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Wairarapa Standard Published Tri-weekly, Price Id. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1887.

Major Bunny announced on Tuesday night that Sir G. Whitmore would shortly pay a visit of inspection to the Wairarapa Rifle Volunteers, and that the battalion would probably require to muster at Featherston for the purpose of meeting the General. Mr P. C. Threlkeld, of Canterbury, has forwarded to Mr F. H. Wood, auctioneer, a very nicely printed and illustrated pamphlet containing a short account ot his Inglewood Leicester flock, the Lincoln flock, and a herd of Shorthorns. A fine photograph of a Leicester sheep (of which Mr Threlkeld is sending up 15 to the coming Ram and Ewe Fair to be held at Carterton next Tuesday), accompanies the pamphlet. It is well known that Mr Threlkeld is one of the best breeders of England Leicester s’ ep in New Zealand, and as these are considered much superior to :he Border Leicester ith for wool and mutton, and also as a cross for freezing sheep, settlers in this district will have an opportunity of improving their flocks in this direction.

Speaking of the first concert of the Jubilee Singers at Wellington the Po>4 says No more delightful concert has ever been given in this city than that which was given by the Fisk Jubilee Singers at the Opera House. The audience was a very large and brilliant one, and as the singers sang piece after piece the enthusiasm of those who listened to the sweet melody knew no bounds. Every number was rapturously applauded, and the Jubilees were compelled to respond to the demand which the Oliver Twist-like audience made for “more.” The result was that the programme was doubled in length ; but even then the appetites of the people were by no means satiated. It is an enter" tertainmeut which everybody can—nay, must—enjoy of whatever creed or persuasion.

Great regret is felt in Melbourne at the sudden death of Mrs Robert Wallet, wife of the well known writer “ Jigles,” of the Australasian. The deceased lady partook of a glass of iced water, which gave rise to internal inflammation causing death in a short time.

Disowned and Torrent have been scratched for all engagements at the Dunedin Antonin Meeting. In the Betting Appeal Case, Porter v. Con* nor, the conviction was confirmed wi'’ 1 costs, the appellant was fined L 25 by the Christs church R.M., for laying the totalisator odds on the Recreation Riccarton Racecourse on November Bth.

The Wellington Rifle Association’s meeting takes place on Friday and Saturday the 18th and 19lh inst. The President’s Match will be the first event, 200 and 300 yards, ten shots at each distance. The Wairarapa Match is next ca the programme 200, 300 and 500 yards, seven shots at each distance. The Wellington match next 200, ,”00 aud 500 yards, seven shots at each distance. The las', match, the GaiiDou m: Oh, is at 300 an 1 all) ten i-huts e ■ i dßtaiice. T. . lei s( > „o ;i I’m ;i p.m. '■ ■ ■ ~ 1 n, ; ' ni, i , wi:! in; I m i.,. .. fight. i.M inn:. and 5s fur 1 ill.l e m■; An extui coach will leave Marliahorough for Greytown on the arrival of the Lower Valley coach every Wednesday, at 11.30 am, leaving Greytown for return at 4 o’clock in the afternoon.

On Tuesday evening next, the 15th inst., a social gathering in connection with St Mark’s Church, under the auspices of the Ladies Vv’orkmg Bee and the Vestry, will take place in the Lyceum Hall, when a good programme will be offered, a special feature of which will be the welcoming of the Rev Mr Ballaohey, the new incumbent.

Mr C J Beard, plumber, painter, &c.., with the assistance of his brothers, has been very busy of late painting aud decorating the Foresters’ Arms, Greytown, for Mr G Jones, It is reported that a race for FlO aside between two noted horses, the property of two gentlemen (brothers) who reside in the Lower Valley, will take place on the Tail" herenikau course, tomorrow afternoon (Satur. day), at three o’clock. It is sjd that other races may be arranged ’ . the same afternoon and no doubt there will be a large attendance.

