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MUNICIPAL THEATRE, WAIPAWA Direotion ... George Willoughby, Ltd. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11th. One Night Only. . THE THEATRICAL EVENT OF THE YEAR Theatres uot large enough to hold the Audiences Not Hundreds but Thousands of Eager aDd Aozioua Patroua uoable to gaid Admission. GEORGE’S WILLOUGHBY’S ALADDIN PANTOMIME 1 ALADDIN PANTOMIMEI ALADDIN PANTOMIME! A Rare Riot of Revelry,' Shifting Lights, Fantastio Glittering Colours, Gorgeous Grouping, Graoelul Dancing, a Wealth of Pageantry, and a Continuous Moving Panorama of Novelties, interpreted by a BRILLIiNT AGGREGATION of ARTISTS 260—People in the Production—26o ALADDIN, ALADDIN, The Pantomime of Ii finite Variety. Crowded with an uoceasiog flow of Haunting Melodies. A Furore Created by MORRIS’S WRESTLING PONIfS, And TINY TOT MARJORIE Seosational reoeption of THE GRAND RAGTIME REVUE. A WEALTH OF ORIGINAL NOVELTIES. A Oast inoluding: Grsoa Palottu, Nellie Fallen, Mabel Batchelor, Bertha Bush, and Carrie Mooro, Pcroy Clifton, Ted Stanley, Bert Barton and there are many others. PRICES : ss, 3s, 2s. No early doors. No booking Fee. Box Plan at Brittain’s. Stanley Grant ... Busineis Manager

Clearance Sale, AS we beve bought the assigned (took of H. P, KOSSK’S, of Wellington, We can save you from 30 to 40 per cent. loepeot our New Goods. ALL THEDRAPERY, MERCERY, CLOTHING, BOOTS & SHOES, (Ladies', Cbildre i & Gouts WILL BE SLAUGHTERED. Prices Reduced Below Cost. DON’T MISS A CHANCE FOR BARGAIN. AS we are selling out fast be e*.rly to secure unparalle'ed bargains. THE Bargain King of Wellington, THOMPSON’S SAMPLE ROOMS, main-street - waipavva W 1. LDLBBICK, WAIPAWA. HAS on haod on up-to-date Ptook of— Furniture Bedding Bedsteads, also oollapeible Bedsteads io one Piece, Fenders Ohairs Hearth Rugs Carpet Sweepers Shiuo Mops Dusters VACUUM CLEANERS, Prioo£2 17a 6d. Sole AGENT— The famous PERFECTION Drophead Treadle SEWING MACHINES in oak, 10 years’ guarantee, at £6 10s. SOLE AGENT— For this distriot for “ HIS MASTER’S VOICE ” GRAMOPHONES. A largo selection of 10 and 12-iuoh and twiu Zouophoue Records to eeleot from; also needles and other requisites, AGENT FOR— Norwich Union Firo Insurance Coy. 63

