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Wairarapa Standard Published Tri-weekly, Price Id. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1887.

The programme <f the Amalgamated Friendly Societies’ Spoils. to be held at Greytown on St Patrick’s Day is published in our artveili-ing colums, and should draw plenty of competition. f "ho half Tor.:!.? meeting of the Greytown Winking Men's Club will he held tomorrow eight

The ■"reytown Ccnu-lcrv Tnt--tees meet this ereoing to consider the advb-.-.hi Uy ot handing ti-e cemetery to lb • are of the Borough Council. A man named Haibfit (employed by Hicks, hake-) was drowned while battling at Pal-iatna. Keveiat Oiago mines are to be put on the Loudon mai kot. Messrs Reid and Gray are this season turning out a largo number of reaper and hinders. Wellington was almost the only borough of any iiupnitance in Kew Zealand which, lust year, showed au increase in the rateable vane. With respect to the Busden case, the application for a new trial still hangs fire, and in the meantime Mr Bryce is kept out of the damages and costa awarded by the Court. At the 'Wellington B.M. Court on Wedness day five men were charged with gambling in a railway carriage while travelling between Wairarapa and Wellington. Smith and Chudleigh were discharged. Sherman, Artburson, and Stevens were fined £5 each and costs, The New Zealand Herald argues the importance of cultivating perfume flowers for the purpose of extracting the essential oil. It says 01 the value ol the yield per acre of various perfume plants, as published some time ago in the ‘ London Journal of Horticulture,’ we find in the list that, in countries adapted to their growth, the flowers from an acre of jasamine are worth £250 ; from an acre of rose trees, £65 ; flowers from a hundred orange trees, ten years old, growing on an acre, £SO ; from an acre of violets, £160; from an acre of geraniums, £BO ; from an acre of lavender, £300.”

Tbe committee of the Greytown Horticultural Society met on Saturday night, and arranged a programme for the Autumn Show. The show will take place ou March 10, instead of the 17th, before arranged.

Mr Voiiarly wishes it to ho understood that h j :; clearing rain of sr-hego hoots at will espi o on fenturday night. Feisoua wishing f.,, ( ; argon, a shou’d take note of this.

At tbo Nelson Anniversary Sports, H. Hodge, of Gicytown, won the mile race (time, Turin 50 2-5 sees), and the two mile walking handicap. Mr G. Taylor, of Kaikoura, Marlborough, advertises 300 ferrets for sale, lit to turn out. The Waiohine Lodge of Druids held their second meeting last night when six new members vvmb initialed. Trustees and nudi tors were appointed and a e. niniittee elected to arrange me suitable liuoiture and et otter,as. 'iho members appear to be deter- .. , ~d to make tnis lodge a credit to the _.-tuct.

Welcome slr-weis of min fell during Wed' nesday night which nfiotmd the tuiiety veget .Mou, but we went mom. A wind jisteiday sve• t over tl.n distiict banging uetvu agn at .pa omity of union fiuit.

A young man named Wilson, gp years cl ■■■'..i'. was urowiied at on Wednesday wuiie i 'llnnglir lire MuiU.i nver.

A commercial tn.v - i.u named Adolph, wt.i known commercial iu - .filer, •louiiuitted suicido by iian t ing at Auckland e-:i Wcunesday olgtit.

A m iii named uoi'hob Eispar was brought

i'i .No.. 1 .■nub iom JVliiihiisl. yesieiuuy iu >i 'ii., - , having -uudcd himseii ;n the atuuiacn with a lu.uitia kune. Hu bad i.'o long w. -imit:, froiu v. - ',.icii ois entrails pio.aided. iiu lived ou a bush section, and la ,a muiiied muu with four .hildien. No motive is assigned tor (b»J net, bill the man was in a ucppoujiug su o of mind.

A middle uged man i amed riumuel CampicU, who li."“ bt£ U dining lot Mr Henry lUiri.-oii at AfariinLorougu jnisstng. _On Wednesday moruiog be got his horses bar* l eased, put tbeir teed iu tbe cart and every-* ibmg was ready tor a start. Then be suddenly disappeared, and yesterday search parties were out looking lot him. Mr F. H. Wood bad a very good attend* ance at bis sale at Martinborough of general merchandise. Tbe ladies took especial interest ,iu it, and there were some good bargains made on tbe part of tbe buyers.

