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Wairarapa Standard Published Tri-weekly, Price Id. WEDNSDAY, JANUARY 19, 1887.

The crops down the Lower Valley are now fully ripe, and in most cases are being reaped. Being somewhat stunted on account of the dry weather, consequently they will be light and at a rather low per centage of yield to the acre.

Mr P H Wood sells, Greytown auction rooms, tomorrow afternoon, the privileges in connection with the Wairarapa Jockey Club’s Spring Meeting, horse, saddle, bridle, gun and other effects, in the estate of T Olsen, by order of the Public Trustee, after which general merchandise. The Ruamabunga river at the present time at Waihenga, is narrowed down to a very small stream, and is easily fordable at almost any point. It is very probable that a meeting will be called very shortly for the purpose of considering the matter of building a Presbyterian Church at Featherston, Borne active measures are now being taken in that direction, and u is expected that a meeting of adherents to *hat denomination will be convened within a mo nil* Rom the present.

The Martinborough School Committee met on Monday night, when it was resolved to nominate Messrs H. Bunny and W. C. Buchanan, M.Ii.K, as members of the Board of Education' It was also decided to alter the date of the children s treat from the 22nd instant till the 4tb of February. Some handsome prizes have been purchased for the successful scholars, and they will be distributed at the picnic. There will also be some good prizes for the successful competitors in the various games, and some cricketing utensils have been procured for the School Cricket Club. The dsy’s sports and treat will be held at Mr J. Martin, junior’s, place at Hnangatoa, and the young people and their frinn is in the district arc anticipating a most enjoyable event on the day appointed.

The Carterton paper, some days ago, gave currencv to a report that a 11 grave scandal” was likely to occupy the attention of the Court, and related, with minuteness, that a foreigner residing in Carterton had engaged a you - g female (during the absence of his wife on a trip for her health) to look after the home ; that when the wife returned, entrance to her house was refused by her husband anier all sorts of threats and the reason for •• unmauly Conduct’’ was stated to be tint i. 1 ’” Ituaband " fi-rd transferred hiealiVct ons to the' voung woman in the house whom hj; wished to ,*.'kc the place of his wife,” -Sow it hj ipp-ns thul the paragraph its. If is . “ enve Fcai.oai ’ iu on ft well known former .-i-Gd-ul of (tic;, town, and now o' ‘-arlcrt.oii not a part id" of truth, in flic ; i .nope I no story, no ' the husband says it :m- mined hm in t : .,i. eyes of 1,,s fellow settlers. Li j-eticc to him we contradict the foul asper.-ioiis nu hi-: character, and the ■v..nder la that ■ nr coot noporary, who pub-i-hed the paiagnipii on iiu- 13th instant, has ■•ot tat the horn sty m reiract them. The u us.-.i.nd m .-ua to sue for dunam-:, in ojucr :1m: he may vindicate his char a t -r.

j . ! .c Greytown Public Rli ve Committee have now a wGi Hmk iu a corner of the g.out.d, in . ii-t nvht the Fire Brigade nini.'l wuti the'r .inf md well saturated the ground with wter, in view cf their approaching spoils,

A concert vil teke place at Martinborough some evening during the first week in Feb,, Dtohably the 4th.

Mr G Lawrie, of Wail.eaga, wishes It 10 be understood that he is not the person who w(t« fined at tiic Featheisiou Magistrates’ Court, for using strong language t .wards the station master there. The name of the patty interested was Tbon Lawry, I

Mr H. H. Wolli'rs, clerk to the County Council, met with ii severe accident while returning home from a trip to the Kast Coast on Sunday. Mr '.v o Uers was tiding across the Hurumtioranoi flat, when his horse, having trodden over a stone on the road, stumbled and foil, throwing Mr Wolters heavily, and fracturing two of his ribs. Dr Bey has been in attendance, and although he considers it rather a serious case, has hopes that with care the patient will soon recover, The world contains 7 millions of Jews, 200 millions of adherents of the Romish Church, Ttl milllions Greek Church, 131 millions of Protestants, 200 millions Mabommedans, 300 millions Buddhists, 175 millions Brahmanists, HO millions Oonfucionists, 174 millions worshippers of Fetishes, Evil Spirits, and Unknown Gods.

