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Five patients suffering from scarlet fever were brought from Carterton and admitted to the Hope Street fever hospital on Saturday.' The patients are all children, whose ages range from 6to 12 years. The only ofcher patient in the hospital is one suffering from measles, who will be discharged to-day. While playing cricket on the Park Oval, on Saturday afternoon last, Mr E. Welch, captain of the Carlton Cricket Club, collided with another player and was rendered unconscious for about ten minutes. It is the intention of the Masterton Racing Club to carry out some improvements to the Opaki racecourse before the next meeting. The ground committee of the club visited the course, on Saturday morning, and decided to remove the fence at present dividing the inside from the outside reserve far enough to the north to bring the present outside grandstand into the inner enclosure, and thus make the latter more commodious, and antoher stand will be built on the new outer reserve. The whole of the totalisators will then be on the inside, but an arrangement will be made whereby outsider investments will be rung up on the totalisator by telephone. The Masterton Municipal Brass Band's fortnightly performance in the Park, yesterday afternoon, attracted thither a large number of people. A feature of the recital was the splendid rendition of "William Tell," which occupies about thirty minutes in playing. Perry's Biorama Company concluded their Masterton season on Saturday evening in the Town Hall. The programme was much on the same lines as the previous evaning, but was greatly enjoyed by the audience. A matinee was given in the afternoon, when there was a large number of children present. The Wellington Land Board has decided to classify the lands in the Nireaha Village Settlement as bush lands for the purpose of compliance with residence conditions, and those in Hukunui Village as open or partly open.

The general committee of the St. Patrick's Day Sports Association met, on Saturday evening, Mr H. J. O'Leary presiding. The President and secretary were deputed to wait on the Borough Park Committee with reference to engaging the Park for the annual sports on March 19th, 1908, provided permission is given to charge for admittance at the gates. In the event of no satisfactory arrangement being come to with the committee, it was decided fchat the same deputation should interview the A. and P. Association for the purpose of obtaining the use of the showgrounds for the next sports. Mr Ulic Shannon was appointed handicapper to the association. Three new members were elected.

The monthly meeting of the general rommittee of the Masterton A. and P. Association, which was to have been held on Saturday next, has been postponed until the 16th inst. on account of the usual meeting day falling on a holiday. The secretary of the Masterton Lawn Tennis Club has received an open invitation to members from the Dannevirke Lawn Tennis Club to attend the official opening of the Dannevirke Club's courts which will take place on Monday, November 11th. The return from the Antonio dredge last week was 12oz 9dwt. TWO SOVEREIGN REMEDIED THE FAMOUS SANDER AND SONSPURE VOLATILE EUCALYPTI EXTRACT was proved by experts at the Sup reme Court of Victoria to possess curative properties peculiarly its own, and to be absolutely safe, effective and reliable. Therefore do not aggravate your oomplaint by the use of one cf the many etude eucalyptus oils which are now palmed off as -'Extracts," and fromtbo use of which a death was reported recently, but insist upon the GENUINE SANDiSIi & SONS' EUCALYPTI EXTRACT, add reject all others. For wrinkles, sunburn, pimples, blockheads, freckles, cracked hands, dry and inflamed skin, use SANDER & SONS' SUPERBA SKIN FOOD. No lady should be without it. Allays irritation, produces a clear and spotless complexion, and a smooth ond supple skin. REMEMBER that SANDER & SONS' SUPEBBA SKIN FOOD is not an ordinary face orearn, and unlike any of them.produces a permanent beautifying effect. All chemists and stores.

An elderly man named Frank La\vlor, who appeared before the Police Court, on Thursday morning last, on a charge of being an idle and disorderly person, having insufficient lawful means of support, was brought before Mr E. G. Eton, J.P., on a similar charge on Saturday morning. Sergeant Miller stated that an effort was being made to have the defendant admitted to the Renall-Solway Home, and the case was adjourned to allow of arrangements being made in that direction. A first offender was convicted and discharged on a charge of having been drunk.

