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The usual meeting of the above body was held in the County Council Chambers yesterday afternoon. Present — Crs Simpson (chairman), Bennet, Bennetts, Cotton, Osborne, Oitrey, Ondaille, and Sim. cr Livingstone's illness. Dr Newell wrote stating that Cr Livingston was still unable to be about and was too ill to attend the meeting ; < also requesting that the Chairman would, in the meantime, attend to the business of his riding. — The Chairman said they all regretted very much the cause of Or Livingston's absence, and hoped he would soon again be in a position to resume his duties. In the meantime, he would be very pleased to look after the interests of Cr Livingston's riding. MINUTES.

The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed. CORRESPONDENCE.

Ft om John Cruickshank, Rongahere, .stating that owing to the recent wet weather and the holidays he found him- ' self unable to have contract 570 finished I within the stipulated time. He therefore asked for an extension of time. — Request granted, on the motion of Cr Bennet, seconded by Or Osborne, on condition that the work would be completed by next meeting of the Council. From Wm. Anderson and four other ratepayers, asking that a piece of road leading past S. Anderson's and Curtain's and meeting the Lawrence-Wai-pori road be gravelled. If the work is not carried out it will be impossible to get past there in the winter time as it will then be unfit for heavy traffic— The Chajiman said it was a very bad piece of road, aud, the gravel beitig handy, it would not cost much. He moved that the work be done.— Seconded by Cr Osborne and carried.

From Wm. Anderson, Wetherstones, calling the Council's attention to a contract let in September last for 800>ds of stone on the Waipori road. He asked the Council to get the remainder of the stone quarried at once in order that he may be able to get on with the work without any further delay. — Cr Cotton moved that the con rao tor for quarrying the shone be requested to commence at ouce. — Seconded by Cr Sim and carried. From W. E. S. Knight, Waipori, on behalf of the Jutland Flat Dredging Co., asking permission to take a water-rac---through the road leading to Waipori township to the Antimony minr; substantial culverts would be placed over each cut of the rapo to r.he satisfaction of the inspector. — On (he motion o( Cr Cotton the request was granted, subject to the usual conditions.

From Jno. Tyson, stating that the engineer had told him he would see the chairman re repairing the RankleburnBeaumont road and requesting to be iiiformed as to what was «oing to be done. — Cr Beanetts moved and Cr Sim seconded : " That steps be taken for clearing tbo slip in question." — Carried. From the Under-Secretary for Lands, Wellington, transmitting a copy of the " Gazette " containing names of trustees appointed for the maintenance of the Horseshoe Bend public cemetery — namely, Jno. Cullen, Philip Madden, and Jas. Sullivan.— Received.

From Dalziell and Haggitt, solicitors, Lawrence, stating that they were instructed by Mr Patrick M'Laughlin, of Millers Flat, to communicate with the Council with reference to the County Inspector's action in cu'ting down the fence on Mr M'Laughlin's occupation lease at Evans Flat and forming a road through part of the land occupied in his lease. Their client does not wish to take legal proceedings against the Council if a reasonable settlement cau be arrived at, but he will certainly do so unless he is allowed reasonable compensation for the damage he has sustained. — Matter referred to the chairman to deal wifch.

From R. if. Montgomery, dredgemaster Tuapeka dredge, asking for permission to work the roadline on the west side of their claim on the usual conditions. — Left to the chairman to deal with, on the usual conditions.

From the Secretary of the Land Board stating that the Board could not agree to pay for any surveys undertaken by the Council. — Or Cotton maintained that the Land Board were entitled to define the boundaries of the land in question. The road had been pegged off bj a competent; surveyor and he insisted he had a right to know the boundaries of the land — .The letter was minuted as received. ,

From 16 ratepayers, Waipori riding, calling attention to the almost impassr able condition of the Waipori Flat road below the township. Ib was asked that the work should be taken in hand at once and, if so, a good surface would be formed and the present large cost of maintenance would be saved to the CounciL — On the motion of Cr Cotton, seconded by Cr Bennetts, it was resolved to call tenders at once for 500 yds of gravel to be spread over the road.

