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THE VICTORIA-STREET HAMILTON. PROPRIETOR, >EGS to intimate to his friends and •A-J patrons that he has now entered into his NEW HOTEL, WHICH HAS BEEN NEWLY FURNISHED THROUGHOUT. Splendid Suites of Apartments For Families. GOOD ACCOMMODATION FOR TOURISTS. Furnished Drawing • rooms for Lady Visitors. HOT AND GOLD WATER BATHS, &c, &c, &o. Billiard Room, itted'up with one of EDWARD S' (of London) BEST TABLES. GOOD STABLING. Convenient and Well-Lighted SAMPLE-ROOMS FOR COMMERCIAL TRAVELLERS. WINES & SPIRITS OF BEST BRANDSALES, ON DRAUGHT AND IN BOTTLE ALL BRANDS. Telefh&se No. 690.] [P.O. Box 365 CENTRAL HOTEL, VICTORIA-STREET EAST, AUCKLAND. JAMES ROLLESTON, . OPRIETOR. Late of Hikurangi and Coromandel. 8/7 THOS. BUXTON, / Late of the /{ Criterion Hotel, / r Albert Street, / PROPRIETOR./^ , XWe liksley St. East / (above Opera House), / A UC K LAND X Trams pass the door. Every /) Convenience. Hot and Cold X Baths on every floor. OPPOSITE DOMAIN, WHI TAKER-STREET, TE AROHA. P. O'MEAGHER - Proprietor (Late of Lake Hotel, Takapuna). 'FHIB HOUSE has just been built i. directly opposite, and commands a first-class view of the Domain and picturesque surroundings. The Furniture is also entirely new and of the latest design. Campbell and Ehrenfried's PRIZE BEER on draught and in bottle. Wines and Spirits of the Best Brands Only. BEST TABLE IN THE TOWS. Note the Address : Opposite Domain, Whitaker-street, Te Aroha.' 24/8 W.aikato Arous Filed. HALLETT'B AILWAY OTEL, MERCER Meals ready on arrival of all trains Prompt attention WINES & SPIRITS OF THE VERY BEST BRANDS, lirst Prize Ale always on Draught Come and try Brown, Campbell and Co.'s Special Brew. King Tawhiao's Settlement easy distance from Mercer. Good Shooting. Splendid Biver for Boating, THE MOST BEAUTIFUL SCENERY IN & AROUND MERCER. l|gf Every attention paid to Visitors lE* HOBSKS FOE HIEK AT ONE MINUTK Notiok. Charges on tho Most Moderate Scalo at HALLETT'S RAILWAY HOTEL, MERCER THISTLE HOTEL, QUEEN - STREET. AUCKLAND 13 NOW KNOWN AS THE WAIKATU HOUSE. VISITORS will find comfort, with moderate charges (from 25s per week). The Bedrooms have been re-furnished and the house thoroughly renovated. Lavatories and Bathrooms. Select Billiard Saloon.—Two of the Best Tables in the city, under the management of the well-kuowp Mr Carrigau. Saloon Bar—Most select and up to date in the colony. Lette s ami telegrams promptly attended to. Waikato Aruus tiled. Telephone 437. HARRY ELLISON '5/8 (late of Waikato), Proprietor.

