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According to recent returns there are 633,733 dairy cows iin; New Zealand'. The result of the . Lancaster Park Art Union is published on the front page of this issue. It is considered probable that sufficient signatures will bo obtained in Mastevton to the petition that is i.ii circulation, to secure the taking of a poll on the half-holiday question. The Hawera Borough Council, at a recent meeting, decided to continue observing the weekly half-holiday on Wednesday, until such time as the whole of Taranaki decided upou Saturday.

Owing to tho higher wages demanded'. by workers, consequent on the increased cost of living, thresliing null owners in Southland have found . it necessary to* amend their scale of charges. The Straford Post states that the present season will be a record one for the number of fat stock that leaves the district, .many farmers taking up slice]) fanning in preference to dairying.

The Ivaponga dairy factory and creameries received 3,540,617 lby of milk for the December month, producing 131.2781bs of butter fat. The pay out.totalled £6563 lis 6d. and the cheese manufactured to about 180 tons.

(Captain Baxter. a.'.v old and highly respected resident of Coramandel, died t the Ccremandel Hospital on Friday last at the ripe age of 8-5 years., Tn the early days he traded between New Zealand and Tasmania. Deceased had no relatives in the Dominion.

The handsome silver cup presented by'-Mr (J. H. Pollock for the winner, of the half mile event at the Wellington Provincial Championships, and won by J. iltradbury, of Masterton. is on ;vio\v in the window of Messrs Reid and Douglas, Queen Street.

Two large sharks were caught recently on tho North Auckland coast. The monsters had caused quite a sensation by their appearance while surf bathing way being enjoyed by a large crowd. ''l here was considerable l excitement whc,:i the sharks were landed.

The Ashburton Guardian of Saturday had the following:— There are a large number of mc,:i. in own awaiting engagement ay harvesters. The boardinghouses are . full, and manv aro camped on the river bed. The lightness of the harvest is chiefly responsible for the difficulty in obtaining employment, but there is also the" fact that practically no stacking is bo in jx done. Had the crop been as good a.-' last year's, it is -stated that. there would have been a shortage of labour. As it is. harvesters are earninu: poor cheques. The conditions for harvester?! are sa.ld to be little better in M arlborough.

HEALTH HINTS FOR RHEUMATISM. Diet plays an important part in Rheumatism, Gout, Sciatica, Lumbago and kindred complaints. Those troubled, with the~e diseases should bo careful, for so mo focds encourage tho formation of uric acid. Avoid red meat, beer, vinegar, s" : .ces; use tea and coffee sparingly, and —most important of all—tn!"c EITEUMO. It is the one medicine that will quickly and effectually euro Rheumatism, Gout, Sciatica, Lumbago, and tho'T attendant evils. The first dose of RHETJMO Gives relief, and will be found to qinekly effect a complete cure. Your chemist or storekeeper soils it. 2s 6d and 43 6d a bctll?. Give »t a

Taihape is going i" extoneivoly for electric lighting.

Mushrooms are already being gathered' in the neighbourhood of Masterton.

Eleven motor ears and: five motor cycle,s were reigxtered in Masterton during the month of January.

During the past month building permits amounting to .£659 were issued .vi Masterton.

The catalogue for Friday's Wellington wool sale contains 16,080 bales, as compared with 1.1,729 for the corresponding sale of 1912.

The seventy-first anniversary of Nelson, which occurred on Saturday, was celebrated 1 yesterday in line weather.

A number of slaughtermen from the Petone work# have joined the killing staff at Waingawa, and tlio boards are now quite full.

The Ashburton Borough Council has decided to confer with tho County Council with a view to Ashburton being represented at the Auckland Ex hibition.

Constable Michael Green,' for many years Inspector of Weights and Measures in Wellington, died • Sunday morning at the age of fifty-seven vears.

At the Wellngton Supreme Court yesterday, John Rieka-rd Rilstone, charged with indecent assault, was found not guilty.

The Wairampa Amateur Athletic Club has decided to hold 1 an evening meeting on Thursday, when two events over 75 yards and 880 yards will be decided.