The Dorcas Society wishes fffc' acknowledge with thanks a donation and parcel from Mrs Chamberlain, and parcels from Mesdames Bennett (sen.), Mcintosh and Hosking. The Hamilton Dramatic Company will stage "A Message from Mars" in the Town Hall on Friday evening next, and "Home, Sweet Home," on Saturday night. The box plan will open at Miss A. &. Rive's, Queen Street, this morning.

A heavy hail storm passed over the Upper Opaki, Miki Miki and Taueru, yesterday afternoon. At Miki Miki the hailstones were of unusual size.

Mr W. H. Cruickshank, land agent, Perry Street, reports having sold the following residential properties during the morfth of October:— On account of Mr S. Paget, house six"*" rooms, J-acre land, Junction Street; on account of Mr J. Blinkhorne, dwelling six rooms, two acres land, Lansdowne; on account of Mr A. C. Major, house six rooms, J-acre land, Worksop Road; on account Mr J. Longstaff, "Devonshire House." containing 26 rooms, f-acre laid, Victoria Street, together with furniture (Mrs L. Tait being the purchaser) ; on account of Mrs Lawrence, house 5 five rooms, J-acre land, Church Street; On account Nurse Hall, dwelling fourteen rooms, f-acre land, Cornwall Street.

Since the opening of the fishing season sixty-four fishing licenses have been issued at Eketahuna.

Mr S. Keatn, of Eketahuna, has purchased a 400-acre farm in the Bay of Plenty district. /,■ The anniversary services in connection with the Carterton Methodist Church were held yesterday. The Rev. W. J. Elliott conducted the services both in the morning and evening.

The appointment of representation of the contributing local authorities under the Hospital and Charitablec Institutions Act, as gazetted, gives two members for the combined districts of the Eketahuna County Courcil, Borough Council, and the: Mauriceville County Council.

There wero four births, three* deaths, and one marriage in Eketahuna during the month of October. At a well-attended meeting of ratepayers at Eketahuna, on Friday evening last, it was decided to recommend the Borough Council to* put into eifect the proposal to raise a loan of £3,000 for electric lighting purposes.

The river at Wanganui is swarming with whitebait just now, and veiy large catches are being made. Enquiries are being made by outside buyers, particularly from Manawatu and Hawke's Bay, for cattle in the Masterton district. ..The enquiry, is chiefly for bullocks and steers.

Mosquitoes are once more makingtheir presence unpleasantly felt in the vicinity of Carterton. •

The necessity of a baker, carrying, in his cart a proper pair of scales, in: order to weigh his bread should a purchaser request him to do so, was& s emphasised at the Wellington Police Court, on Friday, when Frederick Meyer, of Brooklyn, was charged at the Magistrate's Court. The defendant did not appear. Constable Greene,, Inspector of Weights and Measures,, gave evidence in support of thecharge and incidentally remarked that the defendant's bread was allright. Mr Riddell, S.M., said it wasnecessary in the interests of the public that a baker should have scales; with him. No doubt it might be owing to carelessness that scales werenot in the cart, at the same time an offence had been committed and every baker must be made aware of obligations he was under. He would be fined 10s, with 7s costs, in default. 48 hours' imprisonment.

A prominent Dunedin business man. who has returned from a visit to the North Island informed a Dunedin Star representative that there was a strong feeling in the North in favour of the coalescence of the presont Liberal party, and the Opposition, and it seemed as if a move in that direction would be made. He expected that more would be heard of the matter shortly. The A«je does not.

Mid-Canterbury is beginning to feel that rain is needed to freshen cereals.

Satisfactory lambing returns have been received, this season; by farmers in Canterbury.

The entrance of a cow into a chemist's shop occasioned some consternation in Whangarei the other ->-,| day. The animal had taken to the footpath at the Bank of New Zealand corner, and a gentleman coming in the opposite direction attempted to head her off, but she rushed deliberately into Bentley's drug store. Several ladies who were inside made their exit in somewhat undignified haste, and the cow took the full round of the shop, made a brief and critical survey of the stationery department, and walked quietly out without doing any damage. A Kumeroa settler secured some poisoned wheat the other day to cope with the small bird nuisance. He couldn't see any results, so he thought the poison was no good. He fed his ducks with some of the wheat, and the result was disastrous. JUDGING A MILKER. When you buy a horse, you generally take some pains to find out if it is sound. Yiu are probably used to horses, and by comtant association can easily pick out any defects. Can you say the same with regard to a milking machine? Unless you have special knowledge of milking machines, you can only make yourself safe by selecting the machine that haa .jk been thoroughly tested by a number of your neighbours for two or more years. The ' L.K.G," is the first and only machine that can show you this reasonable evidence before you buy. MacEwan and Co., Ltd., Sole Agents, U.S.S. Co.'s Buildings, Wellington.