Messrs Samuel Dai and Son, oi Wellington, hato a double column advertisement in our fourth page. They are importers of ail kinds of engine packings and hydraulic tarns, and indent all kinds of machinery. They are brass casting and finishing every day, and have a prestige lor attending to all country orders with great promptitude. For a district like the Wairarapa this firm should be valuable. They are well known throughout the colony, and sawmillers with other persons using machinery should remember that their wants can be supplied by this firm with advantage, more especially as they, in most cases, attend to orders without troubling their customers to travel to Wellington to consult them. Mr R J Thompson's new store at Greytown on the main street, next Mr Hillier’s watch maker's shop is now nearly completed. The builder, Mr E Gray, deserves much coalmen, dation for the excellent manner in which ho has carried out his contract. Mr Gray's name alone is sufficient surety that all works undertaken by him wi ] bear the closest semtiny, as many substantial br.l lings in the town bear evidence. The sign Ring, die,, has been executed by Mr Donnelly, and is nicely executed, the blending of the colors having a very pleasing effect. Mr F 11 Wood’s usual fortnightly stock sale was held at the Tsratabi yards, yesterday, and a considerable amount of business was done, the following ptiees being realised : —Lambs, in the wool, ds dd ; ewes, from Is Id per aged to 5s for well forward ; ho .gelts, 4» ; calves, 8 mouths, 25s ; heifeis, 2 mid 3 year old in good condition from tiOs to 72s ; d year oil bullocks, 80s; store cows 40s to bus.

, The natives of Johannch Island have been punished tor the munier of Capliiiu Craig. A Warship slieihd the villages " mill ile.-troyert tiud most cl the inhabitants lied to the mountains. Dr Couolly, of Wanganui, has beoti .‘Uusii i on a charge o, ivttf mpted indecent iwsmlt on i tlie wit. oi thu u-.ii: «.i too S'.oiuihuu, v.ho io' i she v.' L u! So cons.lit iiiiij'.o. a cuuipl lint ' oi-i..-ala in/ g, monte exiu.oo ohm, i, is lie. ■ o ii" i f .j.i .1 i,, . n. hj :;i jin ■mill i. : ■ ;)!■■ 11l ■ttf r, b, i 0 . ]1; I .11,00,1 ■ , iviio ho ... l-.:i ill pnlXloiljil: lharicher, Lo the indignity and d image of arrest. A Lovely Chaplet.—A late fashion report says: Nothing' can he prettier than a chaplet of hop vines in blossom." A recent medical nvinv says Nothing can be a •letter renovator «i the health than American tlop Bitters. They ti lin all the operations of ultimo ; toning up the stomach, assisting the food to become pioperly assimilated, ami pr-ojote Livaiiuy in tiOn in ail the organs, 1' o dictates of fashion, as well as the laws of he.iith, alike favor a right application of bops." Lead According to tire returns for the Junior Lnivcrtdiy Scholarships in the Wanganui Collegiate School we are glad to tint] that K K i’ouitt, son of Mr Porritt, of Grey town, hasßil in arts.

Till l 1111 U._ V (.( fit-- :i!r :1M f.lf !l gfant 1 111 ’V:I ’I • : ;11 ;: r . 'in- IJorouth l '"' 1 <’■' 1 ’■ 1 ■ (i*i until ■ i 'i iiie-iiiiK of I-Liil <>UUUUII. ily nil lUU'klt utilt substitution ol a word m our tepoit it leads us if the JKtJ be pioposed was granteu.

His Excellency and suite, with La ly .lia-v-fi--. Mi>s Ji-rvois, and Judge WiMiVi. have 1 f; Dunedin in the Hiuemua fur the West Coast Sounds. '■D F. H. Wood will sell at Carterton on Saturday a freehold farm on the Tnratahi, sections of land on White’s Line, geueral merchandise, and furniture, ”ho Hobart Cup was won by Maori Chief, Uant-ster 2, Knave 11. Won easily. Time, •drum -Flsecs. Mothers Don’t Know.—How many children are punished for being uncouth, wilful and indifferent to instructions or reward simply because they are out of health 1 An iutellis gent lady said of a child of this kind : “ Mother don’t know that, she should give the little one moderate doses of American Co’s Hop Bitters for two or three weeks, and the child would be all a patent could desire.” Mr Hiekton, e young man who bears an excellent reputation as a clever horse tamer, will give an exhibition of his profession at the Town Hall, Carterton, on Tuesday night next, 15th instant. The Masterton Star says that Mr Hiekton possesses firm nerve, plenty of presence of mind, and appears destitute of all fear, and he says himself that he has studied the taming of horses as a science with the result that he has abandoned, as cruel and unsatisfactory, the conventional methods of horse breaking by which the animal’s spirit is crushed or broken. He never renders a horse vicious but, on the contrary, he subdues it by kindness. On Wednesday evening Hiekton gave his first public exhibition of horse taming in the Theatre Royal. There was a fair attendance of both sexes. The stage was roped in frout and converted for the occasion into a hippo* drome. With footlights in front, an audience above and below, and rows of large kerosene lamps as side lights, the operations of the horse tamer were not conducted under the most advantageous circumstances. The first horse exhibited was Lord Mandeville, no longer vicious, but as docile as a trick pony in a circus. At the command of Hiekton he lilted his legs in succession going through all the process of shaking hands. Then he lifted his fore foot while Hiekton knelt down and placed it on his neck. Next he was led round the stage by a piece of thin twine, aud this having been taken off the horse followed Hiekton about like a dog. Hiekton after this swung on to his tail with his whole weight and then, adjusting a bridle, led him off the stage. “ Rough on Catarrh ” corrects offensive odors at once. Complete cure of worst chronic cases ; also unequalled as gargle for diptheria, sore throat, foul breath. Rough on Piles.” Why suffer Piles ? Immediate relief and complete cure guarano teed. Ask for “ Rough on Piles.” Sure cure for itching, protruding, bleeding, or any form of Piles.