A most dangerous fire has been raging the last two days in the immediate vicinity of Duncan’s mill, at Woodside. On Monday it was found that nearly three miles of a wooden tramway was burned, and but a lew chains of the line left. The mill employees were all ordered to be on the spot during Monday night to keep watch over the spreading conflagration, as great fears were felt for the safety of the sawmill. The Featherston Rifle Volunteers on Saturday competed for the second stage of shooting for Major Bunny’s prize, with the following results Captain A Donald first with 68 points, Sergeant Benton second with 59, and Corporal Whiteman third with 55 points. The other competitors were some distance behind these scores. We have received from the Treasurer of the Greytown Hospital a snbsoriptron list, soliciting funds in aid of the institution. The object is so good a one that we shall have pleasure in contributing our mite and in leaving the list open at our office for a time so that others may have an opportunity of subscribing. There is one special feature about the affair that should make it highly popular. In most calls for help there is no immediate and practical benefit to the giver himself. With the Greytown Hospital subscribers it is different, for each person who, at a time when he is not ailing, gives five shillings or more, is entitled to a member’s ticket which will admit him as a patient for a year from date on any occasion that bis doctor certified illness and without charge for maintenance or medical fees. At the -ame time, although this privilege is held ont as an inducement to subscribe, honorary members, such as employers who can head the list with their guinea or more, will no doubt be just as welcome as of old. The Queen’s Proctor has consented to the re-opening of the Crawford v Dilke divorce case. The woman Fanny, who is in a position to give important testimony which should go far towards establishing or disproving the accusations made against Sir Charles, has now returned to London. It is stated that this woman is prepared to swear to the falsity ol many of the most serious statements made by Mrs Crawford re the alleged improper intimacy that had existed between herself and bit Charles Dilke, The friends of the latter have collected a mass of exculpatory evidence, which will be adduced at the trial.

The anti-immigration League at Sydney have passed resolutions condemning any form of Protection, and a procession of the members ol the league marched through the streets, carrying trade banners. An antisProtection meeting was afterwards hold in the Domain. The Waitangi (a new Zealand built yacht) won tho intercolonial yacht race at Sydney.

A report has been received from Kimberley that ii 9 blacks have been massacred in that district.

The ordinary monthly meeting of the Loyal Unity Lodge, lOOFMU, was held in the Oddfellows’ Hall, Featherston, on Saturday lost. There was a good attendance of officers and brothers. The lodge was notified that an official visit would be paid by the District Officers on Thursday, the 20th January. PG Arney, secretary, was elected delegate to the district meeting to be held at Johnsonville on Thursday, the 10th February. The Treasurer’s statement showed funds to the credit of the lodge amounting to £37. NG ordered Thursday, the 10th proximo, to be a special lodge meeting, at 8 p.m. A lecture was held at the close of the lodge, which closed in due order at 10.30 p.m.

A man named John Reed, alias Breed, was brought down from Palmerston North to Wellington, having been arrested on a charge of robbery from the Fnahi Pah, neat Carterton, in November, 1884. He was res manded to Carterton.

The members of the Greytown Mutual Improvement Society spent a pleasant time at their room in Hastwell street last night. Some good readings were given, consisting chiefly ofiparodies and their originals ; a duet by two youog lads was very nicely rendered ; some time was spent in geometrical exercises on the black board, and the other part of the evening was taken up with practice in singing. At the next meeting on Tuesday week a few ladies and gentlemen will con. tribute songs and choruses. Mr F. H. Brittain, of the Papawai School, wishes us to contradict a report in circulation, that it was ne who wrote the letter signed “ Teacner,” which appeared in the Staauabd some days ago. Charles Cheymol, of Wellington, merchant, was yesterday found guilty ef forgery and sentenced to four years' imprisonment. Mr Justice Giblin, of Hobart, died on Monday.

Express trains between Adelaide and Melbourne will commence running today. By this means the mails between the two cities Will be delivered a day earlier than hitherto. A cable advice from Calcutta skates that there is a rise in oornsacks equal to l)d per dozen on the cost of parcels on the „-,.t r, A boy named Carson was drown. ,i or. Sunday afternoon while bathing in the V.aiieka creek, Oamaru. The boy was aged 11 years. The trial of Caffery and Penn, charged with the Great Barrier murder, commenced at Auckland yesterday.

The railway department notify today cheap fares for Saturday next, between the Wairarapa and Wellington. Op to the present, however, no arrangement has been made to run a special train at an early hour in the morning to enable visitors from the Wairarapa to enjoy a full day in Wellington. Nor is auy mention made of the afternoon train being delayed until 7 or 8 o’clock in the evening.

A sheep on (lie road at Bidwill's culling near Waihenga on Saturday night, caused a Iniise lo shy and ih.ow the rider, fortunately, without any serious-- remits.

AtG) sborne, a man named Job Harris got his arm drawn into a,-mss seed threshing nachiou and fearfully mangled. The arm was amputated at the shoulder, but he died from tin; shock a few hours after.

A hov named Me blister, aged eight years was diowned at Longhorn, Palmerston North, on Monday. Ho was bathing will) some other hoys ween the accident occurred.

