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General Hamilton’s Visit.


General Sir lan Hamilton, Inspector General of the Overseas Forces, will arrive at the Bluff on Monday next for the purpose of inspecting the New Zealand Defence Forces, riis tour will last over a month during which time he will inspect the annual encampments of the Territorial Forces (now about to commence) the coastal Defenc s, and the Senior Cadets. General Hamilton-will be accompanied throughout New Zealand by Major-General Godley (Officer Commanding the New Zealand Defence Forces), Lieut. J, M. Richmond (Assistant Military Secretary) and Second Lieut. A. T. G. Rhodes (aide de-camp). Colonel Heard Chief of General Staff, will also accompany the Inspector-General from Christchurch.

The Territorial encampments and coastal defences will be inspected as follows : Otago and Southland troops at Sutton, 28th and 29th April: Canterbury troops at Mount -Torlesse, Ist May; Coast defences at Lyttelton, 2nd May :< Nelson troops atTapawera, 4th May: Wellington, tlawkes Bay, and Taranaki troops at Takapau, sth and 6th May; Auckland troops at Hautapu.' 7th May: Auckland coastal defences, I4th May; Wellington coastal defences, 22nd May. - . General Hamilton will inspect the various cadet companies at the differ-' ent centres oh dates in between those mentioned. The Waikato Cadets comprising some 2000 lads divided jn- - to companies, will he reviewed on Tuesday, 12th May. General Hamilton will conclude his tour with the inspection of the Marlborough Cadets at Blenheim on 27th May. AUCKLAND DIVISIONAL CAMP. ARRANGEMENTS WELL IN HAND. The arrangements for the Auckland divisional camp at Cambridge, which commences on Monday, 27th Inst., and which will be inspected by Sir lan Hamilton (Commander of the Overseas Forces), are now well jn hand. The B Squadron 4th (Waikato) M.R. will arrive in camp at Hautapu on May 28. This, section, which has been , under canvas for three days this week at Whakatane, will trek to Rotorua and entrain there for the divisional camp at Hautapu.

About 5000 of all ranks will be in camp at Hautapu, under the command of Lieut-Colonol F. Chapman, Lieut-Ooloriel Ward having been promoted to commander of the Auckland Brigade.


—MM ’ ‘ The following is the complete itinerary in connection with the Territorial Forces ■ arid Senior Cadets of the Waikato District by General Sir lan Hamilton, Inspector General of the Overseas Forces: — Thursday, 7th May : Arrive at Cambridge 2.16 p.m. Inspection of Auckland troops in ' camp ; 5 p.m., unveiling hatchmeats. in St. Andrew’s Church ; 8 p.m., Mayoral reception. Friday, Bth May; Field oDerations at Hautapu. Lunch in the field or in camp ; 3.25 p.m., leave for Rotorua, arriving at 8.40, p.m. Tuesday, 12th May: Leave Rotorua 8 a.m., arriving Hamilton at 11.30 a m.. Inspection of .Hauraki and Waikato Cadets, 1 p.m., Mayoral lunch ; 1.36 p.m., leave for Auckland. In connection with the inspection of the Cadets at Hamilton on Tuesday, 12th May, the Victoria League are arranging for 'lunch for the Cadets, who will return home by special trains in the afternoon. THE HAUTAPU CAMP. The plan for the annual training camp of the Auckland division of the territorial forces has now been prepared. The district headquarters’ lines will be in the north corner of the ground, which ' extends from the butter factory in asoutherly direction for over 1200yds. Next to the headquarters will be the mounted brigade, comprising 3rd (Auckland; Regiment, four squadrons, 4th (Waikato) Regiment, five squadrons;. and 11th (North Auckland) Regiment, four squadrons, with whom will be brigaded the Mounted Signallers and No. 5 Field |Ambulance. The Field Artillery Brigade will come next, comprising the A and G Batteries, Engineers and Signallers; and the left of the line will be occupied by the infantry Brigade, comprising No. 1 Field Ambulance, Coast Defence, and the 3rd (Auckland Countess of Ranfurfy’s) Regiment, 6th (Hauraki) Regiment, 15th (North Auckland) Regiment, and the 16th (Waikato) , Regiment. The cookhouses will he at the rear of the regimental lines, and further back

