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BAXTER'S LUNG PRESERVER Has been established over a quarter of a century, patronised by all ranks of society, and enjoys a success unparalleled. Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Bron chitis, Asthma, Whooping Cough, Sore Throat, and all Affections of the Chest and Throat EFFECTUALLY CURED BY BAXTER’S LUNG PRESERVER

TESTIMONIALS— From Eev. CHAELEh PENNY, Eecfton (late of Christchurch). March 17,18*4. I am happy lo state yonr Pulmonic Kl.xir ailorded my wife and children almost immediate rebel in coughs and colds, and many to I have had the pleasure in recommending your specific have spoken of it as invaluable. In one case when every remedy tried was powerless to give relief (iho cough was distressing), the first dose of your Elixir proved most ellective. In another case (sore throat) a cure was so soon brought about that the patient resolved m the future to take nothing else. Other eases could be cited, but these will be sulbciont to show that your Pulmonic Elixir is a remedy of no mean order. From C. E. SALTER, Esq., Barrister and Solicitor, luglis’s Building, Christchurch. March 20, IHSI I have used your Pulmonic Elixir in my family fot some years past, and .have found it to bo very efllcacioua in Cnest and Throat Complaints. From WILLIAM REEL, Esq., Shipping and

Customs Acent. Lyttelton, November 28th, 1883. I have used your Lung Preserver in my family tor the last fourteen years, therefore have the greatest pleasure iu bearing testimony to its efficacy in the treatment of coughs, colds, bronchitis, croop, whooping cough, Ac. 1 have recommended it to my friends who have also proved it to be a very palatable and speedy cure for chest and throat complaints. I have uniformly found a single dose of “ Lung Preserver check a severe paroxysm of coughing. I shall on all occas : onß have great pleasure in recommending it to all sufferers, as 1 consider it a boon to mankind. From ISAAC ALLEN, Esq., Commission Agent, Hereford street, Christchurch. December 5,1883. After seven years’ experience, I have great pleasure in testifying to the efficacy of your ‘ Lung Preserver, having proved it in my lamily to bo a specific for coughs, colds, Ac., few doses invariably subduing that misty harassing cough, and while relieving the throat and chest, it does not, like oilier nostrums, disorder the iigesthe organs by inducing nausea, constipation, headache, loss of appetite, Ac. 1 can I heartily recommend it as the best, cheapest, and most palatable mixture known for coughs, colds, bronchitis, whooping coughs, Ac. So highly do we esteem it that we always keeps a supply on hand. From W. B. SCOTT, Esq., Builder, Ac. Peterborough street, Christchurch. December 4, 1883. Some years ago I was recommended to try a buttle of your “ Pulmonic Elixir and Lung Preserver, 1 for tightness of the chest. I did so, and from that time I have never been without it in the house, 1 have found it answer in every respect fur coughs, colds and sore throat, and would strongly advise those who are suffer* ing from such complaints to try it. The Rev. T. MYERS (ex-PrcsiJent of the United Methodist Free Church) writes 1 Hanover street, Leeds, March 2f>, 1572. I have the pleasure in testifying how rapidly and ! effectually Baxter’s Lung Preserver has acted in allayI ing cough and irritation of the chest in the case ol my | wife, who has several times being under the necessity of using it during the w inter. From Dr. J. EWART, M.R.C.S.L., Ac. I am very much opposed to patent medicines generally and totally discountenance the balsams, oxy* mcls, elixirs, svrups and other emanations of unprincipled empiiics ; but 1 regard your Lung i. reserver as a ready good preparation, entirely tree from those qualities which render most patent medicines • dangerous and possessed of those tome ami stimulating pjopertics which render it a treasure to those who suffer from t lie exhausting effects of pulmonary disease and chest affections generally. In cases of asthma it quickly cuts short the paroxysm. In chrome bronchitis or winter cougli it is useful; the discharge of mucus is greatly assisted, and the tvheczmg and difficulty of breathing are greatly relieved by it. in acute bronchitis it is also beneficial, and whilst it lends to check inflammation, it promotes expectoration, and thus relieves the laborious and difficult breathing so general in these attacks. As a Cough Medicine, for persons of all ages, it is excellent. From Rev. W. B. MARTEN, Wesleyan ‘Minister. Christchurch, 2nd August, 1572 I have been inducec to try your Lung Preserver for an affection of the throat, and deem it only just tc inform you that 1 have experienced great benefit from its use, being enabled to preach now with a degree of ease ami comfort to which 1 jiad been fur sometime a stranger. I shallcertamly recommend it r 0 all who suffer in a similar maimer. You are at liberty to I make what use you please of this communication. j From Rev. SAMUEL SELLARS, Minister of United Methodist Erie Churches.

