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Mb Blakelbt, aargeon-dentiat, may,, bo conaulted at the Commercial Hotel to-day (Wedneaday). The rainfall in Lawrence for the montjh of December, as gauged by Dr. NawelL waa 4'S inches. Tbe total rainfaU for 1901 waa 37.08 inches. Lady members and frienda of the Tuapeka Horticultural Society are requested to meet in the Town Hall to-morrow afternoon to arrange for providing ref reahmenta at the Show on Wednesday next. A Tabanaki aettler who milka 100 oowe states that laat aeason (only eight monthe) he aold off bia 400-acre farm batter-fat to the valu« of £900, and pigs and calves brought him in £300 additional. Oue Wetberatones eorreapondant writes t — Babbita appear to be on the increase. On the 31st December two boys went out rabbit* ing and caught 35 in a few hours. On Saturday last two other boys got 60 with tho aaaiatanoe of two dogs and a grabber. Tbey> were nearly all from half to three-quarter grown. The success of some experiments with a) new projeotile wbiob have recently been oar* ried out in the German Army has been w pronounced tbat the British War Offioe Is seriously considering the advisability off adopting it for use in South Afrioa. Aooord* ing to the reports of experts who have watched the trials, tbe shell in question bee • cartridge composed of amorphoooa phosphorous added to the ordinary charge of smokeleaa powder. Tbe reaoit of tbii it tbat when The projeotile burata a dense bank of white smoke is immediately emitted. A» this is not dispersed for aeveral seconds, the enemy's own aim is temporarily masked. A second advantage consists in tbe faot that artillerists using tbe new cartridge will bo able to tell with oertaiotv how nearly they have approached this objeot fired at. " :

A good atoryof Li Hung Chang Is going. the rouodi in Paria. When be was in that oityhe went toviait Credit Ljonnaia, and showed lively interest in its halls, its stairs* ita safes, and the room where tbe bonds of cbelaat City*of. Paria Loan are kept. Ho waa firat shown bonds of 500 franca and 1000 franet, and then of 5.000 franca. Tak* ing them in hia hands, he aerntinieed them, exclaiming frequently, **JoUl Jolt 7* Then be finally throat them in bia poekati aaying M SoaTenir de Paris ! « The Qove? 2?« r «2? th ? tP* 9 ? 1 L »«»nale want to the MinUter of Foreign Affaire with a Hat of the bonds, and aaked what he wae to do. It wae agreed that it would not do to aak Lf to give them up, and the Foreign Offioe refunded hia •• Souvenir de Paria.",

An Anokland-born cirl— Dr Agnee Kelly —who baa Joat retamed to the colony, bu had a dUtingaiahed edneatiooal oarear. At the age of seventeen, while • atadtnfr jel Bedford College, London* she gained a teniot gold medal in soology.fand a epeeial priie for the beat laboratory drawing* at Univenitr College, London. At the age of twenty-one abe gained the School of Medioioe prise in obemiatry and physiology, and a rear later took the final 8.80. decree in SSmlStry! pbyaiology, andjtoology, taking at the came time tbe Derby Reoearob Scholanblp In zoology. Mist Kelly and a lady from Abm> Muuioh tToiveraity. Dr Kelly hoe atooe ppraned h^r atndiee at Vienna, and (aayi «MM Wellington "Port") baa b^n TqaSd ** tbe Education Department of London amine and report on the ateto of ednnitfan I* •denoe in AuttralU and Hew Sotted,