Messrs W. B. Chennells and Co. advertise to let a paddock of eight acres close to town and well watered.

Mr F. A. Sheath, Mangamahoe, wants to hire a team of working bullocks.

A telegram to the Tourist Department states that the fishing season at Eotorua opened on Friday. Over 100 anglers went out on the lakes at midnight on Thursday, and fished all night. The total catch resulted in over 600 rainbow trout, running in weight from three to eleven pounds, being secured. The fish were all in very good condition for this season of those caught in Lake Tarawera being quite fat.

It is proposed to hold a Maori Conference in Wellington next year, and among the matters that will be considered will be Maori Councils, .Native Department, and Native Minister; Native Health Department; the Church and native clergy; Maori arts and industries; Te Aute College, Government native schools, Te Rau College, St. Stephen's, Three Kings and other schools. It is hoped that the conference will enlighten the people generally as to the industrial and social position of the Maoris, and demonstrate what has been done and is being done by the Government for the Maori people. The conference is expected to make knovn, through the representatives who attend it, the views, needs and grievances of the Maori people throughout the land.

A. Allan, a young New Zealand ewimmsr, performed very well in an all-comers' race, 67yds, at London, on September 16th. Expecting something from the Zealander, the handicappers gave him 2sec off scratch (Brown, a London crack). Allan won his heat in 42sec (best time of the evening) r and the semi final in 42 2-ssec. He was re-handicapped 2sec, and ended third in the final. The swimming was mostly trudgeon and side. His "crawl" was the cynosure of the evening, causing m -ch talk about progressive colonial ideas'. Every club in London was represented. Allan well at the Nelson carnival 1906-7, and represented Nelson at the championship meeting at Christchurch 1907-8. He is aJfcprsent on a pleasure trip to Engfand.

Mr F. A. Sheath, Mangamahoe, invites tenders for getting and cutting timber by contract.

A special summoned meeting of the Stonehenge Lodge, U.A.0.D., will be held to-morrow evening to elect a treasurer.

Mr D. Dobson, Engineer, Pine Street, invites tenders to close at 10 a.m., on Saturday next, for the cona new street from Worksop Hogg Crescent.

The Japanese Government is just now busily promoting what is to be the greatest international exhibition ever held in Japan. It will be opened in Tokio on the first day of April, 1912, and closed en the last day of October, thus enabling visitors to see the country in its far-famed cherry season, or in the beauty of its chrysanthemum bloom. Every facility is being given to make the exhibition fully.adequate to the requirements of all the Governments and peoples of the civilised world. Some idea of the dimensions of the exhibition may be obtained from the fact that the grounds will comprise an area of no fewer than 250 acres, of which about 30 will be occupied by buildings. While ample scope is being given to every possible class of exhibit, special attention is being devoted to those sections which concern science, both applied and pu-e, including education, electrical ai pliaipfts ar.d machinery of all descripNew fruit and vegetables are on sale at the Tip Top and White Fruit Shops, Queen Street. The New Zealand Railways Department advertise special train arrangements for King's Birthday. Motoring is coming into marked favour in Canterbury, there being a considerable increase in the number of car 3 now in that district. The Christchurch City Council has on its register 440 cars a*:d motor cycles aid the Selwyn County Council 124. Importers have many orders in hand, and a feature of the trade is the increasing number of Britishmade cars ordered, though the Continental and American firms also have patrons. Hawke's Bay, however, is said to have more automobiles than any other province in New Zealand. One Hastings firm alone has disposed of sixty cars in the course of three years. An insight into the amazing complexity of life and conditions in India is, says the London Daily Express, provided in the Statistical Abstract relating to British India, the 41st annual number of which was issued recently as a Blue Book. Perhaps the most astonishing fact to be gathered from the Blue Book is that a British-born population of under 100,000 maintains a peaceful control over more than a million square

