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Greytown Borough Council

This Council met at the Borough Chambers, Greytown, on Monday night. Present—His Worship the Mayor (Mr F. H. Wood), Councillors Varnham, Armstrong, Maxton, Cotter, Trotter, Cameron, St George, and Humphries. The minutes of the previous meeting were read by the clerk, and were confirmed by the Council. CORRESPONDENCE. • Outwards—To Captain Baillie, of the Fire Brigade, advising him of the Council’s annual grant of £lO to the Brigade funds. To Mr John Fabian and others concerned in the bridge at Papawai Creek, announcing the Council's determination at a former meeting not to proceed with the work until the subsidy from the settlers was forthcoming.

To S. M. Maxton and Sons, informing them that the Council bad granted their request to be allowed to erect a balcony over the footpath.

To Mr Eempton, sen., informing him that unless the trees overhanging the footpath from his property were removed, the Council would do so at his expense within 14 days, according to section 16. To Bev T. Western, re removal of briers on road near his property. To same, re trees on church property. To the several successful contractors adviging them of the acceptances of their respective tenders. Inwards—A letter was received from Mr John Fabian enclosing cheque for £l7 on account of self and other settlers, their contribution towards bridge across Papawai Creek. A letter was received from Mr O. M. York, of Papawai, asking the leave of the Council to graze cows on the road between the hours of 8 a.m. and 6 p.m., the cattle to be herded during the time by a boy. Cr Cotter moved, that the application be not entertained as it would be a bad precedent to allow any person to graze cattle on any road. Or Humphries seconded the proposition. Cr Armstrong suggested that it would be only right to write informing the applicant that the Council could not accede to his application. Cr Varnhatn would like to move that the application be granted if praeticable, as the argument used by Cr Cotter did not hold good ; he thought many of (he roads would be the better for the cattle being allowed to keep down the grass, especially when at a certain season of the year it was so abundant ; of coarse the main road could always be kept c'ear of cattle, but at present ho did not sec that the Council had the power to grant permission without infringing the provisions of tlie Impounding Act The Mayor said ho thought with Cr Varnliiuu that it would certainly be au advantage to allow cattle to oat the grass olf the bye roads, but with Cr Cotter he thought that a bad precedent might be established thereby, although the Impounding Act need not stand in the way, because tlw Council, if it I thought advisable, might get the Act modified, is in the Town district of Foatbcrston ; he hope 1 Cr Cotter would modify bis proposition by adding that the Council could not see their way clear to grant Mr York’s request, and that the clerk reply to that effect in. writing. Cr Cotter, with the consent of the seconder, agreed to accept the Mayor's proposals and the motion as amended, was earned. BRIDGE ACROSS PAPAWAI CREEK. The Mayor said the next matter that required discussion was the letter from Mr John Fabian and others, enclosing cheque for £l7. and asking the Council to proceed to accept a tender for the work of constructing the bridge across the Papawai Creek. The clerk said the volunteers had contributed £3, making the amount now subscribed, £2O The Mayor proposed that the work be proceeded with at onoe that Cole’s tender he accepted, and a i effort made to collect £4 from Mr Smith, and £2 from Mr Burch as promised by them. Carried unanimously. Cr Vnnbam said hj« would liko to knew if

any time had been specified for the oomple tion of the woik.

