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ROYxIL HOTEL FEATHERBTON. CRANMER AND ARNOLD, Proprietors. rpHIS Hotel has been thoroughly renovaX ted, and visitors from Wellington and all parts of the Valley will find every comfort and convenience. It will be oar chief study to attend to the wants of customers. FIRST CLASS STABLING. ONE OF ALCOCE’S BEST BILLIARD TABLES Conducted by an experienced marker. 65 PHILL I P S' WAiRARAPA PRIVATE HOTEL, Qoeeh-bt., Mistsrtoh, IS now open, and will be found replete with every conceivable comfort. All the conveniences of a first-class home are provided, every room being tarnished and upholstered with the newest and best material. Inspection cheerfully invited. Parties desirous ef securing apartments will do well to communicate at once with the proprietor. The Billiard Room is with on* doubt the best in this district, and is under the management of Mr A. G. Baylisa who will be about with usual attention to those who favor with a call. The Stables are under efficient management, and will be found replete with every convenience. Good well watered paddocks for horses. BILLIARDS. BILLIARDS. P. PLAYER, having leased from Mr G. Jones, the Foresters’ Arms Billiard Room, begs to inform his customers and numerous friends that he will be found at bis post as usual. HERBAL REMEDIES. THE Undersigned hu bean appointed agent for Brown’s Herbal Bemedie.. Aoaolan Balsam— For the core of Conenmp Bronchitis, Asthma, Colds, Coughs, ana diseases of the Lungs, Chest, and Throat. An invaluable remedy for Croup. Price 3s 6d, 5s 6d, and 13s 6d per battle. Liver Invigorater—An unequalled remedy for every form of Liver and Kidney Disease, Indigestion, and BiUiottsnees ; Liverwort being the principrl herb employed. Price 3s 6d., 5s 6d, and 13a 6d per bottle. 1 Restorative Asalmilant— For the positive cure of Fits, Dyspepsia, and every form of debility. Price 3s 6d, 5s 6d, and 13s 6d per bottle. Herbal Ointment— For the permanent core of deep-seated Ulcers, Tumors, Pleurisy, Quinsy, Croup, Swellings, Sore Throats, and all Spinal and Lang Complaints. Price Is 6d, and 3s Sd per pot. Renovating PUlS— For keeping the Bowels in natural motion, cleansing the system from all impurities. A positive cure for Costiveness and torpid Liver. Pnoe Is Sd and 3s Sd per box. Rheumatic Liniment —A sure and speedy cure, either for acute or Chrome Rheumatism, Cramp, Sprains, &o. 2s 6d per bottle. Blood Purifier— Will permanently remove all diseases of skin and blood, Price 3s Sd, 6s Sd, and Is 6d per bottle. Woodland Balm— For dressing the Hair, and promoting its growth. A sure cure for baldness. Pries 3s (3 per pot. The Complete Eerballvt— Teaching people to i become their own Physicians by the use of Nature’s I Remedies. A reliable guide to Botanical Medicine, and complete Family Doctor. Price 7s Sd. Also for Sale Dysentery Syrup—A speedy core for Diarrheas, Dysentery, and all bowel complaints. Price 2s per bottle. Cough Syrup— For Conghs, Whooping Cough, Croup, do. Pnoe Is per bottle. Toothache Cure— Sivee relief in five minutes, Price Is per bottle. Composition Powder— For Colds, Wind, pains in the Stomach, Cramps 40. Sd per ox., or Is Sd per quarter lb. Liver Pills— lnvaluable te all who sailer from Billions and Liver Complaints, Sick headache. Loss of Appetite, Drowsiness, do; prepared from the extracts of Dandelion, Oentian, Mandrakes, to. Price Is per box, or three for 2s Sd. All the above remedies are Purely Vegetable Compounds, free from all poisonous drugs, being a scientific combination ef tba best Herbs Nature affords. Bee the 11 Shakespearian Almanac," with treatise on Herbal Remedies, sent ireo to eny address, W. C. NATION, AGENT, Gbettown tion. *ll

DR. SPEER’S PRIVATE Dispensary. PiJmeriton #“““*», ■t of Queen-street. Auckland. Established for the Scientific and Spaed/ Cure of Chronic, Ncryoua and Special Diseases. Dr Speer is a Regular Graduated Physician, educated at Harvard College, U. 8. He ha. denoted a lifetime to, and i. acknowledged to be the moat expert Physician in his specialty in the United States. Young Men and Middle-aged Men, who Buffer from Nervous and Physical Debility, Lota of Energy and Memory, Eruptions on the Face, Mental Depression, Kidney and Bladder Troubles, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Paralysis, Fits, Spinal Disease, St Vitus’ Dance. Gravel, Piles, Ac., and are tired of taking mineral drags, will