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Spi f pro restore prrnamti planted seeds whiob hj he . what SPEER'S >, Oolagoo Cbambara, Hoaa'a the Ton Bell, Dnaadu. led for the Seieetito ud Bnoie, Nervom and Specie! , |e e Regular Graduated PbjBarrerd CoUeee, I’ d Be hat iand ie acknowledged to he the in hia tpeoially ia the Cuted ■ aod Middle-aged Hen, who .and Phyaioal Debility, Lou of Brnptkma on the fate, Mental I Bladder Troublee, henralna. Bah Rheum Paralrtia. Fit*. „• Dance. Gravel, File*. 4c., r mineral drugt, will do well to ■ftor't method of cure, aa it wilL SlieTe them of their euiferinp aod The Doctor utee no mineral lent contiate wholly in the naa Many are they who bate imby improper uae of calomel, im ionuAi crop of To and bo healed. It mattera may be, come and let the Doctor'czaalaajWV eaae. I/it it eurabU, he mil itll you so ;i/U it not, In mil tell you OuU. Cot he will not undertake a caee unleea beu eonfident of effecting a cuia B wiU coat you nothin* for eon.ultation, to plena* «*U and aatiafy youraeTrea that the Doctor Uiideratanda your cate. Dr 8. cure* Homoure and Diseate* of the Blood. To Udiea who are *acted hr »uT of the foUffrinjt oompUioU,—Cold Mtrmiti*. weak Btomaohftp Ume and weak hicks, pervou* and sick headechit. tot ttipation and Indirection, p*m in ibe side eulback, leuchorrea, etc., etc.-X wu “Jj aisGnctlv undentood Uwt 1 do not claim to periorm nut ossibilities, or te hare a miraculoue power, au applying to me will receire my honeet opinion of their complaints. No experimenting. 1 wm guarani®* a positive cure in every ceee I undertime. or forfeit £2OO. Consultation in Office or by Letter, * ***• Charges Moderate. Kiaminatien and Advice, £f. Call or address; Dr H. J. Speer, Octagon Chambers, Boss's Buildings, opposite Town Hall, Dunedin, >.£. Hours : 9to 11,1 to 4, 9to 6 p.m.; Snndsys, 10 to IJ. N.8.--AU Medicinee necessary fora complete euro cen be sent free from obeerraUon on receipt of symptoms. WOBTH KNOWING. ALLAN WHITFIELD, THE PHARMACY, WELLINGTON, HAS received a Urge oooaignment ex " Aorangi " ol pure Drogi, assorted Soaps, Hair Btaabea. and Perfumery, Faria Peaaaire Preventative, Enemas, and Syringe*, Ac., ito., which be i« selling off at greatly Reduced Prices. P.S.—Note the address— ALLAN WHITFIELD, THE PHARMACY, WILLIS ST.. WELLINGTON. Facing Evening Post Office. TO BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS. HAVING bought 100 Acres ot good Buab at Matarawa, principally Totara and Rimn, and being connected with the railway line from the bush to my mill, I am prepared to supply Builders and Contractors with Tatars, Eimu and Mati, at lowest rates. And, having always on band a Large Stock oi Rusticating Boards. Flooring, Lining Architraves, Skirting and Mouldings oi cvsry description. Sashes, I' tors and Frames always on band and made to order on the shortest notice. Turned Work oi every description and Seasoned Timber always on hand. Price Lists on application. R. A. WAKE LIN. Greytown North. W ANTED KNOWNGARrtATT’S WHITE WORM POWDERS ARE THE BEST. They require no nanseous aperient after taking them. Addreas— Taranaki-Sixes.!, on the Tram Lina. 71 ( NOTICE. I OBEY TOWN HAIRDRESSING SALOON | AND TOBiCCIONIST. A SPLENDID Selection of beat brands Tobacco, Cigars, Cigarettes always in 1 stock. WEEN a smoker once gives me a trial be will say that for purity and flavou there ia none equal in tbs district. REAL Success in this line, as I make it a Speciality in the interest o( my customer* to procure the beat article. No trash told. I HAVE a Grand Assortment of bate brand* Briar, French, and Common Uay Pipes to choose from at lowest possible prices. GRAND Comfortable Hairdressing Saloon attacbed ; well (urniabed to anit tba convenience of the public. HOPING that my customers and lb* public will continue their kind pair*, nage, with many thanks to them for past avoura. THE HAIBCUTTINO for style and finish, which is a will known fact among tba public, cannot be competed with u tho district. PROPRIETOR. Opposite the Chcbch, MAIN STREET. POISON NOTICE. ON and after this date, owing t* tba destruction of lambs aod sheep by dogs, poison will be laid on the Urakakakl and Eaitara blocks. J. DESMOND. October 25.1886 AMERICAN Organs and Pianos. A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT ol Amencan Organs just opened up at Spiller't Music Warehouse. Tbs instruments are really excellent, and may be bad from £l6 up to £45, suitable for Parlor, School, or Cburob. Pianos by Nentneyer from £45 and up« wards. Liberal discount for cash, or may be bad on liberal time payments. Make an effort to introdnus Music into the family circle. The expense will never ba regretted. Catalogues and information may be had from W. C. Nation, Standard Office, WAIRARAPA STANDARD General PRINTING OPKJCE Commercial & General Work Of Every Description. Work la French, German, Italian, M., vary carefully executed. Printing in Gold an Silver, ud Colored Ink*. Also, on Bilk, Satin, Oalioo, Ate.

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Wairarapa Standard, Volume XX, Issue 2027, 7 February 1887, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 7 Wairarapa Standard, Volume XX, Issue 2027, 7 February 1887, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 7 Wairarapa Standard, Volume XX, Issue 2027, 7 February 1887, Page 4