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Wairarapa West County. Council.

A anting of this Council was held at Cartarton on Monday. Present—Cr* W. Booth (Chairman). J. Martin, jun.. J. Tolly, A. Matthews, C. Phillips, H. Bonny, H. R. Bonny, W. C. Buchanan and H. Braitbwaite. The minutes of the last meeting of the Conoeil (December 2nd) were read by the Clerk and confirmed. The Treasurer'* report was read, showing a total revenue since last meeting of L 1,777 Us, made op ae follows Deposit on tender Wainoiora Bridge, J. Dawson, Lo 9s 3d ; rent at Waiohioe tuilgate. L6B 13s 4d ; License lees several rates, L 3 ; goldfields revenue, LI ; grants under Section 228, Boads and Bridges Aet, Martinborongb Pahana Boad, L 847 ; instalments on aeoount of subsidy under Local Bolies Finance and Powers Act. L 798 4s 81. In eonfoimity with the Council s instructions the sura of L7OO has been paid to the Featherston ,and Tara. tabi-Carterten Boad Board* to complete re payment of the loan of L7OO made by those Boards to the Council iu September, 1883 (Waiohioe bridge). Also in accordance with the Coancil's instructions the excess of expenditure on the Carterton Gladstone Boad and the Carterton-Wainnioru Boad. amounting to Ll3O IS* 31. Referring to the balance sheet it will be seen that the MartinborongbPahana Boad has a present credit balance of Lsßo 15s. Toe engagements against this amount lo L 215 10s, and the Government having consented to a part division of the bridge vote for road works, viz , L 97 10s, the •am of L 467 15s remains available for the continuance of the road.

COEBBSPONOBNCE IN WARDS. Circular from Commissioner of State Forests, regaesting nomination of County Chairman, as conservator for tbe County. Letter was read from the Waikato County Council, in refereoee to the Hospital and Charitable Aid Act, 1885. From Wairarape Bust County Council, on the subject of Local Government Finance. From Wairarapa East County Council, re sobetituted valuation of Native lands. From Treasury Department, remitting first instalment* on account of subsidy under tbe Local Bodies Finance and Power* Act, L 798 4* Bd, and goldfields re venae LI. From Pnblie Works Department, declining to continue grants under the Bosde and Bridget Aet, 1882, which baa been repealed. From atme, authorising Conoeil to spend L 97 10e of tbe bridge vote Martin-borongb-Pahaoa, on road works. Waioeinb Toll. Cr H. Bonny gave notice that be wonld move at tbe next meeting of tbe Council that the tolls on the Waiobine Bridge be abolished on and alter Jane Ist, next. Fobbstbt. Or Booth laid he bad not much faith in Ibe efficiency of the State Forest* Act, bnt would be pleeaed to render tbe Government all tbe aseistance in bis power in the working of same, if appointed to represent Ibe Council. Cr Phillips said that no person shonld aet as a forest conservator who would be at all biassed. Be would prefer to eee some other Cooneilloi appointed. Cr H. Bunny said that tbe Chairman had already been appointed; they had only to endorse the appointment Cr Baebaoaa concurred, and the appoint ment was confirmed. OciWABD CORRESPONDENCE ANU ESOISBBB * Report. Tbs outward correspondence was read by the Clerk from the letter book, and tbe Engineer’* report wee also read. Cr Bnebauan moved that that portion of the Engineer's report referring to theWainuioru road be preferred to the Works Committee to consider tbe matter of expending the whole or portion of the LSOO Government grant to Gladstone riding (Kaiwhata River district), on the Wainoiora Boad, between there a nd Cooper’s, with toll power to act. Cr H. Bunny seconded. Carried. Cr Tally aaktd Mr King bow mnoh the mile and a ball of track to connect the Pahana road with Mr McLeod's wonld cost per chain. Tbe Engineer replied. 25a to 265. Fixes Caused Bt Railway Enoinbs. Cr Buchanan moved that tbe Clerk write to the Government pointing oat the fact of many fires having occurred along the Bimutaka through sparks emitted from engines on the line. Ha eoniidersd that the Government •honld be asked to provide against this great danger, especially as there were about 60,080 acres reserved in that port. Cr Matthews seconded this motion. He said there was no doubt also that much danger often arose from parties wilfully firing the bosh and throwing matches about. Cr Buchanan said it was as well that these people should knew that a vary heavy penalty was attached to conviction* in such eases. Charitable Aid Act. In reference to the letter from the Waiketo Council, asking the Council's 00-operaiion in endeavouring to get certain amendments to the Charitable Aid Aet. The letter pointed onl that tbe new Aet waa simply calculated to looter pauperism la the colony to an alarmlog extent, and was simply introdncing the English poor law system into tbe colony, an 1 an amendment waa imperatively necessary, ss there was nothing to warrant the operation of tbe Poor Law Act in this country, and each district should be in a position to support its own poor. Tbe letter also advocated tbe excision of tbe Separate lost!' J tuliooe dense*.

