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The Government bas signified ita intention to «c<juiro 1,800 norea of Mount Herbert estate, Waipukorau, for close settlement. Mr A. B. Worthington, who was for some time leader of the " Students of Truth " in Cbriatoburch, has been appointed minister of the Unitarian church in Sydney. By a Gazette notice Sergeant Bowman has been appointed Inspector of- weights and measures for the County of Tuapeka. Boroughs of Roxburgh, Lawrence and Tapanui. THERE were nine patients (six males and three females) in iho Tuapeka Hospital last evening. One waa admitted into the in9tifcu- ' Uod daring the week and two discharged. A KEOTER message states that Habibullah, the late Ameer's eldest son, has been proclaimad Ameer of Afghanistan, his brothers and the Sirdars acknowledging his accession. Mr Tucker, one of the principals in the Soler abduction case just heard at Wanganui, and in which £200 was awarded against Mr aud Mrs Tucker, was at one time in business in Lawrence us a butcher. Sir Thomas LIPTOJST will now retire from yachting and try horse racing. Yachting is evidently more expensive than borse racing. Sir Thomas, it is said spent over £100,000 in trying to win the America Gup. Two men have been arrested at Sydney and remanded for a week, charged with conspiracy, with others, ia casting away the yacht Ariadne, wrecked at WaiUki, Ot»go, on March 24. Thomas Kerry and Eric Freke were charged with casting away the Ariadne. Baii was refused at present. Colonel Bell, ex-American Consul in Sydney, addressing tbe London Chamber of Commerce, said tbe trade per capita showed tbe Australian? to be among the wealthiest and most commercial people in tbe world. Australia, considering its population, was tbe best market in the globe. There were practically no losses in business. The British imports for September increased by £3,024,000. Tbe exports increased by £2,588,000. The imports of refined sugar decreased £278,000, while unrefined sugar increased by 24,000awt in quantity, but decreased in value by £80,000. Tbe decrease in coal exports amounted to £1*250,000, compared with last Septmber. Judgment has been giveu ia the Paten election case. Their Honors declared the election void on the one ground that John Williamsom, through a printer's error, was not allowed to vote, his name appearing as Williams on the roll. Each party was ordered to pay its own costs. Separate jadgments by the chief Justice and Mr Juitioe Williams concurred. AN elderly man named Reese Williams was found dead ia his bed at tbe Thames on Thursday morning. He retired the previous night in his usual state of health, but his wife discovered that morning that he had died during tbe night. Medical assistance was called, when it was pronounced that death was due to apoplexy. The •• North Ofcago Times " says a great many of the dairy cattle in the Ottmaru district are being dehorned, owing to their disposition to gore one another. There is a frequent change of cattle in every herd, and the new arrivals are generally roughly treated by tbe others, and it is held that ihe pain imposed on tbe cattle in the process of dehorning is compensated for by the absence of injury to each other afterwards. An English judge has given a decision against the practice of dehorning in England, but there are two sides to the question, as we have pointed out. A SAD drowning