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There were somewhere about 400 people on the ground at one time in the afternoon on the first day, and there appeared to be more strangers than local people. The Grand Stand was scarcely patronised at all, save when the finishes of the races brought the bnilding into requisition. The two totalisetors on the ground were not very busy, the outside one sometimes being the most patronised, hut there was an absence of spirit in speculatic - on the machine. The various booths appeared to do a very fair trade during the day consisting that the attendance was not very large. Some games of chance were provided for the purpose of “ bleeding ” the public, but the public did not appear to consider that tb ’ had any occasion to be bled, bo they were not well patronised, but a voluable “ cheap Jack,” by means of his persuasive powers, managed to drive a bit of trade among the innocents. The stewards and the secretary Mr B. B. Armstrong carried out their duties in a most methodical manner and there were no complaints either frivolous or warranted. The races were for the most part well contested and run in very quick time. There were two surprises. The first was when Master Agues won the Cup, and the second when Smooth won the Hurry Scurry. So little was this horse thought of by the public, that on the outside totalisator there was not a single investor; there were only sis on the inside machine, four of which were natives. One native in the “ light come light go ” style, when he received his nice dividend of £26 Bs, carelessly deposited it in his outside coat pocket, but was speedily relieved of all hut about £5, by one of the light fingered gentry who was on the watch. The first event was the

Telegraph Handicap, 50 sovs; second horse 5 sovs. Six furlongs. H Hammond’s c g Socket, (Clifford}, 9st 101b 1 P F Tancred’s r m Princess Boyal, (Cuneen), 7st 2 Smooth, 6st 41b, 3 Master Agues Bst 71b and Little Fraud Cat, also started. They all got away well together and a good race ensued. Princess Boyal and Smooth leadiug until within about 100 yards from the post, but Clifford seemed to know the exact time to call upon his horse, and ran up and passed them as easily as possible, winning the race by hall a length. Bocket was first favorite on the machine ; there were 35 out of a total of 58 on the outside and 56 out of 109 on the inside. Div£ll2s. Time, Imiu 18J secs. General Thornton Get 71b and Miro 6st were scratched for this race. Little Fraud did a bolt before the start, and jumping the fence, went for a mile down the road. The Juvenile Handicap, 10 sovs, was the next event, and Minnie Palmer could have done the 6 fuilongs easily had she have been ridden in proper style, but her jockey most have eaten a hearty lunch and have become drowsy in consequence, as in coming up the straight well ahead he slacked out and allowed Mascotte to pass him unchallenged, who won by half a length. Tolalisator—outside— 20 on, 4on winner ; inside—l 9 on, 8 on winner ; dividend, £2 18s. Time Imin 23£secs.

Ladv’s Bracelbt.— First horse a diamond bracelet value £25, second horse n gold bracelet value £5. For three-year-olds and upwards. One mile. Horses to be ridden by amateurs approved by the stewards of the W.J.C. and each horse to be nominated by a lady. This race is open to all horses not having won an advertised race exceeding £3O in value, Hurdle Race winners excepted. 3 years 9st, 4 years 10st, 5 years lOat 41ba, 6yrs and aged lOst 71bs. Mrs A. Drake’s g g Peter Osbeck, 10st.. 71b (Derrett) 1 Mrs R. Buckeridge’s br g To Whiti, lOst 71b (W. Donald) 2 Mias Bidwid's c . fedora, lost (3)lb over) 3