KZ.L. $■ M A. CO. [LIMITED). NEW ZEALAND LOAN AND MERCANTILE AGENCY COY., Ltd. STOCK SALESMEN. (Successors to Hunter and Nolan) WOOL AND PRODUCE BROKERS, GENERAL COMMISSION AGENTS. REGULAR SALES ARE HELD :- At Junction Yards each Tuesday at 12.30, principal Market for fat stock. At Durham Yards eaoh Friday at 10.30, horses, vehicles, harness, etc. At Papakura—lst Wednesday in each month. At Pukekohe—2nd Wednesday in each month. At Waiuku 3rd Saturday in each month. At Tuakau—4th Wednesday alternate months, say April, June, August, Oct., Dec, Feb. Cattle Fairs held Sept., Oct. and Nov. Sheep Fairs held Feb. and March. Horse Fairs as arranged. WEEKLY AUCTION SALES EVERY TUESDAY of Hides, Skins, Wool, Tallow, Bones, Hair, etc. Prompt Account Sales and Cash Settlement. All Consignments are treated in Trust, assuring absolute safety. Consignments of Wool, Tallow, Maize, Kauri Gum and all kinds of Agricultural Produce received for disposal in London or Colonial Markets. Advances made on growing Clips of Wool. , AGENCIES Cooper's Sheep Dip, Murton's Champion Dip, W. A. Wood Binders. Extras, etc., Gibson's Patent Branding Fluid, ' Worm Specific ' and 'Soujet'Sheep Drenches, Walker's Patent Fencing Strainers. FOR SALE—Woolpacks, Comsacks, Grass and Clover Seeds, Fencing Wire, Bouedust, Molasses (as cattle food), and all Farmers' requirements supplied, at lowest prices. FRANK BODLE, Manager, H. 0. NOLAN, Auctioneer. ALFRED BUCKLAND & SONS. A LFRED -pUCKLAND &.JQONS, THE HAYMAEKET, ALBERT • STREET, AUCKLAND, Hold Auction Sales Each TUESDAY AT THE HAYMARKET —For Hides. Sheepskins, Wool, Tallow, Bones, Hay, Straw THURSDAY, AT REMUERA-Fat and Store Cattle, Sheep, Pigs FRIDAY, AT THE HAYMARKETHorses, Vehicles, Harness. Hay, Straw, Grain CATTLE SALES ARE HELD WAIUKU-FIRST SATURDAY in the month POKENO-jMONDAY before Runciman RUNCIMAN--THIRD WEDNESDAY in eaoh month PUKEKOHE-LASI 1 MONDAY in each month TUAKAIT-FOURTH WEDNESDAY in the months of January, March, May, July, September and November. On Sale at the. Haymarket—Bonedust, Root and Special Manures ; Guano; Grass Seeds of all descriptions; Clovers, new season's, imported from Alexander Cross aud Sons, Glasgow, and Hurst and Sons, London ; Maize, Oats, Chaff, and all kinds of Feed Stuffs. Agents for Chesterfield Guano ; Little's Sheep Dip, Liquid and Powder; Ford's Lungworm Mixture, Toxa Rabbit Poison. A LFRED T)UCKLANI) & OONS, AUCKLAND. 1/8 ARTHUR TOOMAN] [ARTHUR TOOMAN. AUCTIONEERS, FRUIT AND PRODUCE BROKERS. PLEADING FRUIT SALESMEN OP AUCKLAND. We do the business and have the largest connection of any house in Auckland. CONSIGN ONLY TO TOOMAN AND CO., WHO ARE THK APPOINTED AGENTS FOR THE WAIKATO GROWERS REFERENCE : THE NATIONAL BANK OF NEW ZEALAND, OR ANY WAIKATO PRODUCER. pITY MARKET, AUCKLAND. HALL & PERKINS, Auctioneers, Fruit and Produce Salesmen, Wish to announce to the Fruitgrowers and Producers of Waikato that they are making SPECIAL PROVISION for the SALE of FRUIT and PRODUCE, aiming to Sell Direct to Consumkbs, thus benefiting the Produced considerably. Every attention paid to CLASSING FRUIT. Each Lot Will Be Sold According to Quality, so that careful packers and graders can be assured of better prices as a reward for their extra pains. We Cater for the Requirements op tue Trade, The selling is entirely in the hands of the partners, who, from their long experience and judicious management, can warrant that the best interests of their patrons will be attended I to. I iggr Peompt Advices, Account Sales and Cheques. Reference: Union Bank of Australia i 21/10 HALL & PERKINS. A SILVE'R WATCH FREE These WATCHES are Silver Cased aud our usual price list for them K / is 40s, but to iutroduce our 0/ ™ Hoods into the Colony we will send you this Watch free if you will take advantage of our marvellous offer. If you want one write to us without delay, aud send stamped addressed envelope for reply. With your letter send 5/- P. Note, for which we will send you six of our full-sized wonderfnl Matador Silver Teaspoons, which wear like real silver throughout. After you receive the watch we shall expect you to show it to jour friends and call their attention to this advertisement. The watch is sent by registered post on your complying with our advertisement and the marvellous offer which we will send. Address — SILVERSMITHS' ALLIANCE Box 355 AUCKLAND. Money returned if not satisfied. (IHEAP OOD—A Large Quantity J AND VX of New Type, New Borders, etc., having been added to the plant, JOB PRINTING can now be turned out at The Waikato Argus Office, in a style that cannot bo surpassed by any other office, aud at prices that cannot fail to satisfy patrons,—-Geo. Edgobumbc, proprietor,