' f are fc.l3 washing lines and’watqirils ing troughs, which will be supithed| from the butter factory, and: in extreme rear will hi the I and latrines. In front of the will be theparadi grou id and alarta|| posts, the headquarters guard in Jront of the 3rd Regiment's The supply depot is at.the north-west end of the Hautapu station yard, and- the, ordnance depotlvil will ho about the centre of the lines; i’ne review ground is at the ond of the lines, and. the artillery J| training ground w'll he on fcheoppo-.CI site side of the ratin' tv line. Dry ’vj canteens will be esvanlished in con- 0$ nection with the .Mounted audl-hriS Brigad s T.c Y M.C.A. tenfcuSl willbi in she rear of tlv. v ArtiUery:-g| Brigad •, an [ the SB vat ion Army ten tat the rear of the 16th mont. ' PERSONNEL OF STAFF 51 . ' ~ V./-I The headquarters of the' Militaiy District will move, fronioM Auckland to the camp at Hautapußy today, 25th April, and will remain in camp, till Saturday, 9th May. 1' The district staff during the camp will consist of ttys following:— p ,‘^p Officer Commanding Colonel Robfem Logan, A.D.C . Commanding Auck ; land District , .^jp Personal Staff: Orderly--Captain 0. A. King, N.Z.S.G: t ‘'44m „ General Staff ; G.S 0., Colonel W. G. Braithwaite, D.S.O: M Instructor in Musketry, A. WalUngford. K.Z.SiC.: Officer, Lieut. H. ■ R Young, unat- •*’& tached. , ’

Administrative - Staff : A.X. anff- l Q.M.G-., Captain R. S. Mathew£ & Sv : A,D S aad T ’ Ga»pfeain, 'Sg H. H. Wright, A. 5.0.; Provost Mar,-.’'g shal and Railway Transport Office!:, Major T. W. McDonald, N.Z.S.Gf; 1 P.M.0., Lieut.-Oolonel W.H. Parkes. ■'' N.Z.M.C. ; P.Y.0., Major J. Lyons, .s N. ; .•■••Oflicer-m-Oharge*- CampW Ordnance Depot, Hon., Lieut: W.'- : Beck •: District Accountant, Mr W' ’ O. Oastleton.V v, ' ARRIVAL OP TROOPS ' ' ■■■ The troops ■ will go into camp as: iollows; f Third and 4th Mounted'- Rifteb, Mounted /Signal Troop, 15th RegK '¥. ment, Army Service Corps Compapy' and No. 5 Moused Field Ambulance? $ on Monday, 27th April. Y > 11th Mounted Rifles, Wednesday', -L ,29th April. • x ■ .-f Field Artillery'' Brigade, No.' 3 'TPield Engineers, Divisional' Signal' ■? Company, 3rd, 6th and 16th Regi-' ments, Coast Defence, Infantry Detachments, and No. 1 Field Ambul- I ance, Friday, Ist May. , All the troops will leave cam ) on' il Saturday, 9th May, excent the lltli-. Mounted Rifles, who will leave on v Monday, 11th May, All horses and vehicles wid be detrained audpntrained at Cambridge Railway Station.

