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Wairarapa Standard Published Tri-weekly, Price Id. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1887.

Tame appears to be a desire in every com mnnity, on the part of some, to interfere with the carrying out of tbe sentence of death after it has been passed. It will be remembered that a few week* ago, m Sydney, strong efforts were made to get a reprieve for the men who had been sentenced to death for outraging a youug woman at Mount Rennie. Then at Auckland a similar effort was made on behalf of (Jaffrey and Penn ; and now we hear that Thomas Hall has found not a few friends who would save him from the gallows if possible, la every case here mentioned the jury returned a righteous verdict in accordance with the evidence brought before them, and it seems strange that there should be such a strong feeling in some minds to save the lives of such scoundrels. If it is sympathy it is misplaced. But no doubt there are many who irpou principle object to capital punishment. They hold (bat it is contrary to the teachings of Christ -•1 the whole tenor of Scripture. Well, among' 1 G l6 ■* eWß t * lo * aw was " ftn e J e * or an eye and a ,or a/onth," aud th ® |RW knew no mercy llf « hi “f b ? e “ takeu : he shall surely be pm death is very plain. Wuh regard to tlie teac..* u ß s Ohiist 00 the subject we doubt il lie iuteuuv touchiest) tor the ( hiuch to apply to the world at Then ihert are those who would i-ave the guilty iu»m death iu Older that they may have .m opportunity to repent and lead” belter Uvto-. We have uo sympathy with those who plead thus. Hie oi'e&t Barrier murderem and the Timaru prisoners will have ample time to repent —if theic is y repentance iu them—before they shuffle off this mortal cod, and we hope that any effort maae on belmli of Hall to obtain a reprieve will be treated by the (iovernnient as they treated that on behalf ol Caffrey and Peon.

There are altogether 708 clergyman in the J colony, in the service «.f J5 fl■ --i■ j,i, l i-■ - Tlio Church o! Km- v 1 - . "m. 1 •J.V., I':,.- liu-mu C ;I .i ■■ . V.y- ' . ' | i i,-: ; fiiiuiin; w.i.-gf ■■ !.■ i - I Grey - j mouth and Hokitika dm U:e engines Were utilised to replenish the tank.. One of the chief obstacles to the hrigation of the northern areas ol Victoria lies in the question as to whether that colony has the light to draw an unlimkeO quantity of water the Kiver Murray, which flows through the territories of South Australia and New South Wales. The melon plant in Taranaki is this season being attacked by an aphii very similar to the parasite which is found on rose bushes. English trainers in America say that the nearest approach to Archer they have is Fitzpatrick. They say he has the same length ol limb, the same activity, and same resolute style of riding and finishing. The Washington Park Racing Association, Chicago, has decided to hold a thirteen days meeting. Verily the " Melican man ’’ is a glutton. It is a remarkable fact that Commotion has never won a race except at Flemington ; his visits to Caulfield, Sydney, and Adelaide have always ended in defeat. Langdown, the New Zealand cyclist, who has been doing the United States, is expected back by the February steamer from San Francisco. According to the Government Insurance tables the measure ol a hall caste’s life is 45 years. In no case will the department insure a hall caste for more than 15 years, and only then when the period named is terminable within the forty-filth year. The Union Sash and Door Company, Auckland, show a deficiency of £16,000 on the year’s operations. Oamaru is probably the most heavily taxed municipality in the whole world. The Borough Council has now before it a proposal to increase the general rate by 9d in the £ and the water rate by 1 per cent., and even that is not considered sufficient to meet the anticipated deficiency. The proposed increase in the rate will bring it up to the utmost limit prescribed by the Act. The Jubilee Singers are giving most charming entertainments in Wellington. The Opera Bouse is packed nightly. Admiral Tryon has promised to send a man-of-war to Samoa when the cyclone season is over to investigate the trouble between the natives and the Wesleyan Church. Sir Wm Fitzherbert and the Agent-General will probably represent New Zealand at the Imperial Conference. In the absence of Sir William the Hon G. M. Waterhouse, M.L.C., will act as speaker in the Legislative Council. By an Order in Council issued some time ago the cat is declared a natural enemy of the rabbit, and persons are prohibited from capturing or destroying any such animal outside the boundaries of any city, borough, or town district. A correspondent ol the Timaru Herald wants to know what he is to do with two litters ol kittens winch have come into the world on his premises just outside the town. A pickp.vku-, nnw-.i *’•. a whilst * i ’ oi.:, i. u ; o ■ t:■ n in Fcatheiston over the (.-h-c'.iou <.f (i;y new Licensing Committee for which nine candidates have been nominated. Th» temperance party have nominated Messrs Piiaruzyn and O’Neale, and canvassing is being vigorously carried on by all parties. Three cheers for i rectrade I What a triumph Sir Henry Parkes is haring in Sydney! Twenty nine Freetraders out ol thirty one members 1 One fourth of the whole house already ! Yes. that’s something like a victory .' There are a great many returns yet to be made though ! How do you think tho elections will go altogether ? I think there’ll bo an irresistible Freetrade party 1 Many ol tho country constituencies arc foolish enough to haukur after Protection, but not nearly all. and if the remaining 1 returns go half and half, Parkus will havo a j majority of 26 ! Well, but will they go half ) and half 1 They ought to go muoh better than that for Freetrade ! And what will I Parkes do then 1 Knock off ail the Protective I duties and go in for n revenue tariff pure and | simple 1 And bow about local industries and manufactures and al! that ? Haha 1 Why but iudustnes and manufactures have thriven far better with Freetrade in New South Wales than with Protection in Victoria, and they will thrive better than ever now ! Then isn’t it true that Victoria owes her present proa, perity to Protection ? Not in the least 1 Victoria owes her prosperity to the tact that she to a great extent escaped the drought which burnt up New South Wales and South Australia for the last two years ! But that’s all over now, is it not '! Yes, and you'll see New South Wales will walk ahead again as soon as she recovers from the effects ol the drought, just as she did before !—Puff, in the Evening Press

