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Thu Hamilton Borough Council mot last evening. There were present: His Worship the Mayor, Mr W. Dey (Chairman), and Crs. I), Salmon, ,1. Bettloy, W. C. Davis. J. McKoo. J. A. Young, 11, S. Hardley, and H. H. llowdon. ru it me hall, Messrs Mahoney and Son wrote authorising a further progress payment of A! 10() on account of work done on the Public Hall, making a total up to date of £IO3O. —Received. WATER SUPPLY, An application from Messrs Ellis and Burnand to have water laid on to section 454 for use in the boiler in their factory was granted. This firm intimated that they would be erecting ollicos and workmen’s dwellings soon, and would require connections for those.—Referred to tho waterworks committee. Similar applications from Mr .1. E. Hammond for premises in Granthamstreet and from Messrs Ilardley Bros, for premises in Collingwood-streot were received, but it was stated that they had been attended to. SCENERY FOB THE HALL. Miss Ellerbeck wrote asking to be employed to paint scenery for the now hall. The clerk said he had received another application for this work from Mr Diamond, but he must have mislaid it. Tho Mayor said tho Hamilton Comedy Club had ottered AIOO, and they were prepared to make arrangements for the supply of tho scenery or join with the Hall Committee in obtaining scenery for the hall. Cr. Davis asked if the money had not been offered for furniture—seating accommodation, etc. The Mayor said the offer made by the club was an open one. Cr. McKee did not think they could do better than leave it in the hands of tho Comedy Club. As far as Mr Diamond was concerned, he was a true artist, and similar work done by him in Wanganui, Gisborne and other places had met with every satisfaction. Cr. Young thought the money should be deposited with the council. The Mayor said the .club was prepared to do that. Miss Ellerbeck’s letter was received, and a motion by tho Mayor, seconded by Cr. Howdcn, that a committee consisting of the Hall Committee and the Comedy Club be appointed to obtain scenery at a cost of not more than ,£IOO, was unanimously carried. FIRE BRIGADE. Mr Matheson, Secretary of tho Hamilton Eire Brigade, wrote asking the Council to appoint some competent member of the Brigade to act as Fire Inspector, in accordance with the Municipal Corporations Act of 1900. Referred to Waterworks Committee. DRAINAGE SCHEME. Mr John Boylan wrote giving particulars of his partial drainage scheme, to cost about A2OOO, which had been generally approved of by Dr. Frongley. Tho scheme, ho said, would bo a permanent provision for the district indicated, providing for future increase, and was designed to accommodate future extensions to surrounding areas. He estimated the cost of engineering the scheme at £2OO. After some discussion, Cr, Hardley asked if Mr Boylan had not agreed to accept G per cent ? The Clerk said this was so. When tho Council called for applications for a consulting engineer, Mr Boylan’s offer at 6 per cent, for loan money, being the lowest, was accepted. Cr. Hardley then moved that Mr Boylan be asked to reconsider bis charge of 10 per cent, and adhere to his previous offer of G per cent. Cr. Salmon seconded the motion, which was unanimously carried. COURTHOUSE. Tho Under-Secretary informed the Council that the application for a new Courthouse for Hamilton would receive consideration. RAILWAY CROSSING. The General Manager of New Zealand Railways stated that the matter of a crossing in line with Selkirk Street was being considered. BOROUGH 8 ALE YARDS. The Manager of the New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Company complained of tho dilapidated stale of the Borough saleyards, and also stated that tho paddock on the hillside at the back of the yards was not secure, in consequence of which 180 head of cattle had to remain in the pens all night. Mr Sare added that he believed the Council was anxious to encourage tho sales here, and in order to do that more attention should bo paid to the yarding accommodation—Received. ASPHALTING. Messrs McNicol and Co. asked to have the footpath in front of their office in Grantham Street asphalted.— Granted. BAD ROAD. Mrs M. Wright, of Frankton, once more wrote asking for repairs to the road leading to her property; the work now being done was of no benefit to her whatever. In reply to Cr. Davis, Cr. Bettloy said unfortunately this matter bad been overlooked by the Works Committee. It was resolved to again refer it to them with power to act. HEAPHV TERRACE ROADS. Mr Thos. Chappell wrote requesting to have the roads at Heaphy Terrace carried out. Ho said he had been wait-