From Jno. Kirkpatrick, Horseshoe Bend, re £5 due to his firm -for keeping roadline in order on the west side of the river from Fulton's Flat to Curry's Flat. — Request granted, on the motion of Cr Bennetts.

From* A. Bartleman, secretary P"pper Waipori DredgiDg Co., stating that his directors had the queslion of a temporary road again under consideration and they were surprised at the Council's demand for Bureties to the. bond as no previous indication had been given that such a course would be followed. The directors are under the impression that the necessity for the temporary road doea not further exist, and suggested as the easiest way out of the matter the reinstatement of the surveyed road. — Cr Sim thought all the Council could do was to receive the letter and insist upon a sufficient bond being provided by the company. He moved to that effect.—Seconded by Cr Bennetts.— Cr Cotton maintained that the bond supplied by the company was in every sense satisfactory and should meet all the reasonable re quirements of the Council. — After some further discussion the motion was carried. From Chas. M'Donald, Heriot, reporting an outbreak of measles in his family. — Received.

From R. Hay, County engineer, stating that if anything was to be done to. the Roxburgh bridge it should be done during the summer months.— Or Bennetts suggested the necessity of giving the bridge a coat of paint in order to, preserve the timber. As regards the ! wire ropes, while he did not think there was any immediate danger, he thought they should be tightened up before the winter season set in. — The Chairman agreed, bub thought the straining of the ropes should be the first work done.— On the motion of Cr Bennetts, seconded by Or Sim, it was agreed to have the ropes tightened. From Messrs Palling Bros., offering, on behalf of the Ooean Accident and Guarantee Corporation, to insure the surfacemen in the employment of the Council against accident on certain terms specified.— Received, inspector young's illness. Jno. Young, County Inspector, wrote stating that under medical advice be did not think he could resume hiß duties for at least two months and asking for a further extension of leave. Cr ■ Bennet moved and Cr Sim seconded : ". That the request be granted."ArCar'ried. The Chairman, agreeing with the course taken, thought that somebody should he temporarily employed in Mr Young'a place. He found that it was imperative that there should be somebody to stand between the ohairman and the members of the Council. As a mere matter of economy and as a means of safeguarding the interests of the

ratepayers he thought the course he suggested Bhould be carried out. He considered there was a serious leakage in the Council and while travelling through the County recently he came to the conclusion that there was both room and opportunity for economy, and one way he thought of putting it into practice was by using the grader more frequently. If they did so they would be able to keep the roads in better order at a smaller expense than they at present entailed. The facs was the surfacemen were not able to overtake the work and unless they adopted his suggestion they would require to employ more day labor. But these changes could not be effected unless they had- an inspector to supervise and see the work carried out. He wanted to see the administration of the Council carried out on economical lines and towards that end he was anxious that an inspector should be appointed in the interval of Mr Young's illness.

Cr Bennetts said the question was could they find a man to take Mr Young's place.

Tbe Chairman said he thought they could. Plp l hey could even find a man to take the Premier's place. — (Laughter.) Cr Bennetts thought they would be showing a good deal of consideration towards their inspector if they waited for another two months--that was to say if ifc was pcsihJe for the Chairman to carry out his duties without such assistance. As regards the other remarks of the Chairman, he fully agreed witl* them, and he hoped that during bis term of office he would take the first opportunity of giving effeofc to them. Cr Bennet said the Council had in Inspector Young a most capable and valuable servant, aud he certainly could not think of doing anything that would imply any haste or impatience on their part.

Cr Cotton said there had been a lot of useless expenditure going on for some time in the Council and it was near time tlmt something was done to put an end to ifc. J3e spoke in strong terras of condemnation of some of thi roads that bad been made in his riding, and said they were a disgrace to the Council and to those who wero personally responsible for forming them. Ho was slron^ ly inclined to move that the services of Mr H"ay,t,he Council* dispensed wkh

Or Bennetts said if it was the intention of ho Council to appoint an inspector in Mr Youi'g s place Lemporurily be should be agreeable to it, but only on comliLion that it, was distinctly uudnrNtcmd I liaL ifc whs terminable on Mr sTou:i2 being prepared to resume his duties,.