CAMP ROUTINE ; ‘v ■ •• . Vi ';■

The daily routine will ho —6 a.m., 1 Reveille; 6.30 a.m., .stables; a.m., first parade for dismounted its; 7-45 a.m;,'breakfast; 9.l£ha.m M " ■' second parade , 4.30 . p.m*, 1 stables 5-30 p.m., retreat; 6 p.m., dimiei;’ j V~ 9 p.m., first post; '.9'30-p.m.Vlaft-3 post; 9.45 p.m., lights out. 1 ' , , <’ AH units will leave camp daily for, A. training at 9.45 a.m.. taking their lunch with .them. . . -JM All dismounted 'units will do hour’s physical training Before.break- 4 • last during the training -camps* ■ : Blank ammunition at the follow- J ing rate will bo brought into camp , by units : —2OO rounds p..r.riifle,&o ' i rounds per battery.- . Fifty rounds- ■ ’ tier rifle are to be reserved for the - inspection- of the troops by the In-ripector-General of the Oversea forces. , The Regimental Machine Gaa Detachments, will be brigaded;during ' % the camp under the Senior Machine ' Gun Officer in each brigade." The ■ District Inspector of Musketry will ■ ; supervise their training.' ' Each detachment will bring, its full allowance ' , of ammunition to camp. 1 ‘ - ' 1 > The Cambridge Rifle Range wills 1 always be available for practice-on application to D. L of M. Brigadiers \ and O.Cs- divisional units wall ar- ,y range direct with the District Ini’ f , structor in Musketry regarding hours.-, etc. Units will carry out their 'G musketry under Brigade arrange- Ay meats'. - ‘ -,y RATIONS AND FORAGE The following scale o! rations, for- vage, fuel, etc., has been decided.. on,> - in accordance with financial regulations;— , ' ‘ - , Scale of rations: Bread, / m-iat, l|lb; butter, 4oz; cheese,.loz; A: tsa,; 3oz; coffeq, loz; sugar, 4oz'v V potatoes, lib; onions, 4bz ; jam 4oz ; '4. oatmeal, 2oz; milk, fresh, i pht, or yy I tin of condensed;'saltylpzy. pepper, l-360z; flour, |lb twioe a week* 's■i Fuel, straw, etc.: Coal, 2cwt per •' h wen per diem; wood, 21b per mab ior heating'’ water-; wood, : [ man when no Salamander coolf&^'u^'^

" Continued from page 5 |fcuse>;! caudles, 1 per tent per night ; .straw, 151 b per man. Vi* , ‘Enrage :' Oats, -61 b per ‘horse ; v- 1. chaiT, 121 u per horse; hay, 6lb per -horse; -bran, 12 sacks per camp, to -be -issued at the discretion of the V. ’Veterinary Officer. ! -Unitsi draw 2d- per day to purchase rations, such as raisins, 1 ,< (currents, fresh vegetables, etc., supplement this ration. - jExtras in this connection cannot t hb ipureh'ased from the Central Sup- (' . ply-Depot. _ ffiwo dry canteens will be estab- ' „ ffishdd, ohe each under the orders of .«the 'brigadier mounted and infantry 'brigades -respectively. CAMP SUPPLIES. 1 n—..u Among the many things forwarded from ihe ..Defence.stores, Auckland,. '•{ ■ -"•toythe, Hautapu Gamp .are as-follows: 66'md’iciting dags, 80 axes, 100 picks ; ‘ and handles, 800 water buckets, 802 • I 'B-afcffisMiaiid' basins, 85 7-gallon boilers, boilers, 800 damp bayf johfetc, 5 cro'wbars/SOO camp kettles, , -4 800- 353 armracks, 100 ' spades, 105 : shovels, 850' complete :• , marqUees7B2ipicket ropes, 81 brooms, *-kiFOti takes, 5000 ground sheets, i itS 20 overall suits-, 20 frying pans, • ; dW)yds 2in galvanised iron piping, - a 2000 gal, tank, 1 large swimming v 1 ; -ton’galvanised iron, 11- flag- . 24 tarpaulins, 500 nosebags, ; • ; 566 pairs boots, 455 mattress covers, • ; 500 pairs' blankets,'so picks for Bngkmetfe, 9 dags for ambulance, A hospital and ambulance will be v- 'pr. Aided' ‘at the camp for both the "mounted and infantry divisions, and ■■d hospital m&tquees will-be erected. ; ! ‘> chests are being sent stew- the • bamik and the chief medical ofllder ,vill ' make arrangements for -suVgebi>s and medibal officers to be : ■ ' 'Avilh 'contain -Iyd. waterproof lineti) 111 b boric lint, 11b cotton wool, ’ 1-dbz. -2|ih 'baddfiges, Idoz- : 3in band'-, ages, 1 metal catheter, 12 -ready-to-hij,ud', . and a dozen different klhdfe Vif pills. The totail number of . pills to be sent to the camp is 24.000, thousand in. each medicine chest, so that any minor complaint - iuay ffie readily .dealt with. Surgical • ' haversacks also be provided. , , Amongst the equipment for the ambulance sectioq, are 6 wirewove stretchers .with mattresses and pil lows, 3 Rochester lamps, 2 saucepans,, 3 bottles whisky, 41'bs-corn--v.■lljmiv ■ libs, arrowroot, 12 tins beef .extract, and 1 forge. Special pned'i- • cine ehests are. also provided for the / ■ veterinary r urgeons’ department, four voterinary and one farriery., In all, .some 1800 horses will be in camp, aud it is expected, accordingly, that ... ;tho services •of the “ vets.” will be ■ constantly required. , ARRIVAL OF THE GOVERNOR. RECEPTION ARRANGEMENTS. His Excellency the Governor will ( arrive at Hautapu at 12,30 on Sun- . day, 3rd May,'by spefaial train from •, ’ Rotorua. He luncbeswith the 16th Regiment at 1 o dock. A Guard of Honour will meet him at the station, ;with Band, etc. At 2.45 His Excel’ ; .-lency pi esents the colours to the 6th Hauraki Regiment and also the 16th Waikatos. . ,--T’no Division will be formed up by - “• 15 p.m. on Sunday, the 3rd May. ■ ; P.;f 1, ill li i:-, no intervals,' Saln.-Uigd ase, m -the following order comnin: cing from the right.—-6th , Hauraki, Regiment, in quarter coliiinn; Mounted' Eiflos Brigade, disinotmt ti, in line oi columns of Squadions, Field Artillery, Biigade, ■ disixiou n tod, in quarter column. °Enginbeis, in quarter column. Infantry less 6th and 16th Regiments, ;iln line of quarter columns. Field Amhu'ances, in line -of quarter column. 16th, Waikato, Regiment,' in quarter column, N.B.—Bands will lie massed in rear of centre of ';lin3. Officers and Colours will take post in Review Order, His Excellency the Governor, on arrival at 3 p.fn., will proceed to his place at the saluting point, and will