do well to come and try the Doctor’s method ol cure, a. it will, if properly applied, relieve them of their sufferings and restore them to health. The Doctor uses no mineral preparations; his treatment consists wholly in the use of vegetable remedies. Many are they who have unplanted in their system, by improper use of calomel, seeds which produce an annum crop of disease. To such he would say, come and be healed. It matters not what your troubles may be, come and let the Doctor examine your case. Iftt w curable, he mil tell you to ;ifft it not, ho toill tell you that ; for he wiU not undertake a ease unless he is confident of effecting a cure. It will cost you nothin* for consul, tation, so please call and satisfy yourselves that the Doctor understands yonr case. Dr 8. cures Humour, and Diseases of the Blood. To Ladies who are afflicted by any of the following complaints,—Cold extremities, weak stomachs, lame and weak backs, nervous and sick headaches, coi stipation and Indigestion, pain m the side and back, leuchorrea, etc., etc. -1 wish it distinctly understood that I do not eUun to perfona impossibilities, or to have a miraculous power. All applying to me will receive my honest opinion of their complaints. No experimenting. I will guarantee a positive cure in every case I undertake, or forfeit £2OO. Consultation in Office or by Letter, r ass. Charges Moderate. Examination and Adnoe, £l. Call or address : Dr H. J. Speer, Pelmerston Buildings, Auckland, N.Z. Office Honrs : 9to 12,1 to 4, Bto 8 p.m., Sundays, 10 to 12. N.B -AU Medicines Beoestarj for a complete cure can be eent ftee ttom observation on receipt of symptoms. THB NEW ZEALAND GOVERNMENT LIFE INSURANCE ASSOCIATION. This Association is the Omr OrTicl WUICI roeaxssis GovxxKHixr Bxccxm and proffers to the pulic the combined advantages of Meruit Lin Abiuxamci Lowaai Puhiuks IsvioLinti Stiii Gnsaaxm. AMOUNT OP FUNDS. After IS years’ existence, the Office has now AccuvutiTxn FuKDa exceeding Oxa Mlttioir Srxatiao. VkßVilllßy * vxsaro vawwww.we vs<- ------ Funds in June, 1876 £109,967 Fundsin June, 1880 £459,2X5 Funds In 1885, over ... ... £1,000,000 Annual Income exceeds ... £845,000 The Association offers the most Lniiu Common extant. Branches in all the principal Town* in the Colony, and Agencies at aU the Monay Crdar Feat Officta in the Colony. LOANS ON MORTGAGE. The Association is now prepared to invest part of its Accumulated Funds as LOAN} ON MORTGAGE of Freehold Lands in ths cotomr, at uoxiiaixx aaras or INTEIBST, to the extent of half the valnc of the security offered. Applications for Loans of not less than £360 to be addressed to the Acting General Manager, Wellington. Printed Forms of Application can be obtained et the Head Office, and at the Offlose of the District and Resident Agents. By ordsr, *D. M. LUCKIB, Acting General Manager. Head Office, Wellington, July, ISB6. »* The permanent investment AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF WAIRARAPA. Main-btbbbt, Gbkttown. Incorporated under the Building Socle tie* Act, 1876. Dixbotobb : Messrs W. 0. Onfl (chairman), M Caselberg, J. Fuller, V. Booth, W. Sheet, and F. W. R. Seed. Thb Annual Inoonb bxoibss £7,000 Capital oh Loam £18,000; Pbofits already allotted £4,843; Rxsbbtb Fund £BO4 The purposes for which the Association is established are twofold. In the first place it offers so excellent method of investment to those who wish to aocomnlate their capital or savings at the highestrste consistent with perfect security, and by allowing small or large sums to be unacted by periodical payments, it conforms to the oirenmatanoes of all classes. I n the second place to those who require loans npen properties they already possess, or who may meat I with opportunities of acquiring properties advantageously, it presents the means of obtaining advanoas upon iavorable terms. The Association receives Fixed Deposits at rate* to be agreed uponSubscriptions on Investment shares, <s per month ; ultimate value of shares, £6O. Applications for shares to be addressed to the Manager. A liberal commission allowed to agents on Investment shares issued through them. Office Honrs—Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, from 2 to 4 pm. Fay Day- Ths first Saturday in each msath, between the hours of 2 and 4, and f and 9 p.m. Admits— Masterton—Mr W. Sellar. Carterton— Mr F. H. Wood. Feather*ton—Mr J. O. Cox. I 0 WYETT, Manager.