I 0 STAND at LOCHIEL STABLES i and travel the Districts of Ohsupo, To Awamutu and Paterangi—The Heavy Draught Stallion BENMOEB, Sire Cox's Lord Dunmorc (imp.; 2117, C.S.B.)—dam, Heather Blossom '. lord Dunmore, by Pureßlond (1273,C.8.8.); Heather Blossom, by Prince of Albyn (imp.)—dam Flower. Benmore, 6 years, bred by W. Clark, Esq., Kyneton ; bay in eolour, stands 16.3, and is a very powerfully-built massive horse, with the very best of feet, legs and hair. His symmetry, action, aud temper are really first class, and stock already got by him are giving every promise to be really tip-top. Terms—For each mare from breeders who have not used either of the undersigned's stallions previously, 5 guineas; others, 4 guineas each. Route. Thursday—Lochiel to Green Hill Friday—Around Te Awamutu Saturday—Green Hill to Lochiel, by Paterangi Factory Corner Remainder of week—Lochiel Stables List for 1900 season closed. To Travel the Districts of Pukerimu, Pukekura, Cambridge, Hautapu, Tamahere and Tauwhare— GLEN ROY. Sire, Glengyle—dam, Rose; Glengyle, by Prince of the Isles (imp.)—dam, Helen McGregor, by Glen Roy. Glen Roy, 3 years, bred by A. Alexander, Esq., Nornnnby, is a really very well grown, grandly-formed colt of superior quality, with good colour and action. Terms—Single mare?, 4 guineas; two or more, 'A\ guineas each; lots of five marcs, one free. Route. Monday—Frankton to Tamahere Tuesday—Tamahere to Mr J. L.Edson's Wednesday—Hautapu to Cambridge Thursday Cambridge to Ohaupo (Lochiel) Friday—At Loebiel Saturday—Lochiel to Frankton To Travel the Districts of Te Rore, Whatawhata, Ngaruawahia, Hamilton and Tuhikaramea— CHALLENGER. Sire, Glengyle—dam, Nancy ; Nancy, • by Sir William Wallace—flam, Bess, by Thane of Clyde. Challenges, 4 years, bied by F. A. Bremer, Esq., Okaiawa, is a beautiful brown colt, well grown, powerfully built, with very good feet, legs and action, and grand constitution.^ Terms—Single mares, Q guineas; two or more, 3 guineas each ; lots of five, one mare free. Route. Monday—Greiii Hill to Pirongia and Te Rore Tuesday—Te Rore to Whatawhata Wednesday—Whatawhala to Ngarnawahia Thursday—Ngaruawahia to Hamilton Friday—Hamilton to Tuhikaramea Saturday—To Te Awamutu The above-meutioueel Stallions have been carefully selected, both as regard's breeding and quality, and can hardly fail to prove of very great benefit to breeders of heavy draught stock who may avail themselves of their services. They are also in care of experienced grooms, so that by careful attention to business and every courtesy to_ clients, the undersigned hopes to merit a fair share of patronage. •• Benmoke has won upwards of 40 First and Champion Prizes at Representative Shows and his stock have never been beaten wherever shown. Glen Roy holds an unbeaten record for Show-ring Awards, amougst them being Three Championships gained when a two-year-old, competing against the very best Stallions imported from the South aud elsewhere. Challenger has also gained a goodly number of prizes when meeting the very best Stock in the North Island. For extended pedigrees, particulars of show-ring performances, etc., see cards. To Stand —The well and favourably known Thoroughbred Stallion, LOCHINVAK. Terms—Single mares, 3 guineas; two or more, 1\ guineas each. Route. Monday—Lochiel to Green Hill Tuesday—Green Hill to Te Awamutu Wednesday— Back to Lochiel Stables Good piddocking at Green Hill and Lochiel. Every possible care taken, but no responsibility