Mariner, Cribboge, i :id Black Repent lof-t 71h, and Jannelte, ’Jet, also ran. The grey slinwed in front at the half distance, and maintained the lead to tl.c end closely f -Ilowed by Te Whiti ; Meitu was a good thod Outside- 115 on, 75 on (in, 67 on winner ; die,£l 7s. Timu 1 us.sls. W.I.IRAIMI'A CIT HaM.IOAI', 10(1 sovs, ECCO.'.d home 10 sms. 1) miles, P. Butler’s Masier Agnes, 6 years, but 4 hj (Delicti) 1 A. Turner’s ch m Charmer, 7«t 121b .. 2 H. Hammond’s c g Rocket Bst 41b .. 3 First Water list IOIh, Trickster Bst 4lh, Sylph 7st, nod Rata Cst 71b, also iau. Master Agnes won after a close contest, with Chaimer who pushed hint hard for first place, second, Bocket had rather an indiffjrent start, but ran up well until his rider found it no use, then he eased him a iilfiv. Inside—l 34 on, 17 on winner; uulsidi —HU on, 20 on winner ; div, £ll IDs. 'l ime 2m 13s. The Hurry Scurry brought out Smooth, Mm), l.’inlt Rose, Black Regent, Torea, I’tmviug, Medora, Hatanella, Fabrication, end Leopardess, and they came in the order named, Smooth winning easily. Time Imiu Ulsecs. Div, £26 8«. The Selling race, 40 sovs, 6 furlongs, w.f.a. brought out a field of eight, Teddy Yuile Bst Sib (Huxtable) winning by a length from Charmer 9st lib. Scraps 7st 51b next, Pilgrunsge Bst oib thud, Mazurka fist 51b, FabneatFn 12ib, Survivor and Theodore each ft it 12 li also ran. Time, Imin 20secs. Div L 3 ba Tho borso was sold hy auction by Mr F H Wood, and bought by his owner for L 62. The Hack Bhce brought out a field of five,

viz., ifllEmca (late Bough Gut), Capuoine, , No Name. Tores was a hot nearly justified the popular Bidwill’a mare, well ridden by won by a half a head a clinking L4 17s. fa SECOND DAT. On Sat Aay, notwithstanding that the early part of thßnorning was dull, it was expected that the aßndance on the course would be much in Jkss of the day previous, but from some local residents were not present in laHnnmbers and the fair sex was, with a voflSew exceptions, scarcely represented the grand stand having a very deserted pSHtnoccupied appearance. It is now quite (nßent that the days for monster gatherings inrnhia district ate on the wane, and if they all to be resuscitated, some new methods of retdering them popular must be introduced. ’llie attendance of Wellington j visitors, amon| them some most respectable and respected if sporting gentlemen, was unproportionate!; in excess of that of the Wairarapa settler*. There was also in large flocks and sisals, the undesirable carrion, who attend meet race meetings for the purpose ot fleecing and swindling the ever gullable working man of his bard and hoarded earnings. These vampires not only carried on their nefarious designs and accomplishments by means of three cards quite openly on what is called " the outside,” but even penetrated the precincts of the saddling paddock, where station hands and others, possessed with a feverish desire to suddenly acquire wealth, dropped their " fivers ”in an incredible short time. Then there was " the bold adventurer,” who started a “ Bank ol Deposit,” wherein all the money deposited never came out, only through the hands of a confederate. The eloquent " cheap jack ” also opened shop and drove a good business in the Brummagem line. The eccentricities of the public on the totalisators were remarkable in the extreme. There was one race, the Novel, where all the money was put on one horse, Normanby, on both machines ; of course it was, barring accidents, a moral certainty, but why people should rush to a machine to part for a dead certainty with two shillings in every twenty, is incomprehensible, or lose their money altogether. The stewards and secretary made every preparation for a genuine and important meeting ; some good horses, notably Rocket, Charmer, Master Agnes, Peter Osbeck, Princess Boyal, Sylph, and Trickster were present and the races were, without exception, in the most important events, well contested. The Greytown Baud, as on the day previous, was present and deserved a larger audience. Drunkenness there was none, an J consequently there was no trouble given the police. In the evening the bulk ol the visitors left for their homes by train, &c., to Wellington and elsewhere, and Greytown settled down to its usual every day appear, ance. The first event was the Wairarapa District Produce Stakes —2OO sovs ; second horse, 25 sovs ; third horse 10 sovs ; breeder of the winner 25 sovs from the advertised amount. Closed with 30 nominations ; 1) miles. P F Tancred’s c o Forester, Puriri—Gossip Sat 101b (Vaile) 1 AJ Hoskin’s br f Honeysuckle Puriii— Gossip, Bst 51b (Cronin) 2 F Burt’s br f Jeannette, b Mangle—Mabel Bst 51b (Cuneen) 3 There was not much excitement in this race, as Forester, who was the hot favorite, won as be liked by a length, hard held, Jeannette sho.ved to the front for a short distance, bnt soon took her place in the rear, and came in a bad third. Time, 2miu 52secs. Div, £1 ss. Handicap Hurdle Back, 50 sovs. One and a half miles. W Weston’s br g Aroha, lOst 121b .. 1 A Drake’s g g Peter Osbeck list.. .. 2 Master Agues and Halioore were scratched. This was a good race, and opinions had been divided as to the result. On one machine Aroha was the best favorite ; on the other Peter Osbeck. Both horses jumped well together, and the brown horse won by half a length from the grey. Time, 5m 6s. Div, £ll7s. For the Hack Hurdles there were nine entries, viz., Cloud, Leopardess, Tni, Discord, Ivo, Scrubber, Exchange, Mariner, and Pake. Exchange, the favourite, won easily, and paid a dividend of £2 14s,