A SIGNAL VICTORY OVER DISEASE. THE GREATEST REVELATION OF THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. “PROGRESSIVE SCIENCE,*’ OR THE SUCCESSFUL TREATMENT OP CHRONIC AND SPECIAL DISEASES, ACCORDING TO THE LAWS OF NATURE AND THE PHILOSOPHY OF COMMON SENSE. NO MORE MERCURY, NOXIOUS DRUGS, OR OTHER STOMACH CONTAMINATIONS. THE PRACTICE OF MEDICINE REVOLUTIONISED. THE MOST RECENT DISCOVERIES IN THE HEALING ART. THERE IB HOPE FOR THE WEAK, thb DEBILITATED, asd thb DISEASED. SIGNOR RENAUD. The celebrated Eclectopathist, Botanic Practitioner. Specialist, Profeseor of Natural Science, Ac., author •f the following works " The Principle# and Practice of Medical Botany/* “ The Bationalialic and Electric Treatment of Disease,” “ Shadows,” Ac., Ao.. Hae the honor of announcing to the residents of Auckland and New Zealand generally that he haa ESTABLISHED the NEW ZEALAND ELECTIC MEDICAL INSTITUTE, 42, BHOBTLAND--BTRBEI', AUCKLAND, forthe effectual and Permanent Cure of ** Functional Derangement, Nervous Affections, and Chronic and Complicated Diseases.” CONSULTATION AND ADVICE (PERSONAL OR BY LETTER) FREE. SIGNOR RENAUD has made the following class of complaints the study of his life, and his treatment has proved preeminently successful in thousands of cases. A sure cure will be guaranteed every case uuuertaken tie. , Incapacity for Study or Business, Loss of Energy, Nervous and Physic** Debility, Premature Decay, Spermatorhoea, Errors of Touth, Lost Vitality, Spots and Specks before the Eyes, Trembling of the Hands, Piixples on the Face, Lassitude and* Depression ; Nervous, Head, and Mind Complaints ; Fits, Liver, Kidney, and Bladder Affections ; Diseases Peculiar to Females, Consumption (stages only) ; Cold Extremities ; Rheumatism (both acute aud chrome) ; Impoverished Blood ; Scrofulous Humors ; Piles: Neuralgia ; Sciatica ; Dropsy (or the chest, of the abdon , and general) ; Indigestion, Flatulency, Sour Bclchings ; Heartburn j Dizziness, Hot and Cold Chills; Phil and Oppression in the Stomach ; Loss of Appetite and all morbid conditions of the blood and general sysiea no matter from what cause arising. All those who may be suffering with any of the above forms 01 Disease or Complaints not here mentioned should at once consult the only NATURAL HEALER of all DISEASES in New Zealand, who practices upon Hygenic, Eclectic, Utilitarian, and Cosmopolitan Principles, Nature’s own System of Healing forms and phases of Disease, discarding altogether the use of Mineral Drugs and Poisons. SUCCESS CERTAIN IN ALL CASES UNDERTAKEN, SUFFERERS CAN BE TREATED EQUALLY WELL AT A DISTANCE. CONFIDENCE ABSOLUTE. P.O. Box 239. Omen Horn, 10 to 2, akb 4 to * Daily Non —SIGNOR RENAUD will giro sdru-. and modioine FREE to the POOR e.ery TU EBDAT. from 10 to 12, on bringing a not* signed by any local olerg > man (bowing their inability to pay. land for book “ Shadow■ " post free on appUoation, no


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Wairarapa Standard, Volume XIX, Issue 1810, 22 March 1886, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Wairarapa Standard, Volume XIX, Issue 1810, 22 March 1886, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Wairarapa Standard, Volume XIX, Issue 1810, 22 March 1886, Page 4