Not a Beverage.—" They are nota beverage, but a medicine, with curative properties of the highest degree, containing no poisonous drugs. They do not tear down an already debilitated system, but build it up. One bottle contains more real hop strength than a barrel n{ ordinaiy beer. Physicians prescribe them.—Kochester U.S.A., Evening Express, on American Hop Bitters. It was slated at a meeting held to cousiler the question of starting a Dairy Icctory at Oicpuki that in Switzerland milk c.ovaisd into cheese gives a relurn of -lid per gallon, while that made into preserved milk realises Cijd per gallon. There is an enormous quantity of preserved milk used in the Colonies, and the question is worthy the consideration of Dairy Factory companies. It is Worth a Trial.—" 1 was troubled for many years with kidney complaint, gravel, Ac , my blood became thin, I was dull and inactive, could hardly crawl about, aud was an old worn-out muu all over, and could get nothing to help me until I got American Go’s flop Bitters, and now my blood and kidneys arc all right, and 1 am as active as a man of thirty although I am seventy-two, and I have no doubt it will do as well for others of my age. It is worth the trial.'’—(Father ) Notice. Sahiikb A’ S-n' ; Urt >i.v vi Kxcii.'rt. ; -'d it- i■mine,!* jiowc, :u' ■ -i.- • • i- - >n or! s. -; a: ■ ■ ■ ■ '.n . . .o . , ■ . l.v , ; L-.O .u ill organ ■ J‘ O p. oh )!■'.,j,iPi.N Hid clinics ; |j i.;0:.i.-e.i i.y Ills Majesty llm kin,-, of Italy ; cr.-wi.eii wiili medal ami diplom r at I-toruatioual Exhibition. Amsterdam. 1;. ;; iu this approved article aud reject uM otic, s. An old laird in • ; loffihire, who w«* not a teetotallci, hut preferrnl whisky to water, iiv on his deaih-bed. The doctor who was iu attendance pronounced his disease to be water ■ii ji.s chest. This fairly astonished the old man. Ui<* exclamation ios— • Walter iu us Kiel 1 iVattef iu nm i Put wye <*ut. hat he',’ I baeiiW diuuk t< drsp o’r this ■ I ji<tv " Bough on Cora-.." A?k for Wi ih-'" lUmsli | on Corns.” CfaiJt zcliu, oomph »•■. permanent ■M'-'-. ''or;; 'V , r ■ \l .■ |,, j p l; - , A '-do (i u i<■. ;■ 4 > l.iT.iVh ! uml u -t'-’-i- i. ' t 1 ’ 11 (i tvl. Tiit l I .•o longs ale a Jnvul. vii-1-.t good, climate ) Killing.

FioWie Pahiatna Star wo loam that Mr ’! '.v'dMia- organised a soci.’-ty for .inudiy .. glut, the object being to exolore the :'.tA that distnct, and make the wants Aaoc settlers known. The following [ •tho guidance of the members will li it i< f landed on thorough eosmoiijj iueioliM : —I. Object of Club, exs ■ . jiM u Sundays and holidays for purof jserving progress of roads and i i-:,-uieui« 2. Secretary to manage affairs and not r for subscriptions. 3. Everybody admittei is members is soon as they have made » attendance. 4. Excursions to be advertisi 5. Members at liberty to write to newsp era about what they see on excursions. C Each member to bring his own victuals, moke and towel. 7. Secretary to receive o< imuuications from any settler who invites a isit. One hj tol the Now South Wales wheat crop is n orted to have been ruined by the late floe 3, The police report states that several B is were lost in the Tweed river, and that thfl loss of property of all kinds has been grei , At Grafton fifteen persons took refuge otA racecourse stand, and were rescued aftefceing two days without food. The storekeep*s in North Grafton alone lost £IO,OOO, nd the losses of farmers in the district are Istimated at £IOO,OOO. Immense damage islbeing done to the maize crops. The Government granted £SOO to repair the streets ofllrafton, and £35 for the relief fund. Tli waters came rushing down in irresistabll torrents, sweeping everything before tbek, levelling fences, tearing np trees, washing alay buildings, and bursting over the river links at points never before reached. The Revklideon Smales was fined £5 and costs at th« Auckland Police Court for cruelty to a horse. At the Greytown Post Office, a man who is named William Flowers yesterday morning smashed two windows and four batteries, aad the connecting wire, doing damage to the extent of several pounds. Had Mr Slack been /working the telegraph instrument at the. time he might have been seriously injured. Fortunately communication was restored without delay. Constable Eccleton arrested the man and on being brought before the Mayor this morning, was remanded, until Wednesday. He was discharged from gaol only on Wednesday last. “ Bough on Itch.” " Rough on Itch ’ cures skin humors, eruptions, ring worm, tetter, salt rheum, frosted feet, chilblains, itch, ivy poison, barber's itch.

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Wairarapa Standard, Volume XX, Issue 2030, 14 February 1887, Page 2

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Wairarapa Standard Published Tri-weekly, Price 1d. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1887. Wairarapa Standard, Volume XX, Issue 2030, 14 February 1887, Page 2

Wairarapa Standard Published Tri-weekly, Price 1d. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1887. Wairarapa Standard, Volume XX, Issue 2030, 14 February 1887, Page 2