Laery & Campbell report no alteration in last week’s quotations, Tbe market is unsteady in grain of all kinds, owing to tbe influx of the new crop. Potatoes, locally grown, ate maintaining tbe supply al £3 10s to £4. Onions scarce at £l2. Tbe leading lines of fruits, namely, apples and pears, are very scarce, owing to the Hobart, Mol bourne, and Sydney markets being closed i y ordt;' of tbe Customs Department, on accc.e't of the codliu moth. Should one unfortunate apple be found infected after diligently searching through a case, the whole consignment is condemned.

A fire broke out tbe other evening, in tbe wholesale warehouse of Messrs Hogg, Howison and Co., Dunedin, and a large amount of linage was done by fire and water, but tbe “• is cot ascertainable. One portion actual 10-.- • --mias a bonded warehouse, of the building is u. The insurances amount to

iSAMI> It & Bolt's Euuaiatxi Extp.aci. Test it* cmuieut powerful effects iu cough,;, colds, 1 >'■ f' :U/ ' 1 ’ reii.-i is io.-C'.L I .a,ic*ous. In they Wounds, ti.« , sc, 1..10g5, bruises, spurns, it is the salest remeuy—no swellim;

—uo inUamurutiou. Like surprising effects produced iu croup, diphtheria, bronchitis, in flammatiou of tlio lungs, swellings, me. ; diarrhoea, djt eil( ery ; diseases of the kidneys and uiiuury o r ,, iin s, In use at all hospitals and medical di u ics ; patronised by ills Majesty the King of Haly ; crowned with medal aud diploma at International Exhibition, Amsterdam. Trust iu this approved article acduject all others. " Rough ou Ilcli.” ” Kuurh on Itch ” cures ekiu humors, eiuplious, ring worm, lr suit rheum, frost, d feet, chilblains, Uco, ivy poison, barber's itch. Can't Pleach Good.—No man can do a (rood jab of woiii preach 11 good sermon, try a lawsuit well, doctor a patient, or write a good at licit : on K'i :s ini.ei.ii lu ami dull, ".iiii hlu.v'-I, and uobtiuug nerves. Had none sln-iPd make the uilemot iu such » nlimi when i T c.m be so too; y and cheaply '■ >v«v ova l-.tik J-lirWifß' i'u’B Hop Bits Look lor ” boo on 'ins,'' A, „for Wells'• Bough c. Corns. Cjircs relief, ci, nnlctc, permanent e ,e. C Tii wuts, >, cnemists ana urr-rgibls. ."in: I ■ "Fo! it;, pears my wife was c iir.rd 10 bir bed wlh. mch a complication of ailments that no 10-uim c .md till whnt was ibe lufttfev c r cum In i, ~oJ ! usut up a small f iiune in humbug stuff. a iiiantbs ago I e.,w in American ting wm, American Go's Hop bittern on it, and 1 thought i would be afoul coco mom, 1 tried it, hut my folly pioved to he wisdom. Two bottles cured her, •he js now as well uud tdioi g as toy man's •vife, aiiu W0 wly two dollars,”—ii. i/,,Pettoit, Mich.

On Satarday Mr F. H. Wood will hold a sale of general merchandise at his Greytown rooms.

The following arc the names of the Morrison’s Bush cricket team to play Kaiwaiwai at K iiwniwai tomorrow, piny to commence at 11 30 a.m. Beeves, GDiw, J Cross, W Mitchell, W Tweeddale, W Knapp. H Knapp. G Brickell, H Hodge, A Wakelin. and J Whiteiod. Emergencies—F Knapp and T Ward.

The next stock sale at Martinborough by Mr F. H. Wood will take place on Tuesday, March l“t, at Mr McLeod’s yards, ond settlers having stuck or farm implements to dispose of are requested to forward particulars at once in order that publicity may be given them.

A man named William Arthur, son of the head of the fiim of Arthur and Co.. Dunedin, for whose discovery a reward of L 23 was offered, was fouu iby his father on Wednesday at work rabbilling on Morrison’s Blairlogie station, beyond Masterton.

Tbe Greytown Rifle Volunteer Match Committee are requested to meet tomorrow evening to arrange the proposed match with the Wellington Guards. Some extraordinary applications come up sometimes at the Benevolent Committee meetings. At Dunedin a woman asked fit boots for her daughter, in addition to reled She had no less than nine i-hgilimate children, the two oldest of whom are nearly men. yet did not give her support. The application was declined. Several applicants asked to be dealt with in a liberal manner and iu looking at the circumstances the Chairman said be wondered they had not asked for a baggy and pair and a box at tbe operp.

