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The number of registered Lincoln sheep flocks in .New Zealand is now 132.

The quantity of coke sold from the Masterton gasworks last month was 1!X>() bags.

Strawberries from Central Ola 30 were sold in Dunodin last week at 6s 6d per pound. During last month three members of the Masterton gasworks stall' joined the Expeditionary Forces.

Several Masterton young men have been accepted for service aboard the hospital ship Maramn,

The vital statistics for Osffrterton for the month of October are: — Births 0, deaths I, marriages '2. William Hamer, of Foxton, las been fined .Co on each of two charges of failing to put au imprint upon circulars.

A pronounced shock of earthquake was felt in Masterton at 5.30 o'clock on Tuesday morning. Tt aas also felt in Wellington. There are at present 701 iascookers in use in Masterton. Since the 'beginning of the year, thirtyfour have been installed.

The supplies of coal to the Masterton gasworks have recently not been quite up to requirements, owing to the delay of steamers. The -Masterton Borough Council last evening decided, at tho request of a petition, to erect a lamp st tho corner of Bentley street.

The gas manufactured at the Masterton gasworks last month showed an increases of 13.9 per cent compared wit-Ii tho same month Inst year.

A young Swiss who enlisted for service in Masterton is very depressed because the doctor rejected him on account of an injury to his leg. He intends trying again. The cash revenue from the llasterton gasworks for the past month shows a net increase of £l9B, the chief increases being in gas rates £127, fittings £59, and, residuals £2l.

At the Duncdin Police Court, William L. Hooper was committed for trial on a charge of receiving £4O worth of official stamps, knowing them to have been dishonestly obtained.

A draft agreement between ihe Borough Council and residents of the Upper Plain came before the Masterton Borough Coiimeil last evening, and was referred to the CI as Committee.

At the recoption accorded tho returned troopers last evening the, Mayor announced tho fact that Trooper Cameron, who had been invalided home, was returning to the front with the Eighth Contingent. The. statement was received vith cheers.

The Masterton Division of St. John Ambulance Brigade received word yesterday that there were throe hospital cases arriving by the train last evening. They were present with the horse, brougham and motor ambulance, but no hospital cases came.

The Native Land Purchase Board has finally comploted tho purchase of three large blocks betwoen Napier and Gisborne on tho route of lhe proposed railway line. These blocks are Te Kuta, Awatotara, and Pnrotangihia, consisting of about 41,710 acres altogether.

Tho Masterton Borough Council was waited upon last evening and asked*to remit tho rates on a section held by a member of the Expeditionary Forces. Tho Mayor pointed out that the •Council had very limited powers as to tho remission of rates. It was only done in extreme cases of poverty. Tho matter was <loferred, for consideration by the Finance Committee.

The ranger to the. Masterton Borough Council was recently requested to furnish particulars of his perambulations for the edification of Councillors. When the report was 'before tho iCouncil last eve-mug tho Mayor characterised tho document as t'le most interesting lie had penusod for years, and said lie considered it a striking testimony to the efficient work dono by the official. Mr William Perry, of faster ton, will move the following resolution at tho annual meeting of the Lincoln SliMpbreeders 1 Association this week: —"All registered sheep that are being exported shall ho inspected prior to leaving the owner's farm, and tattooed or marked with some other identification mark authorised by the Council. Export certificates will not be granted'unless tho secretary is notified a fortnight before; the sheep are exported so that arrangements can be made for inspection."

Reporting on the proposal to extend the Masterton gas mains to ...he Upper Plain, tho manager of ihe gasworks stated in his monthly report to the Borough Council "Arrangements with tho guarantors are progressing satisfactorily, A letter has been rceived agreeing to all the modifications of the proposed agreement and giiarantco required by tho Council, and as soon as '•'he legal document is executed the necessary mains can be ordered from England. I would recommend that with this order a further 10,000 fe©t of steam tubing ho placed on order at the best price obtainable, as there will bo some lengthy services required, and under'any circumstances the present slock <>f steam tubes will be getting low by tho time a shipment could bo delivered in New Zealand."