Wairabapa Jockey Club Handicap.— CO aovs ; second horse 10 sovs ; 1 mile. A Turner’s ch Charmer, (W White), Bst 21b 1 H Hammond’s c g Bocket, (Clifford), Oat 71b, 2 P Butler’s oh Master Agnes (Derrett), Bst 131b 3 Bylph 6st 131b and Smooth 6st 71b, also ran. Bumor, Trickster, First Water, Princess Boyal, Gaiety, Normanby, Satanclla and Kollo were scratched. Ibis was a good race Charmer showed to the front at the turn into the straight and won a half a length from Bocket who was ridden hard, Master Agnes was a good third. Div L 7 3s. Time, Imin Slseos. The Motel Back for 26 sovs, 1 mile catch weights, was won by Bormanby easily, Tinui the only other starter being nowhere. The Donkey was to have raced, but did a pre*. liminary 3 miles on his own account before the boy could pull him in. Div 18s. Time, Imin SOaecs. Normanby was sold to Allan Herd by Mr F. H. Wood for £l7. Eailway Handicap.— so sovs ■, second horse 6 sots ,' six furlongs. P P Tanored’s Princess Boyal, Gst 71b, (Vaile) 1 H Hammond’s Bocket, lOst, (Clifford) .. 2 A Drake’s Teddy Yuille, 7st 10lb 3

Miro 6st also started. Fabrication Gst 71b and General Thornton 6st were scratched. This race was a fast one, and Princess Boyal was fiesh and prepared for the fray ; she took matters in hand at the half cl is. tance, and won cleverly by a length. Teddy Yuile ran a good third. Time 1m 18 l-oths. Div, £4 Is. The Hack Eace, 10 sovs, one mile, was was by Torea (late Bough Cut) very easily. Iris, Mariner, The Donkey, Susette, Othello, Yankee, and Cribbage also ran. Time, 2m 14Js. Div, £2 14e.

Gmand fc'v'AND Handicap, 40 ,-ovs ; second iiorse 5 sovs. Seven furlongs. Teddy Tuile, 7st 81b (Huxtable).. 1 Princess Koyal, 7st 71b (Ouneen).. .. 3 Sylpb, Bst 101b (Woods).. .. ..3 Scraps 6st 31b, Satanella 6st, and Smooth Cst 71b also ran. Rocket '.let 12lb, The Shah hut, Trickster, and Mazurka Bst, General Thorr.ton (Ist 71b, fabrication Get 61b, lilaok Regent, Jeanette, and Miro 6st 71b were scratched. Won cashy. Time 1m 325. Div ill Bs.

We may be accused of speaking in our own interests, hut of that we cannot help, at the same time the Jockey Club will do well to consider the matter of giving more publicity to their programme both locally aud generally. No fault can be found with their arrangements on the course as regards rho racing, but they should know that all over the distriot complaints have been made that their programme has not been always comeatable and it has been men who take an interest in sporting that have complained. It is because we wish the Jockey Club every success that we make these remarks, it is a part of our local institutions, and as we have the nenclue of a good and lasting course in our midst it should be the desire of everyone in the district especially the tradespeople who have a chance thereby of taking a little extra ready cash. Let the Jockey Club study the best means of enticing the public, and the stewards may rest assured that the powerful assistance of the local press can be relied upon. £2200 passed through the Totalisators during the two days. THE GEELONG GOLD CUP. Mfiboubne, January 28. The Geelong Gold Cup was run for today, and was won by Mr G. Davis' b m Cametine, by Gondolier-Alice Drew, aged, 7st 61b.

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Wairarapa Standard, Volume XX, Issue 2024, 31 January 1887, Page 2

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SPORTING. Wairarapa Standard, Volume XX, Issue 2024, 31 January 1887, Page 2

SPORTING. Wairarapa Standard, Volume XX, Issue 2024, 31 January 1887, Page 2