A rink of Carterton bowlers attempted to wrest the champion medals from the Masterton holders on Saturday last. The holders scored 22, and the challengers 19, and so the medals remain in 'Masterton for the time being. Twenty-five, butchers, are at present engaged at the Waingawa reeling works. The whole staff are kept working at high pressure to cope with the large number of stock that is being handled at the works.

At the Wellington Supreme Court yesterday Albert Henry. Palmer, on a charge' of theft, was detained for two years' reformative treatment. Horace J. [Richards, for forgery, was, sentenced to six months' remormative treatment.

Neil Johnstone succumbed in the Diinedin Hospital yesterday morn,'rig from injuries sustained on Saturday through being knocked) down by an engine at the foot of Hanover Street. He was a surfaceman, and did not hear the engine shunting owing to the heavy wind. The criminal sessions of the Wellington Supreme Court opened before Mr Justice Chapman yesterday. His Honour stated that the list of cases was not large, and showed a. distinct decrease on the past few years. He did not think that so many criminals came from Australia as formerly. '

The largest prizes, ever-offered, in Xew Zealand in connection with a band contest will be given at the Auckland Exhibition*. It will be possible for an A grade band to win £290 in cash, while in the B grade section £l4O may be won. It is anticipated that a . number of Australian bands will be competing.

During the month of January Now Zen land ox port-eel 30,942 ozs of gold, valued at £124,903. which was 4933 ounces, valued at £19,16t less than in January, 1912. Tho export of silver for the .same period was 133.3 ounces. of a value of £13.674, being an increase of 123,921 ounces, valued at £12.723 on the figures for the corresponding month of laet year. Constable Dovle. of Shannon, was badly knocked about on Saturday night, and is now in the Palmerston Hospital. He stated that he went to put a man out of the stables at the Albion Hotel, when he turned -on him and fiercely attacked him". The constable- received a fractured,lea, and had one eye badly injured:. His assailant bolted, and has not yet-.been arrested.

Thef ollowing is from the Timaru Post: —lt is reported that among the floating _ population attracted to Timaru juytnow "waiting for harvest," is a number of human derelicts who sleep ain one the trees and shrubs of Caroline Bay. These mon wander about the streets til! a In to hour at night, and then make for the Bay for a couch. The covered in seats on the Marine Parade are said to be favourite roosting-places f'cr these unfortunates.

A striking example, of the- value cf artificial fertilisation cf pastures may he seen on Mr John Imlairs farm near Kanpokonui. savs the Hawera Star. Two venr;i ago he broke up a C acre paddock for turnips, and 1 gave it a dressing, c-f a couple of bags of honedust and one of superphosphate. Thft next crop was barley, which yielded fiO bushels, and this had the same fertilisers as the first. The n-ext breaking up again had the manuring, and was sown down with prairie grass, 15 cocks foot. 10 English rye, 7 of Italian rye, and the balance in cow grass and clover. To-day there is a remarkably luxuriant pasturace of inestimable value to dairy cows, and notwithstanding the general treatment it has had. appears t-o be well worth the trouble and expense gene to.

Messrs Tvinslcr and Sons, lace curtail) manufacturers, fn)m XottirmhMm. aniieimce tlmt this is the last week of tlu'ir great curtain sale in Mas'tertou. All goods will bo sold fit slau<>"htO]- prices. '1 he firm's shou is JUG Oueen Street, a few doors from the Post Office.

BROADWOC D! ROXTSCH! LIPP! stetxwayi We have a now.and complete supnl.v of these delightful instruments. The latest modc-ls! Every possible improvement included; . Full and brilliant tone. We hold the largest stock of pianos : n the -Dominion, and have instruments to suit all classes and. all purses, It is our endeavour to give the fullest satisfaction, and to enable anyone who desires a piano to get one on. the easiest possible terms. Deferred payments from twentvs hillings per month. Xo hnrrassinc conditions. We treat all our customers with the greatest consideration,and spare no to give satisfaction Our repu- i tation has, indeed, been built up on! such methods. „ I THE DRESDEN PIANO COMPANI, f LIMITED, WELL'NGTOX. M. J. Brookes. North Island Manager. Local' Representative:—H. Tnns, Daniell's Buildings Oueen gn.

An amateur operatic society 19 boing formed at Feilding.

