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GRATEFUL.—COMFORTING. EPPS'S COCOA gBBAKFAST. ** By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operation* of digestion and nutrition ; and by a careful application of the fine properties of well selected cocoa. Mr Epos has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavored beverage which may save ns many heavy doctor's bilk. It it by the judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution may be gradually built up until strong enough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladisa are floating around dt ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood and a properly nourished frame.”— See article in the Civil Service Gasette. Liverpool and London and GLOBE INSURANCE COMPANY. Established - 1836. The attention of the public is called to the following points X. The Liability of the Company is Unlimited. 2. The Reports aid Accounts of the year iSSOshow Net Fir# Premiums for the year, ... £1,069,692 Capital, paid up ... ... ... 146,640 General Eeeerve Fira Reinsurance Fund... 1,60 *,O 1 8. The Company is empowered by various Acts of the Imperial Parliament and by separate Acts of the Legislature of New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia, Tasmania, New Zealand, and Queensland—a feature which belongs to no other Insurance Com paoy. 4. The large resources of the Company should impress the public with a feeling of Security- the main desideratum in seeking for insurance. Proposals for all classes of Fire Insurance will be received by EDWARD PEARCE, Made simply with boiling water or milk, Sold in Jib packet!, by Grocers, labelled thus Agent, Wellington. Bob-Agents : A. L. Webster. Oreytown 1 T. C. D'Aroy. Mseterton It R. Armstrong,Carterton ' AEO’Neale Featherstou JAMES EPPS & CO-, Homoeopathic Chemists London England SLEBINGEB’B Horse Medicines ; Do Medicines. To be had of W. C. Nation igent, Grejtown. WHOLESALE DRAPERY COMPANY.

NEW PREMISES. (Opposite Prince of Wales’ Lutei), Queen Street, Masterton. RETAIL DRAPERY AT WHOLESALE PRICES FOR READY MONEY ONLY. SALE OF W. BELL'S STOCK NOW ON. 101 P. DICKSON Managing Partner. A SIGNAL VICTORY OVER DISEASE. THE GREATEST REVELATION OF THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. “ PROGRESSIVE SCIENCE,' OK THE SUCCESSFUL TREATMENT OF CHRONIC AND SPECIAL DISEASES, ACCORDING TO THE LAWS OF NATURE AND THE PHILOSOPHY OF COMMON SENSE. NO MORE MERCURY, NOXIOUS DRUGS, OR OTHER STOMACH CON TAMINATIONS %TTn __ THE PRACTICE OF MEDICINE REVOLUTIONISED. THE MOST RECENT DISCOVERIES IN THE HEALING ART. THERE IS HOPE FOR THE WEAK, the DEBILITATED, and the DISEAdED. SIGNOR RENAUD. The celebrated Eclcctopathist, Botanic Practitioner, Specialist, Pro'essor of i “ lhor of the following work. The Principles and Practice of Medical Botany, Iho Kationauauo and Electric Treatment of Disease," “ Sbadowi, 4c. t 40., hj, a*. Baa the honor of announcing to the residents of Auckland and T^*,t^r “J d,.f'sHntfTLANDESTABLISHED the NEW ZEALAND ELECT 1C MEDICAL INSTITUTE, ii BHOKTLANU STREET,AUCKLAND, for the effectual and Permanent Cure of Fune.ional Derangement, Nervous Affections, and Chronic and Complicated Diseases. CONSULTATION AND AD VICE (PERSONAL OR BY LETTER) FREE. BIGNOE HENAUDhas made the following class of complaints the study of hi, J#>v“ d muSld’tn treatment has proved pre-eminently ancoesefol in thousands of cases. A sure ewe ™ Phr.ical every case nuaenaaen:—vis., xoctpacuv ior ovuuj umiuom, %r"r J ' j t s* Debility, Premature Decay, Sperroatorhoea Errora of Youth, Lost Vitality, Spolsand Speck* b«fo Eyes. Trembling of tbeßands, Pinpleaon tte Face, Lassitude and Depression ; Herroua, Bead, and u 1 ,• . r • T7:j j Di.jii.e lavnßAMi . Diaaai*« pN>nmir to remai Eyes. Trembling of the Hands, pies on tne race, liassunae asa vrprrw.wu, -71 ( llIMi Complaints ; Fits, Liver, Kidney, and B'adder Affections ; Disease. Pecubar to Female., only) : Cold Extremities ; Hheumatism (both acute and chrome) ; Iropoven.hed Blood Piles: Neuralgia ; Sciatica : Dropsy (ol the chest, of the abdomen, and general) j Sour; Heartburn ;,Hot and Cold Chill. ; Fain and Oppression in the bWm«h Loa. o. Appetite and all morbid conditions of the blood and general system, no matter Irom g. All those who may be suffering with any of the above (orm.ol Disease or Complaint! no ‘ should at once consult the only NATURAL HEALER of aU DISEASES in New Zealand Hygenic, Eclectic, Utilitarian, and Coaroopolitan Principlea, Natore’a own System of Healing lorma and phasaa ol Disease, discarding altogether the use of Mineral Drugs and Poisons. SUCCESS CERTAIN IN ALL OASES UNDERTAKEN. SUFFERERS CAN BE TREATED EQUALLY WELL AT A DISTANCE. CONFIDENCE ABSOLUTE. P O. Box 239. Oritcn Hocaa, 10 to 2, axo 4 to 8 Dams. Nor*—SIGNOR RENAUD will giro advice and medicine FREE to the POOR every TU KBDXTi l 2 U!,on bringing a note eigned by any local clergyman showing their inability to pay. Benuforbook Shadowy st fires on application. post