TO PIANO BUYERS. Tin; British Pinna Industry has an iroportaneo much greater than most people realize. V'or example, at John Uroadwood and Sons' great foetory in London nearly five hundred men are busy constructing those in-, strumcnt-s which are acknowledged to be a World's "standard" in pianos. .An<3 that is only one imports nt source of supply! All who wish to ensure getting a high-class British instrument should certainly call on The Bristol Piano Co.. Ltd. Th's well-known firm—established iu New Zealand over thirty, tiro years—regularly receives large shipments of excellent British-built pianos such as the brilliant Broadwood, tho splendid Slimes, and the magnificent Collard and Collard. Tt also stocks those renowned Canadian organs—Th© Bell and The Imperial. If credit is a convenience, "The Bristol," .will gladly ok tend to you the advantages of its popular and libera! time-payment system. Tho Bristol Piano Co., Ltd., Wellington. North Island Manager, M". J, Brookes. Local Representative, M. G. M'ackay, Queen street.*

The income tax in England now; a.moiint> to ;!s Gel in tho pound. Foui' boys from the Weraroa, Training Farm wont into camp Irst week. .

The rainfall registered at Pahiatua, during the montii of - October »vaa •I .89 inches. ,

Tlio annual social of the Ffamiin Defence Hide Club will ho held :i1» Hamiiii on Friday next. A mushroom. lit, 7in in circumference, and weighing 131b, Wits picked at Foxion the other day. The supply of milk to the tic ft' cheese factory at Scarborough on Monday was reported to be 1250 gallons.

A stun of £290 was collected by the Salvation Army in Mastertoi) for self-denial week, compared >vitli £'21.4 last year. The. I'ahiatua A. and P. Association has decided that its next show be held '.in Friday, February 11th, and the ram fair on the -following, day.

During the ten months of the present year, three bankruptcies were* recorded in I'ahiatua as against four for tlie corresponding period of last vear.

Mr .1. Cairns, Chief Health Officer, of Masterton, visited Pahiatua !a?twwk to report on the new auxiliary water supply from the town creek for the municipal baths.

'flic Mayor stated at last night's mooting of the. Masterton Horqugb Council that on three occasions only during tho past nine years had tho. Council remitted rates, and those were in extreme cases.

The delivery of registration suhed--111 os in Masterton is now practically completed. Any male citizen between the ages of seventeen and sixty mhohas hot. received a schedule should communicate after to-day with the post-nl aster.

A recent visitor to Masterton informed "Age." rcprcseuta-.i\*<" that ljuildcrs are experiencing great, difficulty in procuring timber in-the north. Concrete is, in consequence,; being largely resorted to for building construction. The .secretary of the Mangataino?;a. Athletic Society has been instructedto write to tho Wairarapa Pipe Band and express the Society's appreciation of tho manner in which thoBand had 'met the Society regarding, a. musical programme for the Boxing Day sports.

A teams match was played on -he, Masterton Bowling Club's green yesterday afternoon between Messrs Hughes, Lawrence, Chapman and 0. Pragnoll (skip), and Dickens, Vile, Brighting, and C. Perry (skip). -Tho 'former won, after a keenly contested game, by 22 points to 18.

Speaking at a meeting at Whangarei a local farmer, Mr 0. R. Mlllington, said he had never suffered' fiom blight in his potatoes since ho had adopted the practice of putting lime on them when they Averts stored on tho floor. He had been free although his neighbours' potatoes wore affected with blight.

A meeting of tho directors of theOtaraia Dairy Factory was held oa Saturday last, when a proposal .vascarried to increaso the capital to £IOOO, this step being rendored necessary by the increasing number of shareholders to the factory, also the number of extra cows being milked, and in consequence a scarcity of shares to allot.

Messrs T. Scurr ami Co., commits sion agents, of Dnnodin, have iss'i-nt a writ against Sir Robert Stout, claiming £96 5s as commission on. £ISOOO in connection with the sale to t.ho Public Trustee of the leasehold property in Princes street formerly occupied by Moody and Stephens, the firm in which Mr Justice Sim used to bo a partner. Sir Robertdenies having iix any way appointed Mr Scurr as agent or authorised hhu in any way to sell. The Ekctahuna Queen of the Carnival competition, in aid of the Wounded Soldiers' Fund, on Saturday last, when £SIOO wph. realised. The result of tho -voting: was as follows: —Miss Hilda. Bereflford, Alfredton Riding (307,ii2<f votes, £2560 3,s 4d); Miss BorisLowes, East Riding (108,468 votes,, €llO3 18s); Miss Jessio Mason, West/ Riding (90,027 votes, £7OO 4s Od); Miss Grav, Ekotalipna Borough (31,003 votes, £265 7s 2d).

Good sheep dog Is advertised for sale.