ing nearly 13 months to build on his sections, and considered ho had lost per week rent during the most of that lime. He protested against being called upon to pay rates until the roads bad been made to his sections. Mr Q. Halford wrote in a similar strain. Cr. Davis said roads were shown on the plan when the sections were disposed of, and they should be carried out. On his motion the matter was referred to the Works Committee for their report at next meeting. INSANITARY BUILINGS. Dr. Frengley wrote condemning the following buildings House occupied by Mr G. Mayes and family ; house owned by Mr IV. Jones, Victoria Street. He suggested that the Council should write to Mr Mayes and enquire what structural alterations he was prepared to make, He also condemned the shed at the back of Mr Jones’ saddlery shop, and the washhouse alongside, as they were in an insanitary condition and dangerous to public health. The stable occupied by the Hamilton Coaching Company was also in an insanitary condition, and, if not removed, the proprietors should be called upon to make such alterations and improvements as will meet with the approval of the Health Officer. It was decided to give the owners of insanitary buildings 14 days’ notice (o state their intentions regarding the buildings in question. DR. FREXGLEY’s REPORTS. Dr. Frengley also forwarded lengthy reports upon the nightsoil depot, the open ditches at the rear of the main street, the stables in the main street, rubbish tips and the question of keeping pigs in the borough, but they were in the main only an official confirmation of the remarks made during his recent visits to Hamilton, when ho attended several meetings of the Borough Council. It was decided to communicate with the stable proprietors upon the question, and to locate the rubbish tip at the nightsoil depot, also to send the Inspector of Nuisances to Cambridge to inspect and report upon the nightsoil system in operation in that town. The matter of keeping pigs in the Borough was referred to the Legal and Finance Committee. turncock’s RE PO H T. The turncock reported that the quantity of water pumped during September was 381,000 gallons, and the amount of gas consumed 8,800 feet. FOREMAN’S REPORT. The foreman of works recommended that as the work required by Mr J. Law would cost more than was anticipated the works committee should inspect the spot; also that sets of pipes should be put in in Macfarlane and Nixon-strcets. Some of the drains required cleaning out in the latter street, but he would ivquiro to have the furze cleared before the work could be done. BAND SUBSIDY. The hon. secretary of the Hamilton Band applied for the subsidy, amount.

ing to £l2, due for tho year'ending September, 1905.—G ran ted. PR'iGRESS payments. Mr 11. I. Biggs, surveyor, authorised a payment of £25 on account of work done in Grey-street to Mr J. Goodwin, and A2O on account of work done on tho saleyards road by Mr T. Qualtrough.— Adopted. EXTENSION OF TIME. Mr J. Goodwin applied for an extension of time of two weeks in which to complete his contract iu Grey-stroct. — Granted. PROPOSED NEW STREET. Mr ,1. B. Tidd forwarded a plan of a proposed street running from Colling-wood-street to Thackcray-streot, and naked the council, when it was formed and gravelled to their satisfaction, to take it over. He also asked the council to allow him to take the necessary gravel from the borough pit free of royalty. It was decided to accept the street when it is formed to the satisfaction of tho Works Committee and tho engineer, and the matter of formation was left in tho hands of the committee, the council to supply pipes and give the gravel free of royalty. PLANS of house. Mr T. Chappell submitted the plan of an eight-roomed house which he intended to build on his section at Heaphy Terrace. The council approved of the plan. NEW SHOPS. Messrs Hardley Bros, submitted plans of three shops, which they intend to erect on Section 48, Victoria Street, Hamilton.—Approved. NAME ON ROLL. An application from Mr W. H. O’Noill to have hia name re-instated on the ratepayers’ roll was received, tho Clerk stating that tho rates had been paid by Mr O’Neill’s mother, whoso name appeared on tho roll for the section in question. FOOTPATH. A number of ratepayers iu Clarence Street wrote asking for a footpath in Clarence Street. Referred to the Works Committee with power to act, the cost not to exceed £5. SALEYARDS. Mr C. J. W. Barton wrote submitting a scheme for tho enlargement of the Hamilton saleyards for the consideration of the council. He enclosed a rough plan giving an idea of the proposed scheme, which would provide for the shifting of the present yards to a site on the school hill and their enlargement there; to put a road through from Victoria-street to Lot 11 Domain, in view of which tho Railway Department might fairly be asked to join in giving their share of 33ft for a distance of about 17 chains, the rest to come out of borough property, and this would give another frontage to Lots 10G and 47G of 11 chains by a depth of 87ft; horse bazaar to be provided for on Lot 108, market reserve, while Lot 476 could bo utilised for revenue-pro-ducing purposes ; the borough’s title to this allotment would admit of leasing, or even, be believed, selling, if considered wise. Convenient roads lead to the proposed yards from all directions, and the driving of cattle through the streets would be obviated. He suggested that an estimate of the cost of "the erection of the new yards be obtained. The council expressed its appreciation of Mr Barton’s services in connection with the proposed enlargement of the saleyards, and referred the scheme and plans to the Saleyards Committee, and invited Mr Barton to attend at the first meeting of the committee. The council adjourned at 10.30 p.m. until Friday evening next.

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Waikato Argus, Volume XVII, Issue 2718, 15 October 1904, Page 2

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HAMILTON BOROUGH COUNCIL. Waikato Argus, Volume XVII, Issue 2718, 15 October 1904, Page 2

HAMILTON BOROUGH COUNCIL. Waikato Argus, Volume XVII, Issue 2718, 15 October 1904, Page 2