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Tim weather was-ideal for the Wairarapn, Amateur Athletic Club's Sports .Meeting which eventuated on the Park Oval yesterday. The attendance it;:-, large, but did not come up to expectations. The feature of the -ncoting was the form shown by the American athletes who excelled themselves in every branch of sport. The efforts of Power in the mile and Parker in the 4-lOyds «•<•!•(! the finest ever witnessed in the district, and probably in the Dominion. Power, in the mile, showed magnificent form and reduced the Australasian record coi!S''derahly. Mis finishing burst of speed was a treat to witness, and the great ovation the mile crack received from an enthusiastic crowd was highly deserved. Park'-r's record-breaking run in tiio -!-e).yds was—as one spectator was heard to say—"a paralyser," and it is almost certain that lie could have improved en the time had lie anyone to extend him over the last 100 yds. Parker in common with Power, had a great ovation from the crowd.

Caugliey, the firong man of tho tea n, was in excellent fettle, and his record throw, -11 ft 9in, in putting the shot event, was a really splendid effort. This fine athlete also gave an exhibition <!'-discus throwing, a branch of athletics new to New Zealand. C'.Uighey showed himself a great athete, of whom greater things may yet ho expected. Tenipleton, g'vi-g away' big handicaps in tho hurdle, high jump aud polo vault events, showed tip in most favourable, light.' Ho won his heat easjly in the 120 yds hurdles, and sniferod defeat by a narrow margin in the final at tho hands of that sterling athlete "Bob" McKenaio. In the <'< di jump, Templeton was not seen at his best, as he was suffering somewhat from a bruised heel. In the polo vault, however, he cleared lift 1 in, and iust failed in an attempt at lift 7in. The crowd reeoszniscd tho fine performance of -this brilliantt vountr athlete by heartily appauding V efforts.

Apart from their really brilliant performances the Americans created ■\ most favourable i-nnression by heir MilcuPd sportsmanship, and it '<• certain thn+ tlv> visit of tluve slants of the .ithletie world will do an immense r mount of o<iod lor amateur spevt in the W^i'in-nia.

Of the local men Messenger was in 'ine form, win nip or the lOOvds. 220 vds -UOvcls. and snivels C'nb ChamnioiTihins. ; i!\ .wcelleut p^'formanoe. "Bob" McTv. ,v, zie. Wairarapa'-s chflmii''"! riM-v'-iied -nthlcte. was a competitor in the majority of events,

••m! avn" ; tted Ir'ni'-.rK -i-01l in -vent. TT,> wnn the VZAvu? hm-dle*. mttin-/ ilv shot pvd h'-ond , i"v:r7--'s or.-,.-h;,, ; r.;v;;7>.-]s .and thirds in r.+ 1.-.r f ,,-n.,t t ,

Stagpoolo and Shatford, of Manawatu, were fairly successful, and showed *omo pood form in the hurdle. hiedi and broad inmp events. The Country Club Championship was won rather easily by the, local club, Mps« n niyer. ATfTCenzie. Bvndbuiy and Perston being the chief points winners. The arrangements were well in bawl, all the officials working hard to ensure a successful meeting , and thev have their reward in the result which must be regarded with the Greatest satisfaction bv all and .sundry.

Ho delighted were the public with Power's performance in the mile, that a handsome special trophy, sult.of public subscription Avill be i>resented to the young athlete.. The other three members of the team will bo presented with cold medals as speeia Jmenrentoes of their visit to .Masterton, and the splendid performances registered there.

The club has every reason to feel highly gratified at the success which attended the meeting. The "detailed results are- as follow : J2O YARDS HUHniiES. COUNTRY

CLUBS\ CHAMPIONSHIP. (Present Champion : H. Stagpoole, Manawatu.) H. StagpfM)lo (Manawatn)

R. MoKe.isia (Masterton) 2 K. W., the only 'other starter, pulled up. A splendid finish «a.w the Vfniiawat 1 niaii win by inches. Time, 1G 3-ssec.

220 YARDS. HANDICAP. (World's amateur record, 21 1-Ssec., 11. J. Wefers; N.Z. am; teur record, 22sec, B. Opie.) First Heat. V. .7. Gallic (Masterton), 7yds'. ... I O. E. Gallie (Masterton), 20yd5.... 2 W. Land (Masterton), 20yds 3 Time, 22 l-Saee. Final.

