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Greytown Borough Council

This Council met on Monday night. Present-His Worship the Mayor (F. H. Wood, Esq.,) Cts Maxton, Trotter, St George, Cotter, Armstrong, Varnham, Humphries, aud Cameron. The clerk read the minutes of the last meeting, which were confirmed. The correspondence outwards was read. COBEESPONDBHCB OUTWARDS. From the ponndkeeper, asking that a hay rack be erected in the pound. Prom G. F. Kempton, asking to he allowed to erect two posts for the use of horsemen iu front of bis shop, Greytown North. Fiom the Returning Officer, annonneing tbe election of Messrs Horablow and Wyett ns auditors to the Borough. From drown Lauds Office, in reply to Council's Application for 18 acres reserve, outside iher channel, North Greytown, and announcing that nothing eonld be done uutil a report wae in by th* Crown Land* ranger. From Native Office, Wellington, concerning t . e diffiou ty in respect to a bridge objected u by tii« natives at P«pawai. Also copies of letters from natives to Under Secretary re Te Anna, adjoining thf Papawal Hook, on ft* »*»• eahjeet.

Thin roTespondenoe, which »m voluminous and of the oature peenlisr ri> “S Maori phraseology, »ery minattly rscoun'ed the objection* formerly made to tbi* bridßJ and itate that although anxioni to svoiw quarrelling with the Euroiesns. they wei# determined to hare no road at thie place ; *l*® that the road would not have been d'SK'd. but for the reeidenoe of a Bump*** in tin t quarter. A second letter wa* read from the Game* I Surrey Office on the same subject, expressing an opinion that the local authority was the beat to deal with the matter.

ENDOWMENT REIBBVE. It was resolved on the motion of Or Cotter# seconded by Cr Cameron, that the lelt-w to the Native Minister, in reference to the 16 acres extra reserve applied for bo eon firmed. POSTS. Mr G. W. Kempton’i request was granted on the motion of Cr Humphries, and seconded by Cr Trotter. BIT BICE. It was resolved on the motion of Cr Ft George, seconded by Cr Msxtoa, that a bay rack be erected at the pound et a oost not exceeding 25*. THE MUNICIPAL COMPOSITION ACT. A. copy of the new Municipal Corporation Act (proposed) with the Premier's compliments, was received, and the title page was scanned over by the Councillors. His Wor» ship assured the Councillors that be bad waded through a copy sent by Mr Buchanan for bis perusal, and asking for hio opinion, tor bis (Mrf Buchanan’*) assistance. Hio Worship would not recommend the Councillors to discuss the rules uriatum that night, but they could take the copy home in turn, if they wished. He (Mr Wood) was satisfied that the new rule* were improvements, so the Council would probably have no suggestions to make in reference thereto. It was resolved, on the motion of tbs Mayor, seconded by Cr Cottar, that the receipt el oopy be acknowledged, aud the Government be informed that the Council had no suggestions to makt. The report of the Works Committee wse read, which, among other msttere, recommended that £6 be voted lor a footpath on Great Frederick Street. Or St George moved end Or Humphries seconded, that the report ee read be adopted. The Finance Committee’s report wae reed, ond, on the morion of Cr Maxton, seconded | by Or Armstrong, adopted. NEW LAMPS.

Or 8t George said the guards <m the new lamps were the wrong way round |> allow the lamp lighter to light them with convenience. Or Cameron said the bars were too long. They should be two feet six instead el lota It was ultimately agreed to ask the eootrae* tor to alter the bars to the length required (two feet six inches). The Clerk reported that the alteration tn the lamp at the Post Office would cost about 30s. The Mayor moved that the lamp at tbn Poet Office be removed to the opposite corner (Rev Mr Ward’s); he was of opinion that it would answer the purpose of the pnblo using the Post Office far better in that position. Cr 8t George seconded. Cr Cotter said the lamp in its present position was a confounded nuisance to travellers coming up Kuritiwhiti street, and the people living down that road wonld consider it a boon if it was shifted. It might gait some persons living close to the ditch by tbe Foresters’ Ball. Cr Trotter moved, and Cr Maxton seeondad. as an amendment, that the lamp be shifted to tbe school corner. Tbe amendment was lost, and tbe original motion re parsonage corner, was declared carried