.6A i.Bcpivotl with the Royal Salute, • --/Wis. Excellency will theq inspect i -.100 troops the (Jllicei y Co.-rntnanding r ., moving to the right of the Ifmy to meet him. He will then • a.long the front to the left cf •The‘liu6 lind return to the saluting i point.

ih®ssc& Bands■ will play cluing the inspection.

, , lioljow ;S(]u,aro will then he formed ; changing y;;fliiW,6hs to the left and right re- * e'ich 'Batigtlioh J 'fhovirig • ' l P^ ace indicated. The y u iifbsshd'/Bancl v will take up their '-■phsMbtfiV front of the Centre of the • of tlie/ 6th ‘«tfd 16th then "te fjfisd ten fthrdfof tiio-co-ntre ; 6f their •t!W'Ue‘w' Col-’ it • np : fr6lu the thd; lV Colthn l -.Sc igen iHs in ,; i! S^ge<ah9 7 plac'ed' he'si d h Cljc pile uf

drums, one on ea-qh side, tbs King’s Colour ; the next senior Offiber and the next senior Lieutenant-of the Regimental Colours. These Officers will uncase the Colours and replace them against the drums. ' The consecration service will then take place, the senior chaplain, RevW. E. Gillan, delivering the exhortation. Prayers by Rev. D. D. Scott, Rev. Father W. J. Ormond,Web. Archdeacon B. M. Cowie and Rev. E. A. Kirwood follow. ■

Then shall v the Chaplain lay his hands on the Colours and say:—ln the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, we do dedicate and set apart these Colours, that they may be a sign of our duty towards our King and Country in the sight of God. Amen. After the consecration, the SeniorMajor of.the 6th, Hauraki, Regiment will hand the King’s Colpur to His Excellency, who will move towards the Regiment; the Senior Lieutenant .will receive it from him, sinking on the right knee, the Regimental Colour will in like manner be handed by the next seflior officer and received back by the second senior Lieut mant. Both Lieutenants will then rise.

His Excellency will then proceed to, the front of the 16tb, Waikato, Regiment, when a similar procedure will be adopted.

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Waikato Independent, Volume XVIII, Issue 1439, 25 April 1914, Page 5

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General Hamilton’s Visit. Waikato Independent, Volume XVIII, Issue 1439, 25 April 1914, Page 5

General Hamilton’s Visit. Waikato Independent, Volume XVIII, Issue 1439, 25 April 1914, Page 5