(Placed men in the 220 Yards Country Clubs' Chmapionship were eligible

to compete in this event.) R. Messenger (M.), 10yds.) 1 0. K. Gallic (M.), 20yds 2 V. J. Gallic (M.), 17yds 3 Messenger ran round his field in excellent style, and won by two yards from 0. Gallic, who beat V. Gallio by a, yard. Time, 22 4-5:«oc.

•>2O YARDS COUNTRY CLUBS' CHAMPIONSHIP. (Present Champion :_ H. Martin, Wanganui.) R, Messenger (M.) R. MeKenzie (M.) ,). R. Dunn (M.) Time, 2-1 sec.

100 YARDS COUNTRY CLUBS' CHAMPIONSHIP. (Present Champion: H. Martin, Wanganui.) R. Messenger (M.) 1 W. Land (M.) 2 J. R. Dunn (M.) 3 Time, 10 -l-.'3see. A good race, Messenger winning by a yard. 100 YARDS HANDICAP. (World's amateur record, 9 3-.>ve.. \Y. Kelly; N.Z. amateur record, l)4-o .see., J. H. Kcmpfcon.) G. L. Parker (U.S.A.), ser., ami W. Angus (M.), 11yd., dead heat 1 O. K. Gallic, 10yds 3 A great race. Parker finished in magnificent style, and just failed to heat Angus. Time, lOsec. 880 YARDS COUNTRY CLUBS' CHAMPIONSHIP. (Present Champion: D. Stuart. Manawatu.) J./Bradburv (M.) •••• 1 J. R. Pcrston (M.) 2 y. La Roche (M.) 3 Time, 22min. 6 4-ssec 110?, STEP .ND JUMY-. COUNTRY CLUBS'CHAMPIONSHIP. H. G. Stratford (Man.), 43ft. lin 1 R. McKcnzie (M.), 42ft. 9in 2 A. Ordkfo (M.), 40fc. 6in 3 HOP, STEP. AND JTjMP HANDICAP. I-T. J. Stratford (Man.), 2ft. han., 45ft, lin. I V. L. Fairbrother (M.) 2

J. R. Dunn (M.) •••-• 3 120 YARDS HURDLE HANDICAP. (X.Z. record, 15 3-10 sec., G. P. Keddell.) First Hoat. 11. R, Templeton (U.S.A.), scr.... 1 M. lßgulden (M.), 17yds. (2 hurdles down) Templeton, jumping beautifully, won easily. Time, 16 3-ssec. Second Heat. R. McKenzie (M.), 10yds. (one hurdle down) 1 \V. Angus (SI.), 14yds. ( two hurdles down) •;••• 2 McKenzio won easily. Time, 15 4-ssec. Third Heat. K. W. Tait (M.), 12yds (two hurdles down) * A. J. Morgan (M.>. 14yds. (two hurdles down) 2 E. Perry (M.), 14yds. (two hurdles down) "• Time, 15 3-j.sw. won easily. Final. ' R. McKenzio , 1 R. R. Templeton • 2 K. W. Taif ' • 3 McKenzio won nicely by a foot. Time, 15 l-ssee. Temploton's time, 15 4-sseo. OttE-MTLE OPISN HANDICAP. (.Winner holds Gliennell's Cup, value £5 ©s. )

J. A. Power (U.S.A.), scr i A. Hudaon (Wellington), 25yd5.... 2 J. Miller (Mas.), 170yrts 3 Power went out early, and after the first lap was running third. Bradbury carried him along over the third lap, with Hudson running well in third place. Bradbury pulled up, leaving the American, Hudson, and Miller a / long way back, to finish. Power, moving beautifully, travelled at a- great pace over the last lap, and when itwas .seen that he was .sure to lower the Australasian record, lie wa-s heartily cheered all the way round. 1 Finishing strongly, Power -breasted the tape in the magnificent tinie of Jmin 19 2-sscc, beinje 3 3-ssec inside tho Australasian and iNcw Zealand mile records. Power received a ' well-deserved ovation from the .large | crowd, and was carried shoulder-high to tho pavilion. Hudson ran a sterling race, and finished second, about 50 yards away. Miller struggled on, and gained third place. HIGH JUMP HANDICAP. (World's amateur record, 6ft. f> o-S in., M. S. Sweeney; rf) New Zealand amateur record. sft. 9iin., Corbell.) H. J.'Stratford (Man.), 9in., sft. A. Ordish (M.), Gin., oft. 10Jin.... 2 R. McKenzie (M.), 7in., sft. Bm. 3 HIGH JUMP, COUNTRY CLUBS' CHAMPIONSHIP. A. Ordish (M,), sft. i\m 1 ,