Cr Armstrong proposed, and Or Wyatt seconded, that a lamp be erected near Wyett’s bridge. Cr Cotter did not see that it was required ; very few people lived that way. The Mayor said lamps in the Boreugh were a material advantage, and they were ahead of Carterton and Featherston in this respect, but if not urgently required at this point of tbe road perhaps the expenditure could be avoided for tbe praeent: Tbe motion was lost. BANOBB’fI BIPOBT. Tbe Ranger reported having impounded 80 head cattle and 82 bead of sheep, or what be called small cattle, during the month. Tbe same functionary aleo declared all the closets and oeespools to be clean, bat applied to the Council to be allowed to make a few remarks personally. PBIVATX STREETS. Tbe Banger on being admitted represented to the Council tbe difficulties under which be labored in the fulfilment of bis duties, oa account of not being allowed (to impound cattle from off tbe private streets (streets not taken over by the Council). He quoted Kempton street ss an example ; a’so the streets off Greet Frederick Street. He affirmed that be had been subject to mneli abuse, and was requited to exercise much vigilance in capturing tbe cattle which strayed from these streets on the public Sometimes they would perversely return ts their privileged haunts while he wi- attending them t > the pound, aud then bo would bn assailed with a volley of abuse from Hie irate owners. His hook states that he ctn range overall no fenced land, and now the Council was duly assembled he wished t » get their collective opinion upon his position in the matter. Tbe Clerk sa'd he believed a resolution had bad been passed by the Council some time ago, forbidding theraogir from taking cattle off private streets. Cr Cotter said the ranger ooold n*t pound cattle off private streets. Councillor Cameron said it whs a g-oat mistake not to allow the to iopoi i.l cattle off private streets ; these 'tree'. eh mid be treated as unfeoced land, if people wished to run cattle on these *tre> ts the residents should erect fences across aud provide gates. Kempton Stic t »as an excellent street. Cr St George gave notice of motion to rescind the resolution affecting tbe (anger's duties in reference to private streets. HrMPRBIES’ lIBEIT, Cr Humphries said some metalling was required on Hnmphrie's Stie t, some par s of the road being very hollow. He would lika to see something done in the way <d httmp off water in connection with the drain and culvert on West Street. After some remarks from Ora Cameron Cotter, and Trotter, the Mayor proposed that the matter be loft in hands of ths Works Committee, with a request hat the overseer be instructed to go carefully over tie ground, inspect the condition of the road, ana rej ort at the next meeting of the Counci 1 . Agreed to. jackbon's kcit. Cr Trotter asked if the Overs*#.' hj. d reported. Cr Cotter proposed that tenders b* call id for clearing scrub off Jaouson s Hoad. Seconded by Cr Trotter. Or 6t George was not avers* to tender* being called for, bat thought that th* overseer might fill up his time this way. Or Cotter said it was unfair for ths Council allow scrub to grow, and infest people'* H n< l, and then compel them to remove the consequences of their own (the Council's) lexity. The Mayor said there eonld be ao harm la calling tor tendon. Agreed to. ovßsaaiß's a ovea. Or Maxton aaked if any thing had been done towards calling for tendon lor the roof si the overseer's house. Tbe clerk replied that ha had not yet called tor tenders, bat wonld do so. Or Vanhorn proposed that shoot IS ehoiae of win lenciug be done at Pawhata Road. Snooded by Or Cameron, sod carried. On ft* application of th* Greytowa Pin Brigade, £5 waa voted Ut a nhlmiey ft IMV

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Wairarapa Standard, Volume XIX, Issue 1842, 9 June 1886, Page 2

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Greytown Borough Council Wairarapa Standard, Volume XIX, Issue 1842, 9 June 1886, Page 2

Greytown Borough Council Wairarapa Standard, Volume XIX, Issue 1842, 9 June 1886, Page 2