place to those wbo require loens spss properties they already poaaeta, or who mar man with opportnnitiaa of acquiring properties eavaotegeonaly, it presents the menus of obtaining ad ranees upon favorable terms. The Asaoeiation reoeires Fixed Depoaita at rales la be agreed upon. 8 Descriptions on Investment shares. Is per moat* I ultimate ralne of shares. MO. .. Applications for shares to be addressed t* <■* TSC- eommiesion allowed to agent* on levart* ment ehare* leaned through them. Office Honra—Monday, Wednesday, aad Friday, from 1 to 1 pm. Pay Day- The Drat Saturday in eaah meat*, between the hours of 2 and A, and 7 and 9 p.m. Asms— Muterton-Mr F. U. Wood. Odrtertoo— M» P. EL Wood. Feetberetoa—Mr J. O.0«u Q WYBTT, £l°£4 per day to be mad* by persons of either sex, lin their Mwn localities, at work' for ns. {few . All mast with wonderful success Any one can do the work. Capital not required. We will etart yon. OntSt worth £1 mailed fres The employment is parties, larly adapted to the region in wnieh this poblieatioe eircnlates Boys and girls tarn nearly at math a* men. Foil particular* tad iastrsetioas mailed frss Now is the fane—don’t delay, but write ton* at ones Add roes Stinson A Co., Portland, Mama, United States. ST

GRATEFUL.—COMFORTING. EPPS'S - COCOA J^BEAEFAST, "By ■ tkorooyb koowMf •of th* uluil lavs wbiob yuTpra tba opantioß* of diyration and aotri. lion ; and by a careful application of tba flna pro parlie* of veil aelaatad eoaoa, Mr Ep»a baa proTidad ov braakfa«t üblaa with a dalioatdy flaroiad bararaffa obich may ura u Many baary doctor'* billa. It ia by the judicious naa of ran artieiaa of diet that a oooatitntion m«y ba gradually bnilt op util atronc aaongb to raaiatarary tendency to diaaaaa. Hudradt of subtle maladita an floating aroud a* ready to attack wberarar then ia a wank point. We may aaoapa many a fatal abaft by kaapiny ottraalraa vail fbrtillad with pore blood aad a properly nonriabad frame."— Ba* article in tba Ciril Barrio* Oaaatt*. Made limply with boiling inter or milk, Sold in Jib packets, bj Groom, labelled thus JAMES EPPS A CO., Homeopathic Chemieta London England NOTICE. OREYTOWN HAIRDRESSING SALOON AND TOBA'CCIONIST. A SPLENDID Selection el beat brand* Tobaooo, Cigars, Cigarette! always in stock, TXT HENJa smoker onee giite me a trial V V .he will tay that tor parity and Savour there it none equal in the district. REAL;Snooe«e in this line, ee I make it a Speciality in tba intereat ol my customers, to procure the beat article. No traeb sold. I HAVE a Grand Assortment of best brand* Briar, French, and Common Clay Pipes to ofaooae from at lowest possible prices. GRAND Comfortable Hairdressing Saloon attached ; well furnished to suit the convenience ol the public. HOPING that my customers and ths public will continue tbeir kind pairsuage, with many thanks to them tor past avours. THE HAIRCCTTING for style and finish, which ia a wtll known taet among the Sublic, cannot be competed with in the iitriot. PROPRIETOR, Opposite ths Ohcbci, MAIN STREET. S~ LEHINGER’S Horse Medicines ; Dot Medicines. To be had ol W. 0. Nation Agent, Greytown.

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Wairarapa Standard, Volume XX, Issue 2032, 18 February 1887, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Wairarapa Standard, Volume XX, Issue 2032, 18 February 1887, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Wairarapa Standard, Volume XX, Issue 2032, 18 February 1887, Page 4