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Mr lllanstield, of Mastertou, Ims been up pointed Deputy Assignee ia the place of Mr ijellur, resigned. Messrs Trotiuau and Humphries, of (trey* town, mi! the successful tenderers I>r the building ol a teacher's residence at Kail ua. Mr W. Bciitnn, of Fuathcrston, has secured (he building of the Piriuoa schoolhouso. Mr W. Gilpin, storekeeper, Featherston, has just now on band a quantity of excellent butter from some of the best dairies in the dimi'cL AcjvtMr J. D. Dux, storekeeper, Foatheiaton, announces some nereides m another iou ii i which are worthy of the notice p( our Feathers ton readers. The death hi announced in the Eng'isb papers of an old NV!*m resident. Mi William Long Wrey, «t the good old ago >d ijl. He was the gentleman who promoted th“ company to work the Dun Mohikuoi Copper Mines, some distance out of Nhlboli. The s. s. Triumph in to be despatched from Lyttelton for the K'inheiley go-I lieai;; on the .•’.Mh June Jt i.j beloivci! ibat idle will be filled with passengers Mr W. Toogood, storekeeper, of Feather stou, has just i’ideiilo-I from Ho no some seasonable goods of excellent quality, parti* culms ul wtuch will shortly be anoouuettti.

Thn Fcathfirgton brass band intend siioitiv to give a public rehears il. They are pro greasing well with their music, and in a little lime will be the means of enlivening tin town, to a great extent, daring the lung winter nights. The charge of murder against William Rock, of Gisborne, resulted iu his being committed for trial. The Totara Lodge U.A U.D , will hold their fourth auuual festival in the Town Hall, Carterton, (bis evening. Dancing commences at 8.30 p.m. An abstract o< the receipts and expenditure of the Wairarapa West County Council for the year ending March 31st last, is published in our advertising columns. Tito Dalefieid School Committee have declined to allow the use of the building for religious services. The Wesleyan denomination have resolved to erect n church in the district, subscriptions to whiolt are said to bo coming iu freely. At the Carterton K.M. Court on Tuesday, James Peters sued John Peters for £2 damages for trespass on a piece of land. The trespass was proved, but the question of title to the land was raised aud the plaintiff (for whom Mr Saudilands appeared) was nonsuited. We hear that steps are being taken to start a bacon curing factory in the Wairarapa. The Hon Robert Stout has accepted the honor conferred upon him by the Queen. He will therefore shoitly become Sir Robert Stout, K.C.M.Q. Mr H. (late of the Fealberston School), has beeu appointed to the Belvidere School. The Daily loams that a great deal of the timber from the wrecked Wainuioru Bridge has been washed up on the beach at the month of the Pahaua river.

Fabian’s new Club Hotel at Qreytown has been commenced by the builder, Mr E. Qr&y. is a tumour of s “ No Confidence" motion being contemplated. One named Major Atkinson as the mover, another indicated Mr Fulton, tbe member for Taieti. The report farther pointed to the retrenchment question as the ground upon'whioh the snticipated motion would be based. All this sort of thing is only a rumour, and as it is lacks confirmation, Mastertons first store, says the Star, erected by Miss Emma Jean about a quarter a century ago, was knocked down at auction the other day for five shillings, sub* ject to removal. A Fact Worth Knowing—Are you suffering with Consumption, Coughs, Severe Colds, settled on the Breast, Pneumonia, or any disease of the Throat and Lungs? If so, go to your Druggist and get a bottle of Boschee’s German Syrup. The people are going wild over its success, and Druggists all over the country are writing us of its wonderful cures among their customers. It has by far the largest sale of any remedy, simply because it is of so much value in all affections of this kind. Chronic cases quickly yield to it. Druggists recommend it and physicians prescribe it. If you wish to try its superior virtue, get a Sample Battle for qd. Large size bottle 3s. 6d. Three doses will relieve any case. Try it. Laery and Campbell report that there is but little if any alterations in prices during the past week. Oats have been offered very plentifully ; we have reports of the price hardening in Southern districts to the extent of quite one penny, but so many have been forced on us during the past week or two that we are not likely to feel the effect of the rise, if even it be permanent, tor some short time. All other horse, cattle, and chick feed is in the same position as last, reported The potato market continues in a most unsatisfactory condition, the samples coming foward being so mixed. The boise sale on Saturday was but poorly represented with horses, the attendance, however, was good, but there was no great business d«oe.

“ Rough on Corns.” Ask for Wells' "Rough on Corns.” Quick relief, complete, permanent cure. Corns, warts, humous. Kcmpthorne, Prosser A Co., Agents, Christchurch. We believe that if every one would use American Co’s Hop Bitters freely there would be much less sickness and misery in the world, and people are fast finding this out, wh >le families keeping well at a trifling cost by its use. We advise all to try it. Read Flies and Bugs. Beetles, insects, roaches, ants, bod bugs, rats, mice, gophers, chip munks, cleared out by " Rough on Bats.” Kempthorne, Prosser & Co., Agents, Christchurch. A Wise Deacon.—" Deacon Wilder, I want yon to tell me how you kept yourself and family go well the past season, when all the rest of us have been sick so much, and have had the doctors tunning to us so often.” Brother Taylor the answer is very easy. I used Hop Bitters in time, aud kept my family well, and saved large doctor’s bills. Font shillings’ worth oi it kept us all well aud able to work all the time, and I will warrant it nas cost you and most of the neighbors XlO to £IOO apiece to keep the sick the same time. I fancy you’ll take my medicine hereafter.” See