The Greytown ranger, Mr D. Cameron,met with an accident yesterday afternoon at Moroa. He waa turning the corner of Cross' Line and Kempton’s Bead, when he dropped tbe reins upon his horse to light bis pipe. The horse gave a sudden start and unseated his rider, the old gentleman falling heavily and receiving severe cuts about tbe face. Professor Morley, homeopathist, was driving past after the accident, and he pulled up. Having bis needles with him he bathed the head of the sufferer and sewed np a deep cut. Mr Cameron was able to walk home and last night, under the care of Dr Bey, he was getting along favourably. Tbe fall was a heavy one, and being well on in years Mr Cameron feels its effects today. The Wholesale Drapery Company of Mastertou has a new announcement in out columns today. This company has a most extensive stock in their handsome new building. This new establishment, which is a great ornament to the town, is under the management of Mr P. Dickon, the managing partner, and that gentleman has some great novelties in drapery and other lines to offer. At a meeting of the Land Board held the other day, Mr McCardle moved, “ That a deputation of the Board should wait upon Govnruiuont with a view to having the Maugataiaoko lands withheld from sale until the railway lino is surveyed, aud the recreation reserve is set aside.” The motion waa seconded by Mr Bectham and eanied. The following notices of motion have been given by Mr Beethain for consideration at the next meeting of the Land Board :—l, That Government he requested to expend a sum of money for the pmpose of opening up Crown lands adjacent to Mauriceville West. 2. That the Board wishes to urge on the Government the advisability of surveyiog the Puketoi broken country with small rune at an early date. 8. That the land adjacent to Mauiiceville West should be surveyed as small runs, and should ho offered to the public ut an eailydate. 4.'That the Board strongly urges on the Land Department the necessity that exists for a branch Land t. flice at l’«bidua, and that all plans relating to land in that district should be provided for public inspection.

An impression has got abroad in Greytown that some of the residents have written to Mr 11. P Ward, tale assistant master in the school, asking him if lie would take the position of headmaster if a petition were circulated asking the Board to give him the appointment. We have made tiiquitits and find that ' tier to that tiled was sent and signed by four versons. It was tbeiciu slated that a compete: . would he required and svi’lb mo.-t tm-.enngly of the abilities cl Mr ’.VitMl, ill'll f? !he illgli esteem in which he was held. We have not seen the filtc, but Air .id’s reply has been handed lo us in winch he says : " The matter has, since you wrote, been decided in such it manner as ti obviite any such action as was sttggo.-ted, and 1 can only thunk both you and the others for their evidently fneuUly mentions towards me, as well as for the flaltetii g teims in which the letter was couched. Mayhap the warning so emphatically innp may have the desired effect, and Mr Ponitt will develope into a painstaking and devoted teacher crowned at last with success ; and should this happen no one would more sincerely congratulate him than I.” Since the above was pat in type we learn that the letter sent to the late assistant teacher was an ironical one. A second letter has been sent in reply informing him in no complimentary terms that the residents of Greytown would not have him at any price and expressing a hope that there may yet be an opening at Mount View. We give publicity to this matter for certain reasons wbich need not be stated here, but it would have been better if the first letter had not been written, for it has been shown to members of the Education Board by the recipient as a genuine one aud has also given rise to suspicions that there was some underhand work going on to get the present headmaster of Greytown removed, after all.

A son of Mr W R Thompson, of Greytown, was thrown trom a horse yesterday, and his arm was broken. Dr Bey has attended the lad, who is going about. A coach accident happened about ten miles from Wanganui yesterday, and several people, among them Captain Abbot, Mr Pieicy, Mr Allour, Messrs Cowper, Shaw, Fraser, (Rangitikei), were injured.

There will be a practice tor the Cantata 11 Uu.ier the Palms” iu the Wesleyan chu'.ch this evening at half past 7. A full attendance is desired. The young people will also pracn

, ~ . team of As wo go to press a Greytown cricketers is playing a combined learn from Ninth Waiiarapa, on the Deserve. It is probable ihai the Jubilee Singers will appear in Greytown. A representative of the company will be here today or tomorrow. Feathcrston is still suffering much from the long drought; many of the resident! are compelled to go even as far as the Tuuherenikau river for their daily supply of water. Perhaps in a few days there will be au abundance.

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Wairarapa Standard, Volume XX, Issue 2026, 4 February 1887, Page 2

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Wairarapa Standard Published Tri-weekly, Price 1d. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1887. Wairarapa Standard, Volume XX, Issue 2026, 4 February 1887, Page 2

Wairarapa Standard Published Tri-weekly, Price 1d. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1887. Wairarapa Standard, Volume XX, Issue 2026, 4 February 1887, Page 2