The Pahiattia lodcc of Drr.ids liaa now seventy-live i'n*.u:cial members-

A garden foto is Leiim held ;n coo.nection with the Albican Church af% Pahiatua to-day.

During the ]>ast fviv woekn eplewSfdt fishing has bet a secured by i-portßtnem at Blenheim and Picun.

The Herald reports that dippirrgj operations nro in fuii swing in tho Kaitnwa and Tano districts.

A swimming carnival is to bs hekl at Pahiatua- on February 19th. Several Masterton swimmer:) have intimated their intention of competing.

__ (.rood work hay been done by tlj® Xew Plymouth Lifo Saving Oub during the past few months, ::avs tho .Vows. The club has a. very large membership. No fewer than seventy-two bicycles fourteen motor bicycler, and thirty motor cars were counted! as passing sk given point in Masterton at six o'clock: last evening.

A Greymouth telegram states thati the Hon. F. M. B. wisher addressed a large audience in tho Town His address, which was given under the auspices - of the lß<oform League, on similar lines to tho Hokitika speeches. The Minister was. heartily applauded for his lino address. He proceeds to West-port today.

A smart boy is requred by MeLeod and Young, booksellers.

Lady's umbrella lost between Afuagapakeha and Masterton is advertises! for . \

monthly meeting of tlw» W.t.T.U. will be held in Knox Hall at three o'clock this afternoon. ,

Tenders are elsewhere invited for*■ painting the Club Hotel, Carterton. " enulers cloye at noon om ( February Bth. Specifications may bo seen at the Club Hotel.

What person suffering from neuralgia would not do-'or give- almost anj—thing for a remedy? All you need d® securea bottle of Mr Herbert T„ Wood's iVeura-lgia. Remedy, which speedily drives away the pain. For further information see replace announcement in thia issue.

The new management of Cragg*s Hiu'rdrossing Saloon make a special announcement to the public on thefront page of thiy morning's issue. Th© saloon is under the personal supervision of the manager, and patrons are assured of prompt and efficient attention. _A. specialty is made of razor setting.

Messrs C. Smith. Ltd., elsewhere* draw attention to their end of season specials, which they are now offering". They include bargains in ladies* ready to wear hats at Is each, blacfe: dress skirts, the balance of their oneniece dresses and summer costumes. Twelve Axm'inster carpet squares ara also offered at special prices. Messrs Levi® and Co., -Ltd fiav« been instructed by Mr R. H. Nitz, who has sold! lis farm, to sell by public auction at the homestead, Pine» Grove, Pleckville, on Thursday, ■ 13tfe inst-i at 12.30 o'clock, the whole of his live and dead stock and -furniture. Particulars appear on page 8 of this .morning's issue.

On behalf of Mr Matthew James Byrnes, of Petone, and formerly off Masterton, Messrs Bunny and Ayson, solcitors, of Wellington, have (notified the Hastings Borough Council, under the Workers' Comoensation Act, that he intends to make a claim for compensation for the death of hm son, James Symes, drainlayer, irho was killed by a fall of earth on January whilst in tho employ of th» council.

The Dunedin Star says:—lt is expected that there.will be great brisk'nc,ss) in the local. grainr market towards the end of next month. There* is a keen demand! from the north for grass seeds, potatoes, and this season's grain. Yields are expected to be very heavy, reports from the conntry showing that a .rich harvest ia promised in all districts. Mr C. Spencer Compter)'& organ recital at St Matthew's Church, Mas-' tert-on, will be given to-nighfc at 8 o'clock. The programme is,very caricd, and mu.vical gems are much. in. evdencc upon it, not the least bein# the vocal solos by Messrs H. F. Green arid 11. J. Young. The organist has selected his items with tasite arus judgment, and a large attendance .isi assured to hear his playing. To all seats in the church admission ia freei for the recital-, and at its close a collection will be taken up towards defraying the cost of the organ's renovation and removal to the new church in a few months' time.

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Wairarapa Age, Volume XXV, Issue 10713, 4 February 1913, Page 4

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LOCAL AND GENERAL Wairarapa Age, Volume XXV, Issue 10713, 4 February 1913, Page 4

LOCAL AND GENERAL Wairarapa Age, Volume XXV, Issue 10713, 4 February 1913, Page 4