FIFTH ANNUAL GATHERING of the Otane Sports Club. To be hold on the RECREATION GROUND, OTANE, Wednesday, March 25th, 1914. OFFICE BEARERS:-Patron : G Hunter, Esq, MP. Preeideat: A, V. Collins, Esq. Vice Presidents: Messrs A. Dillon, J. Ted, W. White, J. J. Langridge, W. Fletcher, G. Clark, F J. Withorow, G 0. Williams, R. H. Tod, E, Watts, W. Malenoir, G. McKay, E G. Williams, V. Jorgeosen. JudgesRunning Events: Messrs W. Small, J. J. Langridge, H. Mansfield, G. 0. Wil liams; Field Events : Messrs F J. Witherow, W. F.otoher, W. White, A Clark; Horse Events: Messrs R H Tod, A. V. Collins; Jumping: Mr P Archibald. Starters—Running Events : Mr F. A. Garry; Horse Events: Mr W Rodgers. Judioial Committee: Messr. J. N. Barrie, G. McKay, J. J. Langridge Handioapper—Mr E. H. Brewer. Time keepers—Messrs T. Williams, H. Mausfield, Hon Secretary—Mr JN. Barrie Hon Treasurer—Mr W. Malenoir. Stewards—Running Events: Messrs G. 8 White, G. Gibb, G, Cleary ; Field Events : Messrs J. Dennis, G Porter. A Mason, A, Mcßae, H MoK*y, Alin Dillon; Horße Events: Messrs R H White, W. Tod, J. Collins, Jas Clark, J. Rowe ; Highland Events : Mr A. Patterson ; Secretary’s Steward: Mr G Rowe Referee—Mr G. McKay. Programme. I Boys’ Race, under 15 )e irs, 100yds —First 10s, 2ud ss; entrance fid 2 Girls’ Race, under 15 years, 75yds— First trophy, 2nd 2s 6d ; entrance free. 3 Maiden Raoe, 120yds—First £l, presented by Mr Jas Ted, 2nd 10s entrance Is (id. 4 Chain Stepping, ladies and mea— First (for men) trophy presented by Mr W. Fletcher, 2nd trophy presented by Mr T. Parker; first (for ladies) trophy presented by Mr J MoVay, 2nd trophy presented by Mr W. Venables; entranoe: Men Is, ladies fid. 5 100 Yards Handioap—First £1 10s presented by G. Hunter, E6q, M.P. 2nd 10s; entrance 2s. 6 Horse Flag Raoe—First trophy presented by a friend, 2od 10s; en trance 2s. 7 Highland Fling—First £1 presented by Mr R. H. Tod, 2nd 10s; entrance 2s. 8 Hurdle Race, 220yds, 10 flights— Firet trophy presented by Messrs Robjnbns, Hindmarsh & Co; 2nd 10s: entrance Is fid. 9 Throwing Hammer, handioap—First 20s, 2nd 10s; entranoe Is fid. 10 Quoit Throwing, 18 yards—First £1 Is presented by Mr W. White, 2nd 10a ; entrance Is fid. 11 220 Yards Handicap—First £1 10s presented by G. Hunt.r, Esq, M.P., 2nd 10s ; entranoe 2s. 12 Throwmg Cricket Ball—First 16s, 2nd 5s ; entrance Is, 13 Thread Ntolle Race—First £1 1b presented by Masers G. Morley and W. Rogers, 2nd 10s; entrance 2s. 14 Bagpipe Music—First trophy presented by Murray, Roberts & Co, 2nd 10s; entrat c* 2?. 15 Officials Race, 100yds—First trophy, presented by Mr J. J. Langridge, 2nd trophy presented by Mr N. Kettle ; entrance Is. 16 Puttiog the Shot, handioap—First £1 presented by Mr F. Witherow, 2nd JOs; entranoe Is fid 17 Horse Leaping Competition, 4 flights hurdles—No competitor to have more than two mounts; hurdles 3ft 6in high. First £1 10s, 2nd 10s entranoe 2s. 18 Maiden Wrestling, Cumberland s‘yle First 20s, 2nd 10s; entrance Is fid. 19 Hop, Step and Jump, handicap— First 20s, 2nd 10s; ontrance Is 6d. 20 Mon’s Race, over 40 years, 100yds— First trophy presented by Mr W. Malenoir, 2nd trophy presented by Mr G Porter; entrance Is fid. 21 Turning Competiton—First £1 Is presented by Mr Gordon V illiams, 2nd 10s; entranoe 2s. 22 Siilors’ Hornpipe—First trophy pre ; eented by a Napier sport, 2nd 10d


LECTURE. A LECTURE, illustrated by Lantern Siidas, on the work of the Melanesian Mission wi 1 b# given by the Yen. Arobdeaoon Neild, Organising Secretary, in ths Ohuroh of England Sunday School Building, Waipawa, on FRIDAY, the Gth inst, at 8 p.m. 200 The All Conquering ARIEL. In both the SCOTTISH & ENGLISH SIX DAT’S RELIABILITY TRIALS (1913) The Ariel Won the TEAM PRIZE, recuring in addition, IN THE SCOTTISH TRIALS, 6 ontries, Fivo Gold Models, and tieing for the Trada Riders’ Prize. IN THE ENGLISH TRIALS, 4 entries, 3 Gold Medals and 1 Bronze Medal. IRISH END TO END RELIABILITY TRIAL, Gold Medal and Palmar Trophy. THE ARIEL HAS THUS BEATEN ALL RECORDS. Agents for Hawke’s Buy—• C. C. WILLIS & CO., Opposite Thompson Payne, Diokens-st., N/VPIPR. 151

REAL SALE. Going Strong. This Weeks Specials : Men’s Neglige Shirt. 1/11, 2/11 and 3/6. Men’s Fleecy Singlets 2/11. Mod’s Fleeoy Pants 2/11. Good Cashmere Socks 3 pairs tor 2/6 Good Woollen S;cks 3 paiiß for 2s fid. Men’s Lounge Felts 1/11 to 7/6. NfiW ZEALAND I CLOTHING FACTORY |

W D, Pattison, GENERAL STOREKEEPER, WAIPAWA, IN thanking the pnblie for the literal support accorded him for the last 18 years, begs to inform his customers and tha general publie that ha has •reotod Up-to-date Promises and in eonjunction with his Grocery and Furnishing Business has added that of Boots and Bhoas. Non —My Business Grows by tha Recommendation of Satisfied Customers. THE GROCERY DEPARTMENT Contains everything of the best quality obtainable and at most reasonable prices THE BOOT DEPARTMENT In hhop adjoining, has a good selection of English, American and Colonial Boots and Shoes to select from and at prioos that defy competition. Any article not in stock obtained at shortest notice and at lowest prices. Also for sale, KAPOC in any quantity. Agent for Standard, Firo and Marine Insurance Company of Now Zealand, THE FURNISHING DEPARTMENT Is complete with Up-to-date Furnituro, Bedding, Blankets, and everything required for furnishing a home at Lowest Prices possible. !W. D. PATTISON WAIPAWA. 14