miles of British territory, and rules over 230,000,000 of the native popuj£ lation. The native States and Agencies cover an area of another 675,000 square miles, and contain just over 55,000,000 persons. No fewer than 185 different languages are spoken, while the chief castes enumerated number 84. The Hindu religion is enormously predominant, having over 207,000,000 followers, the Mahomedan religion coming next with 62,400,000. Plague and wild animals are the two deadliest foes of the native Indian. In the last ten years as many as 4,690,000 persons have died of plague, while 251,000 have been killed by animals and snakes in British India alone. Disorders o£ the Stomach A™ responsible for nine-tenths of the ills thai hura&u rle3his beirto. If ?ou keep jour stomach ri?ht, you can be pretty sure of good healtb. Cure your stomach and you care the rest, (let it in good eon' dition end keep it bo, and you will be able to stop nil the doßing and physicking that seems so necessary to you nuw. Tbero is only one way to accomplish this purpose and that is to ensure tho digestion of the food you eat. Dr. Sheldon's Digestive Tabules represent tho natural juice 3 of d : gestion as thfy exist in a healthy stomach, combined with tonic and recon- . stiuctive properties They actually di the work cfthe stomach, and enable that : organ to rpet, recuperate, and become strong and we'l. In fact, under their influence a man forgets he ever had a stomaoh. He again becomes a good fellow and a roan among men. Obtainable ftom B. E Eton, Chemist.

The tohunga Rua has tapued the scissors, and has ordered his followers to allow their hair as well as their minds to run wild. The appearance of one of his followers, a grotesque-looking figure, with ragged beard and unkempt hair hanging down to his shoulders, caused considerable amusement among the other Maoris at the opening of the Land Court at Wairoa recently. A priest was arrested on September 16th at Agricourt, on the FrancoBelgian frontier, for smuggling. His.luggage was full of cigars, and when he was stripped he was found to be wearing around his body a layer of tobacco and cigars over an inch in thickness. The man was literally clothed in tobacco, and 2,000 cigars were taken from the layer.

A process of extracting oil from the residue of kauri gum found in the swamps has been tried with some success, says the Kaipara Advertiser. The oil was tried for painting purposes and declared to be excellent for marine work. For house painting it was not altogether a success, the difficulty being to sufficiently refine it. However, it was clearly demonstrated that there were large possibilities in the direction of obtaining a very satisfactory oil, and enormous quantities of it, from the deposits in our gum swamps. Another interesting discovery, also, was that in tho making of the oil, an illuminating gas was generated, that gave an excellent light. This gas was conducted from the oil pipes leading from the cylinder by a small upper pipe and a practical proof was given by Mr Trevor of the value of the gas for lighting purposes when he successfully lit up business pre • mises with it.

By announcement elsewhere the merchant tailors in Masterton will close their premises on Saturday next. Business will be resumed on Monday as usual. The Woodville Tennis Club opened the season on Saturday.

A sluggish liver gives rise to biliousness headaches, irritability and other disorders. The liver wants siiraulating gently to do its work, and the medicine cot Li is Cham berlain's Tablets. They art mild and gentle in tber action, and their usa is not followed by constipation. For eale by nl dealers. Whv Go Hungry. If your stomach is weak and you are suffering from indigestion, don't tacrifice your health «nd comfort. E«t all the wholesome fool you want. Then t'ihe on* of Dr. Sheldon'e Digestive Tubules afte.t each meal They digest your fcod, and thus nourish ind build juu up, while tre stomach is recovering its natural tone. Ob tamable at H. E. Eton's, Chemiet.

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Wairarapa Age, Volume XXX, Issue 8871, 4 November 1907, Page 4

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LOCAL AND GENERAL. Wairarapa Age, Volume XXX, Issue 8871, 4 November 1907, Page 4

LOCAL AND GENERAL. Wairarapa Age, Volume XXX, Issue 8871, 4 November 1907, Page 4