incurred. Inspection invited at any time. WM. TAYLOR, HO/8 Green Hill, Te Awamutu. rpo TRAVEL THIS SEASON, •*■ The Favourite Draught Entire EARL OF SALISBURY, Rising six years ; sire, Salisbury Pride dam, Fan. Term's : £2 single mare. See cards for further pedigree. Earl of Salisbury is a bright bay, 17 hands, with splendid action and quiet temper, and took first prize Pukekohe as two-year-old. Fan was bought from the late John McNicol-, and secured prizes at Waikato and other shows. Mr D. Capper will have charge for the season. The district proposed to travel is Mercer, Mungatangi, Wairangi, Matahura, Huntly, Kangiriri, home. E. J. PARKER, 21/8 Churchill. TO STAND AT MORRINSVILLE aud travel the districts of Tauwhare, Cambridge, Tamahere and Hamilton—The Roadster Stallion, MERRY J 3 0 Y (Bred ey the Late John McNicol, Esq.) By Merrylegs—dam Barry. Barry, a roadster mare, imported from Wanganui by the late John McNicol, Esq. Merryboy's stock are so well and favonrably known that it is needless for me to say much in his favour as a sire. They are all both useful and saleable stock. Terms—Single mares, £2 10s ; two or more, £2 2s each. Grazing, one shilling per week. FRANK MARSHALL, •25/9 Morrinsville. \T7ASTE PAPER for sale at Tue VV Waikato Argus Office,—Geo Edcecuoibe- -'oprietqr

The Stud. fflK FAVOURITE CLYDESDALE I STALLION BETTER TIMES Will travel in the Waikato and Waipa Districts this season. Route, Monday- Whatawhata to Ngaruawahia Tuesday-To Hamilton through Puketc Wednesday—To Cambridge, through Tamahere and Hautapu Thursday—To Hamilton, via Bruntwood Friday—To Tuhikaramea and Whatawhata Saturday—Afc Home For terms, etc,, apply to MARK SMITH, Proprietor, 24/9 Whatawhata rpo STAND AT MORRINSVILLE Jl and travel surrounding, districts of Piako coming season—Brown Colt LORD ELDERSLIE, Bred by John Reid, Esq., Elderslie, Oamaru. By Hard Times—dam Lizzie, by Lord Salisbury (imp); second dam, Young Gip, by Auditor (103, N.Z.5.8.), by Young Banker (1, N.Z.5.8.; imp); third dam, Gip, by Emperor (imp). The above colt is a beautiful brown and very well grown, with very heavy tone and pood feet. For size, conformation, breeding, action, temper aud colour lhis colt will be very hard to beat aud breeders will do well to see him. Hard Times, sire of Lord Elderslie, was a most successful sire and show ring horse, winning first and champion prizes at Taieri, Dunedin, Waimate and Oamaru. Lizzie, dam of Lord Elderslie, is by that champion of champions, Lord Balisbury (imported), who proved himself one of the, if not the very best, sires ever imported this side of the line. Lizzie, dam of Gip, was got by Auditor ;103 N.Z.S.B), grand dam by Emperor (imp). Terms—Single mare, £3 10s ; Two or more £3 3s; Five mares property of one owner, one mare free. Owners at time of service held responsible, For further particulars apply to FRANK MARSHALL, Morrinsville, Owner; or, JAMES INNES, Groom in Charge, THE CHAMPION THOROUGHBRED SIRE LEOLANTIS, By Leolinus—Atlantis, Will stand at Morrinsville and travel Te Aroha district, Terms : £4 4s. By The Dauphin, dam Bessemer, by Musket, Will be at the service of breeders in the Piako district. Terms : £2 2s. FRANK MARSHALL, Owner, Morrinsville. rr\o STAND AT CROSS ROADS NEAR TE AWAMUTU, The Thoroughbred Stallion FREEDOM, By Captivator—dam, Maid of Honour. Terms: Single mares, 3£ guineas; two or more, 3 guineas, half guaranteed ; lots of five, one free. Limited to 50 mares. Good grazing Is per week. Every care taken but no responsibility. N.B.—Breeders desirous of using the above horse this season will require to make early application, as his list is fast filling. H. WEAL, 10/9 Te Awamutu. 1 T U D NOTICE. THE WELL-KNOWN THOROUGHBRED STALLION MUSKAPEEE, THE PUREBRED CLYDESDALE STALLION BRAEMAR WILL TRAVEL THE DISTRICT THIS SEASON. Particulars in future issue. JOHN BROWNE, LO/9 Woodburn, Cambridge. rnHE WELL-KNOWN CLYDES- ± DALE STALLION CAM P S I E To stand at Whatawhata and travel the surrounding districts. Particulars in future ißsue. H. D. SUTHERLAND, 22/9 Whatawhata. SPEIGHT'S BOTTLED ALE & STOUT IS NOT GENUINE Unless bearing OPEIGHT &TTIPKINS &nOUTTS NAMES ON LABEL. No one in Auckland bottles the above except HIPKINS & O OIJTTS > WINE & SPIRIT MERCHANTS, Lower Alukrt Stiuset, Auckland, Who arc Sole Representatives. ijgp Country orders promptly attended 17/3