The County Council will meet on Saturday (tomorrow). The secretary ot the Greytown Hospital has received the following further subscript lions, and desires to thank those contributing : Messrs W H P Jones 21s, W Skeet 20s, M Caselberg 425, Jas Orr (subscribers list) 355, Bank of New Zealand, Greytown (list) 2s 6d, H Udy, jun. (list) 10s. All those who have lists in hand are requested to kindly return them as soon as possible. Wellington’s going ahead a hi I too Tweutyflve vessels alongside the tjueeu’s Wharf yesterday ! Nineteen steamers leaving with mails today! Oh, yes! It’s all coming about just as I told you ! Wellington’s going to be the Liverpool of the Pacific ! I say, old man, draw it mild ! When will that bo ? Oh, Jwell, I don’t mean tomorrow, or next week, but ail in good time ! Not in our lime, I bet ! Don’t hot, or you’ll lose your money ! Why, look hete, I can remember seeing the first steamer come into Wellington, and I’m not as old as Methuseleh yet ! If the port makes as much progress m proportion in the next twenty years as it has in the last, it will be a mighty place, but it will make a great deal mote, because the Panama Canal iwill give it a tremendous shove ahead ! Do you thiuk that’s going to come off ? No doubt of it! Even the Yankees, who are as savage as a meat axe about it, are obliged to admit now that it uing on all right! See the news just in from ’Frisco ! The contractors are satisfied, and the sanitary record's good.— Puff, in the Evening Press. -Vlr Goscheu has been elected lor Middlesex, by a majority of WOO.

At a meeting of the Waiohine Lodge of Druids, Greytown, held yesterday wee*, Bros Leek, Johuacon and Fabian were elected trustees to the lodge; Bros Nation and Allaway were appointed auditors. A committee meeting will be hem shortly to arrai the practising of odes lor lodge ceremonials.

On the 3rd insl., a dwelling house belonging Thomas Joseph James, of Tiraumea, was destroyed In fire. It appears that the place became ignited thiougihe employe of a neighbor setting lire to some bush hj close proximity to James’ residence. It is underatoo that the matter will form the subject of law pr< CBedings. The house was insured in the .South Brith oillce tor LI 00.

There is to be a full rehearsal of the Cantata u Unde the Palms ” in Uio Town Hail this evening at half past 7. All the vocalists and instrumentalists are desired to meet punctually.

The applications for the Pahiutua Special Village Settlements are likely to be numerous. Tue sections principally in demand vary from 10 to 25 acres, but the whole of the sections are almost certain to be taken up. The allotment takes place on the Uth iust. We believe there will also be u good demand lor the village lota at HastwelTs clearing, but we are surprised to notice from the plans that on the southern portion of the special settlement block a number of acre sections are laid oil'. These are absurdly insufficient lor country settlers, and they can hardly be used benelieially for township purposes, seems that the sites are within a mile or two on either side of Aluuricevilloand the M angamahoe.—Star. At Christchurch a child tnree years of age named Bennett was killed by a gate upon which she was climbing, falling upon her.

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Wairarapa Standard, Volume XX, Issue 2029, 11 February 1887, Page 2

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Wairarapa Standard Published Tri-weekly, Price 1d. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1887. Wairarapa Standard, Volume XX, Issue 2029, 11 February 1887, Page 2

Wairarapa Standard Published Tri-weekly, Price 1d. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1887. Wairarapa Standard, Volume XX, Issue 2029, 11 February 1887, Page 2