Cr Bunny said, as Chairman of the Doited Board at Wellington, he. with every oae else, most admit the great difficulties in the working of the Act, and no doubt, many parts of it required amendment. The question was, could we take upon ourselves the maintenance of oar own district poor. The coutriba tioa from Wellington City was not much more than that of these Wairarapa Counties, although their demands upon Hospital contributions are considerably larger; he considered that this County is called upon to contribute a great deal more than it ebould do, and subsidises the Wellington Hospital contributions very largely. 11 the Council desired, he would teke the letter from the Waikato Council to Wellington, and submit the seme to Mr Travere, together with the views of the Wellington United Board, which be was already deputed to submit to counsel ; he would hope that they may yet get districts to suoport their own poor. There was no doubt many from this county went to Wellington lor relief, but not in proportion to the extra amount contributed; but theCouuty wee well represented on the United Board, end could not be outvoted by Wellington. He waa confident that the Government will see the defects of the Act, and will next session bring down some proposals to meet the exigencies of the case. The next meeting of the United Board would be held on the 24th of this month, whan he woold report to his Board the legal opinion in the matter. He weald move that the letter from Waikao, lie banded to him (Ct Bunny) to report at next masting. Cr Buchanan aeeonded. He said in the part they had a very in tq nitons system in toroee often giving relief where it was not required, thus making poverty. Private bodies had contributed a very large proportion toward Urn general hind. He thought Urn Wairarapa members of the Board van quite able to look after the interest! of their dietrtet The Board ean declare and •Wist the contributions of every local body reepeetively, and appoint the time for wwnte. When a fair allowance ia made fer aaaaa that will go to Wellington then they ••aproaaad to allocate the proportion to each district; be (Mr Buchanan) said there was ■o qnartkmthat the Act requires amendment, bat the pertfealnr objections raised In this «atriat an not tenable. The motion was serried. Local Gomnmi Pi>axci. Tbs letter from the Wahrarepe Bast County Conaari. wpon this enbjeet was discussed. Orßnnnyma'iad that the fetter lie on tba Keefe)

Cr Phillips seconded. He weald like Mr Hawkins and the East Ooum.v Council to ie 3 r back to the provincial system, perhaps they were unaware of the history of Local Govern* ment in this colony. Cr Buchanan said be thought that the letter contained germs of some good ideas. The motion was agreed to. Or H. Bunny moved that the Chairman, Crs Tully, Buchanan, H. B. Bunny, Braith. waite, and the mover, be a committee to enquire into the matter of Local Government; the mover said he knew already what it meant. It meant—" Give the money and I can carry on Local Government.” Cr Phillips said when they get to the question of who is to expend and who is to pay the money, then they will gel to the pith of the whole matter. The appointment of the Committee was agreed to. Native Lands. Be valuation of Native Land. On the motion of Cr Matthews, seconded by Or H. B. Bunny, it was resolved to inform the East County Council that the West Connell was not sufficiently interested to risk money in testing the matter. Cb Phillips’s Motion. Cr Phillips moved the several motions standing in his name as follows 1 That it is advisable for all vehicles travelling the roads of this country alter dark to make use of at least one light. That the railway charge for the carriage of wool should be on a sliding scale in the county, and not the same from Featherston. Grey town, Carterton and Masterton. The scale might be as followa : * 3s from Featheiston, 5a 2d from Greytown, 5s Id from Carterton, and 5s 6d from Masterton. 3. That it is advisable to bring the Slaaghter Boases Act, 1877, into force in the county.

After seme favourable discussion of these propoeala by tbe Connell, the first and third were referred to the Public Works Committee to frame bye laws and report, the second motion having been withdrawn.

Monet Granted fob Bridges. Cr Martin said that tbe money specially granted by the Government for bridges, he wonld like to see spent on bridges in keeping them in repair. Cr Buchanan said be thought Cr Martin’s soggestion a good one. Cr Matthews said some more protection was required on tbe sides of tbe Waiobine bridge, a* cattle iu some places could get through. Mr King was instructed to attend to tbe matter. Tbe Council then adjourned nutil March 13th, at 12 a.m. At a meeting of the combined Counties (East and West) Cr W. Booth was re-elected to represent the Counties od the Harbor Board, Cr Phillips protesting, on the ground that a change was desirable. Mr W. H. Beetbam attended to represent the East County.

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Wairarapa Standard, Volume XIX, Issue 1793, 10 February 1886, Page 3

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Wairarapa West County. Council. Wairarapa Standard, Volume XIX, Issue 1793, 10 February 1886, Page 3

Wairarapa West County. Council. Wairarapa Standard, Volume XIX, Issue 1793, 10 February 1886, Page 3