The Mayor said the queßtKn of time was very necessary. The clerk said the time to be employed in the work was wot set forward in the specifications. The Mayor thought it was to the contractor’s advantage to get the work done as quickly as possible Cr Varnbam concurred. Cr Cotter alter some discussion, said two months was a long time Cr Vatnhsm moved, and Ct Armstrong seconded, that a limit of two months be given to the contractor lor the completion of the work, the penalty to be mentioned in the specifications before the contract was signed. Carried. Cr St George asked the Mayer whether if the natives interfered it would be at the risk of the contractor, The Mayor replied “ yes," but it would not be worth their while. WORKS COMMITTEE’S REPORT. The Works Committee's report wae read, and on the motion of Cr St George, aeoonded by Or Humphries, adopted. finance committee's report. The Finance Committee’s report was adopted on the motion of Cr Armstrong, seconded by Or Cotter. The Ganger reported having impounded 27 bead of cattle during the month. FENCING MAIN STREET SECTIONS. Cr Armstrong drew the attention of the Council to the fact that no steps had been taken by Mr Kempton, sen., to fence m hie section at the site of the late fire; neither had the piles been removed. Cr Annstrong moved, and Cr Cotter seconded, that the teaaa be erected and piles removed at Mr Kempton’s expense. Cr Maxton asked if Ur Kempton had received due notice. The Clerk said he had sent Mr Kempton notice. Cr Humphries asked what kind ol fence the Council would erect. The Mayor replied, a rough legal fence only ; the Council could not pat up a fancy fence without the consent ol the proprietor. KAMINO THE BOROUGH STREETS. The sub-committee’s report re the naming of the Greytown Public Streets, was read. The Mayor proposed tbst the report of the sab committee be adopted, with the exception of “Cemetery street." He remarked that some day some pretty little villa residences might be erected in that locality, and the future residents might consider tbs name of the street a little too suggestive, Cr Vsrnham seconded the proposition. Cr Cotter moved that the names of ths strests be considered separately by tbs Council ; be would like several names altered. Cr Annstrong seconded the amendment. Cr Bt. George supported the amendment; he thought the better plan wonld be to taka them in rotation, and discuss the names independently. The amendment was carried. The first street on the list was Main street, and the Mayor moved and Or Cotter seconded that the name be retained. Cr Maxton proposed Grey street, after Sir George Grey. There was no seconder, so the original motion, “ Main street," was carried. East street, West street. Wood street. Humphries street, Jackson’s road (end of Humphries’ line), Cotter street (Cotterville). Great Frederick street, Hlraehberg street, Church street. College street (Papawai), Fapawai road, were all retained as the fixed names. The name of the next street which wae proposed by the sub committee as “ Hospital Street," evoked much discussion. Cr Cotter moved, and Or Humphries seconded, that the street be called 'Vakelin street. Cr Cotter said that Mr Richard Wakelin had been the proprietor of the Wairarapa Standard, the oldest newspaper in the Valley, and in that capacity had done mnob good fer the Borough. Cr Armstrong proposed and Cr Maxton seconded as an amendment, that the street be called Levans street. Or Cotter could not see what great blessing or benefit Mr Revans had conferred upon Greytown that a street should be named after him. Cr Trotter said he had formerly wrought lot Mr Bevans, and he had done some good work for Greytown some years ago. Cr Cotter’s proposition, Wakelin road, was carried. Moroa Road, on the motion of Or Arm* strong, was altered to Revan’s Road, by the Council. Brooks Street was altered to Moles Street; Hawkes Street and Hastwell Streets were accepted. Cemetery Road was merged into Main Road. Udv’s road (Kuratiwbiti to Matarawa) was accepted. Kemptou’s road was agreed te. Cross’s road agreed to. Powhatu, agreed to. Cr Varnham moved, and Cr Humphries seconded, that this road be called “ Skeet Road,” but the proposition was lost. Cr Maxton moved that tenders be called for writing the names of all the streets on suitable boards, Seconded by Cr Armstrong and carried.

EAST AND WEST STREET. Cr Cotter proposed that the owners of property on Bast and West street should be given notice to fence their property along those streets, or the Council w aild take steps to do it at their expense ; he said ilia people on these lines of road should he cmupo.led to erect proper fence* Cr St George said if the Council had the power the provision was very necessary ; he heard one drover of cattle exclaim that he never saw such •■dammable” fences, lie would second the motion. Carried, Cr Trotter observed that there was a clause iu the Impounding Act that empowered people to pound ou unfeuced land Cr Cameron said that full effect should he given to these resolutions, as people generally were very negligent iu carrying out their part of them. Kruni'Miiri io ao. Cr Cutter said steps should be taken to till in the unsightly ditch on the Kuritiwhiti road, left hand side, and the end ;h uM be properly formed on the right hand side , if Ibn Council could only see their wav to do a portion this year they might complete Ur work the next season ; he would move (hat tenders be called for tilling in twenty chains of ditch on south side, and formation on north side. Cr St George said if earth could be taken from the North side, and used to till in the diain on the other side, lie would feel inclined to support the proposition. Cr Ciiuu ron said thee was no doubt that tlie wealthy people ail lived in tic diieelion of the Kuritiwhiti road ; tiny should assist tlie Council to carry out the work by subscriptions ; there bad been a considerable amount of money already sp nt upon the road, and it thev would c muiluite m a liberal manner they could got their footpath made end tin drain tilled in without further delay. Cr Trotter sai l 12 mouths ago last Christmas he was accompanying a fnend home that way, when they both fell into the ditch. Cr Varnham moved and Cr Cotter seconded that twenty chains tilling in of ditch be do e on Kuratiwbiti mad, south side, material to be used (nun north side. Cr Cotter could not agree with Cr Cameron who had said that a considerable portion of the Borough funds had been spent on the Kuratiwbiti road. The ratepayers tout way were quite content to manage with one road, when they were entitled to two. A large aura of money had been spent on Humphries’ road and Papawai road, and Kuratiwbiti road needsi a little mute attention than it bad hitherto received. The Mayor put the proposition to the vote and four councillors voted on each tide. His Worship said in exercising bis individual vote ha would give it in favor of the motion, as then the ooat of the work could be 4i«. cussed at their next meeting, and if the Council thought it practicable they might go on with the work. It was resolved that the clerk be inetrueted to apply for the Council’s proportion of subsidy under tbe Local Bodies Fiusn-e iql Powers Act,

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Wairarapa Standard, Volume XIX, Issue 1802, 3 March 1886, Page 2

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Greytown Borough Council Wairarapa Standard, Volume XIX, Issue 1802, 3 March 1886, Page 2

Greytown Borough Council Wairarapa Standard, Volume XIX, Issue 1802, 3 March 1886, Page 2