wanteds, dtc. Gravies, Sauces, etc. GUARANTEED Absolutely pure. And of the Very Highest Quality. Manufactured solely from Cuttle passed by the Government Veterinary inspector. Obtainable throughout the Colony. ASK FOR IT, And take no other. T7OR Superphosphate and Blond and Bone, at lowest rates, try George E Clark. WANTED— An Active Youth, or Young Man ; no milking. Apply J. Knight, Woodside. 1/10 ED-A Middle-aged Man, to VY milk, groom, etc, ; _ references required.—Mark Harrison, Lichfield. WANTED— The public to call upon H. H. Howden, Hamilton, and buy his celebrated 25s Nickel Silver Watches. 1/11 ANTED Subscribers for AucltVV land Star, New Zealand Herald, Graphic, Weekly News, &c. —Sandes and Co., Hamilton. 117 ANTED—An Assistant CheesetV maker at the Tauwhare Cheese Factory. Apply to New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, Limited, Hamilton. 25/9 ' ANTED—Persons derirous of purV'7 chasing Pianos or Organs, either for cash or on the hire system, to call on H. H. Howden, Hamilton, agent British and Continental Piano Company. 11/6 W'ANTED-A Good Ploughman ; must be able to handle all farm implements; wages,2os and found. Also, a Cowboy; if a good boy always prospect of promotion. Apply J. Gordon,' "Woodlands Estate, Taupiri. 29/9 , W" ANTED KNOWN-Complete New Stock of Groceries, Crockery and Glassware ; also, Confectionery in great variety. Refreshments all day long, daily, and Illustrated Papers taken.— J. T. Home, Hamilton Refreshment Rooms, agent for Davys Bros.' Emit Boxes. " 15/11 TSUY DIRECT FROM ENGLAND FAMOUS " EHAE^CYCLES! GREAT CUT IN THE TRADE ! FIRST-CLASS QUALITY AT BEDROCK PRICES (FOR CASH) Single Machine ... Two Machines ... Three Machines ... For £i ISs ... £8 lis ... £l2 2s Freight and Duty Paid to Wellington. Ladies' Cycles, 10s per machine extra. Quotations for ten Bicycles and over on application. JOHN BURST KHAKI COMPANY, Stedall's Buildings, Portsmouth, England. 30/8 GEO. THOMPSON. (For the past 21 years with Mr T. Gemrhill, blacksmith, of Cambridge), INFORMS the Public that he intends starting in business on his own account, on the Ist August next, in suitable premises adjoining Messrs McNicol's Saleyards in VICTORIA STREET (opposite the Post-Office), as a SHOEING & GENERAL BLACK SMITH. Charges Strictly Moderate. 23/ GENERAL HOUSE FURNISHER, TIMBER MERCHANT, UNDERTAKER, &c, &c.j &c. jVICTORIA-ST., HAMILTON, H AS 0 N S ALE ~ EVERY DESCRIPTION OF HOUSE FURNITURE TIMBER SEWING MACHINES KITCHEN RANGES CLOCKS, PICTURES CORRUGATED IRON POSTS, 4c, &c, &c. All Furniture at Auckland prices, without the addition of freight. I am agent for the following: UNITED INSURANCE COMPANY MAMARU STEAM SAW & PLANING MILLS TAUPIRI SAWMILL COMPANY FUNERALS FURNISHEDEstimates given for all descriptions of work. A. COYLE. Established 1841.] [Televiione 204. KIDD'S COMMERCIAL HOTEL, SHORTLAND & HIGH-STS., Opposite General Post-office, Auckland. npHIS HOTEL has been newly fur--3 ni-hetl throughout, and the NEW ADDITIONS just finished comprise 30 Bedrooms, Large Dining-room, Drawing, Sitting, Smoking, und Commercial Rooms, Baths (hot, cold and spray), aud all that is necessary to make this, The Oldest Established Hotel in New Zealand, one ot the most comfortable. From its close proximity to the General Post Office and Wholesale Houses, it is most convenient for commercial travellers and business men. SAMPLE ROOM. The Waikato Akods Filed. Ll/'ij FOR Extra Machine-dressed Grasses and Prime Clovers try Yates and Co.—G. E. Clark, Agent.


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Waikato Argus, Volume IX, Issue 769, 2 October 1900, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Waikato Argus, Volume IX, Issue 769, 2 October 1900, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Waikato Argus, Volume IX, Issue 769, 2 October 1900, Page 4