Catarrh of Tbs Bladder. Stinging irritation, inflammation, all kidney and similar complaints, cured by “ Buolm-paiba.” Druggists. Kempthorne, Prosser & Co., Agents. The Land Hoard has decided to set apart a block of land at Haatwell s dealing, near MauriceviUe, as a village settlement. The sections are to range I‘rom 5 to acres. The San Francisco Mail is due at Auckland to* morrow. The English Derby was won by Ormonde, The Bard 'J, St Mirim 3. Several additions are made to-day to Mr F. H. Wood's Stock Sale for next Thursday. At his Carterton auction rooms on the 14th, Mr F. H. Wood will sell under instructions from Mr J. Peters, jun., a valuable freehold property adjoining Messrs Robinson Bros., blacksmiths. Particulars will be found in advertisement. At the (.Icraldino Autumn Meeting, Uordcrman won the Hurdles, Hagsh-'t Novel Hurdle* : Autumn Handicap, Jack ; Steeplechase, Victor; Selling Race, Cemindrum; Hurry Sourn, Hagshot. A meeting Hi the *■<lllllolllll’ "t the (.vytown Hun i.w (N;i» nnl;< > ) ui', id , •< * o’cex; 1 .. Hie «*. >to ntit*e<- in* il<’ <il p*"inteiv-1 > -i t-• he mm) i'|.<- U 'C«*lI ytM..•- liM.xlly M*. next To -morrow, ,0 l’e:tlhet>i'*n. Ur I. H. Wo.,*<l *»i|l hold a large unreserved sale 01 general diapcrx, clothing, Ac., at the Town Hall. Alter which he will sell tea, sugar, fancy goods, W. On Monday Mr Wood holds a sale of dairy stock at Mr Walden s farm. The iiitpic-' on the body of the late David Henrv Young who met with his death through a pistol e\ ploding at Day’- Hat, on Saturday last, was held before Dr Johnston, District Coroner, at the Wellington Hospital on Wednesday morning ; after hearing the evidence of the lad (J. S. Durrctt, who was handling tlie pistol at the time of the sail occurrence, and also the evidence of Dr Hassell, the readmit surgeon the jury returned a \erdiet of Accidental Death, " The Volunteer Cadet at the Odd fellow*. U H li, Featherslon, on Monday ni*»ht was a great aU e ceM ‘ There were about d Occupies present, and g re at credit is due to the committee idr (heir stre uu °us exertioua to fonder the affair a* successful as could be desired. Captain A. Donald, of thet Feathorston Volunteers, acted as.M. C. wilh gre;ti tact and ability, and dancing was spiritedly Biniinued until an early hour in the morning to the • ideut thorough enjoyment of all assembled. Mr Pai kcr presided at Hie piw»o, and the refreshments provided by Mr W. Sneakuun, and some ladr residents, were most excellent in quality. Th? Weekly iJindrilV As-jnmMy «t Feath.’tdon on Wednesday night was, as usual, well attended. The T ir,itahi-C:irterl«ni Hoad Hoard intend to mako ;i-I nenl nlc of three farthings in the u at tlnir imicU'N l" ho held on Saturday, June Mil next. The rule book is now open for inspection at the Council Chambers, Carterton, and any appeals have to he lodged before Friday, June 4th. Vho Plain and Fancy Drees Ball at Martinb Tongh on Monday last was attended by n large number oi' dancer■«. The building wa* taxed to in utmost extent U accommodate the whole of the ««nnp«ur, thin proving that Martiuburough require* a new public had bn.'lv, and it is surpnsing that some enterprising resiaeui does not invest in that direc* H<>n, as it would moat assuredly be a good reipunera* I toe speculation. I'Uo following are some of the < principal costume characters .—Mias Annie Hodge m j 'Cttcii Lassie; phis young ladv wan considered by m .nv to b» the hj dh» of tti*» ImID. ilih.V Harris as ■ a > t>Miin Svßtnig N. 11 mi hi.-' niU I ' t admired; *0 1 * * , wr<» Mi -m Ha vi* ( Kl over Dirt), J. Harris, j lupsy Di I Croo , ii.* I Hiding Hoed, Mr* A. . Mm hcii, Scotch rtheph-nW, Mr*l. Hodge, Yatch* ] mg Lady, Mi* lUr.-umi, i ard Dili, aud Alias K. I Uamauu, who repreituted Harvest, Mix Luug j

looked t-xceftJini’ij i»ret(j <ir <****! »* • l»pid« ; Nt« Miller, Peacock : Mil* |W*rd, Morning Star ; MiM Mollaater. pMMtoral Maid ; Mi»c K WmiKab, ditto ; Mi«s E. Murpliv. HuntreM , Mia* Rustian Peasant, Mj»-> 1). Parish, ditto. Among the gentlemen who inade a good diaplat "tre 1 Messrs J. Hoflirc Him- Hc.inl, .T Kum Prince IJeacilui, U. Harrison Indian Kcont. .larkaon Oown, A. Campbell Irishroineiiian, it. Saih»r, F. Martin t’ri' k'Mci, T Marlin V.ihiui«-r .1 Oliver Cricketer. (i ol'iwr .n*ck*v, <• UumphrieH Fireman. MS. Rnss t-*in-»nan, .1 PanMi I’i'alrv Trooper, r. Wall Lieutenant. Messra J IPatgr, Joseph Jackhini and J Kov* supplied wine #kkl mu k . violin, cornet, ic , rospiviiveh, and tin- part’ thoroughh enjovpd ihcmselve*. The ladies in the town supplied the refreshment* on a most linersi scale, and several waited at the tables most nsftidnoti»h . This hall unprecedented success d b*» l»een resolved to hold another before Mic season closes.

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Wairarapa Standard, Volume XIX, Issue 1837, 28 May 1886, Page 2

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Untitled Wairarapa Standard, Volume XIX, Issue 1837, 28 May 1886, Page 2

Untitled Wairarapa Standard, Volume XIX, Issue 1837, 28 May 1886, Page 2