AK INEXPRESSIBLE BOON TO MOTHERS. DR. AUGUSTE KURSTEINEU’S ELECTRO GALVANIC TEETHING NECKLET Endorsed by the Medic*) Faculty of Enropa, »nd Fronounoed by *ll Leading Phytioiana THE GREATEST DISCOVERY OF THE AGE ! In piecing the Klbctbic before the New Zc»l»nd public, the diecovsrer and proprietor bep to draw Special Attention to the fact that the material eurroundiug the inner chain of metallic saoetaneae it draw special nwennon 10 me i»ci. menu. _v,„u —w. impregnated with a chemical eolation, harmleee m itself, and yet containing tiUnio genenu* a continnoue light current of galvanism, and the Nbcklii in consequence oontame aU the “uST tnre battery, and is, therefore, not a useless article hie many of the so-called elootncal aPphancM, w cannot poeeibly produce any good results, as they are incomplete in the most essential requirements, ana cannot generate galvanism nor produce galvanic effects. . . , . , .. This Nbcklii is the outcome of a long-continued eerie* of investigating experiments by that weil-ltnown and eminent scientist and specialist, Dr Auguste Knrsteiner, who ie the higheet European authority on all diseases of women and ohilofen. m 0 jUthoueh new to New Zealand, these Nbcklbts havebeen need for the last five yaara withi thei moat wondbeful success in England, cn the Continent, and in the United States, and are now constantly prescribed by the most eminent physicians in their daily practice . a-**,* It i» needless to comment on the anxious and sleepless nights passed by thousands of mothers during uis painful period of the teething of infants. Every day brings to an untimely grave hnndreds of infants whose Jives might have been saved by the use of the simple Necklet. . , , , .... . Id addition to the relief from pain afforded by the Necklet during the period of dentition, by its nerve giving force, it ward* off and prevents Measles, Whooping Cough, Scarlet fever, Croup, and Chicken Pox, thus relieving childhood of its martyrdom, and gladdening the heart of every mother who invokes Dr. Kureleiner has appointed Messrs J. Coubad £ Co., Auckland, his sole agents in New Zealand for the sale of these Nbgklsto, oi whom only they can be obtained. The price haa been placed at the very loweat possible point, barely covering the cost of importation, and is within the reach ol all, as one Nbcelet wm last Aside from ilc many virtues as a remedial and preventive agent, the Neoklit ia a handsome ornament and will be sent post free on receipt of One Pound by postal note, money order, or registered letter. No cheques received. Address—J. CONRAD A CO., P.O. Bex *OB, Auckland. N.2 TEE PUBLIC TRUST UFFIGE OF NEW ZEALANU ITS OBJECTS ARE SPECIALLY PROTECTIVE. THE ESTATES OF PERSONS who die, having neglected to make their will*, and who Lave not any friends living in the colony ready to apply for administration, are carefully administered, debts paid and residues remitted to those legally entitled to receive them. All persons are, However, urged to instruct their solicitors as to their wills whilst in possession of health and unimpaired faculties. Inviolable security for the fulfilment of their wishes is assured by the appointment of the Public Trustee as sols Executor. No charge is made upon the deposit ivi u >ife custody of any Will by which the Public Trustee is appointed Executor. Other \S ii»s may be deposited on payment of a fee of Ten Shillings. Subject to the provisions of the Public Trust Office Acts, eny present trustee may transfer the management of trust property to the Public Trustee, who will thereupon hold such property upon the original trusts attaobing thereto. The Beale of fees applicable to the classes of Eetatee above referred to is &■ follows : On all receipts of income under a trnst, or on realising property under a will, or transfer of administration or probate £6 pet cect For rendering Property Tax return (if neceßsaty) ~ .. 10/ For rendering Stamp account (if necessary) .. 8/6 pet oeotl Min fee £1 For obtaining probate (if necessary) .. .. .. 7/6 per cent/ Max fee, £lO For investing funds, if the snm lent is under £IOOO . - 20/ per cent For investing funds, if the sum lent is over £IOOO .. ~ 16/ pet cent The IV l v Tme tee holds large sums of money for investment on real security at current mice >4 interest. Any sums may be advanced on first mortgage of freehold pro. peaty to tbe extent of one half of its actual value. Applioat’ons for advance will hr received at the various sgemiii-s. Every policy holder under The Life Assurance Companies Act. I*7B,’’ mu} u-gistcr Midi policy vv thin six mouths aftri ih« uinkin,thcrfuJ, ov, payment of n /«• ol li'<’ '> him - Lor more Dc.ailed lu/oiuniuon Appiy to the Various Local Agents, or the Public Trustee at Wellington. LOCAL AGENX-w'sELLAR, MASTEBTOJT.

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Wairarapa Standard, Volume XX, Issue 2028, 9 February 1887, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Wairarapa Standard, Volume XX, Issue 2028, 9 February 1887, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Wairarapa Standard, Volume XX, Issue 2028, 9 February 1887, Page 4