E. MeKenzn Od.i, H. J. A. L. Tre>si !■- ,:\!.k • !-.ds. 2

dead heat ■ - ■l4O YARDS !!A\i'i!-AP (LAWKS' RK.U-l'.L-E.T). G. L. Parker (." K.A.), srr 1 E. Messenger (M.V 14 yds 3 sco. Ho wc>.-i 'M't-'i-iviod a grand roccpParker, from scratch, was soon into liik stride, .-■ r,< 1 iefore half the diV tanro had b".-.n <•• cred ho was up M'ith Ins ii'.-i.' \>:iro into iho homo turn the .A.)H--r!-p.T; shot to tie front, and. striding f-u ; '" grajid ftyio, won easily by a. <!• s yards from Trosaider, who ' '•'< on the post, with iho rest of tho field bunched.

Parker put iip an Australasian record, running; the in 10 1-5 fiec. Ho WM accorded a good reception on returning to the pavilion, be-iiii-r carried by a. band of enthusisa'tic athletes.

PUTTING THE SHOT. K. (M). 10ft,, 4 lit Tin 1 T. "Hsu-ding (M.), 10f».., 44ft. iin. 2 K. E. Cau-hey (U S.A.), scr 3 V] I,'. C-uiglicy ([.".5.A.) lowered the Australasian record, throwing the .shot 11 ft. 9Jiu 830 YAHDS HANDICAP. E. M(.>?isen«or (M), fiOvds 1 A. L. Tressider (M.), -I0vd« 2 E. S. Eowo (Well.). oOycls 3 Messenger won easily by 10 yards. Tinic,'2min. ssec. POLE VAULT HANDICAP. G. Harvey (Gin.), 10ft. Sin 1 E. E. Tetripleton (scr.), lift. liu. 2 0. E. Gallio (2ft. 6in.). 10ft. Gin... 3 Temple-ton attempted to jump lift. Tin., but just failed aft-er «i splendid effort. The American was no doubt' feeling tho effects of a strenuous day's work, or lie would have been almost sure to have- cleared the bar. ONE-MILE COUNTRY CLUBS* CHAMPIONSHIP. J. E. Pcrston (M) 1 E. S. Eowe (Well.) 2 Time, omin. 12 3-sscc.

ROYS' HALF-MILE WALK. A. Jackson 1 Do Castro 2 Flaws 3 220 YARDS BOYS' HANDICAP. J. Welch 1 R. Vilo 2 Hausmann 3 POLE VAULT, COUNTRY CHAMPIONSHIP. G. Harvey, Oft. Bin ' 1 R. McKouzie, 9ft, lin 2 4-iO YARDS COUNTRY CLUBS' CHAMPIONSHIP. R. Messenger 1 R. MeKenzio 2 Time, 55 4-osoc.

■BROAD JUMP, COUNTRY CLUBS' CHAMPIONSHIP. R. MeKonzie (M.), 20ft 1 V. L. Fairbrotlier (M.), 19ft. Gin. 2 BROAD JUMP HANDICAP. V. L. Fail-brother (M.), 2ft. Oin., 21ft. lOin. 1 H. J. Stratford ,Man.), 2ft. Gin., 21ft. 4in 2 J. R. Dunn (M.). 2ft. 9in., 20ft. JOin 3

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Wairarapa Age, Volume XXV, Issue 10713, 6 March 1914, Page 6

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AMATEUR ATHLETICS. Wairarapa Age, Volume XXV, Issue 10713, 6 March 1914, Page 6

AMATEUR ATHLETICS. Wairarapa Age, Volume XXV, Issue 10713, 6 March 1914, Page 6