Advertised wistas to rent a ,snu>J l l)> Off furni.slwd Jxom.s

'Hi*.! County Council 'tivitei te>nd<y,s for two contracts. Advertiser wishes to rent three un - furnished rooms, or share house. A 'soldiers' hotter signed '-.Jehu Willio," ficnind in Mastodon, await' ownership at this offifl.'. AH accounts agaiinst Alio estate of the late Mrs Elizabeth By'kett ar<>l'lXfiie'S.Hl to be .seat (to 'I". W. Hurlingraro of the Cartijrton Trust and: Agency Co., Ltd.

Flv and Young's brake will leave Post Office '<lo 7.30 o'clock to-night, to e/3Lvey meutbons of the Loyal \Li-s-Uji'ton Lodge to tho Loyal Heart of Oak Lodge, Cailborton.

A special rango of khaki handkerchiefs have just been opened by Messrs J. L. Murray, Limited. -Tiestock includes fast colour 'diaki handkerchiefs in linen, cambric.silkina., excelda, tussore and Jai> silk, "

"Becoming Millinerv" is abundanthere just now—for wo are showing; the cream of tho newest summar modes —just tho right styles to suitour customers' tastes, and our valoe is .splendid. It will indeed interest yon to have a look at our Windtfw of Untrinmed Straws and Ready toWear Hats, all one prico, 2a ltd oach. W.F.C.A., ltd.*

M'i '.surs W. and Cr. and Co., Ltd., have received instructions h-om 31>" Mahiolin McLonn;iu, Oairingtnn, to hold an unreserved clearing sale of tho wholo of his dairy herd. The fct compr, ; ise« 18 dairy oews in lull profit, o 2-year springing" luufers, pigs, horses, <(m\ The sale will' take place on Tuesday, November i)th, at 12.80 p.m. Full particulars ar t ; advertisod on ; p.age H.

For the best in Dairy Tinware, Factory Supplies, eta., send to Albkrt J. Parton, Carterton.*

No need to worry over those Customs entries nntil your brains arc fogged. Pass them along to MessrsJ. J. Curtis and Co., Ltd. —they 8 reexperts at the game. There's no ttnia to be lost (and time is money to y;vu)when your entries are passed by Messrs. J, J, Ourtis and 00.., Ltd 11 JVxhnston street, Wellington Thc-ir ."barges, too ara very odorate.®

'Seven 'Sow Zealanders who woro members o'f tlio Australian lorcos, arrived at Wellington hy the .Mineniki yesterday. .Ties Lw*\ tho Austral ; au boxer, defeated Ja.s. C-iaWiy < America), in •< uuveli at Sydney fi'.r the world s und-■dle-weiglit championship. Yesterday •nt'wrnmm a '.nai i.t trucks, comprising over )2"» ]el't PalnHM'ston frr thu W aikal-:. ; l ■ oiii'tlo were loaded r.v AhrnMm am Williams, Ltd., and wire purchased in the ManawaUi and W a.irarapa districts. 11l the Wellington Supreme Court yesterday morning, his Honor .nr Justice Chapman heard an originating summons to determine certain questions arising .under a memorandum of lease. Tlio parties t«v-ho summons were Percy Evvart Wingfield, farmer, of Rukanui, plnmtitr, and John Allen Rayne, mail contractor, of Carterton. Mr 1. Al. Pago,' of Eketahuna, appeared lor Wingfield, and Mr E. F. Hatlfield i'or Kayne. From the facts placed before the Court, it appeared that Rayne, who was formerly a farmer ut Eketahuna, granted to Wingfield a sub-lease for seven years ot 2UU »crcs of l.Lp. lands. The lands woro subject to n mortgage to the otatc Advances Superintendent (securing £500) and to a second ™ ort WS° 1 f one John Orr (seen ring .t, , ,i Rayne domed that _\A lngfiold... had any right to require that he (Rayne) should obtain the consent of the second mortgagee (Orr) to the -übloaso. The Court was thcl'eforo asked to define Wingfield's rights; m connection with the sub-lease. Ihe Coiiirt reserved its decision.

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Wairarapa Age, Volume XXXV, Issue 10713, 3 November 1915, Page 4

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LOCAL AND GENERAL. Wairarapa Age, Volume XXXV, Issue 10713, 3 November 1915, Page 4

LOCAL AND GENERAL. Wairarapa Age, Volume XXXV, Issue 10713, 3 November 1915, Page 4