Tv OMI Swim •XMtnttlon ootnmMMw •tthe L«»r«M» DUtrlot Hlgi School thla MOTOIDff . Gftbrltla Oommonfcg* e»tU«om»n are restated of the uiMMI MMtltii whioh Uk* pI«M in the Survty Offioe thli waning. Tn Golden Tip at 2$ 6d •*• the joy and ieHffct U thorn whooa haalth will not permit of ,%Mr drioHof ordinary strong tea.— Arttor Broa., tola agents for Liwnbn, Wb would draw tba attention of onr readart ; to the taat that Mr Gonthorpe, of Hewn S. j Myara and Co., dantitta, Danedin, raaanan Ma viaita to-morrow. He oan be oonanlted, aa ueneJ, attar, the arrival of tha morning train, ■t Mr O. O. Taylor'a. MmE. Vabook mat with a painful aeeidentat tha Blue Spar ploala on New Year'« Day. Ha waa taking part in the gamaa, whan ho allppod and fall apraiuing tba back muaolaa of tha thigh. Ha had to be carried to hia homo Buffering ezerooiating pain whiob oontinnod during tha firat night, but ia now programing favorably. Tba nr pbefcction.— Kosie Tea ia the boat in the world.— Hava you triad tha la 6d quality, n mlandld family tea ? A redaction of 2d par Ib when a 51b tin ia pnrobaaad.— Arthur Broa. aola agenta for Lawrence. WB have to tbank a large nnmbar of farmara throughout tha diatriot for ooapllaeaUnr aarda and. what ia of more conaeoaenoe. for tboir •ftQowlaagm.enca a* to won we hata triad to do during tba yaar ; alao from tha boo. Mr and Mr. Milla with a group of tha Bnoutive and from a number of our oontomponriaa ali of whom we thank for sboir good wiaha*. A tblmjum from Wellington aaya :— The Government haa decided to aand in future to America for ateal bridges requlrad for road worka in provincial dUtriota. It ia estimated that thaaa atruatoraa oan be obtained in the United States and erwted at a saving of 30 to 50 par cant, on tba < locally manufactured artiala. Tba firat order that will be sent away will probably be ona for a bridge to apan the Bangitikei River at Mangaweka. Ms Wnsow Babbbtt, on hia way to the colonies, visited tba Boar prisoners whilst hia steamer waa at Ceylon, and bad some interesting talks with several of them. The men, he says, enjoy an extraordinary freedom, quite unusual with prisoners of war, and admit that tbey ara treated with kindness and consideration. They are allowed to roam about, merely giving their word of honor that they will ooma baok at a certain hour, and they will not aooapt money or drink from strangers. Aa amusing sidealight is given as to the lot of these prisoners by .tha fact that ona of them, wbile admit* king to Mr Barrett that be had bean wall treated otherwise, oomplaiood that the British Government had neglected to supply him with a football. Mb B, Solomon, expert optician, whose advertisement appears in this issue, cornea to this colony with a solid reputation gained after many years of snocessfal experience, both in America and Australia. He has just concluded a wonderfully •accent ul sea- • son extending over 10 months in Tasmania. Wa have-baan privileged to *cc the signaturai' of numerous clients, suffering from various visual ailments, who have consulted Mr Solonian during the short time ha haa so fir baen in this oolooy } they inolude clergymen of various denominations, men of j letters, merchants, schoolmasters, farmers, ladies in various walks of life, etc. Mr Solomon has boen most suooessful in his diagnosis and traatmant of these cases. His fees are extremely moderate, and we can advise any parson suffering from defective eyesight to consult him. Mr Solomon's visit to Lawcenoe will be limited to one week or ten days. A"NbwZbalandbb," writing to one of the London papers with references to farmlabor in England and New Zealand says : " I notice in your article on the desertion of farms in England it is ateted that the wage* of Hodge arc so exorbitant as to help to ' out down profits to the vanishing point.' The real reasons of the axodns of farm laborers into the great manufacturing towns are several. Exhausted soil, rents, tithes, and taxes, but chiefly the antiquated methods still pursued by our farmers. The New Zealand farmer pays more for his labor, gets less for hia produce, and yet makes a good profit. Tha conditions of the labor market there are not dissimilar from those prevailing in this oonntry. Tha farm laborer in the colonies is the wont paid among the working clanes." Mb Smkhouse, rector of the Lawrence Diatriot High School, haa received two letters from ex-pupils of his school who are at preaant at the front, containing New Year greetings. Tha firat was from A. A* Martin, who went aome years ago to Edinburgh to study for the medical profession. Ha has now finished his course and is at present attached am a surgeon to the base hospital at Natal, where be went for the purpose of obtaining experience of military surgery. In his letter be express!* the hope that " the dear old oohool" ia still doing well. He mentions that his brother John (also an ex-pupil) who ie a member of the Sixth Contingent, was with Colonel P turner's column. The seoond latter was from Trooper B. McKay, enclosing n beautifully designed Christmas Card. WB have to acknowledge receipt of Stone's Olagu and Southland Directory for 1992. This is its nineteenth year of publication and for completeness as a directory and work of mferenoe, aniteble alike for all olasses of the «ommunity, it.wonld be difficult to see whera further improvement in it oould be made. This is high praise, but it is thoroughly deserved. Tear by year all the information contained within its boards is brought up-to-date with a tboroughues s that speaks volumes for the business methods of those who control its publication. The inclusion of soon Acts of Parliament as those relating to feno ing and impounding is particularly useful to property holders and those engaged in agricultural pursuits, whilst the information bearing on suoh important matters as the registration of births, deaths, and marriages, OMtoua duties, postage and stamps, wills, ■Shipping, imports and exports, statistics, &0., ia of interest to all. In short, it is a most lOreditabU publication and we are not surprised to learn that it is growing in favor year by year. No office is complete without It Tax best medicine fcnoaro is SANDER & SONS' EUCALYPTI EXTRACT. Test its «tninant powerful effects in Coughs, Colds, Iniaonza, &o.— • the relief is instantaneous. Thousands giV« the most gratifying {testimony. Hia Majeaty the King of Italy and Mediant Syndicates all over the globe are ite patrons. Wo have no occasion to offer cowards in proof of the genuineness of our references. The official reports of Medical Clinioa and Universities, the official communication of the Consul-general .for Italy at Melbourne, the Diploma awarded at International Exhibition, Amsterdam, are authentic documents, and, as such, not, open to doubt. Wo add hero an epitome of one of Abe various eases treated at the Clinic iof flahnltz, M.D., Professor, eto,— " Abscess of the thigh. Incisions made in two places. Although Lister's dressing was applied the MOtetioo became, two days later, very oopious «»4 assumed a foetid, decomposed character. Tsmperatom nose enormously. The dreasing waa removed and: daily irrigations :k: k with SANDER & SONS' EUCALYPTI EX, TRACT* were made. The offensive odour disappeared, the lever abated arithin a few fcand the patient) jrerccaprad (in a few weeks. Wa mast, cot laae eight of tne>ct that the latter traAtaaent saved the Vpatient'a life/—T ake «eJ* to cat SANDER k SONS'-the only .genuine Euoal? pti Extract— or else you will *• supplied with woatlilesa oils.

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Tuapeka Times, Volume XXXIV, Issue 4923, 8 January 1902, Page 2

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LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS. Tuapeka Times, Volume XXXIV, Issue 4923, 8 January 1902, Page 2

LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS. Tuapeka Times, Volume XXXIV, Issue 4923, 8 January 1902, Page 2