entranco la 6d. 23 Throwiog Tennis Ball, ladies—First trophy, 2nd trophy ; entrance 6d. 24 Horsa Potato Race-First £1 Is, presented by Mr G. 0. William*, 2nd 10s, entrance 2s. 25 Tossing Sheaf—First £l, 2nd 10a; entrance Is. RULES AND CONDITIONS. All Evonts post entries, to close 10 minutes before advertised time of starting. Handicapping on the ground. All disputes to be settled by the judicial committee. For ail events three starters or no competition ; five or no second prize. The Committee reterves the right to make any alterations in this programme they may consider necessary. Trapß and Oars admitted free. Horßeß to be put in yards provided by committee. Competitors horses to be admitted only. A Concert, Dance and Euchre Party Will be held in the Town Hall in the Evening. J N. BARRIE, 185 Hon Sec. COLES BEOS. WISH the residents of the district to know that they have OPENED UP a splendid variety of useful PRESENTS, in the latest E.P. Ware. All the above goods are a special indent direct from the Old Country, therefore customers oan depend upon getting Up-to-date Goods at the Lowest possible cost. CARVERS, IN CASE, TABLE AND DESSERT KNIVES, Special Value. We have a good assortment of BENTWOOD CHAIRS at lowest market rates WALL PAPERS. A large and up-to*date stock on band. Household and Builders’ Ironmongery a Speciality. COLES BROS, BUILDERS, JOINERS, PAINTERS IRONMONGERS, PLUMBERS, ONGA ONGA. 86

Coal Tar. Now is the Time for TIMING YOUR PATHS and BACKYARDS, and to avoid disappointment you should ORDER EARLY Before Stocks are Exhausted, DELIVERED to Napier Railway Station in Casks containing 42 gallons at £ 1 2s 6d per Cask, NETT CASH WITH ORDER, For further particulars apply to NAPIER GAS COMPANY, (Limited) HASTINGS-Sx. NAPIER

FIGHTING FOR BREATH. “ My little boy was a martyr to bad colds and coughs,” says Mrs 0. Warrell, Lake’s Creek, Rookhampton, Q “At timeß he has been so bad that I have found him fighting for breath. Since 1 started giving him Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy I do not worry over his ooughs for I know that a couple of doses will give him immediate relief.”—Sold by R Todd, chemist, Waipawa, and W. Malenoir, Otane.

WAIPAWA TIMBER YARDS. J. MILBUBN BEGS to announce that he haa now FULL STOCKS of Building Timber, House Blocks, all Draastd Timber monad ready for use. Also Firewood aid eoal 8

THE PUBLIC TRUST OFFICE ACT, 1908. (Seotion 50). In the Estate of William Mckrnzie, of PoraDgahau, shepherd, deceased. ALL creditors and others having claims against this estate are hereby required to send them, with particulars, on the forms provided, to the Agent of the Public Trust Office at Waipawa (Mr E. J. O’Brien), on or before the 2nd day of May, 1914. Accounts not rendered by the date named may be rejected. All moneys payable to the above estate may he lodg< d to the credit of the Public Trustee’s aooouut at any postal money order office or paid to the Agent of the Public Trust Office at Waipawa. FRED FITORKTT, Public Trustee. 193 Maroh 2nd, 1914.

We like the “R & (V brand of hat and caps very much. They are so comfortabla, light in weight, perfeot in style and very durable Ask your local olothier for the ‘R. and G.' brand everytime.

LOCK’S “INFALIBEL” SALVE FOE all wounds, burns, soalds, &o, on man or beast. Nevor fails. Blood poisoning impossible, 80,000 successful oases treated. Used many years by an eminent British surgeon. Tins Is, all chemists and stores See remarkable testimonials with each tin. 155 Gontlemen ! Next time you require a “Best Hat ” buy the “ E and G ” ratke —it will stile and comfort give you Local Dealers, Waipawa. CONCERT Tickets and Invitation Cards printed at the Mail Office.

SUMMER SALE. Millinery and Drapery Much Reduced in Price. BARGAINS WILL GO QUICKLY, COME AT ONCE,

always takks it. B. * j t *' te Ohamberlain’s Coujb wbeoaver I have a odd,” wrii.s ,?. ,kOD ' 51 King Williim-street, hul ° P| U ' " * ® tßt lo °b it when I ,tt,ok ol ' p,loel: '-» end I got hntH V °? 09, ow always keep a oonn« ln house and never lose an PPortuoity to recommend it to others. Chimk i **?* P Bo Ple who look upon ol Ihsif fc* ° Komedy as a part fcdd U k hoa J* h °l d elrj di.'’—Sold by U •FoSSt* W ‘ ip,wi ' * Dd w - “*'»•

M. WHITE, MILLINER, Haatings-et, NAPIER Telephone 221).

The famous ‘Roelyn’ wiitiog pads obtaioab'a from all Stationers and Storekeepers, at 6J and Is each.

Cheap Freight Rates Front Pages LAIDLAW LEEDS’ Wholesale Catalog.

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Waipawa Mail, Volume XXXV, Issue 6161, 5 March 1914, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Waipawa Mail, Volume XXXV, Issue 6161, 5 March 1914, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Waipawa Mail, Volume XXXV, Issue 6161, 5 March 1914, Page 3