accident occurred at Boxburgh East on tbe 4*.h instant, by which Mr W. Coulter lost his little daughter, Hannah, aged one year. It appears that the child wus under tbe charge of an elder sister, aged 15, who, in order to attend to the baker, left her in the care of a youngej sister. Oo comiog back in a few moments tbe little one was missing, and a search revealed her in a water race wbioh rang close bf t She had been, oac* ried down about 100 yards. At an inquest held on tbe body, a verdiot of " Accidentally drowned " was returned. Mr J. Burton was the acting coroner. — •• Mt. Benger Mail." A strong disposition was shown at a meetine of the Gore Branch of the N.Z. Farmers' Union last week to " keel haul " the Government for not taking the farmers into their confidence in regard to the price the Imperial Government was prepared to pay for oats for South Africa. By only taking the brokers into their confidence they complain they had been led to Bell them oats at &n unremunerative price. The Cbairmain endeuvoured to prevent tbe introduction of party politics, but members would not be denied tbe luxury of expressing their opinions. The Rev. W. Gittos, Maori missionary of the Wesley an denomination, who ia now touring in Obago in the interest of the Home Mission Fuud, will deliver an address dealing with the history of Maori missions in the Wesleyan Church on Tuesday evening;, Mr Gittos has been a missionary amongst the Maoris for nearly half-a-century and outside of bis relationship to the church is looked upon as being able to wield an influence over the Maori superior to that of any other Pakeha. So great is tbe attachment of the Native race to Mr Gittos that one of tbe leading tribes has made him a chief. Mr Gittos is a fluent speaker in both languages and his address should prove to be exceedingly interesting. What appears Hke a oaae of attempted poisoning has just occured at Whangarei Thomas Johnston found a small flask of whisky at his back door with the following note attached :— " With kind regards from a friend." Johnston drank a small quantity which he found bad a bitter taste, and soon afterwards he became so ill that he was unable to stand. Suspecting poison he dragged himself to bis brother-in-law's house and a doctor was sent for. He used tbe stomach pump, and Johnston was soon oat of danger. The whisky was found to contain a large quantity of strychnine in solution, and had Johnston taken a large quantity tbe result woald probably have been fatal. The H.ob. Mr Scotland made the following characteristic contribution to the debate in the Legislative Council on tbe "Cigarette Smoking by Youths Protection Bill. " You cannot," be said "make men or even boys virtuous by Act of Parliament. . , I trust that these little fellows, when they arrive at years of discretion — I do not suppose they are going to be out off altogether by smoking cigarettes — will see the error of their ways and either leave off the habit altogether or take it in moderation. It is astonishing how early some boys, even in my young days began to smoke. I remember when I began smoking in a public school. I smoked a piece of cane. This was reported to one of the masters, and he called me up. He said, * 1 understand you have a taste for the cane.' Of coarse I was speccblees. He added, • Hold out your band, and 111 give you a | taabe o£ the cane. 1 And he did to some par* [ ! pose."