Vor the sake of sull'ering humanity, 1 record the following extraordinary cures whh hj bare been effected by your valuable king Preserver 1 know a gentle, umu in whom consuui|iltun had so tar progressed lliat his medical man pave up his case as hopeless. He, however, availed himself of your treatment, and alter taking a lew bottles of your Lung Preserver, was so far recovered as to bo able to resume his business, which he now regularly follows, without much inconvenience from cither pain or weakness. A Cough of Many years' Standing. The rev. writer of the above continues An aged lady of my acquaintance was for many years troubled with a chronic cough so severe that she seldom had an hour's quiet sleep. After spending nearly all her substance ill medicine, she was persuaded to try your Lung Preserver, Ac., which, under God's blessing, soon cured her. From EDITOR of the Yorkshire Independent West street, Leeds, March (i, 1878. My family is particularly liable to chest affections. Wc have found Baxter's Lung Preserver a most excellent remedy. So highly do wc esteem it that we do not like to be without it in the house. Kor the last 15 years not only my own family, but many friends to whom X have recommended it, kavo found great benefit from it. I’or Bronchiiis X know nothing equal to it. Enwaun Postku. To he had of all Chemists and Storekeepers, largo bottles Is fid,' 2s lid, -Is (id, and 8s each. Wholesale Agents : J. Baxter, chemist, 21 Victoria street, Christchurch Messrs P. Itayman and Co., Sainsbury, Jihsdoii, ami ro.,'amlKcmpthorne, Prosser, and Co ; and may also be obtained ol Merchants throughout -Now Zealand. OgrPurchasers are requested to ask lor Baxter’s Lung Preserver, lie camions against lining pul nil nil hj some other medicine, which dealers may recommend solely on the grout d of having more prolit. BAXTER'S ANTI-NEURALGIC OR MAGIC PILLS.

A Certain and Immediate Cure for Tic Doloreux, Neuralgia, Toothache, Pains in the Head and Face, Gout, Sciatica, Lumbago, &c. Extracts from Testimonials Kev. .3. fS. Wiutington, President of the United Methodist Free, writes 1 have recommended the Anti-Neuralgic Fills to several sullerma tr.uu Tie Doloreux. Toulhuelte, Ac. In all eases they have ailbrded relief, and iu some cases the cure has been immediate. The Kev. U. Chew, Free Church Minister of Newcastle ou Tvue, writes A now eonm etum Minister, a friend of mine, suffering severely truiu lie DoKoviix for some tire, lie took one or two ul your AntiJVenralgic J'Ms, ami next morning he was quite well. The Kev A. Gilhmkt, of Loudon, writes >h daughter has taken a few of your pills, and is already quite free from the pain site has been so long tormented wit In 1 shall gladly aid their extended sale. The Kev. K. Wvtmol'tu of UiHey, writes : M\ daughter, who suffered very severely, was relieved in less than half an hour by your pills. Kcv. J. lUstow, Carlisle, writes Two of your pills ailbrded me relief. Mi W. M. Watson, Whitworth road, Uoelulule, writes :-A lady who has been for a great length of time almost a martyr to Tie was advised to try your pills. The first box cured her. This is more than JL> mouths since, and if ever die is threatened with a relr. ii, one or two pills wdl make her right again. Other friends of hors have tried them with the like results. Her name is Mrs C—u. She is highly respectable, and resides at the Promenade, Pcaehdalo. The Kev. G. Kkevk, Auckland house, Ventnor, Iblo of Wight, writes .Several persons here have derived very great benefit from them. The Kev. W. Tmbvail, Kedditch, writes:—They have been beneficial iu many cases here. The Kev. G. H. lUwbox, of Winaford, Cheshire, writes j—Mrs Rawson, as well as my son and daughter, have derived great benefit from them. Very severe Buttering having been relieved by their use, I can heartily recommend them to all who Buffer from Neuralgic affections. Mr Edward Dionvxi, Commission Agent, Frodham, Cheshire, writes A young man named James Hough had been nearly mad for a fortnight with Tic, and was completely cured with one dose of the Pills. Baiter’s AntblSeuralgic Pills are sold by all Chemists and Storekeepers, Iu Boxes, Is bd and 3s tki each. Wholesale Agent* : J. BAXTER, Victoria street, Christchurch, Melsrs I*. Dayman and Co .insbiuy, EUisdou, and Co ; Felton, Grimvvuue, and Co; and the New Zealand Drug Company ■ and K. Ayres, Wellington. Agent for Wuirarapu—W. C. Nation Poet ftoo from J. Baiter for 19 or 13 postage stamps* i

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Wairarapa Standard, Volume XVIII, Issue 1702, 3 July 1885, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Wairarapa Standard, Volume XVIII, Issue 1702, 3 July 1885, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Wairarapa Standard, Volume XVIII, Issue 1702, 3 July 1885, Page 4