The Chairman said certuiuly ; ihero was no other intention. Ho had buen offortd the services of Mr Goldsmith, who was a very capable man, until such timo as Mr Young was able to return to his duties. » Cr Beunetts said on these conditions ho would move, " That Mr W. Goldsmith's services be arranged for during Mr Young's illness."— Seconded by Or Osborne and carried.

The following return shows the expenditure on the various County works for the months of November and December, 1901;— Contract No. 553 (Govi vote), Beaumont-Kankleburn road, £2 14s Od; No. 554 (G.v.), BeaumontRankleburn road, £2 14s ; No. 540 (G.v.), Raes Junction towards Edie's, £110; No. 569' (G.v.)» Beaumont-Rankleburu road, £2 14s ; No. 543 (County), gravelling Waitahuna Gully to Loeffler's, £15 5s 9d ; Southland Sawmilling Co. (timber), £14 10s Id : Hogg and Co. (timber) £4 8s 3d ; day labor, carting, and grad-. ing, £398 5s 7d.

Cr Bennetts moved that a small retaining wall be huilt on the road on the east side of the river at Andersons Flak where a slip had occurred; tenders to be at once callpd for the work. — Seconded by Cr Sim and carried.

Orx tho motion of the Chairman, seconded by Or Oudaille, an indigent person was recommended for charitable aid at 7s 6d a week.

The Chairman suggested to the meeting that in future when their surfacemen were makiug up their time they should state where and upon what work they were engaged.

Cr Cotton moved that something be done to the road from Bryants Hill to Reidy Creek. It was at tbe present time full of ruts, and if only the grader was used on it it would make a great difference. He moved to that effect.— Seconded by Cr Osborne and carried.

It was agreed, on the motion of Cr Osborne, seconded by Cr Bennet * " That the necessary steps be taken at once for insuring the Council's employes engaged as surfacemen, carters, and day laborers. Contractors to insure their workers, a clause to that effect to be inserted iv all future specifications. Also that 2S per cent, of contractor's money be detained in future until after the completion of the work."

Moved by Cr Bennetts, seconded by Cr Bennet: "That all Government votes be expended as soon as authorised. —Carried.

Moved by the Chairman, seconded by Cr Osborne, and carried : " That £40 be expended on Wethersfcones»Blue Spur road.''

The following tenders for dox-tax collectors were accepted : — Upper ridings, John Anderson ; lower ridings, Mr Coxon.

Moved by Cr Bennet, seconded by Cr Sim; <' That Robt. Elliot, Beaumont, be paid £25 at next meeting for road deviation, be to do the fenciug ; the road to be first surveyed." — Carried. „

Accounts amounting to £1,176 0s lOd were passed for payment. Cr Bennetts said he hoped something practical would result from the suggestions made by the Chairman with regard to the use of the grader. It would mean nob only economy bnt more effective and better work. He also hoped that in allocating Government votes the Chairman would see to it that the main road got an adequate chare of it. The main road was the most important and unless it was kept in order traffic would be blocked or, at all events, hiudered. It was decided to hold the next meeting of the Council on the second JViday in February.

t.' RKS. Riding. No. of Men. Carting. Total. Waipori ... Gabriels ... Browns Waitahuna Claris Beanmonl... James Teviot ... Tapanui ... 2 11.19 W-19 1 10-19 1 16-19 1 13-19 13-19 2 16-19 2 3-19 2 11-19 & s. d. 2 2 0 5 0 0 5 10 £ s. d. 5f 0 9 IS 10 0 3-1 7 10 34 17 6 35 2, Q 37 17 8 31 2 6 42 19 0 71 19 6 3 12 0 5 7 6 0 10 0 1 15 0 22 19 0

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Tuapeka Times, Volume XXXV, Issue 4924, 11 January 1902, Page 3

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TUAPEKA COUNTY COUNCIL. Tuapeka Times, Volume XXXV, Issue 4924, 11 January 1902, Page 3

TUAPEKA COUNTY COUNCIL. Tuapeka Times, Volume XXXV, Issue 4924, 11 January 1902, Page 3