.Sauukk j- Son’s Extract. Test it? eminent powerful effects in coughs, colds, inlluenza ; ihe relief is instantaneous. In serious caeca and accidents of all kinds, be thev wiitn's, barns, sc.ildings, bruises, spr .ins, it is the safest remedy—no swelling —no infbmitnation lube surprising effects produced in cioup, diphtheria, bronchitis, inflammation tf the lungs, swellings, etc. ; di in licet, dy. eatery ; diseases of the kidneys an I urinary organs. In use at all hospitals ami medical clinics ; patronised by His Majesty the Ring of Italy ; crowned with medal and diploma at International Exhibition, Amsterdam. Trust in this approved article mid reject all others, " Buchu Paiba,” Quick, complete cure, all annoying kidney, bladder and urinary diseases. At chemists and druggists. Kemp-, thorn.;, Prosser A Go., Agents, Dunedin.

*' ‘tough on 3ie,ie.” Clears out rats, mice, roadies ii'i,'"*' ants, bed bugs, beetles, insects, skunks,'jack rabiu" and gonhcrs. At chemists and druggists.

Mr Black, of the Greytown Post and Teles graph Office, the other day paid away in mistake a £2O note for £l. l! He did not make the discovery lor some days after, but on balancing his cash he found that the £2O note that was in his possession was missing. It may be that the person to whom it was paid has not noticed the amount of the note, which was paid out as £l, and as Mr Black lias had to make good the deficiency, it is hoped that the person holding it will return it to Mr Black. The number of the note has been given at the Bank and the note stopped.

The Bush Inn at Morrison’s Bush has been thoroughly painted and renovated and some new additions made, notably a very nice conservatory, where some hundreds of silk worms may be seen fulfilling their avocations under the careful ..supervision ol Miss A. Hodge, the landlord’s daughter. Mr G. Nash, of Greytown, has been embellishing this establishment, and under his skill and handiwork, this well known hostelry has undergone some very pleasing transforms lions, aid is now externally an ornament to the quiet little district where it is situated. The fruit trees in the Morrison’s Bush district, 'as elsewhere, have suffered considerably by the long continued drought, and are now, so far as the fruit is concerned, in a and shrivelled up condition. Perhaps some welcome downpour of rain when it comes will be the means of reviving to an extent the drooping fruit. Mr Clapcott, well known as an elocutionist, will give a selection of bis popular readings from favourite authors at the Foresters’ Hall, Greytown, on Friday evening, and at Carter* ton on Monday evening. It is now about seven years since Mr Clapcott was in this district, and we have no doubt that those who have a taste for elocution will be glad to hear him in his pathetic and humorous delineations of character.

A large fire was raging in dangerous proximity to the old ferry house at Waibenga last night, and it was expected that the old building would be demolished.

Great interest seems to be taken in the coming Fire Brigade Sports. Tbe nominations and prizes are larger than any other sports on the same day. This being tbe first attempt by this noble body, it is to be hoped the public will encourage the effort. A first class band is engaged to play daring the day. Wellington, Mae ter ton, Carterton and our own brigade have been training bard for the Fire Brigaue competitions. A well has been sunk for the occasion. Tbe bicycle race is quite a i velty, it being the first in the Wairarapa. Boys’ races are to be got up during intervals, and there will also be a match between two local peds for L 5 aside, 100 yards over eight hurdles. Mr Hammerich of tbe Greytown Hotel will supply the liquor, and Mr Grigg the refreshments. A dinner will be provided at the Foresters’ Arms Hotel in the evening, at which time the prizes will be presented by W 0 Buchanan, Esq., MHR. The committee will make arrangements to have some seats upon the ground for the use of ladies. The Masterton Volunteer Fire Brigade have decided to send a team down upon the occasion to compete in the brigade’s competition, and the Carterton team will be in Greytown this evening for practice.

The Railway Department has declined to accede to the request of some settlers and cricketers in the Wairarapa for an early train on the 22nd inst. from the Wairarapa. This decision has caused much indignation in the district. The peope are now asking why the same privileges cannot be extended to the Wairarapa that are allowed to the Wellington public. Tbe present arrangements are perfectly useless to the settlers in the Valley who would desire to spend a day in Wellington, as the train does not arrive in town until long after midday and leaves at about 6 p.m., giving no time for recreation.

The Greytown Private Brass Band will practice on Thursday (tomorrow) and Friday next in view of playing on the recreation ground on Saturday at the Sports. The Cemetery Trustees met on Friday sight, when Mr Loasby notified that at the adjourned meeting of the trustees to be held on Friday. 28th inst., he would move that the management of the Greytown Public Cemetery be handed over to the Borough Council.

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Wairarapa Standard, Volume XX, Issue 2019, 19 January 1887, Page 2

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Wairarapa Standard Published Tri-weekly, Price 1d. WEDNSDAY, JANUARY 19, 1887. Wairarapa Standard, Volume XX, Issue 2019, 19 January 1887, Page 2

Wairarapa Standard Published Tri-weekly, Price 1d. WEDNSDAY, JANUARY 19, 1887. Wairarapa Standard, Volume XX, Issue 2019, 19 January 1887, Page 2