« The Enquirer's Oracle," the beat reference book on everyday subjects ia given aw»y with 101 b Book Gift Tei.

A shepherd named Jacobs had a fearful pTperience in the South Australian bosb. He fell from bis horse on an anfreqaented track and injured bis spine. He lay in agony for five days. Then the poor fellow cut bis hands and sacked the blood to allny his thirst. It ia not likely that he will reoover.

The Waifcabuna division of the Tuapeka Mounted Rifles advertise that a concert will be held in the Good Templars' Hall on Wednesday night. They have aeonred the best available talent and have spared no effort to make the fnnction a thorough success. The fnnds are in aid of the corps and a good ; boose is sore to be tbe result, a mounted j parade of the corps will be held at W»it»buna in the afternoon. A FIRE oconred on Wednesday night last in a Wellington boardinghouae known as the Whitehall, the back rooraa of which were gutted. A servant named Lily Pine, aged 19, was aftorwarbs found dead in the damaged kitchen. She bad been sleeping in an adjacent room, and could nave got tbrougb the door leading immediately into the street, but seems to bave lost her way and rnn right into the smoke and been suffocated. Be Careful. — You won't drink poisonous wine knowngly — why, therefore, drink poisonous tea ? Avoid China tea, which is now adulterated out of all resemblance ; also avoid j blends," for the avsrage is vile tea disguised with a little good. The uniform pnre tea, most reliable and most satisfying', is grown in Ceylon, fend the name It has 3s as famous as that island itseIf— NIRVANA. We are informed that Nirvana Tea is paoked under British supervision, and guaranteed pnre and delicious <by a responsible company. It is packed in lead in pounds and half-pounds, and tbe local agent, Mr F. Oudaille, Lawrence, will be pleased to supply the requirements of those disposed to purchase » thoroughly pure and reliable Ceylon tea. A LONDON cable states that there is good competition amongst the Home and Continental buyers. Crossbreda are nDcbaoged. The Moorak clip realised 41 i > G>r&99<Ule and Maogatoro, 4§d ; H«k«teramea, B§d. Tbe first series of next year's sales open on January 21, and tbe second on March 11. Both sales are limited to a quarter of a million bales. The third series will be held on April 29, and are limited to 400,000 bales. The volunteer news contributor to tbe Napier " Daily Telegraph " strongly advises that the bands on the new rifles issued to New Zealand Forces should be kept a bit looae ; otherwise when toe barrel gets heated and expands (when shooting) the bands, if they are tight, will prevent that particular part of the barrel from expanding, and eventually the bullets will get stripped, leaving part of tbe nickel in the barrel and spoiling it for good shooting. The same writer says : — " It is a practice among volunteers when they get their pull-through jammed in tbe barrel to fire it out. This is a very dangerous thing to do, for if the rag or pall-through is near tbe muzzle the barrel is liable to explode ; in fact, stripping of tbe bullet or dirt in the barrel near the muzzle will sometimes cause it to explode." Fob sooie months past Lieutenant Kenneth Cameron, on bebalf of tbe Highland Society of Southland, has been corresponding with General Sir Hector Macdonald with a view to inducing him' to visit New Zealand when relieved of bis duties in South Africa. General Macdonald was promoted recently to the command of an important British military station on the Afghan frontier, and before taking up his new command has bpen granted a well-earned holiday to visit Australasia. Lieutenant Cameron received a cablegram from tbe General, staging that be will arrive at Invercargill about the 21st October for a short tour of New Zealand, During bis stay in Invorcargill he will be tbe guest of the Highland Society who are making great preparations for his reception and entertainment. " A carpenter named William Wallace died at Sydney lately, after he bad taken a powder for the cure of headache. At an inquest tbe Government analyst, deposed to finding the alkaloid of strychnine in the stomach, and also in the liver, spleen and kidneys. In a wineglass from which the powder w»s taken bo found tbe alkaloid of strychnine. He examined the powder contained in the packet, and ascertained that it was composed of strychnine and anti-pyrene, there being one-fifth of a grain of strychnine. Of three powders labelled " anti-pyrene " handed him by Detective West, he found strychnine in two of them. Tbe manufacture of anti-pyrene was not associated with strychnine in any way. Mason, the chemist who supplied the powders, said he bought auti-pyrene wholesale in ounce boxes, and each powder be made up contained six grains. A doctor gave it as bis opinion that) death was doe fco strychnine poisoning. HOW to get a beautiful library for nothing — use the famous Book Gift Tea and select your books from catalogue of 500 books that are given away free. Caught a Dreadful Cold. Marion Kooke, manager for T. M. Thompson, a large importer of fine millinery at 1658 Milwaukee Avenue, Chicago, says ; ' During the late severe weather I caught a dreadful cold which kept me awake at night and made me unfit to attend my work during the day. One of my milliners was taking Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for a severe cold at that time, which seemed to relieve her so quickly that I bought some for myself. It acted like magic and I began to improve at once. lam now entirely well, and feel very pleased to acknowledge its merits. For sale by R, Si PolaOflj chemist. Price, Is Gd ; big size, 3s.

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Tuapeka Times, Volume XXXIV, Issue 4899, 12 October 1901, Page 2

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Tuapeka Times AND GOLDFIELDS REPORTER AMD ADVERTISER. "MEASURES NOT MEN." LAWRENCE: SATURDAY, 12th OCT., 1901 LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS. Tuapeka Times, Volume XXXIV, Issue 4899, 12 October 1901, Page 2

Tuapeka Times AND GOLDFIELDS REPORTER AMD ADVERTISER. "MEASURES NOT MEN." LAWRENCE: SATURDAY, 12th OCT., 1901 LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS. Tuapeka Times, Volume XXXIV, Issue 4899, 12 October 1901, Page 2